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J Pharm Bioallied Sci ; 16(Suppl 1): S171-S173, 2024 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38595552


Introduction: Many adjuvant methods have been researched to enhance the immediate implant success in the recent times. The study's goal was to compare the aesthetic and biological results of immediate dental implants in the aesthetic zone to standard tapered root form implants that had not undergone pre-treatment with platelet-rich plasma or photofunctionalization. Materials and Methods: The study used a randomized controlled trial as its design. Ninety subjects were chosen at random and placed into three groups: a control group, a case group, and a group that needed replacement of their maxillary anterior teeth right away following extraction. The interventional groups received the "Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)" or "Photofunctionalization (PF)" group before the implant placement. After the delayed loading approach, the prosthesis was given after 6 months. At the second and fourth weeks, as well as 2, 4, 6, and 12 months (P 0.05), follow-up was conducted. The success and survival rate, aesthetic, and biological outcomes were assessed. One-way ANOVA was used to compare outcomes, and repeated-measures ANOVA was used to assess intragroup variations over baseline and follow-up. Results: The distal, mesial, and mean marginal bone loss as well as the aesthetic scores for pink and white did not differ significantly between groups. The implant stability however was significantly higher in the PF and PRP groups as compared to the controls. A single implant failed in all the three groups. The success percentage was similar for all the groups. Conclusion: The stability of immediate dental implants pre-treated with PRP or PF differed statistically significantly than the subjects in the control group, while other parameters remained the similar between the groups.

J Pharm Bioallied Sci ; 14(Suppl 1): S530-S533, 2022 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36110744


Background: Periodontal and peri-implant disorders are etiologically linked to bacterial biofilms. The researchers wanted to see how well the erbium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Er:YAG) laser removed bacterial biofilms along with attached epithelial cells (EC), gingival fibroblasts (GF), in addition to osteoblast-like cells (OC) dentin along with titanium surfaces compared to previous therapy methods. Methodology: 3.5 days were spent growing bacterial biofilms on standardized dentin and also titanium samplings using a sand-blasted along with the acid-etched surface. Following that, the specimens were positioned into pockets that had been formed artificially. The following approaches were used to remove biofilm: (1) Er:YAG, (2) photodynamic therapy (PDT), and (3) curette (CUR) along with supplementary PDT (CUR/PDT). The remaining biofilms' colony forming units (CFUs) were determined, as well as the attachment of EC, GF, in addition to OC. Analysis of variance with a posthoc least significant difference was utilized in the statistical analysis. Results: When compared to untreated dentin and titanium surfaces, all therapy strategies reduced total CFUs in statistically significant biofilms (p = 0.001). On the dentin, Er:YAG was as effective as CUR and PDT, but not as effective as CUR/PDT (p = 0.005). The application of Er:YAG on titanium surfaces leads to statistically significantly improved biofilm eradication equated to the supplementary three therapies (all p = 0.001). On untouched infested dentin and titanium surfaces, the counts of attached EC, GF, and OC were the lowermost. Atop the dentin, increased EC counts were detected after CUR/PDT (p = 0.006). On titanium, all cleaning procedures increased the counts of attached EC by a statistically significant amount (p = 0.001), with no variations between groups. After Er:YAG decontamination, there were statistically substantially elevated amounts of GF (p = 0.024) and OC (p = 0.001) than on untreated surfaces. Conclusion: The usage of Er:YAG laser to ablate subgingival biofilms and, specifically, to decontaminate titanium implant surfaces appears to be a promising strategy that needs further research.