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Rev Sci Tech ; 43: 96-107, 2024 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39222107


The estimation of the global burden of animal diseases requires the integration of multidisciplinary models: economic, statistical, mathematical and conceptual. The output of one model often serves as input for another; therefore, consistency of the model components is critical. The Global Burden of Animal Diseases (GBADs) Informatics team aims to strengthen the scientific foundations of modelling by creating tools that address challenges related to reproducibility, as well as model, data and metadata interoperability. Aligning with these aims, several tools are under development: a) GBADs'Trusted Animal Information Portal (TAIL) is a data acquisition platform that enhances the discoverability of data and literature and improves the user experience of acquiring data. TAIL leverages advanced semantic enrichment techniques (natural language processing and ontologies) and graph databases to provide users with a comprehensive repository of livestock data and literature resources. b) The interoperability of GBADs'models is being improved through the development of an R-based modelling package and standardisation of parameter formats. This initiative aims to foster reproducibility, facilitate data sharing and enable seamless collaboration among stakeholders. c) The GBADs Knowledge Engine is being built to foster an inclusive and dynamic user community by offering data in multiple formats and providing user-friendly mechanisms to garner feedback from the community. These initiatives are critical in addressing complex challenges in animal health and underscore the importance of combining scientific rigour with user-friendly interfaces to empower global efforts in safeguarding animal populations and public health.

L'estimation de l'impact mondial des maladies animales nécessite l'utilisation intégrée de modèles issus de diverses disciplines : économiques, statistiques, mathématiques et conceptuels. Les données de sortie d'un modèle constituent souvent celles d'entrée d'un autre modèle ; la cohérence des composantes des différents modèles est donc primordiale. L'équipe informatique du programme " Impact mondial des maladies animales " (GBADs) s'efforce de consolider les bases scientifiques de l'utilisation des modèles en mettant au point des outils permettant de résoudre les problèmes de reproductibilité et d'améliorer l'interopérabilité entre les différents modèles, données et métadonnées. En phase avec ces objectifs, plusieurs outils sont en cours de développement : a) le Portail du GBADs " Trusted Animal Information Portal " (TAIL) est une plateforme d'acquisition de données qui facilite l'accès aux données et à la littérature, tout en améliorant l'expérience utilisateur lors de l'acquisition des données. Le portail TAIL s'appuie sur des techniques avancées d'enrichissement sémantique (traitement du langage naturel et ontologies) et sur des bases de données graphiques pour apporter aux utilisateurs un référentiel complet des données et des ressources documentaires relatives aux animaux d'élevage ; b) l'interopérabilité des modèles du GBADs est en voie d'amélioration grâce à la mise au point d'un progiciel de modélisation fondé sur R et à la normalisation des formats de paramètres. Cette initiative vise à favoriser la reproductibilité, à faciliter le partage de données et à permettre une collaboration transparente entre les parties prenantes ; c) le moteur de connaissances du GBADs, en cours de construction, vise à encourager une communauté d'utilisateurs inclusive et dynamique en proposant des données dans une multiplicité de formats ainsi que des mécanismes conviviaux pour recueillir les commentaires de la communauté. Ces initiatives se révéleront indispensables pour relever les défis complexes de la santé animale et soulignent l'importance d'associer une grande rigueur scientifique à la convivialité des interfaces, afin de donner encore plus d'élan aux efforts déployés dans le monde pour protéger les populations animales et la santé publique.

La estimación del impacto global de las enfermedades animales requiere la integración de modelos multidisciplinarios: económicos, estadísticos, matemáticos y conceptuales. El resultado de un modelo a menudo sirve de entrada para otro; por lo tanto, la coherencia entre los distintos componentes es fundamental. El equipo de informática del programa sobre el Impacto Global de las Enfermedades Animales (GBADs) tiene como objetivo fortalecer los fundamentos científicos de la modelización mediante la creación de herramientas que aborden los retos relacionados con la reproducibilidad, así como con la interoperabilidad de los modelos, datos y metadatos. En consonancia con estos objetivos, se están desarrollando varias herramientas: a) El Portal del GBADs "Trusted Animal Information Portal" (TAIL) es una plataforma de adquisición de datos que mejora tanto la descubribilidad de datos y bibliografía como la experiencia del usuario a la hora de obtener datos. El portal TAIL utiliza técnicas avanzadas de enriquecimiento semántico (procesamiento del lenguaje natural y ontologías), así como bases de datos de grafos, para ofrecer a los usuarios un repositorio completo de datos sobre ganadería y recursos bibliográficos. b) Se está mejorando la interoperabilidad de los modelos del GBADs mediante el desarrollo de un paquete de modelización en R y la normalización de los formatos de los parámetros. Esta iniciativa pretende fomentar la reproducibilidad, facilitar el intercambio de datos y permitir una colaboración fluida entre las partes interesadas. c) El Motor de Conocimiento del GBADs se está construyendo con el objetivo de fomentar una comunidad de usuarios inclusiva y dinámica, ofreciendo datos en diferentes formatos y proporcionando mecanismos fáciles de usar para recopilar comentarios de la comunidad. Estas iniciativas son fundamentales para hacer frente a los complejos retos en el ámbito de la sanidad animal y subrayan la importancia de combinar el rigor científico con interfaces fáciles de usar para potenciar los esfuerzos mundiales encaminados a proteger a las poblaciones animales y la salud pública.

Animal Diseases , Data Accuracy , Animals , Animal Diseases/prevention & control , Global Health , Databases, Factual
Sci Total Environ ; 954: 176141, 2024 Sep 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39260472


Interaction with groundwater determines many processes in marl lakes. Net transfer of inorganic carbon helps define their chemical characteristics and determines their unique benthic flora. Nutrient enrichment weakens the biogeochemical buffering mechanisms which help maintain a clear-water state and many small, shallow marl lakes are prone to siltation. Despite hydrological processes being recognised as important for the complex interactions between plants, nutrient availability and physical sediment properties which shape marl lake ecology, groundwater discharge to many of these lakes has never been quantified. The aim of this study was to locate and quantify groundwater transfers to degraded marl lakes in a Special Area of Conservation on the island of Ireland. A RAD7 radon detector identified and measured elevated concentrations of 222Rn in three lakes for quantifying their groundwater influx with a 222Rn mass-balance equation. Conservative estimates of mean daily groundwater discharge to Kilroosky Lough, Drumacrittin Lough, and Dummy's Lough were 143 m3, 502 m3, and 269 m3 respectively. With extrapolation to the entire hydrological year, annual groundwater recharge contributed approximately 47 %, 155 %, and 50 % of the respective lake volumes. The areas within the lakes which were found to have the highest groundwater influence also closely matched the locations where substantial charophyte communities persist suggesting that the two are linked. These findings underline the importance of groundwater transfers for the water budget in small marl lakes and will inform management efforts to mitigate their eutrophication.

Rev Sci Tech ; 43: 69-78, 2024 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39222110


The Global Burden of Animal Diseases (GBADs) programme aims to assess the impact of animal health on agricultural animals, livestock production systems and associated communities worldwide. As part of the objectives of GBADs'Animal Health Ontology theme, the programme reviewed conceptual frameworks, ontologies and classification systems in biomedical science. The focus was on data requirements in animal health and the connections between animal health and human and environmental health. In May 2023, the team conducted searches of recognised repositories of biomedical ontologies, including BioPortal, Open Biological and Biomedical Ontology Foundry, and Ontology Lookup Service, to identify animal and livestock ontologies and those containing relevant concepts. Sixteen ontologies were found, covering topics such as surveillance, anatomy and genetics. Notable examples include the Animal Trait Ontology for Livestock, the Animal Health Surveillance Ontology, the National Center for Biotechnology Information Taxonomy and the Uberon Multi-Species Anatomy Ontology. However, some ontologies lacked class definitions for a significant portion of their classes. The review highlights the need for domain evidence to support proposed models, critical appraisal of external ontologies before reuse, and external expert reviews along with statistical tests of agreements. The findings from this review informed the structural framework, concepts and rationales of the animal health ontology for GBADs. This animal health ontology aims to increase the interoperability and transparency of GBADs data, thereby enabling estimates of the impacts of animal diseases on agriculture, livestock production systems and associated communities globally.

Le programme " Impact mondial des maladies animales " (GBADs) vise à évaluer l'impact de la santé animale sur les animaux d'élevage, les systèmes de production animale et les communautés liées à ce secteur d'activités dans le monde. Afin de définir une ontologie de la santé animale répondant aux objectifs du GBADs, le programme a procédé à un examen des cadres conceptuels, des ontologies et des systèmes de classification actuellement appliqués en sciences biomédicales. Il s'agissait de définir les besoins en données dans le domaine de la santé animale ainsi que les connexions entre la santé animale, la santé publique et la santé environnementale. En mai 2023, l'équipe a procédé à des recherches dans des référentiels reconnus d'ontologies biomédicales, notamment BioPortal, Open Biological and Biomedical Ontology Foundry et Ontology Lookup Service, afin de recenser les ontologies relatives aux animaux et au bétail ainsi que celles contenant des concepts pertinents. Seize ontologies ont été relevées, couvrant des thèmes tels que la surveillance, l'anatomie et la génétique. Parmi les exemples notables on peut citer : Animal Trait Ontology for Livestock (ontologie dédiée aux caractères phénotypiques des animaux d'élevage), Animal Health Surveillance Ontology (ontologie dédiée à la surveillance de la santé animale), National Center for Biotechnology Information Taxonomy (la base de données Taxonomie du Centre américain pour les informations biotechnologiques), et Uberon Multi-Species Anatomy Ontology (ontologie anatomique représentant diverses espèces animales). Il a cependant été constaté que certaines ontologies ne disposent pas de définitions de classes pour une grande partie des classes qui les composent. L'examen a souligné l'importance d'étayer les modèles proposés par des données issues des spécialités en question, de procéder à une évaluation critique des ontologies externes avant de les réutiliser et de faire effectuer des examens complémentaires par des experts externes ainsi que des tests statistiques de concordance. Les résultats de cette étude ont apporté des éléments permettant de définir le cadre structurel, les concepts et les principes de l'ontologie relative à la santé animale destinée au GBADs. Cette ontologie de la santé animale vise à accroître l'interopérabilité et la transparence des données du GBADs, ce qui permet d'effectuer des estimations de l'impact des maladies animales sur l'agriculture, les systèmes de production animale et les communautés associées à ce secteur d'activités à l'échelle mondiale.

El programa sobre el impacto global de las enfermedades animales (GBADs) tiene como objetivo evaluar el impacto de la sanidad animal en los animales de granja, los sistemas de producción ganadera y las comunidades conexas en todo el mundo. Como parte de los objetivos en torno al tema de la ontología de la sanidad animal del GBADs, el programa revisó marcos conceptuales, ontologías y sistemas de clasificación en el ámbito de la ciencia biomédica. Se hizo hincapié en los requisitos de datos sobre la sanidad animal y en las conexiones entre la sanidad animal y la salud humana y ambiental. En mayo de 2023, el equipo realizó búsquedas en repositorios reconocidos de ontologías biomédicas, como BioPortal, Open Biological and Biomedical Ontology Foundry y Ontology Lookup Service, para identificar no solo ontologías animales y ganaderas, sino también aquellas que incluyeran conceptos relevantes. En este sentido, se encontraron dieciséis ontologías, que abarcan temas como vigilancia, anatomía y genética. Entre los ejemplos más destacados figuran Animal Trait Ontology for Livestock (Ontología de Características Animales para el Ganado), Animal Health Surveillance Ontology (Ontología de Vigilancia de la Sanidad Animal), National Center for Biotechnology Information Taxonomy (la base de datos Taxonomía del Centro Nacional para la Información Biotecnológica) y Uberon Multi-Species Anatomy Ontology (Ontología Anatómica de Especies Múltiples). Sin embargo, algunas ontologías carecían de definiciones para una parte significativa de sus clases. La revisión pone de relieve la necesidad de contar con datos probatorios del ámbito en cuestión que respalden los modelos propuestos, una evaluación crítica de las ontologías externas antes de su reutilización y revisiones de expertos externos junto con pruebas estadísticas de los acuerdos. Los resultados de esta revisión han servido de base para el marco estructural, los conceptos y los fundamentos de la ontología de la sanidad animal para el GBADs. Esta ontología pretende aumentar la interoperabilidad y la transparencia de los datos del GBADs, permitiendo así estimar el impacto de las enfermedades animales en la agricultura, los sistemas de producción ganadera y las comunidades conexas en todo el mundo.

Animal Diseases , Biological Ontologies , Livestock , Animals , Animal Diseases/epidemiology , Global Health , Humans
J Am Anim Hosp Assoc ; 60(5): 179-187, 2024 Sep 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39235784


The literature regarding surgical repair of urethral prolapse in dogs is limited and associated with a high recurrence rate. We hypothesized that combined resection and anastomosis (R&A) with urethropexy would be associated with less recurrence of urethral prolapse compared with R&A alone. Medical records of dogs managed surgically for urethral prolapse were reviewed (2013-2023) from three tertiary care hospitals. Inclusion criteria included complete medical records, including surgery reports, short-term postoperative complications, and longer-term follow-up. Forty-six male dogs successfully met the inclusion criteria (16 castrated; 30 intact). Brachycephalic breeds were overrepresented (37/46, 80%). Surgical repair by R&A alone (n = 27), urethropexy alone (n = 6), or a combined R&A and urethropexy (n = 13) was performed. Recurrence rates for these techniques were 13/27 (48%), 2/6 (33%), and 1/13 (8%), respectively. The recurrence rate of urethral prolapse treated by a combined R&A and urethropexy was significantly lower (P < .05) than R&A alone, despite more dogs being overweight and less surgeon experience (each P < .05). Interestingly, dogs neutered before initial diagnosis may be more likely to have postoperative recurrence. Considering general anesthesia risks, an initial combination procedure for urethral prolapse may help prevent recurrence.

Dog Diseases , Urethral Diseases , Animals , Dogs , Dog Diseases/surgery , Male , Urethral Diseases/veterinary , Urethral Diseases/surgery , Prolapse , Retrospective Studies , Anastomosis, Surgical/veterinary , Urethra/surgery
Drug Test Anal ; 2024 Sep 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39295175


In order to control the potential misuse of perfluorocarbons as an oxygen carrier in equine sports, a simple and sensitive method for detecting perfluorocarbons in equine plasma by gas chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry using negative chemical ionization with methane as reagent gas has been developed and fully validated. The method covers seven perfluorocarbons, which are the active components in blood substitute products, and shows good sensitivity and robustness. Limits of detection as low as 0.01 ng/mL could be achieved by the method. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a detection method for the screening of perfluorocarbons in equine biological samples.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39054592


BACKGROUND: Risankizumab is efficacious and well tolerated in adults with moderately to severely active Crohn's disease (CD). AIM: To evaluate the corticosteroid-sparing effect of risankizumab in CD. METHODS: During the 12-week induction period, patients maintained stable baseline corticosteroid doses, up to 20 mg/day prednisone or equivalent. At week 0 of maintenance, a mandatory corticosteroid taper was started. This post hoc analysis evaluated corticosteroid-free clinical and endoscopic outcomes at week 52 of maintenance; safety was also assessed. RESULTS: Of 889 patients randomised to induction with risankizumab 600 mg or placebo, 285 (32.1%) were taking baseline concomitant corticosteroids. Week 12 clinical remission and endoscopic response rates were greater for risankizumab 600 mg versus placebo, regardless of concomitant corticosteroid use. At week 52, 66.7%, 50.0% and 41.2% of patients taking risankizumab 180 mg, risankizumab 360 mg and (withdrawal) placebo, respectively, discontinued corticosteroids. Week 52 corticosteroid-free clinical remission per stool frequency/abdominal pain score (risankizumab 180 mg [42.7%] or 360 mg [49.8%]; [withdrawal] placebo [39.0%]), corticosteroid-free clinical remission per Crohn's Disease Activity Index (risankizumab 180 mg [51.0%] or 360 mg [49.5%]; [withdrawal] placebo [40.2%]), and corticosteroid-free endoscopic response (risankizumab 180 mg [44.6%] or 360 mg [44.7%]; [withdrawal] placebo [20.7%]) rates were greater for risankizumab than placebo. Adverse event rates were generally similar, regardless of baseline corticosteroid use. CONCLUSIONS: Efficacy of risankizumab 600 mg induction therapy was independent of concomitant corticosteroid use. Risankizumab 180 and 360 mg maintenance therapy yielded high rates of corticosteroid-free clinical and endoscopic outcomes at week 52.

Inflamm Bowel Dis ; 2024 Jul 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39038228


In this prospective, multicenter observational study of highly refractory patients with Crohn's disease of the pouch, risankizumab achieved the primary outcome of clinical remission in 50% and the more stringent secondary outcome of antibiotic- and steroid-free remission in 30.8% at 12 weeks.

J Chin Med Assoc ; 87(9): 828-835, 2024 Sep 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39017650


BACKGROUND: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a severe complication of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and is associated with a higher risk of mortality. Understanding the risk factors contributing to COVID-19-related AKI and mortality before vaccination is important for the initiation of preventative measures and early treatment strategies. METHODS: This study included patients aged ≥18 years diagnosed with COVID-19 through polymerase chain reaction from May 2020 to July 2021, admitted in three local hospitals in Taiwan, with an extended follow-up until June 30, 2022. A median follow-up period of 250 days was used to assess AKI development and mortality. AKI was defined according to the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes criteria. Multivarible Cox regression analysis of AKI and mortality-related risk factors were performed. RESULTS: Of the 720 hospitalized patients with COVID-19, 90 (22%) developed AKI. Moreover, 80%, 10.1%, and 8.9% of the patients had stage 1, 2, and 3 AKI, respectively. Patients with stage 1 to 3 AKI had significantly lower survival rates than those without AKI ( p = 0.001). The mean duration of post-admission AKI occurrence was 9.50 ± 11.32 days. Older age, hypoalbuminemia, and higher D-dimer and ferritin levels were associated with COVID-19 mortality. In COVID-19 AKI, in addition to older age and high D-dimer and ferritin levels, chronic kidney disease emerged as an independent risk factor. CONCLUSION: COVID-19-related AKI develops early, exhibits a temporal association with respiratory failure, and is linked to an unfavorable prognosis. The mortality rate increased according to the AKI stage ( p = 0.001). Age, albumin, D-dimer, and ferritin levels, and the underlying chronic kidney disease status upon admission are crucial factors for predicting AKI development, which increases the mortality risk. Monitoring the renal function not only within 10 days of COVID-19 onset, but also within 1 month after the disease onset.

Acute Kidney Injury , COVID-19 , SARS-CoV-2 , Humans , COVID-19/complications , COVID-19/mortality , Acute Kidney Injury/mortality , Acute Kidney Injury/etiology , Male , Middle Aged , Female , Risk Factors , Aged , Follow-Up Studies , Adult , Vaccination
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39025251


There is increasing recognition of the associated bi-directional impact of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) on patient well-being and the potential benefit of multidisciplinary teams to address these unique needs. At certain IBD centers, there has been an evolution towards patient-centric, holistic care to enhance well-being and improve health-related outcomes. Multiple models, incorporating various disciplines, care modalities, digital tools and care delivery, and resource support have arisen in IBD. Although most IBD centers of excellence are now incorporating such multidisciplinary care models, many practices still practice IBD-limited specialty care, limiting evaluations and interventions to the IBD itself and its direct consequences (eg, extraintestinal manifestations). In this piece, we seek to review the evolution of IBD care towards a patient-centric, holistic model (termed 360 IBD Care) including the role and impact of digital health tools, monitoring, and delivery in IBD, and a shift towards value-based care models with discussion of payor priorities in IBD. We also suggest potential opportunities for IBD practitioners to incorporate elements of holistic care on a local scale. Together, we hope such care models will enhance not only IBD-specific health outcomes, but also improve the general well-being of our patients with IBD today and tomorrow.

Nat Hum Behav ; 8(8): 1599-1615, 2024 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38965376


Data within biobanks capture broad yet detailed indices of human variation, but biobank-wide insights can be difficult to extract due to complexity and scale. Here, using large-scale factor analysis, we distill hundreds of variables (diagnoses, assessments and survey items) into 35 latent constructs, using data from unrelated individuals with predominantly estimated European genetic ancestry in UK Biobank. These factors recapitulate known disease classifications, disentangle elements of socioeconomic status, highlight the relevance of psychiatric constructs to health and improve measurement of pro-health behaviours. We go on to demonstrate the power of this approach to clarify genetic signal, enhance discovery and identify associations between underlying phenotypic structure and health outcomes. In building a deeper understanding of ways in which constructs such as socioeconomic status, trauma, or physical activity are structured in the dataset, we emphasize the importance of considering the interwoven nature of the human phenome when evaluating public health patterns.

Biological Specimen Banks , Phenotype , Humans , United Kingdom , Male , Female , Social Class , Middle Aged , UK Biobank
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39009321


Locally recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) presents substantial challenges in clinical management. Although postoperative re-irradiation (re-RT) has been acknowledged as a potential treatment option, standardized guidelines and consensus regarding the use of re-RT in this context are lacking. This article provides a comprehensive review and summary of international recommendations on postoperative management for potentially resectable locally recurrent NPC, with a special focus on postoperative re-RT. A thorough search was conducted to identify relevant studies on postoperative re-RT for locally recurrent NPC. Controversial issues, including resectability criteria, margin assessment, indications for postoperative re-RT, and the optimal dose and method of re-RT, were addressed through a Delphi consensus process. The consensus recommendations emphasize the need for a clearer and broader definition of resectability, highlighting the importance of achieving clear surgical margins, preferably through an en bloc approach with frozen section margin assessment. Furthermore, these guidelines suggest considering re-RT for patients with positive or close margins. Optimal postoperative re-RT doses typically range around 60 Gy, and hyperfractionation has shown promise in reducing toxicity. These guidelines aim to assist clinicians in making evidence-based decisions and improving patient outcomes in the management of potentially resectable locally recurrent NPC. By addressing key areas of controversy and providing recommendations on resectability, margin assessment, and re-RT parameters, these guidelines serve as a valuable resource for clinical experts involved in the treatment of locally recurrent NPC.

Dig Dis Sci ; 69(8): 2961-2969, 2024 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38902460


BACKGROUND: Extraintestinal Manifestations (EIMs) are a common and potentially debilitating complication of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD), sometimes requiring additional treatment beyond those used to control intestinal disease. IBD-associated arthritis (IAA), a form of spondyloarthritis, is associated with several factors including disease location, sex, and IBD type. However, much remains unknown about other clinical factors predicting development of EIMs. Our goal was to identify additional factors associated with IAA. METHODS: Participants in the LOCATION-IBD cohort were included in this analysis. We performed univariate and multivariate analysis of demographics, clinical data, and patient-reported outcomes data. RESULTS: The LOCATION-IBD cohort included 182 participants with (n = 53) and without (n = 110) joint EIMs and with joint pain of unclear etiology (n = 19). In a multivariate analysis comparing those with and without joint EIMs, female sex (OR = 2.5, p = 0.014), the presence of concomitant autoimmune and inflammatory disorders (OR = 2.5, p = 0.038), and Crohn's disease (OR = 2.9, p = 0.026) were associated with the presence of joint EIMs. CONCLUSION: This analysis reveals patients with IAA are more likely to have concomitant autoimmune disorders. Further studies are needed to confirm this association, understand the mechanisms underlying the common pathogenesis of these concurrent disorders, and evaluate their impact on the treatment of IAA.

Inflammatory Bowel Diseases , Humans , Female , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Inflammatory Bowel Diseases/complications , Inflammatory Bowel Diseases/epidemiology , Autoimmune Diseases/complications , Autoimmune Diseases/epidemiology , Crohn Disease/complications , Crohn Disease/epidemiology , Risk Factors , Sex Factors , Multivariate Analysis , Arthritis/epidemiology
Inflamm Bowel Dis ; 2024 Jun 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38836521


BACKGROUND: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)-associated peripheral spondyloarthritis (pSpA) decreases quality of life and remains poorly understood. Given the prevalence of this condition and its negative impact, it is surprising that evidence-based disease definitions and diagnostic strategies are lacking. This systematic review summarizes available data to facilitate development and validation of diagnostics, patient-reported outcomes, and imaging indices specific to this condition. METHODS: A literature search was conducted. Consensus or classification criteria, case series, cross-sectional studies, cohort studies, and randomized controlled trials related to diagnosis were included. RESULTS: A total of 44 studies reporting data on approximately 1500 patients with pSpA were eligible for analysis. Data quality across studies was only graded as fair to good. Due to large heterogeneity, meta-analysis was not possible. The majority of studies incorporated patient-reported outcomes and a physical examination. A total of 13 studies proposed or validated screening tools, consensus, classification, or consensus criteria. A total of 28 studies assessed the role of laboratory tests, none of which were considered sufficiently accurate for use in diagnosis. A total of 17 studies assessed the role of imaging, with the available literature insufficient to fully endorse any imaging modality as a robust diagnostic tool. CONCLUSIONS: This review highlights existing inconsistency and lack of a clear diagnostic approach for IBD-associated pSpA. Given the absence of an evidence-based approach, a combination of existing criteria and physician assessment should be utilized. To address this issue comprehensively, our future efforts will be directed toward pursuit of a multidisciplinary approach aimed at standardizing evaluation and diagnosis of IBD-associated pSpA.

This systematic review highlights the lack of an evidence-based approach to the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease­associated peripheral spondyloarthritis and the need to standardize evaluation and diagnosis via multidisciplinary collaboration with development of patient-reported outcomes and imaging indices.

Dig Dis Sci ; 69(8): 2784-2795, 2024 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38811505


BACKGROUND: Comparisons among autoimmune diseases enable understanding of the burden and factors associated with work productivity loss and impairment. AIMS: The objective was to compare work productivity and activity and associated factors among patients with inflammatory bowel diseases and other autoimmune conditions. METHODS: This cross-sectional study included employed, adult patients (age 20-64 years) in the CorEvitas Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Psoriasis, and Psoriatic Arthritis/Spondyloarthritis Registries between 5/2017 and 6/2020. Any patient-reported impairment on four domains of the Work Productivity and Activity Index (WPAI) was collected across registries. Prevalence for each autoimmune disease was reported and stratified by disease activity using direct age-sex-standardization. Factors associated with the presence of any WPAI were identified in logistic regression models. RESULTS: A total of 7,169 patients with psoriasis (n = 4,768, 67%), psoriatic arthritis (n = 1,208, 17%), Crohn's disease (CD, n = 621, 9%), and ulcerative colitis (UC, n = 572, 8%) met inclusion criteria. Among patients not in remission across all disease cohorts, the age-sex-standardized prevalence of any presenteeism, work productivity loss, and activity impairment ranged from 54 to 97%. Patients with CD in remission had higher standardized prevalence of presenteeism (53% [48-57%]) and work productivity loss (54% [49-59%]), compared to those from other cohorts (presenteeism [range: 33-39%] and work productivity loss [range: 37-41%]). For all WPAI domains, the strongest adjusted associations were for moderate to severe disease activity and psychosocial symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with moderate to severe disease activity reported the highest WPAI burden. However, patients in remission or mild disease activity also report some WPAI burden, emphasizing a multidisciplinary treatment approach to improve work productivity loss and impairment.

Colitis, Ulcerative , Cost of Illness , Crohn Disease , Efficiency , Psoriasis , Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Cross-Sectional Studies , Crohn Disease/epidemiology , Crohn Disease/complications , Colitis, Ulcerative/epidemiology , Psoriasis/epidemiology , Psoriasis/complications , Arthritis, Psoriatic/epidemiology , Young Adult , Absenteeism , Registries , Presenteeism/statistics & numerical data