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Materials (Basel) ; 17(16)2024 Aug 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39203326


We report the results of synthesis of zinc selenide (ZnSe) nanocrystals into SiO2/Si track templates formed by irradiation with 200 MeV Xe ions up to a fluence of 107 ions/cm2. Zinc selenide nanocrystals were obtained by chemical deposition from the alkaline aqueous solution. Scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffractometry, Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy, and electrical measurements were used for characterization of synthesized ZnSe/SiO2nanoporous/Si nanocomposites. XRD data for as-deposited precipitates revealed the formation of ZnSe nanocrystals with cubic crystal structure, spatial syngony F-43m (216). According to non-empirical calculations using GGA-PBE and HSE06 functionals, ZnSe crystal is a direct-zone crystal with a minimum bandgap width of 2.36 eV and anisotropic electronic distribution. It was found that a thermal treatment of synthesized nanocomposites at 800 °C results in an increase in ZnSe nanocrystallites size as well as an increase in emission intensity of created precipitates in a broad UV-VIS spectra range. However, vacuum conditions of annealing still do not completely prevent the oxidation of zinc selenide, and a formation of hexagonal ZnO phase is registered in the annealed samples. The current-voltage characteristics of the synthesized nanocomposites proved to have n-type conductivity, as well as increased conductivity after annealing.

Materials (Basel) ; 17(13)2024 Jul 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38998420


This study presents theoretical and experimental investigations into the electron and hole color centers in BaFBr crystals, characterizing their electronic and optical properties. Stoichiometric BaFBr crystals grown by the Steber method were used in the experiments. Radiation defects in BaFBr crystals were created by irradiation with 147 MeV 84Kr ions with up to fluences of 1010-1014 ions/cm2. The formation of electron color centers (F(F-), F2(F-), F2(Br-)) and hole aggregates was experimentally established by optical absorption spectroscopy. Performed measurements are compared with theoretical calculations. It allows us to determine the electron transition mechanisms and investigate the processes involved in photoluminescence emission in Eu-doped BaFBr materials to enhance the understanding of the fundamental electronic structure and properties of electron and hole color centers formed in BaFBr crystals.

Molecules ; 29(13)2024 Jun 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38999034


By using DFT simulations employing the GGA/PBE and LDA/CA-PZ approximations, the effects of the Hubbard U correction on the crystal structure, electronic properties, and chemical bands of the cubic phase (Pm3¯m) of STO were investigated. Our findings showed that the cubic phase (Pm3¯m) STO's band gaps and lattice parameters/volume are in reasonably good accordance with the experimental data, supporting the accuracy of our model. By applying the DFT + U method, we were able to obtain band gaps that were in reasonably good agreement with the most widely used experimental band gaps of the cubic (Pm3¯m) phase of STO, which are 3.20 eV, 3.24 eV, and 3.25 eV. This proves that the Hubbard U correction can overcome the underestimation of the band gaps induced by both GGA/PBE and LDA/CA-PZ approximations. On the other hand, the Sr-O and Ti-O bindings appear predominantly ionic and covalent, respectively, based on the effective valence charges, electron density distribution, and partial density of states analyses. In an attempt to enhance the performance of STO for new applications, these results might also be utilized as theoretical guidance, benefitting from our precise predicted values of the gap energies of the cubic phase (Pm3¯m).

Materials (Basel) ; 17(10)2024 May 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38793261


We investigated the electronic structure of Mg-, Si-, and Zn-doped four-faceted [001]- and [110]-oriented SnO2 nanowires using first-principles calculations based on the linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO) method. This approach, employing atomic-centered Gaussian-type functions as a basis set, was combined with hybrid density functional theory (DFT). Our results show qualitative agreement in predicting the formation of stable point defects due to atom substitutions on the surface of the SnO2 nanowire. Doping induces substantial atomic relaxation in the nanowires, changes in the covalency of the dopant-oxygen bond, and additional charge redistribution between the dopant and nanowire. Furthermore, our calculations reveal a narrowing of the band gap resulting from the emergence of midgap states induced by the incorporated defects. This study provides insights into the altered electronic properties caused by Mg, Si, and Zn doping, contributing to the further design of SnO2 nanowires for advanced electronic, optoelectronic, photovoltaic, and photocatalytic applications.

Materials (Basel) ; 17(7)2024 Mar 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38612079


This study introduces an innovative method for synthesizing Cadmium Oxide /Cadmium Sulfide/Zinc Oxide heterostructures (CdO/CdS/ZnO), emphasizing their potential application in solar energy. Utilizing a combination of electrochemical deposition and oxygen annealing, the research provides a thorough analysis of the heterostructures through scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. The findings reveal a complex surface morphology and a composite structure with significant contributions from hexagonal CdS and cubic CdO phases. The study highlights the uniformity in the distribution of luminescent centers and the crystalline quality of the heterostructures, which is evident from the PL analysis. The redshift observed in the emission peak and the additional peaks in the excitation spectrum indicate intricate optical properties influenced by various factors, including quantum confinement and lattice strain. The research demonstrates these heterostructures' potential in enhancing solar cells' efficiency and applicability in optoelectronic devices. This comprehensive characterization and analysis pave the way for future optimization and application in efficient and sustainable solar energy solutions.

Materials (Basel) ; 17(6)2024 Mar 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38541381


Electrochemical deposition into a prepared SiO2/Si-p ion track template was used to make orthorhombic SnO2 vertical nanowires (NWs) for this study. As a result, a SnO2-NWs/SiO2/Si nanoheterostructure with an orthorhombic crystal structure of SnO2 nanowires was obtained. Photoluminescence excited by light with a wavelength of 240 nm has a low intensity, arising mainly due to defects such as oxygen vacancies and interstitial tin or tin with damaged bonds. The current-voltage characteristic measurement showed that the SnO2-NWs/SiO2/Si nanoheterostructure made this way has many p-n junctions.

Materials (Basel) ; 17(6)2024 Mar 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38541461


Samples of ZrO2 ceramics with different concentrations of impurity titanium ions were synthesized by mixing zirconium and titanium oxide powders in different mass ratios. The X-ray diffraction analysis was used to determine the phase composition, lattice parameters, and crystallite size of the ceramics with varying dopant concentrations. Upon irradiation of the samples with 220 MeV Xe ions to a fluence of 1010 ions/cm2, a decrease in the intensity of the pulsed cathodoluminescence band at 2.5 eV was observed. Additionally, ion irradiation resulted in the emergence of a new thermoluminescence peak at 450-650 K attributed to radiation-induced traps of charge carriers. Further analysis revealed that the thermoluminescence curves of samples irradiated with electrons and ions comprise a superposition of several elementary peaks. Notably, a complex non-monotonic dependence of cathodo- and thermoluminescence intensity on titanium concentration was observed, suggesting the influence of concentration quenching and the presence of tunneling transitions.

Materials (Basel) ; 16(21)2023 Nov 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37959594


The synthesis of ß-Ga2O3 ceramic was achieved using high-energy electron beams for the first time. The irradiation of gallium oxide powder in a copper crucible using a 1.4 MeV electron beam resulted in a monolithic ceramic structure, eliminating powder particles and imperfections. The synthesized ß-Ga2O3 ceramic exhibited a close-to-ideal composition of O/Ga in a 3:2 ratio. X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed a monoclinic structure (space group C2/m) that matched the reference diagram before and after annealing. Photoluminescence spectra revealed multiple luminescence peaks at blue (~2.7 eV) and UV (3.3, 3.4, 3.8 eV) wavelengths for the synthesized ceramic and commercial crystals. Raman spectroscopy confirmed the bonding modes in the synthesized ceramic. The electron beam-assisted method offers a rapid and cost-effective approach for ß-Ga2O3 ceramic production without requiring additional equipment or complex manipulations. This method holds promise for fabricating refractory ceramics with high melting points, both doped and undoped.

Materials (Basel) ; 16(21)2023 Nov 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37959614


The aim of this study is to comprehensively examine the structural composition and properties of the AgAlS2 crystal during its high-pressure phase. This analysis delves into the second coordination environment of the crystal structure and elucidates the distinct transformations it undergoes during the phase transition. The band energy structure was calculated, and the origin of electronic levels was clarified. It is shown that the crystal becomes non-stratified during the phase transition. This study also determined the values of the crystal's carrier effective masses, underscoring its spatial anisotropy. It was found that the calculated optical functions are similar to the crystal in the chalcopyrite structure, and their differences are shown. Further, this study involved the calculation of the crystal's phonon spectrum, revealing the spectrum's transformation during the phase transition. The vibrational frequencies were also obtained, with a symmetrical classification of vibrational modes. Finally, this study derived the infrared and Raman spectra of the AgAlS2 crystal, thereby providing a comprehensive picture of the crystal during its high-pressure phase.

Materials (Basel) ; 16(19)2023 Sep 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37834497


The purpose of this study is to comprehensively analyze the influence of different fluences of irradiation with Xe23+ heavy ions on alterations in the structural, optical, and strength properties of AlN ceramics and to establish a connection between structural distortions and alterations in the optical and mechanical properties of the ceramics. X-ray diffraction, UV-Vis and Raman spectroscopy, and indentation and single-compression methods were used as research methods. During the study, it was demonstrated that at low irradiation fluences, the main role in the changes in the properties of the AlN ceramics is played by effects related to changes in their optical properties and a fundamental absorption edge shift, which characterizes changes in the electronic properties of the ceramics (changes in the distribution of electron density). A study of the variations in the optical properties of the examined samples in relation to the irradiation fluence showed that when the fluence surpasses 5 × 1011 ion/cm2, an extra-spectral absorption band emerges within the range of 3.38-3.40 eV. This band is distinctive for the creation of vacancy ON-VAl complexes within the damaged layer's structure. The presence of these complexes signifies structural deformations and the accumulation of defective inclusions within the damaged layer. An analysis of changes in the parameters of the crystal lattice showed that structural distortions in the damaged layer are due to the accumulation of tensile residual mechanical stresses, an increase in the concentration of which leads to the swelling and destruction of the damaged layer. Some correlations between the mechanical properties of ceramics and the irradiation fluence indicate the ceramics' remarkable resistance to radiation-induced brittleness and weakening. These effects become apparent only when structural damage accumulates, resulting in the swelling of the crystal lattice exceeding 2.5-3%.

Materials (Basel) ; 16(19)2023 Sep 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37834551


In In this study, the optical properties of magnesium-aluminate spinel were examined after being irradiated with 220 MeV Xe ions. The research aimed to simulate the impact of nuclear fuel fission fragments on the material. The following measurements were taken during the experiments: transmission spectra in the IR region (190-7000) nm, optical absorption spectra in the range (1.2-6.5) eV, and Raman spectra were measured along the depth of ion penetration from the surface to 30 µm. A peak with a broad shape at approximately 5.3 eV can be observed in the optical absorption spectrum of irradiated spinel crystals. This band is linked to the electronic color centers of F+ and F. Meanwhile, the band with a maximum at ~(3-4) eV is attributed to hole color centers. Apart from the typical Raman modes of an unirradiated crystal, additional modes, A1g* (720 cm-1), and Eg* (385 cm-1), manifested mainly as an asymmetric shoulder of the main Eg mode, are also observed. In addition, the Raman spectroscopy method showed that the greatest disordering of crystallinity occurs in the near-surface layer up to 4 µm thick. At the same time, Raman scattering spectroscopy is sensitive to structural changes almost up to the simulated value of the modified layer, which is an excellent express method for certifying the structural properties of crystals modified by swift heavy ions.

Materials (Basel) ; 16(15)2023 Jul 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37569927


The aim of this paper is to test the previously stated hypothesis and several experimental facts about the effect of the ion flux or ion beam current under irradiation with heavy ions on the radiation damage formation in the ceramic near-surface layer and their concentration. The hypothesis is that, when considering the possibilities of using ion irradiation (usually with heavy ions) for radiation damage simulation at a given depth, comparable to neutron irradiation, it is necessary to consider the rate factor for the set of atomic displacements and their accumulation. Using the methods of X-ray diffraction analysis, Raman and UV-Vis spectroscopy, alongside photoluminescence, the mechanisms of defect formation in the damaged layer were studied by varying the current of the Xe23+ ion beam with an energy of 230 MeV. As a result of the experimental data obtained, it was found that, with the ion beam current elevation upon the irradiation of nitride ceramics (AlN) with heavy Xe23+ ions, structural changes have a pronounced dependence on the damage accumulation rate. At the same time, the variation of the ion beam current affects the main mechanisms of defect formation in the near-surface layer. It has been found that at high values of flux ions, the dominant mechanism in damage to the surface layer is the mechanism of the formation of vacancy defects associated with the replacement of nitrogen atoms by oxygen atoms, as well as the formation of ON-VAl complexes.

Materials (Basel) ; 16(12)2023 Jun 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37374487


We have performed a systematic study resulting in detailed information on the structural, electronic and optical properties of the cubic (Pm3¯m) and tetragonal (P4mm) phases of PbTiO3 applying the GGA/PBE approximation with and without the Hubbard U potential correction. Through the variation in Hubbard potential values, we establish band gap predictions for the tetragonal phase of PbTiO3 that are in rather good agreement with experimental data. Furthermore, the bond lengths for both phases of PbTiO3 were assessed with experimental measurements, confirming the validity of our model, while chemical bond analysis highlights the covalent nature of the Ti-O and Pb-O bonds. In addition, the study of the optical properties of the two phases of PbTiO3, by applying Hubbard' U potential, corrects the systematic inaccuracy of the GGA approximation, as well as validating the electronic analysis and offering excellent concordance with the experimental results. Therefore, our results underline that the GGA/PBE approximation with the Hubbard U potential correction could be an effective method for obtaining reliable band gap predictions with moderate computational cost. Therefore, these findings will enable theorists to make use of the precise values of these two phases' gap energies to enhance PbTiO3's performance for new applications.

Materials (Basel) ; 16(11)2023 May 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37297237


In this work, we present the results of the structure and luminescence properties of YAG:Ce (Y3Al5O12 doped with Ce3+ ions) ceramic samples. Their synthesis was carried out by sintering samples from the initial oxide powders under the powerful action of a high-energy electron beam with an energy of 1.4 MeV and a power density of 22-25 kW/cm2. The measured diffraction patterns of the synthesized ceramics are in good agreement with the standard for YAG. Luminescence characteristics at stationary/time-resolved regimes were studied. It is shown that under the influence of a high-power electron beam on a mixture of powders, it is possible to synthesize YAG:Ce luminescent ceramics with characteristics close to the well-known YAG:Ce phosphor ceramics obtained by traditional methods of solid-state synthesis. Thus, it has been demonstrated that the technology of radiation synthesis of luminescent ceramics is very promising.

Sci Rep ; 13(1): 8522, 2023 May 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37236981


Recently gallium oxide ([Formula: see text]) has become one of the most actively studied materials due to its competitive electronic properties such as wide bandgap, high breakdown field, simple control of carrier concentration, and high thermal stability. These properties make gallium oxide a promising candidate for potential applications in high-power electronic devices. [Formula: see text]-[Formula: see text] crystals are commonly grown by the Czochralski method in an iridium (Ir) crucible. For this reason, Ir is often present in [Formula: see text] crystals as an unintentional dopant. In this work the impact of Ir incorporation defects on potential p-type conductivity in [Formula: see text]-[Formula: see text] is studied by means of density functional theory. The metastable [Formula: see text]-[Formula: see text] phase was investigated as the model object to understand the processes caused by iridium doping in gallium oxide-based systems. Obtained results allow us to understand better the influence of Ir on [Formula: see text] electronic structure, as well as provide interpretation for optical transitions reported in recent experiments.

Materials (Basel) ; 16(6)2023 Mar 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36984246


The purpose of this paper is to study the effect of PbO doping of multicomponent composite glass-like ceramics based on TeO2, WO3, Bi2O3, MoO3, and SiO2, which are one of the promising materials for gamma radiation shielding. According to X-ray diffraction data, it was found that the PbO dopant concentration increase from 0.10 to 0.20-0.25 mol results in the initialization of the phase transformation and structural ordering processes, which are expressed in the formation of SiO2 and PbWO4 phases, and the crystallinity degree growth. An analysis of the optical properties showed that a change in the ratio of the contributions of the amorphous and ordered fractions leads to the optical density increase and the band gap alteration, as well as a variation in the optical characteristics. During the study of the strength and mechanical properties of the synthesized ceramics, depending on the dopant concentration, it was found that when inclusions in the form of PbWO4 are formed in the structure, the strength characteristics increase by 70-80% compared to the initial data, which indicates the doping efficiency and a rise in the mechanical strength of ceramics to external influences. During evaluation of the shielding protective characteristics of the synthesized ceramics, it was revealed that the formation of PbWO4 in the structure results in a rise in the high-energy gamma ray absorption efficiency.

Materials (Basel) ; 15(23)2022 Dec 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36500120


The ESR spectra of nanostructured samples of monoclinic ZrO2 irradiated by electrons with energies of 130 keV, 10 MeV, and by a beam of Xe ions (220 MeV) have been studied. It has been established that irradiation of samples with electrons (10 MeV) and ions leads to the formation of radiation-induced F+ centers in them. Thermal destruction of these centers is observed in the temperature range of 375-550 K for electron-irradiated and 500-700 K for ion-irradiated samples. It is shown that the decrease in the concentration of F+ centers is associated with the emptying of traps responsible for thermoluminescence (TL) peaks in the specified temperature range. In the samples irradiated with an ion beam, previously unidentified paramagnetic centers with g = 1.963 and 1.986 were found, the formation of which is likely to involve Zr3+ ions and oxygen vacancies. Thermal destruction of these centers occurs in the temperature range from 500 to 873 K.

Nanomaterials (Basel) ; 12(20)2022 Oct 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36296872


The paper studies the effect of Li2SiO3/Li4SiO4 phase formation in lithium-containing ceramics on the strength and thermophysical characteristics of lithium-containing ceramics, which have great prospects for use as blanket materials for tritium propagation. During the phase composition analysis of the studied ceramics using the X-ray diffraction method, it was found that an increase in the lithium component during synthesis leads to the formation of an additional orthorhombic Li2SiO3 phase, and the main phase in ceramics is the monoclinic Li4SiO4 phase. An analysis of the morphological features of the synthesized ceramics showed that an increase in the Li2SiO3 impurity phase leads to ceramic densification and the formation of impurity grains near grain boundaries and joints. During determination of the strength characteristics of the studied ceramics, a positive effect of an increase in the Li2SiO3 impurity phase and dimensional factors on the strengthening and increase in the resistance to external influences during compression of ceramics was established. During tests for resistance to long-term thermal heating, it was found that for two-phase ceramics, the decrease in strength and thermophysical characteristics after 500 h of annealing was less than 5%, which indicates a high resistance and stability of these ceramics in comparison with single-phase orthosilicate ceramics.

Materials (Basel) ; 15(17)2022 Sep 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36079451


This article considers the effect of MoO3 and SiO additives in telluride glasses on the shielding characteristics and protection of electronic microcircuits operating under conditions of increased radiation background or cosmic radiation. MoO3 and SiO dopants were chosen because their properties, including their insulating characteristics, make it possible to avoid breakdown processes caused by radiation damage. The relevance of the study consists in the proposed method of using protective glasses to protect the most important components of electronic circuits from the negative effects of ionizing radiation, which can cause failures or lead to destabilization of the electronics. Evaluation of the shielding efficiency of gamma and electron radiation was carried out using a standard method for determining the change in the threshold voltage (∆U) value of microcircuits placed behind the shield and subjected to irradiation with various doses. It was established that an increase in the content of MoO3 and SiO in the glass structure led to an increase of up to 90% in the gamma radiation shielding efficiency, while maintaining the stability of microcircuit performance under prolonged exposure to ionizing radiation. The results obtained allow us to conclude that the use of protective glasses based on TeO2-WO3-Bi2O3-MoO3-SiO is highly promising for creating local protection for the main components of microcircuits and semiconductor devices operating under conditions of increased background radiation or cosmic radiation.

Materials (Basel) ; 15(7)2022 Apr 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35408027


The atomic structure of antiphase boundaries in Sr-doped lanthanum scandate (La1-xSrxScO3-δ) perovskite, promising as the proton conductor, was modelled by means of DFT method. Two structural types of interfaces formed by structural octahedral coupling were constructed: edge- and face-shared. The energetic stability of these two interfaces was investigated. The mechanisms of oxygen vacancy formation and migration in both types of interfaces were modelled. It was shown that both interfaces are structurally stable and facilitate oxygen ionic migration. Oxygen vacancy formation energy in interfaces is lower than that in the regular structure, which favours the oxygen vacancy segregation within such interfaces. The calculated energy profile suggests that both types of interfaces are advantageous for oxygen ion migration in the material.