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Front Psychol ; 14: 1067477, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36777197


Objective: Pediatric solid organ transplantation (SOT) is a chronic condition that impacts the whole family system. The objective of this study is to evaluate psychopathology, family stress, and coping strategies in families of SOT recipients compared to families of healthy children and adolescents. Moreover, it analyzes if the stress related to the COVID-19 pandemic has had an additional impact on these families. Methods: The sample was recruited between May and July 2021, during the fourth and fifth wave of the pandemic in Spain. It consisted of 102 families, 51 with a pediatric recipient who had undergone a SOT (liver, kidney, heart, or lung) and 51 healthy controls, matched by child age and gender. A primary caregiver from each family answered an online sociodemographic questionnaire and different tests to evaluate family stress, depression, anxiety, coping strategies, and effects of the pandemic on the family. Results: Caregivers were mostly mothers (89.2%). Families of SOT recipients showed greater anxiety (U = 863.5, p = 0.003) and more total stress, stress related to childcare (t = -2.043; p = 0.045), and parent-child interaction stress (U = 355.5, p = 0.015). SOT families used more avoidance strategies, specifically denial (U = 889.5; p = 0.010) and abandonment of coping efforts (U = 1,013; p = 0.047), more religious strategies (U = 792.5; p = 0.031), and fewer social support coping strategies (t = 2.098; p = 0.038). No differences were found between groups in terms of exposure, impact, and distress more than 1 year after the start of the pandemic. Conclusion: SOT families showed clinical levels of anxiety, more parent-child interaction stress, more difficulties in taking care of their child, more avoidance and religious strategies, and less use of social support strategies, even 4 years after transplantation. The pandemic did not have an additional differential effect on SOT families. Caregivers of SOT patients can benefit from psychological interventions focused on parents' mental health, parent-child connectedness, skill building, and social support aid groups, with attention to multiculturalism and promoting a better balance between caregivers. There is a need for family interventions that are maintained over time. Strategies that offer this support to families through digital resources can facilitate adjustment to chronic illness, especially in pandemic times.

Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin (Engl Ed) ; 40(10): 539-545, 2022 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36464471


BACKGROUND: Infections related to non-surgical manipulation of the biliary tract (NSMBT) are common events despite periprocedural antibiotic prophylaxis (PAP). Since June 2017, our local protocol has indicated a 24-h regimen of intravenous piperacillin-tazobactam for this purpose. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to describe the incidence and characteristics of NSMBT-related paediatric infections, define risk factors for their development, and analyse adherence to our PAP protocol. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Epidemiological, clinical, and microbiological data were collected in consecutive NSMBT procedures performed in paediatric patients (<18 years) in our centre (2010-2019). RESULTS: 113 procedures in 37 patients, median age 4 years (IQR 1-8), were included. Main underlying diseases were biliary atresia (32%) and cancer (14%). Sixty-eight percent had undergone liver transplant and 70% hepaticojejunostomy. In 44 procedures (39%), the intervention was performed during the course of infection and previously prescribed antibiotic treatment was maintained. In the other 69, PAP was specifically indicated for NSMBT; antibiotic adequacy increased from 35% to 100% after June 2017. In total, 32 NSMBT-related infections (28%) occurred, mainly in the first 24h post-procedure (72%); no deaths happened. Causative pathogens were Gram-negative rods (64%), Gram-positive cocci (28%), and Candida spp. (8%). Main related risk factors were hepaticojejunostomy, biliary obstruction, and liver transplant. CONCLUSIONS: NSMBT in children entails a significant infection risk, even under antibiotic prophylaxis, being hepaticojejunostomy the main risk factor. Infectious complications mainly occurred immediately after the procedure. After establishing a PAP protocol, 100% of interventions received appropriate prophylaxis, decreasing antibiotic exposure time and potentially, the length of hospital stay.

Biliary Tract , Cholangitis , Humans , Child , Infant , Child, Preschool , Antibiotic Prophylaxis , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Piperacillin, Tazobactam Drug Combination
Enferm. infecc. microbiol. clín. (Ed. impr.) ; 40(10): 539-545, dic. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-212837


Background: Infections related to non-surgical manipulation of the biliary tract (NSMBT) are common events despite periprocedural antibiotic prophylaxis (PAP). Since June 2017, our local protocol has indicated a 24-h regimen of intravenous piperacillin–tazobactam for this purpose. Objective: We aimed to describe the incidence and characteristics of NSMBT-related paediatric infections, define risk factors for their development, and analyse adherence to our PAP protocol. Materials and methods: Epidemiological, clinical, and microbiological data were collected in consecutive NSMBT procedures performed in paediatric patients (<18 years) in our centre (2010–2019). Results: 113 procedures in 37 patients, median age 4 years (IQR 1–8), were included. Main underlying diseases were biliary atresia (32%) and cancer (14%). Sixty-eight percent had undergone liver transplant and 70% hepaticojejunostomy. In 44 procedures (39%), the intervention was performed during the course of infection and previously prescribed antibiotic treatment was maintained. In the other 69, PAP was specifically indicated for NSMBT; antibiotic adequacy increased from 35% to 100% after June 2017. In total, 32 NSMBT-related infections (28%) occurred, mainly in the first 24h post-procedure (72%); no deaths happened. Causative pathogens were Gram-negative rods (64%), Gram-positive cocci (28%), and Candida spp. (8%). Main related risk factors were hepaticojejunostomy, biliary obstruction, and liver transplant. Conclusions: NSMBT in children entails a significant infection risk, even under antibiotic prophylaxis, being hepaticojejunostomy the main risk factor. Infectious complications mainly occurred immediately after the procedure. After establishing a PAP protocol, 100% of interventions received appropriate prophylaxis, decreasing antibiotic exposure time and potentially, the length of hospital stay.(AU)

Antecedentes: Las infecciones relacionadas con la manipulación no quirúrgica de las vías biliares (MNQVB) son acontecimientos frecuentes, a pesar de la profilaxis antibiótica periprocedimiento (PAP). Desde junio de 2017, nuestro protocolo local indica una pauta de 24 h de piperacilina/tazobactam por vía intravenosa para este fin. Objetivo: El objetivo era describir la incidencia y las características de las infecciones pediátricas relacionadas con la MNQVB, definir los factores de riesgo para su desarrollo y analizar el cumplimiento de nuestro protocolo de PAP. Materiales y métodos: Se recogieron datos epidemiológicos, clínicos y microbiológicos en procedimientos consecutivos de MNQVB realizados en pacientes pediátricos (< 18 años) en nuestro centro (2010-2019). Resultados: Se incluyeron 113 procedimientos en 37 pacientes, con una mediana de edad de 4 años (RIC 1-8). Las principales enfermedades subyacentes fueron atresia biliar (32%) y cáncer (14%). El 68% se había sometido a un trasplante de hígado y el 70% a una hepaticoyeyunostomía. En 44 procedimientos (39%), la intervención se realizó durante el transcurso de la infección y se mantuvo el tratamiento antibiótico recetado previamente. En los otros 69, la PAP estaba indicada específicamente para la MNQVB; la eficacia de los antibióticos aumentó del 35 al 100% después de junio de 2017. En total, se produjeron 32 infecciones relacionadas con la MNQVB (28%), principalmente en las primeras 24 h posteriores al procedimiento (72%); no se produjo ninguna muerte. Los patógenos causantes fueron bacilos gramnegativos (64%), cocos grampositivos (28%) y Candida spp. (8%). Los principales factores de riesgo relacionados fueron la hepaticoyeyunostomía, la obstrucción biliar y el trasplante de hígado.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Infections/complications , Infection Control , Antibiotic Prophylaxis , Bile Ducts , Liver Transplantation , Cholangitis , Microbiology , Communicable Diseases
Pediatr. catalan ; 82(3): 106-108, Juliol - Setembre 2022.
Article in Catalan | IBECS | ID: ibc-210709


Introducció. L’hepatitis aguda és un procés necroinflamatoridel fetge causat per una noxa puntual. Analíticament esmanifesta per un augment de les transaminases i la presentació clínica pot ser variable (de formes subclíniques a insuficiència hepàtica aguda). L’estudi d’hepatitis inclouproves per valorar el grau d’alteració fisiològica i per identificar-ne l’etiologia. La causa més freqüent són les infeccions víriques.Cas clínic. Pacient de 8 anys amb família originària delPakistan, d’on retorna poc abans d’iniciar la clínica. Presenta abdominàlgia, diarrea, febre, colúria i acòlia. En l’exploració física destaca icterícia mucocutània, esplenomegàlia i hepatomegàlia lleus. L’analítica presenta augmentde transaminases i bilirubina directa. S’ingressa per a estudi i tractament simptomàtic. En les serologies s’obté unresultat positiu a virus d’hepatitis E.Comentaris. El virus de l’hepatitis E (VHE) és un virus RNAque pertany a la família Herpesviridae. La caracteritzaciómolecular ha permès identificar-ne quatre genotips: HVE1i HVE2 infecten únicament humans i són predominants enpaïsos en vies de desenvolupament. HVE3 i HVE4 infectentambé altres mamífers. Són responsables dels casos esporàdics a escala mundial. La majoria d’infeccions sónasimptomàtiques en pacients immunocompetents, però demés risc en pacients immunodeprimits pel risc més alt de cronificació. (AU)

Introducción. La hepatitis aguda es un proceso necroinflamatoriodel hígado causado por una noxa puntual. Analíticamente se manifiesta por un aumento de las transaminasas y la presentaciónclínica puede ser variable (de formas subclínicas a insuficienciahepática aguda). El estudio de hepatitis incluye pruebas para valorar el grado de alteración fisiológica y para identificar su etiología. La causa más frecuente son las infecciones víricas.Caso clínico. Paciente de 8 años con familia originaria de Pakistán,de donde vuelve poco antes de iniciar la clínica. Presenta abdominalgia, diarrea, fiebre, coluria y acolia. En la exploración físicadestaca ictericia cutánea-mucosa, esplenomegalia y hepatomegalia leves. En la analítica presenta aumento de transaminasas y bilirrubina directa. Se ingresa para estudio y tratamiento sintomático. En las serologías se obtiene un resultado positivo a virus dela hepatitis E.Comentarios. El virus de la hepatitis E (VHE) es un virus RNA quepertenece a la familia Herpesviridae. La caracterización molecularha permitido identificar cuatro genotipos: HVE1 y HVE2 infectanúnicamente a humanos y son predominantes en países en vías dedesarrollo. HVE3 y HVE4 infectan también a otros mamíferos. Sonresponsables de los casos esporádicos a nivel mundial. La mayoríade infecciones son asintomáticas en pacientes inmunocompetentes, pero de mayor riesgo en pacientes inmunodeprimidos por elmayor riesgo de cronificación. (AU)

Introduction. Acute hepatitis is a necroinflammatory process of theliver caused by isolated noxa. Its laboratory findings are characterized by an increase in liver transaminases, and the clinical presentation may be variable (from subclinical forms to acute liverfailure). The study of hepatitis includes tests to assess the degreeof physiological alteration and to identify its etiology. The mostcommon cause is viral infections.Clinical case. An 8-year-old patient who recently returned from atrip to Pakistan presented with abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever,choluria and acholia. Physical examination revealed mild mucocutaneous jaundice, splenomegaly, and hepatomegaly. Laboratoryevaluation showed an increase in liver transaminases and directbilirubin. He was admitted for diagnostic evaluation and symptomatic treatment. Serology for hepatitis E virus resulted positive.Comments. Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is an RNA virus of the Herpesviridae family. Molecular characterization has identified four genotypes, HVE 1-4. HVE1 and HVE2 infect only humans and are predominant in developing countries, whereas HVE3 and HVE4 alsoinfect other mammals. HVE is responsible for sporadic casesworldwide. Most infections are asymptomatic in immunocompetent patients but risk is higher in immunocompromised patientsdue to increased risk of chronicity. (AU)

Humans , Child , Hepatitis E/diagnosis , Hepatitis E/therapy
Pediatr Transplant ; 26(1): e14132, 2022 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34472687


BACKGROUND: Primary abdominal wall closure after pediatric liver transplantation (PLT) is neither always possible nor advisable, given the graft-recipient size discrepancy and its potential large-for-size scenario. Our objective was to report the experience accumulated with delayed sequential closure (DSC) guided by Doppler ultrasound control. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of DSC performed from 2013 to March 2020. RESULTS: Twenty-seven DSC (26.5%) were identified out of 102 PLT. Transplant indications and type of grafts were similar among both groups. In patients with DSC, mean weight and GRWR were 9.4 ± 5.5 kg (3.1-26 kg) and 4.7 ± 2.4 (1.9-9.7), significantly lower and higher than the primary closure cohort, respectively. The median time to achieve definitive closure was 6 days (range 3-23 days), and the median number of procedures was 4 (range 2-9). Patients with DSC had longer overall PICU (22.5 ± 16.9 vs. 9.1 ± 9.7 days, p < .05) and hospital stay (33.4 ± 19.1 vs 23, 9 ± 19.8 days (p < .05). These differences are less remarkable if the analysis is performed in a subgroup of patients weighing less than 10 kg. Two patients presented vascular complications (7.4%) within DSC group. No differences were seen when comparing overall, 3-year graft and patient survival (96% and 96% in the DSC group). CONCLUSIONS: DSC is a simple and safe technique to ensure satisfactory clinical outcomes to overcome "large for size" scenarios in PLT. In addition, we were able to avoid using a permanent biological material for closing the abdomen.

Abdominal Wall/surgery , Abdominal Wound Closure Techniques , Liver Transplantation , Abdominal Wall/diagnostic imaging , Adolescent , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Graft Survival , Humans , Infant , Kaplan-Meier Estimate , Liver Transplantation/mortality , Logistic Models , Male , Outcome Assessment, Health Care , Retrospective Studies , Time Factors , Ultrasonography, Doppler , Ultrasonography, Interventional
Transplantation ; 106(1): e46-e51, 2022 01 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34905761


The incidence and geographical distribution of cancers in children are dramatically different from the adult population. Consequent to improvements in postcancer survival, there is a progressive increase in the number of patients requiring liver transplantation (LT) who are in remission from pretransplant malignancy (PTM). Conventionally, however, PTM has been considered a relative contraindication to LT. Furthermore, with improving post-LT survival now extending beyond decades, the cumulative effect of immunosuppression and the increasing risk of de novo cancers need to be acknowledged. A working group was formed to evaluate, discuss, and retrieve all the evidence and provide guidelines with regards to best practices surrounding nonhepatic cancer in the pediatric LT (PLT) population. Further subsections of research included (a) extrahepatic solid tumors, leukemia, lymphoma, and other hematological disturbances before PLT and (b) malignancies following PLT (including posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorders). This guidance provides a collection of evidence-based expert opinions, consensus, and best practices on nonhepatic cancers in PLT.

Liver Transplantation , Neoplasms , Adult , Child , Consensus , Humans , Immunosuppression Therapy/adverse effects , Incidence , Liver Transplantation/adverse effects , Neoplasms/epidemiology , Neoplasms/etiology , Risk Factors
J Pediatr Psychol ; 46(8): 927-938, 2021 08 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34313783


OBJECTIVE: The COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown measures have had a clear psychological impact on families, and specifically those with children with chronic illnesses have reported greater overloads and exhaustion. The objective of this study was to evaluate the exposure, impact and experience of the pandemic on families of pediatric solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients compared to families of healthy children and adolescents. METHODS: We recruited 96 families, 48 with a pediatric SOT recipient and 48 healthy controls, matched by child age and gender. A primary caregiver from each family responded to an online sociodemographic questionnaire and the COVID-19 Exposure and Family Impact Survey (CEFIS), which explores the exposure, impact and experience of the pandemic and lockdown on families. RESULTS: Exposure to the pandemic was greater in families of healthy children and adolescents. The impact was mostly negative in both groups: caregivers reported increased anxiety (76%) and mood disturbances (71.9%) and hindered quality of sleep (64.6%) and health habits (58.3%). On the positive side, family relationships improved. Qualitatively, the SOT group positively perceived isolation and established hygienic measures as protective and destigmatizing, although they reported fear of virus transmission to their child. CONCLUSIONS: The psychological impact of the pandemic has been similar in both groups, although families of transplant recipients have protected themselves more, probably because they are used to prevention measures and they see contagion as a graver risk. Additionally, SOT recipients' families presented some idiosyncratic elements, especially a decrease in their perception of stigma associated with the medical condition.

COVID-19 , Organ Transplantation , Adolescent , Child , Communicable Disease Control , Humans , Pandemics , SARS-CoV-2 , Transplant Recipients
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33715879


BACKGROUND: Infections related to non-surgical manipulation of the biliary tract (NSMBT) are common events despite periprocedural antibiotic prophylaxis (PAP). Since June 2017, our local protocol has indicated a 24-h regimen of intravenous piperacillin-tazobactam for this purpose. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to describe the incidence and characteristics of NSMBT-related paediatric infections, define risk factors for their development, and analyse adherence to our PAP protocol. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Epidemiological, clinical, and microbiological data were collected in consecutive NSMBT procedures performed in paediatric patients (<18 years) in our centre (2010-2019). RESULTS: 113 procedures in 37 patients, median age 4 years (IQR 1-8), were included. Main underlying diseases were biliary atresia (32%) and cancer (14%). Sixty-eight percent had undergone liver transplant and 70% hepaticojejunostomy. In 44 procedures (39%), the intervention was performed during the course of infection and previously prescribed antibiotic treatment was maintained. In the other 69, PAP was specifically indicated for NSMBT; antibiotic adequacy increased from 35% to 100% after June 2017. In total, 32 NSMBT-related infections (28%) occurred, mainly in the first 24h post-procedure (72%); no deaths happened. Causative pathogens were Gram-negative rods (64%), Gram-positive cocci (28%), and Candida spp. (8%). Main related risk factors were hepaticojejunostomy, biliary obstruction, and liver transplant. CONCLUSIONS: NSMBT in children entails a significant infection risk, even under antibiotic prophylaxis, being hepaticojejunostomy the main risk factor. Infectious complications mainly occurred immediately after the procedure. After establishing a PAP protocol, 100% of interventions received appropriate prophylaxis, decreasing antibiotic exposure time and potentially, the length of hospital stay.

Transplant Proc ; 52(5): 1496-1499, 2020 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32247593


In recent years a growing number of pediatric liver transplant recipients are reaching adulthood and are transferred to an adult team. Because pediatric to adult transition has become a common event with many particularities, specific clinical protocols are needed to guide professionals in this process. Transition must be seen as a complex process of high vulnerability for the patient. The incorrect assumption that the transition process is only a bureaucratic transfer of information leads to inappropriate transition procedures that result in young patients not ready to move to adult units with guaranteed success. To ensure this success, a correct coordination and transmission of the information, accompaniment by the health professional during the whole process, and the empowerment of the patient are required. To have a successful transition, a person within the pediatric team must be in charge of the process (named worker).

Liver Transplantation/rehabilitation , Patient Care Team , Transition to Adult Care , Adolescent , Female , Humans , Male , Patient Participation , Transplant Recipients/psychology , Young Adult
Pediatr Gastroenterol Hepatol Nutr ; 23(2): 174-179, 2020 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32206630


We present an 8 years old girl who was diagnosed at 6 months of age of Progressive Familial Intrahepatic Cholestasis type 2. Although liver transplantation (LT) was classically considered curative for these patients, cholestasis recurrence with normal gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT), mediated by anti-bile salt export pump (BSEP) antibodies after LT (auto-antibody Induced BSEP Deficiency, AIBD) has been recently reported. Our patient underwent LT at 14 months. During her evolution, patient presented three episodes of acute rejection. Seven years after the LT, the patient presented pruritus with cholestasis and elevation of liver enzymes with persistent normal GGT. Liver biopsy showed intrahepatic cholestasis and giant-cell transformation with very low BSEP activity. Auto-antibodies against BSEP were detected therefore an AIBD was diagnosed. She was treated with Rituximab and immunoadsorption with resolution of the AIBD. As a complication of the treatment she developed a pneumocystis infection successfully treated with corticoids, cotrimoxazol and anidulafungin.

Gastrointest Endosc ; 92(2): 269-275, 2020 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32119939


BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Variceal hemorrhage can be a life-threatening adverse event of chronic liver disease. In contrast to the well-described guidelines for the management of portal hypertension (PH) in adults, there is limited evidence about the optimal prophylactic management of variceal bleeding in children. This study was carried out to assess the efficacy of endoscopic variceal ligation (EVL) as primary prophylaxis to prevent upper GI bleeding in children with PH. METHODS: From January 2014 to April 2018, all pediatric patients with PH disease and medium to large esophageal varices or reddish spots, regardless of the grade of the varix, were prospectively included in the protocol of primary prophylaxis with EVL. A second retrospective group of patients was made after reviewing medical records of 32 pediatric patients with PH that presented esophageal varices in the upper endoscopy and had received propranolol as primary prophylaxis. RESULTS: Twenty-four patients (75%) reached varices eradication in the EVL group, with a median of 2 procedures (range, 1-4) before eradication and a median time to eradication of 3.40 months (range, 1.10-13.33). No EVL-related adverse events were observed. Statistically significant differences were observed in the bleeding rate at 3 years between propranolol and EVL groups (6/32 [21.9%] vs 1/32 [3.2%], P < .02). The hazard ratio for bleeding for patients treated with propranolol compared with those treated with EVL was 2.6 (95% confidence interval, 1.53-3.67). CONCLUSIONS: EVL is a safe and effective treatment to prevent upper GI bleeding in pediatric patients with PH. (Clinical trial registration number: NCT03943784.).

Esophageal and Gastric Varices , Hypertension, Portal , Adult , Child , Esophageal and Gastric Varices/complications , Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage/etiology , Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage/prevention & control , Humans , Hypertension, Portal/complications , Ligation , Retrospective Studies
Transpl Infect Dis ; 21(4): e13097, 2019 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31002443


Endotipsitis is a rare but severe complication of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS), a device widely used to treat portal hypertension in adults, but sparsely used in children. We report a case of endotipsitis in a 3-year-old child affected of biliary atresia. She underwent a Kasai procedure at 3 months of age but, although the bile flow was restored, she presented upper gastrointestinal bleeding due to portal hypertension 1.5 years later. A TIPS was placed in order to control the hemorrhage. A year after TIPS placement, she started presenting repeated episodes of cholangitis. Blood cultures were positive to Enterobacter cloacae. Even with long antibiotic courses, adjusted to blood cultures, infectious signs were observed after antibiotic withdrawal. Device infection was demonstrated through Positron emission tomography-Computed tomography scan. The patient was listed for liver transplantation, and intravenous antibiotic treatment was maintained until stent removal during the liver transplant 8 months later. No infectious complications were demonstrated after the surgery. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case report of endotipsitis described in a pediatric patient.

Cholangitis/microbiology , Liver Transplantation , Portasystemic Shunt, Transjugular Intrahepatic/adverse effects , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Biliary Atresia/complications , Child, Preschool , Cholangitis/diagnosis , Cholangitis/drug therapy , Enterobacter cloacae/drug effects , Enterobacteriaceae Infections/drug therapy , Female , Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage/therapy , Humans
An. pediatr. (2003. Ed. impr.) ; 90(3): 141-147, mar. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-178366


Introducción: El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la seguridad y la eficacia de la combinación de ledipasvir/sofosbuvir en la infección crónica por el genotipo 1 y 4 del virus de la hepatitis C (VHC) en pacientes pediátricos. Métodos: Se incluyó a pacientes de entre 6 y 18 años. La duración y la dosis de los fármacos antivirales se administraron según la edad del paciente, el estadio de fibrosis y los tratamientos previos con interferón pegilado y ribavirina. La variable principal de eficacia fue el porcentaje de pacientes con una respuesta virológica sostenida 12 semanas (RVS12) después del tratamiento. Resultados: Nueve pacientes con una mediana de edad de 14,8 años (8,48-17,91) fueron tratados con combinación de ledipasvir/sofosbuvir. Cinco pacientes habían recibido previamente tratamiento con interferón pegilado + ribavirina. Ocho pacientes tenían algún grado de fibrosis. La mediana de la carga viral previa al tratamiento fue de 6,2 log (5,9-6,8) con negativización del ARN del VHC 6 semanas después de comenzar el tratamiento en el 100% de los pacientes. Todos los pacientes mantuvieron una respuesta viral sostenida a las 12 semanas. Tres pacientes (33,3%) tuvieron algún tipo de efecto adverso (2 dolores de cabeza y un afta oral). La mediana de seguimiento posterior al tratamiento fue de 24 semanas (12-104). Conclusiones: El tratamiento con ledipasvir/sofosbuvir en pacientes pediátricos con infección crónica por VHC de genotipo 1 y 4 es seguro y efectivo con RVS12, similar a lo reportado en adultos

Introduction: Hepatitis C virus infection is world health problem. The aim of this study was to assess the safety and efficacy of ledipasvir/sofosbuvir combination in chronic Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) genotype 1 and 4 infection in paediatric patients. Methods: Eligible patients to be treated with ledipasvir/sofosbuvir were patients from 6 to 18 years old with a chronic HCV genotype 1 or 4 infection. The duration and doses of antiviral drugs were changed depending on patient age, fibrosis stage, and PEGylated interferon+ribavirin experience status. The primary efficacy endpoint was the percentage of patients with a sustained virological response 12 weeks post-treatment. Results: A total of nine patients (7 males) with a median age of 14.8 years (8.48-17.91) were treated with ledipasvir/sofosbuvir combination. Five patients received previous treatment with PEGylated interferon + ribavirin during a median of 8.5 months (3-12 months). Eight patients had some degree of fibrosis (1 patient presented with F1, three patients F2, 2 patients F3, and 2 patients F4). The median pre-treatment viral load was 6.2 Log [5.9-6.8] with the HCV RNA becoming negative six weeks after starting the treatment in 100% of the patients. All patients maintained a sustained viral response at 12 weeks. Three patients (33.3%) had some type of adverse effect (2 headache and one oral thrush). The median post-treatment follow-up was 24 weeks (12-104). Conclusions: Treatment with ledipasvir/sofosbuvir in paediatric patients with chronic HCV infection genotype 1 and 4 is safe and effective with SVR12 and similar to those reported in adults

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Infections/drug therapy , Hepatitis C/complications , Hepatitis C/drug therapy , Treatment Outcome , Sofosbuvir/therapeutic use , Drug Therapy, Combination/methods , Sustained Virologic Response , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Prospective Studies , Observational Study
An Pediatr (Engl Ed) ; 90(3): 141-147, 2019 Mar.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30126773


INTRODUCTION: Hepatitis C virus infection is world health problem. The aim of this study was to assess the safety and efficacy of ledipasvir/sofosbuvir combination in chronic Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) genotype 1 and 4 infection in paediatric patients. METHODS: Eligible patients to be treated with ledipasvir/sofosbuvir were patients from 6 to 18 years old with a chronic HCV genotype 1 or 4 infection. The duration and doses of antiviral drugs were changed depending on patient age, fibrosis stage, and PEGylated interferon+ribavirin experience status. The primary efficacy endpoint was the percentage of patients with a sustained virological response 12 weeks post-treatment. RESULTS: A total of nine patients (7 males) with a median age of 14.8 years (8.48-17.91) were treated with ledipasvir/sofosbuvir combination. Five patients received previous treatment with PEGylated interferon+ribavirin during a median of 8.5 months (3-12 months). Eight patients had some degree of fibrosis (1 patient presented with F1, three patients F2, 2 patients F3, and 2 patients F4). The median pre-treatment viral load was 6.2 Log [5.9-6.8] with the HCV RNA becoming negative six weeks after starting the treatment in 100% of the patients. All patients maintained a sustained viral response at 12 weeks. Three patients (33.3%) had some type of adverse effect (2 headache and one oral thrush). The median post-treatment follow-up was 24 weeks (12-104). CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with ledipasvir/sofosbuvir in paediatric patients with chronic HCV infection genotype 1 and 4 is safe and effective with SVR12 and similar to those reported in adults.

Antiviral Agents/administration & dosage , Benzimidazoles/administration & dosage , Fluorenes/administration & dosage , Hepacivirus/isolation & purification , Hepatitis C, Chronic/drug therapy , Uridine Monophosphate/analogs & derivatives , Adolescent , Antiviral Agents/adverse effects , Benzimidazoles/adverse effects , Child , Drug Therapy, Combination , Female , Fluorenes/adverse effects , Follow-Up Studies , Genotype , Hepacivirus/genetics , Hepatitis C, Chronic/virology , Humans , Interferons/administration & dosage , Male , Prospective Studies , Ribavirin/administration & dosage , Sofosbuvir , Treatment Outcome , Uridine Monophosphate/administration & dosage , Uridine Monophosphate/adverse effects , Viral Load/drug effects
Liver Transpl ; 24(12): 1736-1745, 2018 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30242960


Despite optimal medical treatment and strict low-protein diet, the prognosis of propionic acidemia (PA) patients is generally poor. We aim to report our experience with liver transplantation (LT) in the management of PA patients. Six patients with PA received a LT at a mean age of 5.2 years (1.3-7.5 years). The indications for LT were frequent metabolic decompensations in the first 4 patients and preventative in the last 2 patients. Two patients presented hepatic artery thromboses that were solved through an interventional radiologist approach. These patients showed a very high procoagulant state that was observed by thromboelastography. Arterial vasospasm without thrombus was observed in 2 patients during the LT surgery. In order to avoid hepatic artery thrombosis, an arterial conduit from the recipient aorta to the hepatic artery of the donor was used in the fifth patient. After LT, patients presented improvement in propionyl byproducts without complete normalization, but no decompensations have been observed. In conclusion, LT could be a good therapeutic option to improve the metabolic control and the quality of life of PA patients. Improved surgical strategies along with new techniques of interventional radiology allow us to perform the LT minimizing the complications derived from the higher risk of hepatic artery thrombosis.

Hepatic Artery/pathology , Liver Transplantation/adverse effects , Postoperative Complications/epidemiology , Propionic Acidemia/surgery , Thrombosis/epidemiology , Allografts/blood supply , Allografts/surgery , Anastomosis, Surgical/methods , Aorta/surgery , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Hepatic Artery/surgery , Humans , Infant , Liver/blood supply , Liver/surgery , Male , Postoperative Complications/etiology , Postoperative Complications/therapy , Prospective Studies , Quality of Life , Radiography, Interventional , Retrospective Studies , Thrombosis/etiology , Thrombosis/therapy , Treatment Outcome
J Vasc Interv Radiol ; 29(6): 899-904, 2018 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29798761


This brief report presents the results of 20 adult and pediatric patients treated with the use of biodegradable SX-Ella biliary stents placed by means of a transhepatic approach for the treatment of benign biliary strictures after liver transplantation. Stent insertions were always feasible (100%), and only 1 case of acute pancreatitis was observed (5%). The overall clinical success rate of the procedure, including anastomotic and nonanastomotic strictures, was 75%, and was higher in the anastomotic stricture group (81.25%) than in the nonanastomotic stricture group (50%).

Cholestasis/therapy , Liver Transplantation , Postoperative Complications/therapy , Stents , Aged , Biocompatible Materials , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant , Male , Middle Aged , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome
Transpl Int ; 31(1): 38-44, 2018 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28833714


To assess the safety and efficacy of conversion from twice-daily tacrolimus to once-daily tacrolimus in pediatric liver transplant recipients. Conversion from twice-daily to once-daily tacrolimus was made in stable pediatric liver transplant recipients. Doses and serum levels of tacrolimus, liver, and renal function were recorded on the day before the conversion and at days 5, 30, 90, and 180 postconversion. Patients were controlled every 2-3 months thereafter. Fifty-five patients were enrolled in the study. The mean age at conversion was 10.2 ± 3.6 years. The mean tacrolimus trough level was 4.7 ± 1.9 ng/dl preconversion, followed by a significant decline to 4.2 ± 1.7 30 days after the switch (P < 0.004). Mean daily tacrolimus dose was 0.09 ± 0.046 mg/Kg preconversion with a significant increase to 0.11 ± 0.060 3 months postconversion (P < 0.001). Fifteen patients with calculated glomerular filtration rate between 60 to 80 ml/min/m2 preconversion showed a significant improvement one and 3 years after the switch (73 ± 4.1, 83 ± 4.3 and 90.3 ± 7.3 ml/min/m2 , respectively (P < 0.001). The mean follow-up was 5.2 ± 2.4 years. Conversion to once-daily tacrolimus is safe and effective in a cohort of stable pediatric liver transplant patients.

Immunosuppressive Agents/administration & dosage , Liver Transplantation , Tacrolimus/administration & dosage , Adolescent , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Graft Rejection/prevention & control , Humans , Immunosuppressive Agents/pharmacokinetics , Infant , Kidney Function Tests , Liver Function Tests , Male , Medication Adherence/statistics & numerical data , Prospective Studies , Tacrolimus/pharmacokinetics
Case Rep Infect Dis ; 2017: 4545721, 2017.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28326209


Primary meningococcal meningitis is an infrequent but known disease. However, the infection of a prosthetic joint with Neisseria meningitidis is rare. We hereby describe the second case of an arthroplasty infected with Neisseria meningitidis that responded favourably to prosthesis retention with surgical debridement, in combination with antibiotics treatment.