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Repert. med. cir ; 32(2): 173-178, 2023. graf, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1526549


Introducción: la miocarditis (MCT) se define como un infiltrado inflamatorio del miocardio con degeneración y/o necrosis asociada. Su etiología incluye múltiples gérmenes, tóxicos y enfermedades autoinmunes entre otros. La causa más común es la viral y el diagnóstico es un reto por la variabilidad de manifestaciones, imágenes y rendimiento del laboratorio. Objetivo:describir dos casos de miocarditis que debutaron con fibrilación auricular como manifestación poco usual. Metodología: se registraron dos casos en Cali, Colombia, con diagnóstico de miocarditis por resonancia magnética cardíaca (cRNM) contrastada. Presentación de los casos: el primero corresponde a una mujer de 66 años con antecedentes de diabetes e hipotiroidismo que ingresó por síncope y el segundo a un paciente joven con dolor torácico de 43 años sin antecedentes patológicos. Se documentó fibrilación auricular (FA) y MCT aguda por hallazgos en la cRNM. Se dió manejo médico y los pacientes evolucionaron en forma satisfactoria sin falla cardíaca en el seguimiento. Discusión y conclusiones: los casos ponen en evidencia la heterogeneidad de las manifestaciones clínicas de la MCT aguda y la importancia de sospecharla ante FA de novo. El diagnóstico puede retrasarse en nuestro medio por la falta de acceso a la cRNM, que se ha constituido como una herramienta fundamental para diferenciarla de otras etiologías que también elevan marcadores como la troponina ultrasensible y ponen en riesgo la vida del paciente como la isquemia miocárdica.

Introduction: myocarditis (MCT) is characterized by an inflammatory infiltration into the myocardium associated with degeneration and/or necrosis. Its etiologies include multiple bacteria, toxins, and autoimmune diseases among others. But most commonly it is induced by viruses. Diagnosis is challenging due to its variable presentation, imaging, and laboratory results. Objective: to describe two cases of myocarditis which debuted with atrial fibrillation as an unusual manifestation. Methodology: two cases were registered in Cali, Colombia, with myocarditis diagnosed by contrasted cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (cMRI). Cases: the first case corresponds to a 66-year-old female patient with a history of diabetes and hypothyroidism who was admitted for a syncope episode. The second case is a 43-year-old male with chest pain and a negative medical history. Atrial fibrillation (AF) and acute MCT were documented by cMRI. Patients received medical treatment and evolved satisfactorily presenting no cardiac failure at follow-up. Discussion and conclusions: these cases show the heterogeneity of acute MCT clinical manifestations and the importance of suspecting MCT in the presence of de novo AF. Diagnosis may be delayed in our setting due to the lack of access to cMRI, which has become a fundamental tool to distinguish MCT from other life-threatening conditions, such as myocardial ischemia, which also elevate markers such as ultrasensitive troponin

Acta méd. colomb ; 46(4): 54-57, Oct.-Dec. 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374090


Abstract Introduction: apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) accounts for 15% of patients with HCM in Japan. However, in our country it is a rare diagnosis. In this entity, the apex is almost exclusively affected, most commonly in the left ventricle. It is diagnosed by finding apical thickening greater than 15 mm or a ratio of left ventricular apical to basal wall thickness >1.3-1.5. It is treated symptomatically with beta blockers and automatic defibrillator implantation for primary prevention of sudden death. Case presentation: a 59-year-old patient in whom apical HCM, or Yamaguchi syndrome, was found incidentally. Conclusion: apical HCM is a rare entity, in many cases asymptomatic. Its prompt diagnosis allows early treatment and prevents cardiovascular outcomes, including fatal ones. (Acta Med Colomb 2021; 46. DOI: