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Zootaxa ; 5227(3): 328-340, 2023 Jan 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37044687


This paper describes two new species of Brachinepticula Stonis & Diskus: B. melania Remeikis, Mey & Stonis, sp. nov. and B. colombica Remeikis, Mey & Stonis, sp. nov. Both the new species were collected in the Northern Andean Páramo (Cundinamarca, Colombia). Since the specimens were caught at night-time with a light trap, the host plants remain unknown. The examination of the morphology of the male genitalia of B. melania and female genitalia of B. colombica revealed a highly distinctive new taxa of pygmy moths and broadened our knowledge of the morphology and distribution of the recently described endemic genus Brachinepticula Diskus & Stonis. The examination of the new findings also allowed us updating the diagnosis of Brachinepticula. The new species were illustrated with photographs of the genitalia, adults, and habitats.

Lepidoptera , Moths , Male , Female , Animals , Genitalia , Ecosystem , Plants , Animal Distribution
Zootaxa ; 5333(1): 1-131, 2023 Aug 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38221115


For the first time, genera of leaf mining Tischeriidae of the global fauna are reviewed and four new genera are described: Coptotrichoides Dikus & Stonis, gen. nov., trophically associated with Sapindaceae from Central and South America; Rytietia Dikus, Xu & Dai, gen. nov., trophically associated with Annonaceae from East and South East Asia; Pafazaria Dikus & Stonis, gen. nov., trophically associated with Fabaceae and Malvaceae from East and South East Asia; and Gnathitischeria Dikus, gen. nov., trophically associated with Malvaceae and Asteraceae from Central America. In addition to the descriptions of new genera, all previously described genera (Coptotriche Walsingham, 1890; Dishkeya Stonis, 2020; Tischeria Zeller, 1839; Manitischeria Dikus & Stonis, 2021; Neotischeria Dikus & Stonis, 2021; Paratischeria Dikus & Stonis, 2017; and Astrotischeria Puplesis & Dikus, 2003) are characterized and a pictorial identification key for all 11 genera is provided. Morphological and biological characteristics of all genera are supplemented with some molecular data. We described 12 new species: South East Asian Coptotriche sapaensis Dikus & Stonis, sp. nov.; Central American Coptotrichoides sapindoidum Dikus & Stonis, sp. nov. and Tischeria neokristenseni Dikus & Stonis, sp. nov.; South East Asian Rytietia uncinata Dikus, Xu & Dai, sp. nov., East Asian R. chongyiensis Xu & Dai, sp. nov.; South East Asian Pafazaria capitata Dikus & Stonis, sp. nov. and P. faboidica Dikus & Stonis, sp. nov.; Central American Neotischeria antigua Dikus & Remeikis, sp. nov. and N. subantigua Dikus & Remeikis, sp. nov.; South American Astrotischeria incae Dikus & Stonis, sp. nov.; and Central American Gnathitischeria atitlani Dikus & Stonis, sp. nov. and G. arcana Dikus & Stonis, sp. nov. The taxonomic rank of the East Asian subspecies Tischeria decidua siorkionla Kozlov, 1986 is elevated to species rank: T. siorkionla Kozlov (stat. nov.). The male genitalia of holotypes, paratypes, lectotypes or paralectotypes, or non-type specimens of some little-known species are examined for the first time. We provide the first morphological documentation for the following: Tischeria ceanothi lectotype and paralectotype; T. immaculata (stat. restored) paratype; Coptotrichoides deliquescens (Meyrick) lectotype and paralectotype; lectotypes of Coptotriche aenea (Frey & Boll), Astrotischeria plagifera (Meyrick), A. helianthi (Frey & Boll), and A. ephaptis (Meyrick); Coptotriche berberella (De Prins) paratype; and the first photographic documentation of Tischeria lvoskyi Kozlov holotype. Some non-type specimens deposited at NHMUK, including a few previously neglected species, are also examined and documented, including the American Astrotischeria solidagonifoliella (Clemens) and A. omissa (Braun). Nine new combinations are provided: Coptotrichoides deliquescens (Meyrick, 1915), comb. nov.; C. singularis (Stonis & Dikus) comb. nov.; C. suprafasciata (Dikus & Stonis) comb. nov., C. serjaniphaga (Remeikis & Stonis) comb. nov.; C. braziliensis (Dikus & Stonis) comb. nov.; Pafazaria jingdongensis (Xu & Dai), comb. nov.; Neotischeria explosa (Braun) comb. nov.; N. pallidipennella (Braun) comb. nov.; and Astrotischeria heteroterae (Frey & Boll) comb. nov. The synonymization of Tischeria longeciliata Frey & Boll, 1878 with Astrotischeria helianthi (Frey & Boll, 1878) is confirmed. One new species group, the Tischeria ceanothi group, is established. We also report a new distribution record of T. dodonaea Stainton from the Caucasus, Armenia. Three tables and 569 figures of adult external morphology, male and female genitalia, leaf mines, and cladograms based on molecular characters are provided.

Asteraceae , Lepidoptera , Moths , Male , Female , Animals , Animal Distribution
Zootaxa ; 5016(2): 283-288, 2021 Aug 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34810449


We describe a new species, Ozadelpha rionegrella Remeikis Dobrynina, sp. nov., a pygmy moth (Nepticulidae) from the southern Andes (Argentina). The new species is illustrated with photographs of the adult and male genitalia. We briefly discuss the issues of diagnostics of the new species and the related O. ovata (Puplesis Robinson, 2000) and provide an updated pictorial tool for diagnostics of all currently known Ozadelpha species.

Lepidoptera , Moths , Animals , Genitalia , Genitalia, Male , Male
Zootaxa ; 5047(3): 300-320, 2021 Sep 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34810845


Four new species of trumpet leaf-miner moths (Tischeriidae) are described from the Neotropics: Coptotriche serjaniphaga Remeikis Stonis, sp. nov., feeding on Serjania Mill. (Sapindaceae), Astrotischeria mystica Dikus Stonis, sp. nov., feeding on Verbesina L. (Asteraceae), A. yungasi Dikus Stonis, sp. nov., feeding on Oyedaea DC. (Asteraceae), and A. parapallens Dikus Stonis, sp. nov., feeding on Baccharis L. (Asteraceae). Records on Sapindaceae-feeding Tischeriidae are very rare and Serjania is a novel host-plant genus for Tischeriidae. It is hypothesized that Serjania, a diverse genus in the tropical and subtropical Americas, may be a host for many undiscovered species of specialized stenophagous Tischeriidae. The new species are illustrated with photographs of the adults, male and, if available, female genitalia, and the leaf mines. We briefly discuss the importance of new species descriptions as a part of biodiversity assessment.

Baccharis , Lepidoptera , Moths , Sapindaceae , Animal Distribution , Animals , Genitalia
Zootaxa ; 4926(3): zootaxa.4926.3.3, 2021 Feb 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33756739


Members of the Lamiaceae, or mint family, are used worldwide for medicinal, culinary and/or magical-religious purposes, as well as in pesticides and as ornamental plants. Very little is known about nepticulids, or pygmy moths, as leaf miners of Lamiaceae, but they may be an important component of South American diversity and potential pests of economically-important species of the mint family. In this paper, four new species of leaf-mining Nepticulidae are described from the equatorial Andes of Ecuador: S. mentholica Diskus Stonis, sp. nov., Stigmella aromatica Diskus Stonis, sp. nov., S. odora Diskus Stonis, sp. nov., feeding on Minthostachys mollis (Benth.) Griseb., and S. tomentosella Diskus Stonis, sp. nov., feeding on Clinopodium tomentosum (Kunth) Govaerts. It is hypothesized that host-plant distribution ranges can provide clues to potential distribution ranges of these newly discovered, trophically specialized leaf miners. The leaf mines, adults, and the genitalia of the new species are illustrated with photographs.

Lamiaceae , Lepidoptera , Moths , Animal Distribution , Animals , Genitalia , Host Specificity
Zootaxa ; 4933(3): zootaxa.4933.3.3, 2021 Feb 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33756786


We provide diagnostics for eight species groups of Oriental Pseudopostega Kozlov (Lepidoptera: Opostegidae) and a pictorial key for their identification. We designate three new species groups, P. frigida and P. strigulata groups, and the P. auritella group for two Palaearctic species, and rename the P. nigrimaculella group as the P. matrona group. We assign P. euryntis (Meyrick), P. zelopa (Meyrick), and P. subviolaceae (Meyrick), three formerly unplaced species, to species groups based on re-examination of male and female genitalia. We list 22 currently known Oriental Pseudopostega species, and synonymize Pseudopostega spilodes (Meyrick), syn. nov., with P. machaerias (Meyrick). One new Mediterranean species with affiliations to the Oriental fauna, P. matrona Karsholt Remeikis, sp. nov., is described. The new species is illustrated with photographs of the adults and male genitalia. Additionally, we provide a distribution map of the P. matrona group, now extralimital to the Oriental region.

Moths , Odonata , Animal Distribution , Animals , Female , Male
Zootaxa ; 4942(2): zootaxa.4942.2.8, 2021 Mar 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33757070


The world's smallest moths in Lepidoptera (Insecta) and the complexity in making such a determination are examined and discussed. The forewing length and wingspan of 650 species were measured and the same data were retrieved from published papers to determine which species and family have the smallest moths in the world. The minimal recorded forewing length was found to be around 1.2-1.3 mm and the wingspan around 2.6-2.8 mm in two families, the Gracillariidae and Nepticulidae. Among Lepidoptera, the following species have the smallest moths globally: the European Johanssoniella acetosae (Stainton), the Peruvian Simplimorpha kailai Stonis Diskus, the Mexican Stigmella maya Remeikis Stonis, the Mediterranean S. diniensis (Klimesh), the Mediterranean Parafomoria liguricella (Klimesh) (Nepticulidae), the South East Asian Porphyrosela alternata Kumata, and the Central African P. desmodivora De Prins (Gracillariidae). Additionally, in the Nepticulidae, we provide a measurement update for Stigmella maya Remeikis Stonis, one of the tiniest species with a forewing length of 1.3 mm and wingspan of 2.8 mm, and describe a new species, Stigmella incaica Diskus Stonis, sp. nov., with a forewing length of 1.75 to 1.95 mm and a wingspan of 3.8 to 4.3 mm.

Lepidoptera , Moths , Animal Distribution , Animals
Zootaxa ; 4881(3): zootaxa.4881.3.1, 2020 Nov 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33311299


We review eighteen species of Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera: Nepticuloidea) from Asia and describe eleven new species from Central Asia and the western Himalaya: Stigmella ziziphifolia Rociene Stonis, sp. nov., S. damocles Remeikis, sp. nov., S. pyramidata Diskus Navickaite, sp. nov., S. alilediella Diskus Navickaite, sp. nov., S. longa Remeikis Stonis, sp. nov., S. latilobata Diskus Navickaite, sp. nov., S. paniculata Diskus Navickaite, sp. nov., Ectoedemia orbiculata Diskus, Remeikis Stonis, sp. nov., Acalyptris brunipexus Stonis, Diskus Remeikis, sp. nov., A. noctilucus Rociene Stonis, sp. nov., and A. nasutus Diskus Navickaite, sp. nov. The new taxa are illustrated with photographs of the adults, their genitalia, and, if available, leaf mines. We also provide the first photographic documentation of adults and male genitalia of some Asiatic species. We synonymize E. petrosa Puplesis with E. spinosella (de Joannis), and E. rosiphila Puplesis with E. ingloria Puplesis.

Lepidoptera , Moths , Animal Distribution , Animals , Genitalia , Male
Zookeys ; 970: 117-158, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33024410


Seven new species of Tischeriidae are described from the Neotropics: Astrotischeria jociui Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov. (feeding on Wissadula excelsior (Cav.) C. Presl., Malvaceae), A. atlantica Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov. (feeding on Baccharis spicata (Lam.) Baill., Asteraceae), A. cornuata Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov. (host plant unknown), Paratischeria guarani Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov. (feeding on Elephantopus mollis Kunth, Asteraceae), P. mesoamericana Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov. (feeding on Montanoa hibiscifolia Benth., Asteraceae), P. suprafasciata Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov. (feeding on Allophyllus edulis (A. St.-Hil., A. Juss. & Cambess.) Hieron. ex Niederl., Sapindaceae), and P. braziliensis Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov. (host plant unknown). Additionally, an updated distribution map of Paratischeria neotropicana (Diskus & Stonis, 2015), which currently has the broadest distribution range among the Neotropical Tischeriidae is provided along with new host-plant data, a list of all recorded host plants in the Neotropics, and a brief discussion on trophic relationships of Tischeriidae. It is hypothesized that host-plant distribution ranges can provide clues to potential distribution ranges of these specialized, monophagous or oligophagous, leaf miners. All new taxa are illustrated with photographs of the adults, their genitalia, and, if available, leaf mines.

Zootaxa ; 4748(2): zootaxa.4748.2.1, 2020 Mar 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32230072


We list all 56 currently known Acalyptris Meyrick species from North and South America, designate five new species groups, and provide pictorial diagnostics for all nine revised species groups of the American fauna. We describe seven new species: A. marmor Stonis Diskus, sp. nov., A. barbudo Stonis Remeikis, sp. nov., A. jareki Stonis Diskus, sp. nov., A. hilli Stonis Diskus, sp. nov., A. mortalis Diskus Stonis, sp. nov., A. hyacinthum Stonis Vargas, sp. nov., and A. extremus Stonis Diskus, sp. nov. We provide new data on morphology, biology or distribution for the following species: A. murex Diskus Stonis, A. hispidus Puplesis Robinson, A. trifidus Puplesis Robinson, A. bifidus Puplesis Robinson, A. terrificus Simkeviciute Stonis, and particularly A. yucatani Remeikis Stonis. We transfer Fomoria miranda Diskus Stonis to Acalyptris and provide the first photographic documentation of A. novenarius Puplesis Robinson, A. fortis Puplesis Robinson, A. martinheringi Puplesis Robinson, A. basihastatus Puplesis Diskus, A. pseudohastatus Puplesis Diskus, A. articulosus Puplesis Diskus, A. bovicorneus Puplesis Diskus, and A. insolentis Puplesis Diskus. We also comment on the re-deposition of some type series to the collection of the Zoological Museum of the Natural History Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen.

Lepidoptera , Moths , Animal Distribution , Animals , United States
Zootaxa ; 4691(1): zootaxa.4691.1.1, 2019 Oct 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31719411


We describe seven new Neotropical species of Tischeriidae: Astrotischeria dondavisi Stonis Diskus, sp. nov., A. bacchariphaga Diskus Stonis, sp. nov., A. guatemalica Diskus Stonis, sp. nov., A. sanjosei Stonis Diskus, sp. nov., A. truncata Diskus Stonis, sp. nov., Coptotriche parvisacculata Diskus Stonis, sp. nov. and C. carmencita Stonis Diskus, sp. nov. We report the discovery of Coptotriche Walsingham in South America and provide the following new host-plant records for the Neotropical Tischeriidae: Terminalia australis Cambess. (Combretaceae), Baccharis latifolia (Ruiz Pav.) Pers., and B. emarginata (Ruiz Pav.) Pers. (Asteraceae). We update the biology of Astrotischeria ochrimaculosa Diskus, Stonis Vargas with the discovery that Wissadula (Malvaceae) is a new, verified host plant. The new species are illustrated with photographs of the adults, male and, if available, female genitalia, and the leaf mines. We expect broader distributions of tisheriid species in South America inferred from known host-plant distributions.

Baccharis , Lepidoptera , Malvaceae , Moths , Animals , Female , Male , Plant Leaves , South America
Zookeys ; 900: 87-110, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31920425


We describe a new pest of guava (Psidium guajava L.), Hesperolyra guajavifoliae Stonis & Vargas, sp. nov., that was recently discovered in western Colombia. Hesperolyra van Nieukerken is a small, Neotropical genus of pygmy moths (Nepticulidae). We re-examine and document the complex morphology of the male genitalia of the generic type species, H. diskusi (Puplesis & Robinson). We discuss the diagnostics and composition of the genus and provide a simple pictorial differentiation scheme for all currently known representatives of the genus. The new species is illustrated with photographs of the adults, some of the immature stages, male and female genitalia, and leaf mines. A link to the COI barcodes of H. guajavifoliae sp. nov. is provided and the relationship of Hesperolyra to other genera is discussed.

Zootaxa ; 4521(2): 151-182, 2018 Nov 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30486171


The genus Simplimorpha Scoble is recognized for the first time from South America. We describe a subgenus, Myrtinepticula Stonis Diskus, subgen. nov., for three new species from the southern Andes (Chile and Argentina): Simplimorpha (Myrtinepticula) cercaria Diskus Stonis, sp. nov., S. (M.) nielseni Remeikis Stonis, sp. nov., S. (M.) sapphirella Remeikis Stonis, sp. nov.; and one new species from the southwestern Amazon (Peru): S. (M.) kailai Stonis, sp. nov. We provide a pictorial differentiation scheme for Simplimorpha Scoble and Pectinivalva Scoble. We synonymize the recently erected, predominantly Australian Menurella Hoare, syn. nov. and Cosanovula Hoare, syn. nov. with Pectinivalva Scoble. We also revise the taxonomic status of the Australian Roscidotoga Hoare as a subgenus of Simplimorpha which now exhibits a Gondwanan distribution in the Southern Hemisphere, with the presence of a single species in the Mediterranean. All new taxa are illustrated with photographs of the adults and the genitalia; the leaf mines of Simplimorpha (Myrtinepticula) nielseni sp. nov. are also provided.

Moths , Animals , Argentina , Australia , Chile , Peru
Zootaxa ; 4392(3): 458-468, 2018 Mar 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29690393


In addition to numerous new species that can be placed to genera, our recent study of a large collection sample of Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera) from Central and South America revealed a few odd-looking new species, the taxonomic position of which seems rather problematic and, therefore, preliminary. Here we describe three new species of pygmy moths (Nepticulidae) from the Amazonian rainforest (Venezuela) and southern Andes (Chile and Argentina) possessing uncommon morphology. We also provide the first photographic documentation of the Central American Acalyptris argentosa (Puplesis Robinson, 2000) with rather odd and hitherto unknown hindwing scaling. All species treated in the paper are extensively illustrated with drawings and (or) photographs of the adults and genitalia.

Lepidoptera , Animals , Argentina , Chile , Moths , Rainforest , United States , Venezuela
Zootaxa ; 4338(3): 489-506, 2017 Oct 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29245714


We provide diagnostic characters for the genus Glaucolepis Braun, re-examine the type series of the type species of the North American G. saccharella Braun, describe two new species from Chile and Argentina (G. flagellata Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov. and G. pseudoflagellata Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov.), and provide the first photographic documentation of the central Andean G. aerifica (Meyrick). We synonymize Neotrifurcula van Nieukerken, 2016, syn. nov. with Glaucolepis and provide one new combination for the south Andean G. gielisorum (van Nieukerken, 2016), comb. nov. All species treated in the paper are illustrated with drawings and (or) photographs of the adults and genitalia.

Lepidoptera , Animal Distribution , Animals , Argentina , Chile , Genitalia , Moths , United States
Zootaxa ; 4338(1): 128-140, 2017 Oct 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29245730


We provide a report on Nepticulidae feeding on Lamiaceae plants in South America and describe two new species from the Andes: Stigmella lamiacifoliae Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov., feeding on Salvia palifolia in Colombia, and S. scutellariae Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov., feeding on Scutellaria volubilis in Ecuador. The leaf mines, adults, genitalia, and habitats of the new species are illustrated.

Lepidoptera , Animals , Colombia , Ecuador , Lamiaceae , Moths , South America
Zootaxa ; 4257(1): 1-70, 2017 Apr 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28609938


We review forty-five species of Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera) based on an analysis of samples collected in the central Andean region of Peru and Bolivia. Thirteen of these species are new to science, and are named and described here: Stigmella paracosma Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov., S. expressa Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov., S. acalyphae Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov., S. lepida Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov., S. misera Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov., S. inca Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov., S. eiffeli Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov., S. arequipica Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov., S. coronaria Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov., S. azulella Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov., S. sparsella Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov., Manoneura forcipis Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov., and Acalyptris murex Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov. Some of the central Andean species are recorded here as leaf-miners on Euphorbiaceae (Acalypha), Fabaceae (Collaea), Rosaceae (Polylepis), Malvaceae (Sida), Calceolariaceae (Calceolaria), Lamiaceae (Clinopodium), and Asteraceae (Ageratina and Trixis). We create eleven new species groups based on morphological characters designated in Stigmella and one in Acalyptris. A pictorial key to the species groups and distribution maps are provided. All new species are illustrated with 150 photographs and drawings of the adults and genitalia, and, where known and/or available, photographs of host-plants and leaf-mines.

Moths , Animals , Bolivia , Peru , Plant Leaves
Zootaxa ; 4272(1): 1-39, 2017 05 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28610300


The paper treats fifteen species of leaf-mining pygmy moths (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Nepticulidae) discovered in the Neotropics (British Virgin Islands, Belize, Costa Rica, Venezuela, and Ecuador), and Ando-Patagonian region (Argentina and Chile). Except for two species, all belong to Stigmella Schrank. Twelve species are new, and are named and described in the current paper: Stigmella apicibrunella Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov.; S. decora Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov.; S. unicaudata Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov.; S. sanmartini Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov.; S. patula Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov.; S. torosa Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov.; S. monstrata Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov.; S. huahumi Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov.; S. venezuelica Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov.; S. virginica Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov.; Fomoria miranda Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov.; and Hesperolyra robinsoni Stonis, sp. n. Newly discovered variation of male genitalia of the Andean Stigmella rudis Puplesis & Robinson, 2000 is briefly discussed, and the formerly poorly understood Stigmella hylomaga (Meyrick, 1931) is redescribed and documented with photographs for the first time. We also present more photographs and add some addtional information on Stigmella gallicola van Nieukerken & Nishida, a recently described gall-maker from Costa Rica.The paper also provides new host-plant data: some of the described (or redescribed) species are reported for the first time as leaf-miners on plants belonging to Euphorbiaceae (Acalypha padifolia Kunth), Salicaceae (Azara microphylla Hook. f.), Fabaceae (Inga spectabilis (Vahl) Willd. or I. edulis Mart.), Rhamnaceae (Colletia spinosissima J. F. Gmel.), Geraniaceae or Vivianiaceae (Rhynchotheca spinosa Ruiz & Pav.), and Asteraceae (Mutisia decurrens Cav.). All species treated in the paper are illustrated with photographs of the adults and genitalia, a distribution map, and also photographs of the leaf-mines and host plants when available.

Lepidoptera , Animals , Argentina , Belize , Chile , Costa Rica , Ecuador , Male , Plants , Venezuela
Zootaxa ; 4200(4): zootaxa.4200.4.7, 2016 Dec 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27988609


On the basis of morphological studies of collection samples from the Andes (Ecuador, Peru and Argentina), we describe five new species of Stigmella Schrank (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae): S. varispinella Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov. (Ecuador), S. olekarsholti Remeikis Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov., S. magnispinella Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov. (Peru), S. dolia Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov., and S. patagonica Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov. (Argentina). All treated taxa belong to the newly designated S. magnispinella group. Images of adults and genitalia, pictorial keys, a distribution map, and photographs of the leaf-mines of S. olekarsholti are included.

Moths/classification , Animals , Argentina , Ecuador , Female , Geography , Male , Moths/anatomy & histology
Zootaxa ; 4181(1): 1-94, 2016 Nov 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27811666


The monograph treats 29 species of leaf-mining pygmy moths (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Nepticulidae) discovered in the northern Andean bush and grass páramo and the central Andean puna at altitudes above 3700 m. They represent the world's highest-altitudinal Nepticulidae fauna known. The height record belongs to Stigmella nivea sp. nov. from Peru collected at an elevation of 4700 m. Except for one species, all belong to Stigmella Schrank. Twenty-two of the species recorded are new and are named and described in the current paper: Stigmella paramica Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov.; S. lachemillae Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov.; S. gynoxyphaga Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov.; S. calceolariae Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov.; S. rigida Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov.; S. altiplanica Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov.; S. robusta Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov.; S. pseudorobusta Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov.; S. auriargentata Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov.; S. altimontana Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov.; S. pandora Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov.; S. ampla Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov.; S. evanida Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov.; S. mustelina Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov.; S. angusta Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov.; S. alticosma Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov.; S. nivea Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov.; S. kristenseni Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov.; S. lobata Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov.; S. ageratinae Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov.; S. clinopodiella Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov.; and S. calceolarifoliae Diskus & Stonis, sp. nov. Some of these species are leaf-miners on Asteraceae (Pentacalia, Baccharis, Gynoxys, and Ageratina plants), Calceolariaceae (Calceolaria), Lamiaceae (Clinopodium), and Rosaceae (Lachemilla). Twenty species are known only from adults with no data on their biology and host-plants. In addition, we present data and discuss recently discovered nepticulid taxa associated with Polylepis forests that is the natural vegetation in much of the High Andes. All High-Andean Stigmella species treated are illustrated with photographs of the adults and genitalia, distribution maps, including some with photographs of the leaf-mines and habitats.

Altitude , Ecosystem , Moths/classification , Animals , Female , Male , Moths/anatomy & histology , South America