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Acta méd. costarric ; 65(2): 51-54, abr.-jun. 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1556679


Resumen La hemofilia es una diátesis hemorrágica producida por la deficiencia hereditaria de un factor (proteína) de la coagulación sanguínea que afecta principalmente a los varones. Su grado de severidad puede variar desde casos con poco sangrado, hasta condiciones muy graves que en muchas ocasiones llevan a la muerte a los enfermos. Existen dos tipos de hemofilia: la A por carencia del factor VIII y la B por falta del factor IX. En este editorial se resume de manera global la situación actual de los avances de la hemofilia desde el punto de vista clínico y del laboratorio.

Abstract Hemophilia is a hemorrhagic diathesis that is caused by the hereditary deficiency of a factor (protein) of blood clotting and that affects mainly men. Its degree of severity can vary from cases with little bleeding, to very serious conditions that often lead to death. There are two types of hemophilia, A for lack of factor VIII, and B for lack of factor IX. This editorial summarizes the current state of progress of hemophilia from the clinical and laboratory point of view.

Humans , Hemophilia B/drug therapy , Hemophilia A/drug therapy , Hemorrhagic Disorders
Acevedo-Peña, Juan; Yomayusa-González, Nancy; Cantor-Cruz, Francy; Pinzon-Florez, Carlos; Barrero-Garzón, Liliana; De-La-Hoz-Siegler, Ilich; Low-Padilla, Eduardo; Ramírez-Ceron, Carlos; Combariza-Vallejo, Felipe; Arias-Barrera, Carlos; Moreno-Cortés, Javier; Rozo-Vanstrahlen, José; Correa-Pérez, Liliana; Rojas-Gambasica, José; González-González, Camilo; La-Rotta-Caballero, Eduardo; Ruíz-Talero, Paula; Contreras-Páez, Rubén; Lineros-Montañez, Alberto; Ordoñez-Cardales, Jorge; Escobar-Olaya, Mario; Izaguirre-Ávila, Raúl; Campos-Guerra, Joao; Accini-Mendoza, José; Pizarro-Gómez, Camilo; Patiño-Pérez, Adulkarín; Flores-Rodríguez, Janine; Valencia-Moreno, Albert; Londoño-Villegas, Alejandro; Saavedra-Rodríguez, Alfredo; Madera-Rojas, Ana; Caballero-Arteaga, Andrés; Díaz-Campos, Andrés; Correa-Rivera, Felipe; Mantilla-Reinaud, Andrés; Becerra-Torres, Ángela; Peña-Castellanos, Ángela; Reina-Soler, Aura; Escobar-Suarez, Bibiana; Patiño-Escobar, Bonell; Rodríguez-Cortés, Camilo; Rebolledo-Maldonado, Carlos; Ocampo-Botero, Carlos; Rivera-Ordoñez, Carlos; Saavedra-Trujillo, Carlos; Figueroa-Restrepo, Catalina; Agudelo-López, Claudia; Jaramillo-Villegas, Claudia; Villaquirán-Torres, Claudio; Rodríguez-Ariza, Daniel; Rincón-Valenzuela, David; Lemus-Rojas, Melissa; Pinto-Pinzón, Diego; Garzón-Díaz, Diego; Cubillos-Apolinar, Diego; Beltrán-Linares, Edgar; Kondo-Rodríguez, Emilio; Yama-Mosquera, Erica; Polania-Fierro, Ernesto; Real-Urbina, Evalo; Rosas-Romero, Andrés; Mendoza-Beltrán, Fernán; Guevara-Pulido, Fredy; Celia-Márquez, Gina; Ramos-Ramos, Gloria; Prada-Martínez, Gonzalo; León-Basantes, Guillermo; Liévano-Sánchez, Guillermo; Ortíz-Ruíz, Guillermo; Barreto-García, Gustavo; Ibagón-Nieto, Harold; Idrobo-Quintero, Henry; Martínez-Ramírez, Ingrid; Solarte-Rodríguez, Ivan; Quintero-Barrios, Jorge; Arenas-Gamboa, Jaime; Pérez-Cely, Jairo; Castellanos-Parada, Jeffrey; Garzón-Martínez, Fredy; Luna-Ríos, Joaquín; Lara-Terán, Joffre; Vargas-Fodríguez, Johanna; Dueñas-Villamil, Rubén; Bohórquez-Feyes, Vicente; Martínez-Acosta, Carlos; Gómez-Mesa, Esteban; Gaitán-Rozo, Julián; Cortes-Colorado, Julián; Coral-Casas, Juliana; Horlandy-Gómez, Laura; Bautista-Toloza, Leonardo; Palacios Palacios, Leonardo; Fajardo-Latorre, Lina; Pino-Villarreal, Luis; Rojas-Puentes, Leonardo; Rodríguez-Sánchez, Patricia; Herrera-Méndez, Mauricio; Orozco-Levi, Mauricio; Sosa-Briceño, Mónica; Moreno-Ruíz, Nelson; Sáenz-Morales, Oscar; Amaya-González, Pablo; Ramírez-García, Sergio; Nieto-Estrada, Víctor; Carballo-Zárate, Virgil; Abello-Polo, Virginia.
Acta méd. colomb ; 46(1): 51-72, ene.-mar. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1278159


resumen está disponible en el texto completo

Abstract Recent studies have reported the occurrence of thrombotic phenomena or coagulopathy in patients with COVID-19. There are divergent positions regarding the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of these phenomena, and current clinical practice is based solely on deductions by extension from retrospective studies, case series, observational studies, and international guidelines developed prior to the pandemic. In this context, the aim was to generate a group of recommendations on the prevention, diagnosis and management of thrombotic complications associated with COVID-19. Methods: A rapid guidance was carried out applying the GRADE Evidence to Decision (EtD) frameworks and an iterative participation system, with statistical and qualitative analysis. Results: 31 clinical recommendations were generated focused on: a) Coagulation tests in symptomatic adults with suspected infection or confirmed SARS CoV-2 infection; b) Thromboprophylaxis in adults diagnosed with COVID-19 (Risk scales, thromboprophylaxis for outpatient, in-hospital management, and duration of thromboprophylaxis after discharge from hospitalization), c) Diagnosis and treatment of thrombotic complications, and d) Management of people with previous indication of anticoagulant agents. Conclusions: Recommendations of this consensus guide clinical decision-making regarding the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of thrombotic phenomena in patients with COVID-19, and represent an agreement that will help decrease the dispersion in clinical practices according to the challenge imposed by the pandemic.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19 , Embolism and Thrombosis , Consensus , Anticoagulants
Arch Cardiol Mex ; 91(Suplemento COVID): 047-054, 2021 Dec 20.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33459726


Coagulopathy and thrombosis associated with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) represent a major issue in the management of this disease. In the past months, clinical studies have demonstrated that COVID-19 patients present with a particular hypercoagulable state, in which a markedly increased D-dimer concomitant with increased levels of fibrinogen are observed. This hypercoagulable state leads to an increased risk of thrombosis, which seems to be higher among those patients with critical symptoms of COVID-19. The best therapeutic approach to prevent thrombotic events in COVID-19 has not been determined yet and several questions regarding thromboprophylaxis therapy, such as the time to initiate anticoagulation, type of anticoagulant and dose regimen, have emerged among physicians. To address these concerns, several medical societies have published position papers to provide the opinion of thrombosis experts on the management of coagulopathy and thrombosis associated with COVID-19. In line with this, the Latin America Cooperative Group of Hemostasis and Thrombosis (Grupo CLAHT) has constituted a panel of experts in thrombosis and hemostasis to discuss the available data on this topic. The aim of this review is to summarize the current evidence regarding hemostatic impairment and thrombotic risk in COVID-19 and to provide a carefully revised opinion of Latin American experts on the thromboprophylaxis and management of thrombotic events and coagulopathy in patients with suspected COVID-19.

La coagulopatía y la trombosis asociadas a la enfermedad por coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) representan un problema importante en el manejo de esta enfermedad. Los estudios clínicos de los últimos meses han demostrado que los pacientes con COVID-19 presentan un estado de hipercoagulabilidad particular, en el que se observa un aumento notable del dímero D concomitante con niveles elevados de fibrinógeno. El estado de hipercoagulabilidad conduce a un mayor riesgo de trombosis, que parece ser mayor entre aquellos pacientes con síntomas críticos de COVID-19. El mejor enfoque terapéutico para prevenir los eventos trombóticos en esta nueva enfermedad aún no se ha determinado y han surgido varias preguntas con respecto a la tromboprofilaxia, como el momento adecuado para iniciar la anticoagulación, el tipo de anticoagulante y el régimen de dosis. Para abordar estas preocupaciones, varias sociedades médicas han publicado artículos de posición para brindar la opinión de expertos en trombosis sobre el manejo de la coagulopatía y trombosis asociadas a COVID-19. Grupo Cooperativo Latinoamericano de Hemostasia y Trombosis (Grupo CLAHT) ha convocado a un panel de expertos en trombosis y hemostasia para discutir los datos disponibles sobre este tema. El objetivo de esta revisión es resumir la evidencia actual con respecto al deterioro hemostático y el riesgo trombótico en el COVID-19 y proporcionar una opinión cuidadosamente revisada de los expertos latinoamericanos sobre la tromboprofilaxis y el manejo de eventos trombóticos y coagulopatía en pacientes con sospecha de COVID-19.

Anticoagulants/therapeutic use , COVID-19 , Thrombosis , Venous Thromboembolism , COVID-19/complications , Consensus , Hemostasis , Humans , Latin America , Thrombosis/prevention & control , Thrombosis/therapy , Venous Thromboembolism/prevention & control , Venous Thromboembolism/therapy