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Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 55: e18341, 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1039058


The adherence to therapy associated with the socio-demographic variables and the habits of patients with hypertension and/or diabetes mellitus were investigated in this study. The registration forms of 105 patients in the Hiperdia program in the municipality of Campina Grande-PB were used as a data collection instrument, applying the Morisky-Green test (MGT) and Batalla test (BT) to assess compliance treatment. For the MGT, there was a prevalence of non-adherent individuals (76.2%) and the type of predominant behavior was unintentional. The internal consistency of the responses obtained through the MGT presented good reliability, according to the value of 0.69 obtained by Cronbach's alpha. For the BT, there was a predominance of adherence (68.6%) and the alpha value was 0.80, showing a high reliability level. It was found that a diet lacking in salt is a strong impact variable for determining the adherence to the BT. Given the representativity of the tests, there is a need to amend the interferences that facilitate the low adherence to drug treatment. The results of this study can be used to construct strategies that will address these difficulties and optimize the adherence level and quality of life of patients.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Diabetes Mellitus/drug therapy , Treatment Adherence and Compliance , Hypertension/drug therapy , Awareness/classification , Chronic Disease/classification , Patient Outcome Assessment
Estud. interdiscip. envelhec ; 15(2): 255-264, dez. 2010.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-616493


Este estudo teve como objetivo traçar e avaliar o perfil das pessoas da terceira idade e desenvolver práticas educativas multidisciplinares que contribuam para melhorar a qualidade de vida. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa quantitativa realizada no município de Cabaceiras-PB e envolveu 41 por cento da população com faixa etária de 60 anos. Participaram 176 idosos, a faixa etária predominante foi de 60 a 69 anos (n=93), o gênero feminino foi o mais freqüente, a maioria eram casados e moravam com a família e apenas 40 deles não tiveram oportunidade de estudar. Grande parte residia em casa própria e apenas 18 deles não estavam satisfeitos com o lugar onde moravam por falta de infra-estrutura da cidade; 98 por cento da amostra era aposentada (n=172) e destes, 49 ainda exerciam alguma atividade, sendo a principal, do tipo laborativa. Dos participantes, 150 conseguiam desenvolver sozinhos suas atividades diárias, os que demonstraram insatisfação era devido a problemas de saúde. Com relação a perspectivas futuras, 130 revelaram ter ao menos algum projeto a ser realizado, no entanto, alguns deles estavam insatisfeitos com a velhice porque não conseguiam manter sua autonomia. Dos problemas de saúde, os mais frequentes foram hipertensão/cardiopatias, hipertensão/diabetes e doenças osteo-musculares. Mesmo apresentando certas limitações, 92 por cento (n=162) revelaram ser felizes por manter relacionamento familiar e social afetivo. Em alguns casos, a falta de apoio pode resultar numa ruptura do seu projeto existencial, originando a perda do significado da vida. O importante é viver com qualidade conseguindo manter a autonomia e o bem estar.

This study aimed to evaluate and draw up the elderly people profile and develop multidisciplinary educational practices that improve their life quality. It was a quantitative research conducted in CabaceirasPB town which involved 41 percent of the population aged about 60 years old. 176 elderly took part in the research, the predominant age group was 60 to 69 years old (n=93), female ones were the most frequent, most of the interviewed were married and lived with their family and only 40 of them had no opportunity of studying. Many of the elderly live in their own home and only 18 of them were not satisfied with the place where they lived because of the town lack of infrastructure; 98 percent of the sample was retired (n=172) and 49 of them still were not carrying out any activity; the most common one was the laborious. 150 of the participants could develop their own daily activities by themselves; the ones, who showed discontentment, did so, due to health problems. Regarding future prospects, 130 have revealed at least one project to carry out, however, some of them were dissatisfied with their aging because they could not keep their own autonomy. The most common health problems were hypertension/heart disease, hypertension/diabetes and osteo-muscular diseases. Even having some limitations, 92 percent (n=162) of the elderly proved to be happy by maintaining affective family and social relations. In some cases a lack of support may result in the ending of the elderly existential project, causing the loss of the life meaning. The important thing is to have a good life quality, managing to keep independency and well-being.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Health Profile , Psychology
Estud. interdiscip. envelhec ; 15(2): 255-264, dez. 2010.
Article in Portuguese | Index Psychology - journals | ID: psi-49958


Este estudo teve como objetivo traçar e avaliar o perfil das pessoas da terceira idade e desenvolver práticas educativas multidisciplinares que contribuam para melhorar a qualidade de vida. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa quantitativa realizada no município de Cabaceiras-PB e envolveu 41% da população com faixa etária de 60 anos. Participaram 176 idosos, a faixa etária predominante foi de 60 a 69 anos (n=93), o gênero feminino foi o mais freqüente, a maioria eram casados e moravam com a família e apenas 40 deles não tiveram oportunidade de estudar. Grande parte residia em casa própria e apenas 18 deles não estavam satisfeitos com o lugar onde moravam por falta de infra-estrutura da cidade; 98% da amostra era aposentada (n=172) e destes, 49 ainda exerciam alguma atividade, sendo a principal, do tipo laborativa. Dos participantes, 150 conseguiam desenvolver sozinhos suas atividades diárias, os que demonstraram insatisfação era devido a problemas de saúde. Com relação a perspectivas futuras, 130 revelaram ter ao menos algum projeto a ser realizado, no entanto, alguns deles estavam insatisfeitos com a velhice porque não conseguiam manter sua autonomia. Dos problemas de saúde, os mais frequentes foram hipertensão/cardiopatias, hipertensão/diabetes e doenças osteo-musculares. Mesmo apresentando certas limitações, 92% (n=162) revelaram ser felizes por manter relacionamento familiar e social afetivo. Em alguns casos, a falta de apoio pode resultar numa ruptura do seu projeto existencial, originando a perda do significado da vida. O importante é viver com qualidade conseguindo manter a autonomia e o bem estar.(AU)

This study aimed to evaluate and draw up the elderly people profile and develop multidisciplinary educational practices that improve their life quality. It was a quantitative research conducted in CabaceirasPB town which involved 41% of the population aged about 60 years old. 176 elderly took part in the research, the predominant age group was 60 to 69 years old (n=93), female ones were the most frequent, most of the interviewed were married and lived with their family and only 40 of them had no opportunity of studying. Many of the elderly live in their own home and only 18 of them were not satisfied with the place where they lived because of the town lack of infrastructure; 98% of the sample was retired (n=172) and 49 of them still were not carrying out any activity; the most common one was the laborious. 150 of the participants could develop their own daily activities by themselves; the ones, who showed discontentment, did so, due to health problems. Regarding future prospects, 130 have revealed at least one project to carry out, however, some of them were dissatisfied with their aging because they could not keep their own autonomy. The most common health problems were hypertension/heart disease, hypertension/diabetes and osteo-muscular diseases. Even having some limitations, 92% (n=162) of the elderly proved to be happy by maintaining affective family and social relations. In some cases a lack of support may result in the ending of the elderly existential project, causing the loss of the life meaning. The important thing is to have a good life quality, managing to keep independency and well-being.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Health Profile , Aged , Psychology