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Clin Diabetes ; 41(2): 220-225, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37092155


Research on longitudinal trends in readmission rates after diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is lacking. This retrospective study was aimed at identifying trends in readmissions after hospitalization for DKA, as well as trends in outcomes after readmission, over time among adults with type 1 diabetes in the United States. Findings indicate that the DKA readmission rate increased from 53 to 73 events per 100,000 between 2010 to 2018, and low-income and uninsured patients had higher odds of readmission. There was no significant change in mortality after readmission over time. Improved access to care and affordable management options may play a crucial role in preventing readmissions.

Br J Clin Pharmacol ; 89(7): 2254-2262, 2023 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36811146


AIMS: This study aimed to characterize the population pharmacokinetic parameters of intravenously administered amikacin in newborns and assess the effect of sepsis in amikacin exposure. METHODS: Newborns aged ≥3 days who received at least 1 dose of amikacin during their hospitalization period were eligible for the study. Amikacin was administered intravenously during a 60-min infusion period. Three venous blood samples were taken from each patient during the first 48 h. Population pharmacokinetic parameter estimates were obtained using a population approach with the programme NONMEM. RESULTS: Data from 329 drug assay samples were obtained from 116 newborn patients (postmenstrual age [PMA] 38.3, range 32-42.4 weeks; weight 2.8, range 1.6-3.8 kg). Measured amikacin concentrations ranged from 0.8 to 56.4 mg/L. A 2-compartment model with linear elimination produced a good fit of the data. Estimated parameters for a typical subject (2.8 kg, 38.3 weeks) were clearance (Cl = 0.16 L/h), intercompartmental clearance (Q = 0.15 L/h), volume of distribution of the central compartment (Vc = 0.98 L) and peripheral volume of distribution (Vp = 1.23 L). Total bodyweight, PMA and the presence of sepsis positively influenced Cl. Plasma creatinine concentration and circulatory instability (shock) negatively influenced Cl. CONCLUSION: Our main results confirm previous findings showing that weight, PMA and renal function are relevant factors influencing newborn amikacin pharmacokinetics. In addition, current results showed that pathophysiological states of critically ill neonates, such as sepsis and shock, were associated with opposite effects in amikacin clearance and should be considered in dose adjustments.

Neonatal Sepsis , Sepsis , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Amikacin/pharmacokinetics , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Neonatal Sepsis/drug therapy , Sepsis/drug therapy , Metabolic Clearance Rate
Gastroenterology Res ; 14(5): 268-274, 2021 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34804270


BACKGROUND: Non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding (NVUGIB) is a significant cause of mortality and morbidity in the USA. Currently, there are limited data on the inpatient outcomes of patients admitted with a diagnosis of NVUGIB stratified according to teaching hospital status. We analyzed data from the National Inpatient Sample (NIS) intending to evaluate these outcomes. METHODS: We queried the NIS 2016 and 2017 databases for NVUGIB hospitalizations by teaching hospital status. The primary outcome was inpatient mortality while secondary outcomes were rate of endoscopy for hemostasis, rate of early endoscopy (endoscopy in 1 day or less), mean time to endoscopy, rate of complications including acute kidney injury (AKI), acute respiratory failure (ARF), need for blood transfusion, development of sepsis, need for endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation as well as healthcare utilization. RESULTS: There were over 71 million weighted discharges in the combined 2016 and 2017 NIS database. A total of 94,900 NVUGIB cases were identified with 63.4% admitted in teaching hospitals. The in-hospital mortality for patients admitted with an NVUGIB in teaching hospitals was 1.98% compared to 1.5% in non-teaching hospitals (adjusted odds ratio (aOR): 1.38, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.08 - 1.77, P = 0.010) when adjusted for biodemographic and hospital characteristics as well as comorbidities. Patients admitted with a diagnosis of NVUGIB in teaching hospitals had a 10% adjusted increased odds of getting endoscopy for hemostasis (27.0% vs. 24.5%, aOR: 1.10, 95% CI: 1.02 - 1.19, P = 0.016) compared to patients in non-teaching hospitals. There was, however, no difference in early endoscopy between the two groups. CONCLUSION: Patients admitted at teaching hospitals for an NVUGIB had worse outcomes during hospitalizations including mortality, median length of stay, and total hospital charges when compared to NVUGIB patients managed at non-teaching hospitals.

Enferm. actual Costa Rica (Online) ; (38): 282-291, Jan.-Jun. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1090102


Resumen En las últimas décadas se ha desarrollado una mayor conciencia acerca de cuán relevante es la paternidad activa en el desarrollo integral de los/as hijos/as y en la equidad de género. Sin embargo, a pesar de la amplia discusión e implementación de algunas estrategias, se observa una escasa participación en la crianza y cuidados de parte de los padres, situación por la que el presente ensayo tiene el propósito de reflexionar críticamente en torno al cuidado de la niñez desde la desigualdad de género, la masculinidad imperante y las estrategias para el fomento de la paternidad activa. Este escrito reflexiona sobre la paternidad activa desde la mirada de una sociedad adultocéntrica y su influencia en la incorporación de valores, actitudes y conductas durante la niñez. Además, analiza la construcción del cuidado del infante en el ámbito privado, tarea que es subvalorada por la comunidad y que recae principalmente en la mujer con las consecuencias de inequidad de género y problemas de salud que conlleva. Finalmente, se evidencia los esfuerzos realizados en Chile en la implementación para el fomento de una paternidad activa, así como los desafíos pendientes. Para avanzar a la paternidad activa se requiere de una mayor intervención con las familias y los distintos sectores de la sociedad, implementando estrategias desde un enfoque de equidad de género en cuanto a la distribución del cuidado en la niñez. Asimismo, se requiere de avances politicos importantes para dar sustento a una nueva formar de cuidar.

Abstract In recent decades, there has been a growing awareness of the importance of active fatherhood in the integral development of children and in gender inequality. Despite the extensive discussion and implementation of some strategies, there is a low participation in parenting and care of parents. For this reason, the present essay has the purpose of critically reflecting on the care of children from gender inequality, prevailing masculinity and strategies for the promotion of active parenthood. This paper reflects on active fatherhood from the perspective of an adult-centric society and its influence on the incorporation of values, attitudes and behaviors during childhood. In addition, it analyzes the construction of child care in the private sphere, a task that is undervalued by the community and that falls mainly on women with the consequences of gender inequity and health problems that it entails. Finally, the efforts made in Chile in the implementation for the promotion of active fatherhood and the pending challenges are visualized. To move towards active fatherhood requires a greater intervention with families and different sectors of society, implementing strategies from a gender equity perspective regarding the distribution of child care. It also requires important political advances to support a new way of caring.

Resumo Nas últimas décadas, tem havido uma crescente conscientização sobre a importância da paternidade ativa no desenvolvimento integral das crianças e na desigualdade de gênero. Apesar da extensa discussão e implementação de algumas estratégias, há uma baixa participação na parentalidade e no cuidado dos pais. Por este motivo, o presente ensaio tem como objetivo refletir criticamente em torno do cuidado das crianças da desigualdade de gênero, masculinidade prevalente e estratégias para a promoção da paternidade ativa. Este artigo reflete sobre a paternidade ativa a partir da perspectiva de uma sociedade adultocêntrica e sua influência na incorporação de valores, atitudes e comportamentos durante a infância. Além disso, analisa a construção da creche na esfera privada, uma tarefa que é subvalorizada pela comunidade e que recai principalmente sobre as mulheres com as conseqüências da desigualdade de gênero e dos problemas de saúde que ela acarreta. Finalmente, os esforços feitos no Chile na implementação para a promoção da paternidade ativa e os desafios pendentes são visualizados. Avançar para a paternidade ativa requer uma maior intervenção com as famílias e diferentes setores da sociedade, implementando estratégias a partir de uma perspectiva de equidade de gênero em relação à distribuição do cuidado infantil. Também requer avanços políticos importantes para apoiar uma nova maneira de cuidar.

Humans , Male , Paternity , Child Care , Child Rearing , Essay , Masculinity
Iatreia ; 32(4)oct.-dic. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534563


Los desórdenes del espectro hipermóvil y síndrome de Ehlers-Danlos (HSD y EDS por sus siglas en inglés) son enfermedades crónicas, consideradas extrañas y que afectan la calidad de vida de estos pacientes. Según estudios internacionales, su prevalencia mundial se encuentra entre el 2 al 57 % de la población, presentando, según la etapa de vida, manifestaciones clínicas variadas. Además, pueden ocurrir exacerbaciones de otras condiciones asociadas, por lo que se torna difícil diagnosticar y se generan múltiples consultas en los distintos niveles de atención. En consecuencia, este escrito reflexiona respecto a la importancia del rol profesional de enfermería en la gestión del cuidado de niños y adultos que viven con este problema de salud, mediante una revisión de publicaciones actualizadas en torno a HSD y EDS. Se enfatiza sobre cómo desde el cuidado de enfermería se puede acompañar a las personas con esta condición. Se concluye que es primordial tomar conciencia de la existencia de esta enfermedad de forma interdisciplinaria, para aportar en la pesquisa, el manejo y cuidado de las personas afectadas.

SUMMARY Hypermobile spectrum disorders and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (HSD and EDS) are chronic diseases, considered unusual and affecting the quality of life of these patients. According to international studies, its prevalence worldwide is between 2 to 57% of the population and presenting, depending on the stage of life, varied clinical manifestations. Also, exacerbations of other associated conditions may occur, which makes it difficult to diagnose, generating several consults at the different levels of care. Consequently, this paper reflects on the importance of the nurse professional role in managing the care of children and adults living with this health problem, through a review of updated publications on HSD and EDS. Emphasis is placed on how nursing care can accompany people with this condition. It is concluded that it is essential to be aware of the existence of this pathology in an interdisciplinary way to contribute in the research, the management and care of the affected people.

Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) ; 11(1): 80-88, junio 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-997055


RESUMEN Los abscesos esplénicos son afecciones infrecuentes, pero con alta mortalidad atribuida a un diagnóstico tardío debido fundamentalmente a la ausencia de síntomas y signos específicos. Presentamos un paciente con antecedente de trauma 6 meses antes en región toraco abdominal, que ingresó con un síndrome febril prolongado de causa no precisada. Se constató la existencia de dolor a la palpación en región de hipocondrio izquierdo, que por ultrasonido abdominal, informa presencia de una lesión hipo ecogénica en un bazo aumentado de tamaño y en la angio tomografía no se evidencio fuga de contraste Se aplicó antibioticoterapia y drenaje percutáneo bajo tomografía con la cual se logró buena respuesta clínica, con evolución favorable y se evitó su esplenectomía.

ABSTRACT Splenic abscesses are infrequent conditions, but with high mortality attributed to a late diagnosis, mainly due to the absence of specific symptoms and signs. We present a patient with a history of trauma 6 months earlier in the abdominal thorax region, who was admitted with a prolonged febrile syndrome of unknown origin. The existence of palpation pain in the left hypochondrium region was confirmed by abdominal ultrasound, the presence of a hypo-echogenic lesion in an enlarged spleen and in the angio tomography no evidence of contrast leakage. Antibiotic therapy and percutaneous drainage were applied under tomography with good clinical response, with favorable evolution and splenectomy was avoided.

Rev Bras Enferm ; 71(suppl 4): 1810-1814, 2018.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30088658


OBJECTIVE: To present an analysis of the nursing ethos based on the disciplinary foundations of nursing to propose a definition of ethical competences for nursing training. METHOD: The present proposal is a theoretical reflection, based on a literature review of the specialty, both nursing and ethics. RESULTS: we suggest basing the ethical education of nursing students integrating transversally disciplinary, bioethical and civic ethical competences, considering certain educational dimensions that favor their development. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: We expect that the definitions of three competences of the moral scope of nursing, contribute to cross-cutting proposals that promote the values and principles of the profession.

Ethics, Nursing/education , Humans , Nursing Care/methods , Nursing Care/psychology , Research/trends
Rev. bras. enferm ; 71(supl.4): 1810-1814, 2018.
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-958809


ABSTRACT Objective: To present an analysis of the nursing ethos based on the disciplinary foundations of nursing to propose a definition of ethical competences for nursing training. Method: The present proposal is a theoretical reflection, based on a literature review of the specialty, both nursing and ethics. Results: we suggest basing the ethical education of nursing students integrating transversally disciplinary, bioethical and civic ethical competences, considering certain educational dimensions that favor their development. Final considerations: We expect that the definitions of three competences of the moral scope of nursing, contribute to cross-cutting proposals that promote the values and principles of the profession.

resumo Objetivo: apresentar uma análise do êthos de enfermagem em base aos fundamentos disciplinares desta, a fim de propor uma definição de competências éticas para a formação em enfermagem. Método: a presente proposta é uma reflexão teórica, fundamentada em uma revisão de literatura da especialidade, tanto de enfermagem como da ética. a presente proposta ė uma reflexão teórica, fundamentada em uma revisão de literatura da especialidade, tanto de enfermagem como de ética. Resultados: sugere-se basear a formação ética de estudantes de enfermagem integrando transversalmente competências éticas disciplinares, bioéticas e cívicas, considerando determinadas dimensões educativas que favorecem seu desenvolvimento se sugere basear a formação ética de estudiantes de enfermagem integrando transversalmente competências éticas disciplinares, bioéticas e cívicas, considerando determinadas dimensőes educativas que favorecem seu desenvolvimento. Considerações finais: espera-se que as definições de três competências do âmbito moral da enfermagem, contribuam a propostas transversais que consigam fomentar os valores e princípios da profissão. Se espera que as definicões de três competências do âmbito moral da enfermagem, contribuam para propostas transversais que consigam fomentar os valores e princípios da profissão.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Presentar un análisis del êthos de enfermería en base a los fundamentos disciplinares de ésta, a fin de proponer una definición de competencias éticas para la formación en enfermería Método: La presente propuesta es una reflexión teórica, fundamentada en una revisión de literatura de la especialidad, tanto de enfermería como de la ética. Resultados: se sugiere basar la formación ética de estudiantes de enfermería integrando transversalmente competencias éticas disciplinares, bioéticas y cívicas, considerando determinadas dimensiones educativas que favorecen su desarrollo. Consideraciones finales: Se espera que las definiciones de tres competencias del ámbito moral de la enfermería, contribuyan a propuestas transversales que logren fomentar los valores y principios de la profesión.

Humans , Ethics, Nursing/education , Research/trends , Nursing Care/methods , Nursing Care/psychology
Rev. CEFAC ; 19(1): 41-53, jan.-fev. 2017. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-842595


RESUMEN Objetivo: describir la representación social del êthos de la fonoaudiología. Métodos: investigación de tipo cualitativo, por medio de análisis de contenido a entrevistas focalizadas, realizadas a fonoaudiólogas/os de las regiones de Valparaíso y Metropolitana de Chile. Resultados: del análisis de las entrevistas se levantaron 7 categorías de análisis denominadas: experiencias, habilidades, actuaciones profesionales, creencias, valores, fundamentación ética e identidad profesional que permiten visualizar la existencia de un desafío en la disciplina fonoaudiológica en profundizar sus bases reflexivas. Conclusiones: para que la fonoaudiología se integre a la discusión bioética y asuma su propio discurso ético se hace necesario continuar estudiando las bases reflexivas de la disciplina y enriquecer así su êthos profesional.

ABSTRACT Purpose: to describe the social representation of Speech Therapists’ ethos. Methods: qualitative research based on content analysis. The method consisted in focalized interviews to speech therapists from Valparaíso and the Metropolitan regions of Chile. Results: the data collected from the interviews was divided into seven categories called: experiences, skills, professional actions, beliefs, values, ethical foundation and professional identity. This information let us see the need the Speech Therapy discipline has to deepen its reflective practice. Conclusion: for Speech Therapy to become part of the bioethical discussion and have its own ethic discourse it is necessary to continue developing the reflective practice in order to strengthen the professional ethos.

Prensa méd. argent ; 95(4): 252-256, jun. 2008. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-505386


The implantable automatic cardiodefibrilator (IACD) has proved to be an effective tool in the prevention of both primary and secondary sudden death. Even so, the mortality of patients receiving an IACD still remains elevated. Recent data, obtained from the secondary analysis of different studies, suggest that the discharges of the deice, between other clinical variables, both electrocardiiographic and ultrasonographic could be associated to a higher mortality, maybe due to a contribution to the progression of the cardiac insufficiency. The aims of this report were to evaluate the incidence of mortality, causes of death and the time since the implantation till the death, to analyze appropriate an inappropriate shocks and other variaables as potential predictors of mortality in patients with IACD. The results obtained in this study are detailed in the article

Humans , Cause of Death , Cardiomyopathy, Dilated/pathology , Cardiomyopathy, Dilated/prevention & control , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Defibrillators, Implantable , Follow-Up Studies , Myocardial Ischemia/pathology , Myocardial Ischemia/prevention & control , Prospective Studies
Parasitol. día ; 24(1/2): 49-51, ene.-jun. 2000. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-269430


Chagas disease is an important endemic disease in Latinamerica. The transmitions mechanism of Trypanosoma cruzi, etiologic agent of Chagas disease are multiples, this comunication is refering to congenital infection or transplacental infection. The aim of the present report was to describe the finding of trypomastigote in citochemical study of amniotic fluid from pregnant women with 32 weeks of gestation. Clinical findings of trypomastigote in amniotic fluid, shows the importance of microscopics tools in orger to detect and diagnose de Chagas disease in pregnant patients. Diagnosis of Chagas disease by citochemical study is an unreported and unexploited technique, easy to perform in an ordinary laboratory, allowing the possibility to explore events of early detection in the newborn

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Adult , Chagas Disease/congenital , Amniotic Fluid/parasitology , Trypanosoma cruzi/isolation & purification , Chagas Disease/diagnosis , Chagas Disease/drug therapy , Chagas Disease/transmission , Parasite Egg Count , Pregnancy Complications, Parasitic/diagnosis , Pregnancy Complications, Parasitic/parasitology , Pregnancy Trimester, Third , Trypanosoma cruzi/growth & development , Trypanosoma cruzi/pathogenicity
In. Fundación del Campo Freudiano. Histeria y obsesión. Relatos presentados al Cuarto Encuentro internacional, París, febrero de 1986. Buenos Aires, Manantial, 1. ed. 2. reimp; 1990. p.78-83. (93209).
Monography in Spanish | BINACIS | ID: bin-93209
In. Agama Cuenca, Fernando; Urbano Salazar, Myriam. Síndrome de alport en infantes, adolescentes y adultos jóvenes. s.l, s.n, s.f. p.10, graf, tab.
Non-conventional in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-297101


El presente trabajo se trata de un estudio retrospectivo de 1990-1997 en el Hospital Provincial de Cotopaxi, sobre el manejo de la reconstrucción intestinal, tras el procedimiento de Hartman. Se analizan 80 historias clínicas de las cuales 53 tienen datos del estado premorbido-resección + colostomía - manejo previo y reconstrucción intestinal posterior, teniendo especial énfasis en el estado nutricional. El tiempo favorable para la reconstrucción intestinal es de 31 a 90 días, como promedio desde el ingreso - preparación y cirugía de recuperación determinando la morbilidad y las complicaciones postquirúrgicas (fístula-fallas sutura-infección) que son mínimas. También se registró la estancia hospitalaria post-recosntrucción obteniéndose un promedio de 5 a 15 días...

Anastomosis, Surgical , Colostomy , Ecuador , Hospitals, State