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Can Urol Assoc J ; 18(4): 110-114, 2024 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38381939


INTRODUCTION: Postoperative imaging for deceased donor renal transplants is often delayed, as these surgeries occur after-hours. These delays can be critical in identifying immediate complications. To our knowledge, there are no formal training programs for point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) in this setting; therefore, we aimed to develop and evaluate a feasible and practical POCUS curriculum for the assessment of a renal transplant graft. METHODS: Urology and nephrology transplant physicians completed a three-hour online course, followed by a five-hour hands-on seminar for sonographic scanning. Simulated patients with transplanted kidneys were used. Course material was developed with licensed ultrasound technologists based on Sonography Canada national competency profiles. Pre- and post-course surveys focused on user confidence, while pre- and post-course multiple-choice questionnaires assessed theoretical knowledge. RESULTS: Twelve participants were included, six of whom were urologists. Theoretical knowledge in POCUS improved significantly (p<0.001). Confidence in manipulation of ultrasound controls, Doppler imaging, and POCUS of the transplant kidney also improved (all p<0.001, d>2.0). Participants indicated an increased likelihood of POCUS use in clinical practice and that training should be integrated into a transplant fellowship. CONCLUSIONS: We introduced a novel and guideline-based POCUS curriculum that leveraged local ultrasound educators and found improved theoretical knowledge and skill confidence in our cohort of transplant physicians. This course will serve as the first step toward a validated competency-based training system for POCUS use in the immediate post-renal transplant setting, and likely will be incorporated into the training of the modern transplant physician.

Can J Kidney Health Dis ; 11: 20543581241231462, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38410167


Purpose of program: A key barrier to becoming a living kidney donor is an inefficient evaluation process, requiring more than 30 tests (eg, laboratory and diagnostic tests), questionnaires, and specialist consultations. Donor candidates make several trips to hospitals and clinics, and often spend months waiting for appointments and test results. The median evaluation time for a donor candidate in Ontario, Canada, is nearly 1 year. Longer wait times are associated with poorer outcomes for the kidney transplant recipient and higher health care costs. A shorter, more efficient donor evaluation process may help more patients with kidney failure receive a transplant, including a pre-emptive kidney transplant (ie, avoiding the need for dialysis). In this report, we describe the development of a quality improvement intervention to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and patient-centeredness of the donor candidate evaluation process. We developed a One-Day Living Kidney Donor Assessment Clinic, a condensed clinic where interested donor candidates complete all testing and consultations within 1 day. Sources of information: The One-Day Living Kidney Donor Assessment Clinic was developed after performing a comprehensive review of the literature, receiving feedback from patients who have successfully donated, and meetings with transplant program leadership from St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton. A multistakeholder team was formed that included health care staff from nephrology, transplant surgery, radiology, cardiology, social work, nuclear medicine, and patients with the prior lived experience of kidney donation. In the planning stages, the team met regularly to determine the objectives of the clinic, criteria for participation, clinic schedule, patient flow, and clinic metrics. Methods: Donor candidates entered the One-Day Clinic if they completed initial laboratory testing and agreed to an expedited process. If additional testing was required, it was completed on a different day. Donor candidates were reviewed by the nephrologist, transplant surgeon, and donor coordinator approximately 2 weeks after the clinic for final approval. The team continues to meet regularly to review donor feedback, discuss challenges, and brainstorm solutions. Key findings: The One-Day Clinic was implemented in March 2019, and has now been running for 4 years, making iterative improvements through continuous patient and provider feedback. To date, we have evaluated more than 150 donor candidates in this clinic. Feedback from donors has been uniformly positive (98% of donors stated they were very satisfied with the clinic), with most noting that the clinic was efficient and minimally impacted work and family obligations. Hospital leadership, including the health care professionals from each participating department, continue to show support and collaborate to create a seamless experience for donor candidates attending the One-Day Clinic. Limitations: Clinic spots are limited, meaning some interested donor candidates may not be able to enter a One-Day Clinic the same month they come forward. Implications: This patient-centered quality improvement intervention is designed to improve the efficiency and experience of the living kidney donor evaluation, result in better outcomes for kidney transplant recipients, and potentially increase living donation. Our next step is to conduct a formal evaluation of the clinic, measuring qualitative feedback from health care professionals working in the clinic and donor candidates attending the clinic, and measuring key process and outcome measures in donor candidates who completed the one-day assessment compared with those who underwent the usual care assessment. This program evaluation will provide reliable, regionally relevant evidence that will inform transplant centers across the country as they consider incorporating a similar one-day assessment model.

Objectifs du programme: Devenir donneur de rein vivant est difficile, le principal obstacle étant le processus d'évaluation inefficace auquel les candidats doivent se soumettre. Ce processus comporte plus de 30 examens (p. ex. tests de laboratoire et tests diagnostiques), questionnaires et consultations avec des spécialistes. Les candidats donneurs font plusieurs visites dans les hôpitaux et cliniques, et passent souvent plusieurs mois à attendre des rendez-vous et des résultats de tests. En Ontario (Canada), le délai médian pour l'évaluation d'un candidat au don est de près d'un an. Les temps d'attente plus longs sont associés à de moins bons résultats pour les receveurs d'une greffe rénale, ainsi qu'à des coûts de soins de santé plus élevés. Un processus d'évaluation plus court et plus efficace des donneurs potentiels permettrait à un plus grand nombre de patients atteints d'insuffisance rénale de recevoir une greffe, y compris une greffe préventive (c.-à-d. permettant d'éviter la dialyse). Cet article décrit une intervention d'amélioration de la qualité visant à augmenter l'efficience, l'efficacité et la personnalisation du processus d'évaluation des candidats au don. Nous avons développé une clinique d'un jour pour l'évaluation des donneurs de reins vivants (One-Day Living Kidney Donor Assessment Clinic), soit une clinique condensée où les candidats passent tous les tests et consultent un spécialiste dans la même journée. Sources de l'information: La clinique d'un jour pour l'évaluation des donneurs de reins vivants a été développée à la suite d'un examen approfondi de la littérature, de la consultation des commentaires de patients ayant donné avec succès et de rencontres avec les dirigeants du programme de transplantation du St Joseph's Healthcare d'Hamilton. Une équipe multipartite a été formée; celle-ci réunit du personnel soignant en néphrologie, chirurgie de transplantation, radiologie, cardiologie, travail social et médecine nucléaire, ainsi que des patients ayant une expérience vécue du don de rein. L'équipe s'est réunie régulièrement pendant les étapes de planification pour déterminer les objectifs, les paramètres et le calendrier de la clinique, ainsi que les critères de participation et le flux de patients. Méthodologie: Les donneurs potentiels qui avaient complété les tests de laboratoire initiaux et qui acceptaient de se soumettre à un processus accéléré ont été évalués à la clinique d'un jour. Si des tests supplémentaires étaient nécessaires, ceux-ci étaient effectués un autre jour. Les candidats ont été rencontrés par le néphrologue, le chirurgien de transplantation et le coordonnateur des dons environ deux semaines après leur visite à la clinique pour l'approbation finale. L'équipe multipartite continue de se réunir régulièrement pour examiner les commentaires des donneurs, discuter des défis et trouver des solutions. Principaux résultats: La clinique d'un jour, mise sur pied en mars 2019, est en activité depuis quatre ans et permet des améliorations itératives grâce à la rétroaction continue des patients et des soignants. À ce jour, plus de 150 candidats au don ont été évalués à la clinique. Les commentaires des donneurs sont quasi unanimement positifs (98 % des candidats ont déclaré être très satisfaits de la clinique), la plupart soulignant l'efficacité de la clinique et les conséquences minimes du processus sur les obligations professionnelles et familiales. La direction de l'hôpital, tout comme les professionnels de la santé des services participants, continue d'appuyer la clinique d'un jour et de collaborer à la création d'une expérience fluide pour les donneurs potentiels qui la fréquentent. Limites: Les places à la clinique sont limitées; ainsi, certains candidats au don d'un rein vivant pourraient ne pas pouvoir être admis dans le mois où ils se présentent à la clinique. Conclusion: Cette intervention d'amélioration de la qualité axée sur les patients est conçue pour augmenter l'efficacité du processus d'évaluation et bonifier l'expérience des donneurs de rein vivants. Elle vise également à améliorer les résultats des receveurs d'une greffe rénale et, potentiellement, augmenter le don vivant. La prochaine étape sera une évaluation formelle de la clinique, c'est-à-dire la mesure de la rétroaction qualitative des professionnels de la santé qui y travaillent et des candidats au don qui la fréquentent, et l'analyse des processus clés et des résultats des candidats évalués à la clinique d'un jour par rapport à ceux qui suivent le processus d'évaluation habituel. Cette évaluation du programme fournira des données probantes fiables et propres à la région qui pourront informer les centres de transplantation de tout le pays qui envisagent d'intégrer un processus d'évaluation similaire.

Conserv Biol ; 38(1): e14143, 2024 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37424364


Grassland birds in North America have declined sharply over the last 60 years, driven by the widespread loss and degradation of grassland habitats. Climate change is occurring more rapidly in grasslands relative to some other ecosystems, and exposure to extreme and novel climate conditions may affect grassland bird ecology and demographics. To determine the potential effects of weather and climate variability on grassland birds, we conducted a systematic review of relationships between temperature and precipitation and demographic responses in grassland bird species of North America. Based on 124 independent studies, we used a vote-counting approach to quantify the frequency and direction of significant effects of weather and climate variability on grassland birds. Grassland birds tended to experience positive and negative effects of higher temperatures and altered precipitation. Moderate, sustained increases in mean temperature and precipitation benefitted some species, but extreme heat, drought, and heavy rainfall often reduced abundance and nest success. These patterns varied among climate regions, temporal scales of temperature and precipitation (<1 or ≥1 month), and taxa. The sensitivity of grassland bird populations to extreme weather and altered climate variability will likely be mediated by regional climates, interaction with other stressors, life-history strategies of various species, and species' tolerances for novel climate conditions.

Sensibilidad de las aves norteamericanas de pastizales ante la variabilidad climática y el clima Resumen Las aves de los pastizales norteamericanos han declinado gravemente durante los últimos 60 años, principalmente debido a la pérdida generalizada y la degradación del hábitat. El cambio climático ocurre cada vez más rápido en los pastizales en relación con otros ecosistemas, y la exposición a las condiciones climáticas nuevas y extremas puede afectar la demografía y la ecología aviar en los pastizales. Realizamos un análisis sistemático de las relaciones entre la temperatura y la precipitación y las respuestas demográficas de las especies de aves de pastizales en Norteamérica para determinar los efectos potenciales del clima y la variabilidad climática sobre estas aves. Usamos un método de conteo de votos basado en 124 estudios independientes para cuantificar la frecuencia y dirección de los efectos significativos del clima y la variabilidad climática sobre las aves de pastizal. Las aves de pastizal tendieron a experimentar los efectos positivos y negativos de las altas temperaturas y la precipitación alterada. El incremento moderado y sostenido en las medias de temperatura y precipitación beneficiaron a algunas especies, pero el calor extremo, la sequía y las lluvias torrenciales redujeron con frecuencia la abundancia y el éxito de anidación. Estos patrones variaron entre las regiones climáticas, las escalas temporales de temperatura y precipitación (< 1 mes o ≥ 1 mes) y los taxones. La sensibilidad de las poblaciones de aves de pastizal ante el clima extremo y la variabilidad climática alterada probablemente será mediada por los climas regionales, la interacción con otros estresantes, las estrategias de vida de varias especies y la tolerancia de las especies a las condiciones climáticas nuevas.

Ecosystem , Grassland , Animals , Conservation of Natural Resources , Weather , Birds/physiology , North America , Climate Change
Ecol Evol ; 11(22): 16006-16020, 2021 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34824807


Grassland birds are among the most globally threatened bird groups due to substantial degradation of native grassland habitats. However, the current network of grassland conservation areas may not be adequate for halting population declines and biodiversity loss. Here, we evaluate a network of grassland conservation areas within Wisconsin, U.S.A., that includes both large Focal Landscapes and smaller targeted conservation areas (e.g., Grassland Bird Conservation Areas, GBCAs) established within them. To date, this conservation network has lacked baseline information to assess whether the current placement of these conservation areas aligns with population hot spots of grassland-dependent taxa. To do so, we fitted data from thousands of avian point-count surveys collected by citizen scientists as part of Wisconsin's Breeding Bird Atlas II with multinomial N-mixture models to estimate habitat-abundance relationships, develop spatially explicit predictions of abundance, and establish ecological baselines within priority conservation areas for a suite of obligate grassland songbirds. Next, we developed spatial randomization tests to evaluate the placement of this conservation network relative to randomly placed conservation networks. Overall, less than 20% of species statewide populations were found within the current grassland conservation network. Spatial tests demonstrated a high representation of this bird assemblage within the entire conservation network, but with a bias toward birds associated with moderately tallgrasses relative to those associated with shortgrasses or tallgrasses. We also found that GBCAs had higher representation at Focal Landscape rather than statewide scales. Here, we demonstrated how combining citizen science data with hierarchical modeling is a powerful tool for estimating ecological baselines and conducting large-scale evaluations of an existing conservation network for multiple grassland birds. Our flexible spatial randomization approach offers the potential to be applied to other protected area networks and serves as a complementary tool for conservation planning efforts globally.

Ecol Evol ; 11(11): 6913-6926, 2021 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34141265


Although it is common for nestlings to exhibit a strong bias for fledging in the morning, the mechanisms underlying this behavior are not well understood. Avoiding predation risk has been proposed as a likely mechanism by a number of researchers. We used video surveillance records from studies of grassland birds nesting in North Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin to determine the diel pattern of nest predation and fledging patterns of four ground-nesting obligate grassland passerines (Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum), Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis), Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus), and Eastern Meadowlark (Sturnella magna)). We used the nest predation pattern as a surrogate for predation activity to test whether nestlings minimized predation risk by avoiding fledging when predation activity was high and preferentially fledging when predation risk was low. Predation activity was significantly lower starting 3 hr before sunrise and ending 3 hr after sunrise, followed by a transition to a period of significantly higher activity lasting for 4 hr, before declining to an average activity level for the rest of the diel period. There was little evidence that the four grassland bird species avoided fledging during the high-risk period and Savannah Sparrow fledged at higher rates during that period. All four species had hours during the low-risk period where they fledged at higher rates, but only Grasshopper Sparrow fledged preferentially during that period. Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark had multiple hours with high fledging rates throughout the daytime period, resulting in no relationship between probability of fledging and predation risk. Given the species variability in fledging pattern seen in our study, it is unlikely that there is a universal response to any driver that affects time of fledging. Further study is needed to understand the complex interplay between species ecology and drivers such as physiology, energetics, and predation in affecting grassland bird fledging behavior.

Behav Processes ; 181: 104260, 2020 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33017667


Proximity and synchronous behaviours from surface observations have been used to measure association patterns within and between dolphin dyads. To facilitate an investigation of relationship quality in dolphins, we applied a method used for primates and ravens that examined three main components to describe relationships: value, security, and compatibility. Using pilot data from long-term research of two study populations for this preliminary assessment, these three components were extracted from PCA of eight behavioural variables with more than 80 % variance accounted for in both study groups. Only pair swim position differed between groups. Although value, security, and compatibility are abstract terms, each is based on behaviours identified as important in dolphin social life, at least for these two populations. Examining relationship quality in dolphins with a method used to illustrate dyadic differences for primates and ravens allows for a quantitative, comparative assessment of sociality across disparate taxa. Although these species are diverse in their anatomies and in their social habitats (e.g., aquatic, terrestrial, aerial), they may well share the basic societal building blocks in the factors affecting how relationships are formed. We discuss how an examination of these behavioural variables facilitates understanding relationship quality in dolphins, as well as how dolphin relationships fit into the context of social animals' society.

Bottle-Nosed Dolphin , Animals , Ecosystem , Social Behavior , Swimming
Transplant Proc ; 52(10): 3144-3152, 2020 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32402459


BACKGROUND: Kidney transplant recipients (KTRs) are routinely excluded from direct oral anticoagulant (DOAC) trials. Given the lack of safety and efficacy data in this population, we examined real-world prescribing practices of DOACs in KTRs. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective cohort study using linked administrative data sets in Ontario, Canada. All adult KTRs (n = 5580) from June 23, 2009, to March 31, 2017, were included. The primary outcomes were the first prescription for a DOAC or warfarin. Patients were censored on graft failure, death, or end of follow-up. RESULTS: The mean age was 55 (SD, 14) years; 63% were male, and 65% had received a deceased donor kidney. Over a median follow-up of 5.5 and 4.7 years, 224 KTRs (4.0%) and 824 KTRs (14.8%) were prescribed DOACs and warfarin, respectively. The rates of DOAC and warfarin prescriptions were 8.1 and 32.6 per 1000 person-years, respectively. Older age, receipt of a kidney transplant in more recent years, and higher baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate were associated with DOAC prescription compared with warfarin. Patients with multiple comorbidities and a history of deep venous thromboembolism had a lower risk of DOAC prescription compared with warfarin. When examined by era, the incidence rate of both DOAC and warfarin prescriptions increased significantly over time. CONCLUSIONS: Despite limited safety and efficacy data, DOACs are prescribed to KTRs. However, warfarin still remains more commonly prescribed in this selected patient population. Anticoagulant prescriptions overall are on the rise in KTRs. Further study is needed to determine the safety and efficacy of DOACs in KTRs.

Anticoagulants/therapeutic use , Antithrombins/therapeutic use , Kidney Transplantation , Practice Patterns, Physicians'/statistics & numerical data , Warfarin/therapeutic use , Administration, Oral , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Cohort Studies , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Ontario , Retrospective Studies
Can J Kidney Health Dis ; 7: 2054358119897229, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32047641


BACKGROUND: Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) is an extremely rare, heterogeneous disease of uncontrolled activation of the alternative complement pathway that is difficult to diagnose. We have evaluated the Canadian patients enrolled in the Global aHUS Registry to provide a Canadian perspective regarding the diagnosis and management of aHUS and the specific challenges faced. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate Canadian patients enrolled in the Global aHUS Registry to provide a Canadian perspective regarding the diagnosis and management of aHUS and the specific challenges faced. METHODS: The Global aHUS Registry is an observational, noninterventional, multicenter study that has prospectively and retrospectively collected data from patients of all ages with an investigator-made clinical diagnosis of aHUS, irrespective of treatment. Patients of all ages with a clinical diagnosis of aHUS were eligible and invited for enrollment, and those with evidence of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli infection, or with ADAMTS13 activity ≤10%, or a subsequent diagnosis of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura were excluded. Data were collected at enrollment and every 6 months thereafter and were analyzed descriptively for categorical and continuous variables. End-stage renal disease (ESRD)-free survival was evaluated using Kaplan-Meier estimates, and ESRD-associated risk factors of interest were assessed using Cox proportional hazards regression models. Patients were censored at start of eculizumab for any outcome measures. RESULTS: A total of 37 Canadian patients were enrolled (15 pediatric and 22 adult patients) between February 2014 and May 2017; the median age at initial aHUS presentation was 25.9 (interquartile range = 6.7-51.7) years; 62.2% were female and 94.6% had no family history of aHUS. Over three-quarters of patients (78.4%) had no conclusive genetic or anti-complement factor H (CFH) antibody information available, and most patients (94%) had no reported precipitating factors prior to aHUS diagnosis. Nine patients (8 adults and 1 child) experienced ESRD prior to the study. After initial presentation, there appears to be a trend that children are less likely to experience ESRD than adults, with 5-year ESRD-free survival of 93 and 56% (P = .05) in children and adults, respectively. Enrolling physicians reported renal manifestations in all patients at initial presentation, and 68.4% of patients during the chronic phase (study entry ≥6 months after initial presentation). Likewise, extrarenal manifestations also occurred in more patients during the initial presenting phase than the chronic phase, particularly for gastrointestinal (61.1% vs 15.8%) and central nervous system sites (38.9% vs 5.3%). Fewer children than adults experienced gastrointestinal manifestations (50.0% vs 70.0%), but more children than adults experienced pulmonary manifestations (37.5% vs 10.0%). CONCLUSIONS: This evaluation provides insight into the diagnosis and management of aHUS in Canadian patients and the challenges faced. More genetic or anti-CFH antibody testing is needed to improve the diagnosis of aHUS, and the management of children and adults needs to consider several factors such as the risk of progression to ESRD is based on age (more likely in adults), and that the location of extrarenal manifestations differs in children and adults.

CONTEXTE: Le syndrome hémolytique et urémique atypique (SHUa) se caractérise par l'activation incontrôlée de la voie alternative du complément. Il s'agit d'une maladie rare, hétérogène et très difficile à diagnostiquer. Nous avons évalué les patients Canadiens inscrits au registre international du SHUa afin d'offrir une perspective canadienne sur le diagnostic et la prise en charge du SHUa, de même que sur les défis posés par la maladie. OBJECTIF: Évaluer les patients Canadiens inscrits au registre international du SHUa afin d'offrir une perspective canadienne sur le diagnostic et la prise en charge du SHUa, de même que sur les défis posés par la maladie. MÉTHODOLOGIE: Le registre international du SHUa est une étude observationnelle, non interventionnelle et multicentrique ayant recueilli, de façon rétrospective et prospective, des données auprès de patients de tous âges ayant reçu un diagnostic clinique de SHUa, quel que soit le traitement. Tous ces patients étaient admissibles et ont été invités à participer à l'étude. Les patients présentant une infection diagnostiquée à Escherichia coli producteur de shigatoxine, une activité de l'ADAMTS13 inférieure ou égale à 10 % ou un diagnostic subséquent de purpura thrombocytopénique thrombotique ont été exclus. Les données colligées à l'inclusion et à tous les six mois par la suite ont fait l'objet d'une analyze descriptive des variables catégorielles et continues. Des estimations de Kaplan-Meier ont été employées pour évaluer la survie sans insuffisance rénale terminale (IRT) et des modèles de régression à risques proportionnels de Cox ont servi à évaluer les facteurs de risques associés à l'IRT. Les patients ont été censurés au début du traitement par l'eculizumab pour la mesure des résultats. RÉSULTATS: Au total, 37 patients canadiens ont été inscrits (15 enfants et 22 adultes) entre février 2014 et mai 2017. L'âge médian lors de l'épisode initial était de 25,9 ans (intervalle interquartile: 6,7­51,7); 62,2 % des sujets étaient de sexe féminin et 94,6 % n'avaient pas d'antécédents familiaux de SHUa. Plus des trois quarts des patients (78,4 %) ne disposaient d'aucune information génétique ou relative aux anticorps anti-complément du facteur H concluante, et aucun facteur précipitant n'avait été rapporté avant le diagnostic pour la majorité des patients (94 %). Neuf patients (8 adultes et 1 enfant) avaient souffert d'IRT avant l'étude. Une tendance semble indiquer qu'après l'épisode initial, les enfants seraient moins susceptibles que les adultes de progresser vers l'IRT (survie sans IRT après 5 ans: 93 % et 56 % respectivement; P = 0,05). Les médecins-recruteurs ont observé des manifestations rénales chez tous les patients lors de l'épisode initial de SHUa et chez 68,4 % des patients au cours de la phase chronique (inscription à l'étude au moins 6 mois après l'épisode initial). Parallèlement, les manifestations extra-rénales sont également survenues chez davantage de patients lors de l'épisode initial que lors de la phase chronique, particulièrement pour les manifestations gastro-intestinales (61,1 % contre 15,8 %) et du système nerveux central (38,9 % contre 5,3 %). Les enfants ont été moins nombreux que les adultes à subir des manifestations gastro-intestinales (50,0 % contre 70,0 %), mais ont subi davantage de manifestations pulmonaires (37,5 % contre 10,0 %). CONCLUSION: Cette étude offre un éclairage sur le diagnostic et la prise en charge du SHUa chez les patients canadiens, de même que sur les défis posés par la maladie. Davantage de dépistage génétique et de dépistage des anticorps anti-CFH sont requis pour améliorer le diagnostic du SHUa. La prise en charge de la maladie doit tenir compte de plusieurs facteurs, notamment du risque de progression vers l'IRT qui varie selon l'âge (plus probable chez l'adulte) et du fait que le site des manifestations extrarénales diffère chez l'enfant et l'adulte.

Can J Anaesth ; 67(4): 437-444, 2020 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31863280


PURPOSE: Clinicians lack well-validated, non-invasive, objective tools to guide volume management in the post-resuscitative period. Bioimpedance analysis (BIA) represents a novel method for guiding fluid management. We studied the relationship of BIA vector length (VL), an indicator of volume status, to the need for mechanical ventilation in patients with sepsis. METHODS: This is a multicentre prospective observational study at four Canadian ICUs. We examined adult patients admitted to the ICU within 72 hr of a sepsis diagnosis. Patients underwent daily BIA measurements for 30 days, until discharge from the ICU, or until death. Our primary outcome was the ongoing need for invasive mechanical ventilation, and we examined the association with VL using a generalized estimating equation. Our secondary analyses were targeted to determine an association between VL and other measures of volume status and acute kidney injury (AKI). RESULTS: We enrolled 159 patients from four centres over 27 months. The mean (standard deviation [SD]) age was 64 (15) yr with a mean (SD) APACHE (acute physiology, age, chronic health evaluation) II score of 25 (10); 57% (n = 91) were male. A 50-unit (ohm·m) increase in VL over any time period was associated with a 30% decrease in the probability of requiring invasive mechanical ventilation (P < 0.03). Volume expansion, indicated by a shorter VL, correlated with higher edema scores (r = - 0.31; P < 0.001) and higher net 24-hr fluid balance (r = - 0.27, P < 0.001). Patients with AKI had a shorter overall VL (r = - 0.23; P = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: An increase in VL over time is associated with a decrease in probability of requiring invasive mechanical ventilation. Vector length correlates with other commonly used volume assessment methods in post-resuscitation patients with sepsis.

Sepsis , APACHE , Canada , Female , Humans , Intensive Care Units , Male , Prospective Studies
World J Transplant ; 9(6): 134-144, 2019 Oct 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31750090


BACKGROUND: Novel oral anticoagulants (NOACs) were developed as alternatives to vitamin K antagonists, primarily warfarin, as they do not require routine monitoring and have limited drug-drug and drug-food interactions. However, the efficacy and safety of these agents in kidney transplantation are not well studied. AIM: To assess the profile and safety of NOACs for patients who had kidney transplantation, and to provide recommendations and guidelines on therapeutic strategies in these patients. METHODS: This was a retrospective study carried out among adult patients who were actively on the following NOACs (apixaban, rivaroxaban or dabigatran) in our renal transplantation program from December 2015 to December 2016. The patients were identified primarily through electronic medical record system (patient data linkage). Data on the clinical and laboratory profile of the patients were retrieved and analyzed with SPSS 22.0. RESULTS: Complete data on 42 renal transplant patients were retrieved: 59.5% males, 90.5% were whites and 66.7% were older than 60 years old. The mean duration since renal transplantation of the patients was 8.8 ± 7.4 years. The most common risk factors for the development of end-stage renal disease in the subjects were hypertension (19.0%), polycystic kidney disease (19.0%), followed by diabetic nephropathy (16.7%) and chronic glomerulonephritis (16.7%). The main indications for NOACs use in the cohort were atrial fibrillation in 25 patients (59.5%) and venous thromboembolism in 10 patients (23.8%). Overall, 29 patients (69%) were treated with apixaban, 10 patients (23.8%) with rivaroxaban and 3 patients (7.14%) with dabigatran. No (0%) thromboembolic events were observed during the one-year period, but 3 (7.1%) bleeding events occurred in the cohort consisting of 1 patient treated with rivaroxaban 15 mg daily and 2 patients who received apixaban 2.5 mg twice daily. There were no significant changes in serum tacrolimus level three days after the initiation of NOACs among patients treated with tacrolimus (pre- and post-NOACs tacrolimus levels were 7.2516 and 7.8867 ng/mL, P = 0.55, respectively). Also, after one-year of treatment with NOACs there were no significant changes in the pre- and post-NOACs serum creatinine level (P = 0.772) and estimated glomerular filtration rates (P = 0.232). CONCLUSION: No thromboembolic events or significant changes in renal profile were observed in our cohort of kidney transplant recipients who were treated with NOACs for at least a year. However, a few bleeding events were observed. This calls for further well-planned randomized controlled trials to assess the efficacy and safety of NOACs among renal transplant recipients.

Ecol Evol ; 9(18): 10263-10276, 2019 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31624550


Rapid global climate change is resulting in novel abiotic and biotic conditions and interactions. Identifying management strategies that maximize probability of long-term persistence requires an understanding of the vulnerability of species to environmental changes. We sought to quantify the vulnerability of Kirtland's Warbler (Setophaga kirtlandii), a rare Neotropical migratory songbird that breeds almost exclusively in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan and winters in the Bahamian Archipelago, to projected environmental changes on the breeding and wintering grounds. We developed a population-level simulation model that incorporates the influence of annual environmental conditions on the breeding and wintering grounds, and parameterized the model using empirical relationships. We simulated independent and additive effects of reduced breeding grounds habitat quantity and quality, and wintering grounds habitat quality, on population viability. Our results indicated the Kirtland's Warbler population is stable under current environmental and management conditions. Reduced breeding grounds habitat quantity resulted in reductions of the stable population size, but did not cause extinction under the scenarios we examined. In contrast, projected large reductions in wintering grounds precipitation caused the population to decline, with risk of extinction magnified when breeding habitat quantity or quality also decreased. Our study indicates that probability of long-term persistence for Kirtland's Warbler will depend on climate change impacts to wintering grounds habitat quality and contributes to the growing literature documenting the importance of considering the full annual cycle for understanding population dynamics of migratory species.

Clin J Am Soc Nephrol ; 14(11): 1642-1650, 2019 11 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31540931


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: With expansion of the pool of kidney grafts, through the use of higher-risk donors, and increased attention to donor management strategies, the 1-year graft survival rate is subject to change. It is, therefore, useful to elucidate 1-year graft survival rates by dissecting the characteristics of the low-risk and high-risk kidney transplant cases. The objective of our study was to evaluate factors purported to influence the risk of 1-year graft loss in kidney transplant recipients. DESIGN, SETTING, PARTICIPANTS, & MEASUREMENTS: We searched bibliographic databases from 2000 to 2017 and included observational studies that measured the association between donor, recipient, the transplant operation, or early postoperative complications, and 1-year death-censored graft loss. RESULTS: We identified 35 eligible primary studies, with 20 risk factors amenable to meta-analysis. Six factors were associated with graft loss, with moderate to high degree of certainty: donor age (hazard ratio [HR], 1.11 per 10-year increase; 95% confidence interval [95% CI], 1.04 to 1.18), extended criteria donors (HR, 1.35; 95% CI, 1.28 to 1.42), deceased donors (HR, 1.54; 95% CI, 1.32 to 1.82), number of HLA mismatches (HR, 1.08 per one mismatch increase; 95% CI, 1.07 to 1.09), recipient age (HR, 1.17 per 10-year increase; 95% CI, 1.09 to 1.25), and delayed graft function (HR, 1.89; 95% CI, 1.46 to 2.47) as risk factors for 1-year graft loss. Pooled analyses also excluded, with a high degree of certainty, any associations of cold ischemia time, recipient race, pretransplant body mass index, diabetes, and hypertension with 1-year graft loss. CONCLUSIONS: Recipient age, donor age, standard versus extended criteria donor, living versus deceased donor, HLA mismatch, and delayed graft function all predicted 1-year graft survival. The effect of each risk factor is small.

Graft Survival , Kidney Transplantation , Humans , Risk Factors , Time Factors
Transpl Immunol ; 55: 101210, 2019 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31226423


Renal transplantation is an effective therapy with improved long-term outcomes compared with other therapies for end stage renal disease. Present methods for evaluating kidney allograft function, such as serum creatinine or allograft biopsy, are not sensitive and identify pathological changes only after any potential intervention would be effective. Thus, there is a necessity for biomarkers that would provide early prognostic information about kidney transplant outcomes. Circulating microvesicles represent an attractive source of biomarkers for different diseases including renal failure. We have studied the proteins of the circulating microvesicles from two populations of kidney transplant recipients (n = 20) with poor transplant outcomes (n = 10) or good transplant outcome (n = 10), according to their estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). Microvesicles from age-matched healthy subjects (n = 10) were used as a control. Also, we performed a pilot study to assess the microvesicle protein in kidney transplant recipients before and six months after kidney transplant (n = 6), compared to healthy subjects. Proteomic analysis of microvesicles could discriminate between transplant recipients and healthy subjects, and between transplant patients based on eGFR. Our results shed light on the potential of blood microvesicles to provide a novel tool for the prediction of the outcome of kidney transplants.

Cell-Derived Microparticles/metabolism , Graft Survival , Kidney Failure, Chronic/blood , Kidney Transplantation , Kidney/metabolism , Adult , Female , Glomerular Filtration Rate , Humans , Kidney/pathology , Kidney/physiopathology , Kidney Failure, Chronic/pathology , Kidney Failure, Chronic/surgery , Male , Middle Aged , Pilot Projects , Predictive Value of Tests , Proteomics
Transpl Infect Dis ; 21(3): e13077, 2019 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30873722


Crusted scabies is a rare disease variant associated with T-cell dysregulation. Transplant patients are at risk of developing crusted scabies as a consequence of their immunosuppressive regimens. We report a case of crusted scabies presenting with recurrent septicemia in a 65-year-old renal transplant recipient, treated with daily ivermectin for 7 days after initial failure of weekly ivermectin dosing. A literature review of crusted scabies in transplant recipients consisting of 19 cases reports was summarized. Pruritus was common, and initial misdiagnosis was frequent. Most were treated with topical therapy, with one-third receiving ivermectin. Three of seven cases presenting with a concomitant infection died. Crusted scabies is commonly misdiagnosed in transplant recipients owing to its rarity, varied appearance, and different skin distributions. It should be considered in the differential diagnosis of transplant recipients presenting with rash and pruritus, given its association with secondary infection and subsequent mortality.

Ivermectin/therapeutic use , Kidney Transplantation/adverse effects , Scabies/diagnosis , Scabies/drug therapy , Administration, Oral , Aged , Animals , Diagnosis, Differential , Exanthema , Humans , Immunosuppression Therapy/adverse effects , Male , Recurrence , Sarcoptes scabiei/drug effects , Sepsis/drug therapy , Skin/immunology , Skin/pathology , Vancomycin/therapeutic use
Waste Manag ; 77: 67-77, 2018 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30008416


The Mediterranean Sea is a closed basin with limited water exchange through the Strait of Gibraltar, and sites along its shores show the greatest densities of marine debris in the world. Plastic bottles, which are a growing concern due to high consumption of soft drinks and bottled water, constitute most of the floating marine debris. In this paper we present the transport mechanisms of floating marine debris to and from the Israeli coast using an experimental offshore release and recovery of plastic bottles, with the participation of citizens. Many bottles released near the beach in the south part of Israel, returned to the beach at a short distance and time from the release point. Some release locations had no bottle returns. Ten bottles, released from three locations, were recovered many dozens to hundreds of kilometers from the release point. Since most of the westward water flow in the eastern Mediterranean is subsurface, it was not surprising to find our floating debris only in the east. That makes the Levant basin in the eastern Mediterranean a collection area for floating debris.

Environmental Monitoring , Plastics , Water Pollutants , Israel , Mediterranean Sea , Waste Products
Can J Anaesth ; 65(10): 1110-1119, 2018 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29987806


PURPOSE: Improving the medical care of deceased organ donors to increase transplant rates and improve allograft function requires an understanding of the current epidemiology and clinical practices of deceased donation within intensive care units (ICUs). Herein, we report the results of our investigation into the feasibility of a multicentre prospective cohort study addressing the afformentioned issues. METHODS: We conducted a 12-month prospective observational cohort study in six ICUs and one coronary care unit in Hamilton, Canada. We included consecutive children and adults following consent for deceased organ donation (including neurologic determination of death [NDD] or donation after circulatory death [DCD]). Intensive care unit research staff recorded donor management data from hospital records, extending from one day prior to the consent for organ donation up to the time of organ retrieval. The provincial Organ Donation Organization (ODO) supplemented these data and, additionally, provided data on corresponding organ recipients. We identified, evaluated, and measured three potential obstacles to the feasibility of a national cohort study: obtaining authorization to implement the study with a waiver of research consent, accessibility of transplant recipient data, and the time required to complete very detailed case report forms (CRFs), with valuable lessons learned for implementation in future projects. RESULTS: The local Research Ethics Board and the ODO Privacy Office both authorized the recording of donor and recipient study data with a waiver of research consent. Sixty-seven consecutive consented donors were included (31 NDD and 36 DCD donors); 50 of them provided 144 organs for transplantation to 141 recipients. We identified the age and sex of the recipients as well as the location and date of transplant for all organ recipients in Ontario; however, we obtained no recipient data for six organs transported outside of Ontario. Intensive care unit research staff estimated that future CRF completion will require five to seven hours per patient. CONCLUSION: The Hamilton-DONATE pilot study supports the feasibility of a larger cohort study to describe the epidemiology and clinical practices related to deceased donor care in Canada. TRIAL REGISTRATION: (NCT02902783). Registered 16 September 2016.

Intensive Care Units , Tissue Donors , Adult , Aged , Female , Guideline Adherence , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Pilot Projects , Prospective Studies
Can J Kidney Health Dis ; 5: 2054358118778564, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29900001


BACKGROUND: Several studies have demonstrated harm associated with using erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESA) to achieve higher hemoglobin (Hb) levels. Subsequently, more conservative use of ESAs has changed anemia therapy in patients with chronic renal failure. OBJECTIVE: The objectives were to identify transfusion rates in hemodialysis (HD) patients during the first year of therapy, to identify factors associated with the probability of transfusion, describe reasons for the transfusions, and identify the Hb values associated with each transfusion. An exploratory objective was to describe the age of red blood cell transfusions. DESIGN: This was a multicenter prospective observational cohort study. SETTING: There were 12 study sites in 5 Canadian provinces. The study was performed from 2012 to 2014. METHODS: The study patients were adult incident chronic HD patients in these centers. Patients with acute kidney injury, peritoneal dialysis, and planned transfer to satellite units were excluded. Patients had to receive at least 1 month of chronic HD to be eligible. Data for 3 months prior to HD were obtained by retrospective chart review. Prospectively, charts were reviewed monthly for 12 months for data abstraction. RESULTS: There were 314 patients enrolled and 79.9% completed 12 month follow-up. Ninety-four (29.9%) patients received at least 1 unit of blood. During the first 90 days, the transfusion episode rate was 148.4 per 100 patient-years compared with 62.6 per 100 patient-years post 90 days. The most frequent indication was a low Hb value (92%) with gastrointestinal bleeding, surgical blood loss, and fatigue accounting for 9.9%, 8.6%, and 4.5%, respectively. Some patients had >1 indication. The mean Hb values prior to transfusion episodes ranged from 75.3 to 78.6 g/L. Cox regression analysis on time to first transfusion and time to first hospitalization/death both showed an association with inpatient initiation of HD. Some 37.5% initiated HD as an inpatient and differed from those starting as an outpatient. They had less predialysis care and laboratory data suggested more inflammation. The mean and median ages of the blood units transfused were 24.9 (SD = 10.0) and 23 days (interquartile range = 17-33). CONCLUSIONS: This work reported the blood transfusion rate in incident HD patients in Canada during a period associated with conservative ESA prescription. The major indication for transfusion was a low Hb rather than clinical symptoms. Initiation of HD as an inpatient was independently associated with the probability of receiving a blood transfusion. These findings require further investigation.

CONTEXTE: Plusieurs études ont fait état de lésions associées à l'utilisation d'agents stimulant l'érythropoïèse (ASE) pour hausser le taux d'hémoglobine (Hb). Dès lors, une utilisation plus conservatrice des ASE a modifié le traitement de l'anémie chez les patients atteints d'insuffisance rénale chronique. OBJECTIFS DE L'ÉTUDE: L'étude visait à i) établir les taux de transfusion sanguine chez les patients hémodialysés au cours de la première année de traitement; ii) cerner les facteurs associés à la probabilité de recourir à une transfusion sanguine; iii) connaître les raisons de la transfusion; et iv) caractériser le taux d'hémoglobine au moment de l'intervention. En outre, un objectif exploratoire consistait à déterminer l'âge des érythrocytes transfusés. TYPE D'ÉTUDE: Il s'agit d'une étude de cohorte observationnelle prospective multicentrique. CADRE DE L'ÉTUDE: L'étude s'est tenue entre 2012 et 2014 sur douze sites répartis dans cinq provinces canadiennes. MÉTHODOLOGIE: Les patients adultes hémodialysés des centres participants ont été recrutés pour l'étude. Ont été exclus les patients atteints d'insuffisance rénale aiguë, les patients traités par dialyse péritonéale et les patients à être transférés vers une unité satellite. Pour être admissible, le patient devait recevoir un traitement d'hémodialyse continu pendant au moins un mois. On a rétrospectivement tiré des dossiers médicaux les données des trois mois précédant l'hémodialyse, puis on a extrait les données des dossiers médicaux chaque mois sur un an. RÉSULTATS: Un total de 314 patients a participé à l'étude et 79,9 % d'entre eux ont complété les 12 mois de suivi. Sur cette période, 94 patients (29,9 %) ont reçu au moins une transfusion sanguine. Au cours des 90 premiers jours, le taux d'épisodes transfusionnels était de 148,4 pour 100 années-patients, comparativement à 62,6 pour 100 années-patients pour le reste de l'étude. La raison la plus fréquente de recourir à une transfusion était un faible taux d'Hb (92 % des cas); les cas de saignements gastro-intestinaux, de perte de sang périchirurgicale et de fatigue comptaient quant à eux pour 9,9 %, 8,6 % et 4,5 % respectivement. Certains patients cumulant plus d'une indication. Le taux d'Hb moyen prétransfusion variait de 75,3 à 78,6 g/L. Une analyse de régression de Cox sur le temps écoulé jusqu'à la première transfusion et jusqu'à la première hospitalisation (ou le décès) du patient a montré une corrélation avec l'initiation d'un traitement d'hémodialyse chez les patients hospitalisés. Les sujets qui avaient initié leur traitement d'hémodialyse alors qu'ils étaient hospitalisés (37,5 %) ont reçu moins de soins prédialyse et présentaient davantage d'inflammation que les sujets qui avaient commencé leurs traitements d'hémodialyse en tant que patient externe. Enfin, l'âge moyen et l'âge médian des érythrocytes transfusés étaient de 24,9 jours (ÉT : 10,0) et de 23 jours (EIQ : 17 à 23). CONCLUSION: Notre étude a permis de connaître le taux de transfusions sanguines dans une population de patients hémodialysés canadiens au cours d'une période correspondant à une prescription conservatrice d'ASE. On a observé que la principale raison de transfusion était un faible taux d'Hb et non des symptômes cliniques. Enfin, une hémodialyse amorcée en cours d'hospitalisation a été associée à une probabilité accrue de transfusion sanguine. Nos constatations devraient faire l'objet d'études plus approfondies.

Conserv Biol ; 32(4): 872-882, 2018 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29405380


Grassland birds are declining faster than any other bird guild across North America. Shrinking ranges and population declines are attributed to widespread habitat loss and increasingly fragmented landscapes of agriculture and other land uses that are misaligned with grassland bird conservation. Concurrent with habitat loss and degradation, temperate grasslands have been disproportionally affected by climate change relative to most other terrestrial biomes. Distributions of grassland birds often correlate with gradients in climate, but few researchers have explored the consequences of weather on the demography of grassland birds inhabiting a range of grassland fragments. To do so, we modeled the effects of temperature and precipitation on nesting success rates of 12 grassland bird species inhabiting a range of grassland patches across North America (21,000 nests from 81 individual studies). Higher amounts of precipitation in the preceding year were associated with higher nesting success, but wetter conditions during the active breeding season reduced nesting success. Extremely cold or hot conditions during the early breeding season were associated with lower rates of nesting success. The direct and indirect influence of temperature and precipitation on nesting success was moderated by grassland patch size. The positive effects of precipitation in the preceding year on nesting success were strongest in relatively small grassland patches and had little effect in large patches. Conversely, warm temperatures reduced nesting success in small grassland patches but increased nesting success in large patches. Mechanisms underlying these differences may be patch-size-induced variation in microclimates and predator activity. Although the exact cause is unclear, large grassland patches, the most common metric of grassland conservation, appears to moderate the effects of weather on grassland-bird demography and could be an effective component of climate-change adaptation.

Conservation of Natural Resources , Grassland , Animals , Birds , Ecosystem , Nesting Behavior , North America , Temperature