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Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 28(3): 268-280, Jul-sept 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1343287


Introducción: la obesidad es un grave problema de salud en México, ya que su prevalencia se ha incrementado de forma acelerada en los últimos años. De acuerdo con los resultados de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición (ENSANUT) del año 2012, el 70% de las personas mayores de 20 años y el 39% de los adolescentes de 12 a 19 años en el estado de Colima tenían problemas de sobrepeso y obesidad. El objetivo de este trabajo es proporcionar la experiencia documentada mediante la metodología del proceso de atención de enferme- ría (PAE) en un adulto con diagnóstico de obesidad. Desarrollo: se realizó una valoración integral mediante la guía de valoración de dominios y clases y además se consultó la taxonomía II de la North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) para la estructuración de los diagnósticos con base en las respuestas identificadas; el plan de cuidados se realizó a partir del modelo de promoción de la salud de Nola J. Pender, y los resultados y las intervenciones de enfermería se redactaron en el lenguaje disciplinar, con cumplimiento eficiente del plan de cuidados. Conclusión: la metodología del proceso de enfermería permite la sistematización del cuidado, así como la aplicación de conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes con sentido huma- no, que promueven la mejoría de la persona con un proceso mórbido para alcanzar el bienestar del paciente.

Introduction: Obesity is a serious health problem in Mexico, since its prevalence has increased rapidly in recent years. According to the results of the National Health and Nutrition Survey (ENSANUT), in 2012, in the state of Colima, 70% of people over 20 years old and 39% of adolescents between 12 and 19 years old had overweight and obesity problems. The aim of this work is to provide documented experience through the Nursing Care Process (PAE) methodology in an adult diagnosed with obesity. Development: A comprehensive assessment was carried out using the domains and classes assessment guide; besides, the taxonomy II of the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) was consulted for structuring the diagnoses based on the identified responses, the plan of care was carried out based on the Nola J. Pender's Health Promotion Model, and the results and nursing interventions were written with the disciplinary language, carrying out the fulfillment of the care plan. Conclusion: The methodology of the nursing process allows the systematization of care, as well as the application of knowledge, skills and attitudes with a human sense, which promote the improvement of the person with a morbid process and achieving the well-being of the patient.

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Health Promotion , Nursing Care , Nursing Process , Obesity , Quality of Life , Obesity, Morbid , Nursing , Health Planning
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 27(4): 212-222, Oct-dic 2019. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1087730


Introducción: el envejecimiento es un proceso de cambios natural, gradual, continuo e irreversible. Todas las funciones declinan con el envejecimiento y el sistema nervioso no es ajeno a este proceso. Objetivo: identificar si el estado cognitivo del adulto mayor no institucionalizado se asocia con su calidad de sueño. Metodología: estudio transversal, descriptivo, prospectivo de dos variables, realizado en 32 adultos mayores de ambos sexos. Se emplearon los instrumentos Folstein y Pittsburgh para la valoración de deterioro cognitivo y la calidad de sueño, respectivamente. Se utilizó correlación de Spearman para identificar asociación entre variables y estadística descriptiva para el análisis de variables demográficas. Resultados: el 87.5% fueron mujeres y el 12.5% hombres. La edad promedio fue 70.9 ± 7.77 años. Datos del instrumento Pittsburg demostraron que el 75% de los sujetos son malos dormidores y el 25% regulares. Los resultados del instrumento Folstein arrojaron que el 87.5% de los sujetos se encuentran sin deterioro cognitivo alguno, el 9.3% con deterioro leve, 0% moderado y un 3.1 % grave. El análisis de correlación de Spearman entre ambas variables, evidenció valor de r = 0.135 y p = 0.46. Conclusiones: el estado cognitivo de los adultos mayores no guarda relación con la calidad del sueño.

Introduction: Aging is a natural, gradual, continuous and irreversible process of changes over time. All functions decline with aging and the nervous system is not alien to this process. Objective: To identify if the cognitive status of the non-institutionalized older adult is associated with their sleep quality. Methodology: A cross sectional study, prospective, two-variable study carried out in 32 older adults of both genders. Folstein and Pittsburgh instruments were used to assess cognitive deterioration and sleep quality respectively. Spearman correlation was used to identify the association between variables. Descriptive statistics was used for analysis of demographic variables. Results: 87.5% were women and 12.5% men. The average age was 70.9 ± 7.77 years. Data from the Pittsburgh instrument showed that 75% of subjects are bad sleepers and 25% regular. Results of Folstein, showed that 87.5% of subjects are without any cognitive impairment, 9.3% with mild impairment, 0% moderate and 3.1% severe. The Spearman correlation analysis between both variables showed a value of r = 0.135 and p = 0.46. Conclusions: The cognitive status of older adults is not related to the quality of sleep.

Humans , Sleep , Aged , Aging , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Data Collection , Hospitals, Public , Mexico
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 26(3): 171-178, Jul.-Sep. 2018.
Article in Spanish | BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-964202


Introducción: el envejecimiento es un proceso que marca la pérdida gradual de las capacidades motrices y cognitivas, lo que puede favorecer el riesgo de caída en el adulto mayor. Objetivo: analizar el grado de deterioro cognitivo y su asociación con el riesgo de caída en adultos mayores institucionalizados. Metodología: estudio descriptivo correlacional, en una muestra de 59 adultos mayores institucionalizados de cuatro casas hogar del estado de Colima, en México. Se evaluó el grado de deterioro cognitivo con la Escala de Pfeiffer SPMSQ, y la marcha y equilibrio para determinar el riesgo de caída con la Escala de Tinetti. El análisis fue descriptivo e inferencial con el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman p (rho). Resultados: la edad promedio fue de 80.03 ± 9.28 años, el 51% presentó deterioro cognitivo moderado y severo; el riesgo de caída fue alto en el 44% de ellos. El análisis de la interacción entre deterioro cognitivo y riesgo de caída, demostró un comportamiento directamente proporcional con un valor de r = -0.3616 y p = 0.0049. Conclusión: la correlación encontrada sugiere que a menor deterioro cognitivo, menor será el riesgo de caída en la población estudiada.

Introduction: Aging is a process that marks the gradual loss of motor and cognitive abilities that may favor the risk of falling in the elderly. Objective: To analyze the degree of cognitive deterioration and its association with the risk of falling in institutionalized older adults. Methods: Descriptive correlational study, in a sample of 59 institutionalized older adults from four homes in the State of Colima, Mexico. The degree of cognitive impairment was evaluated with the Pfeiffer Scale SPMSQ and the gait and balance to determine the risk of falling with the Tinetti Scale. The analysis was descriptive and inferential with the Spearman correlation coefficient p (rho). Results: Average age was 80.03 ± 9.28 years old, 51% presented moderate and severe cognitive deterioration; the risk of falling was high at 44%. The analysis of the interaction between cognitive deterioration and fall risk showed a directly proportional behavior with a value of r = -0.3616 and p = 0.0049. Conclusion: The correlation found suggests that the lower the cognitive deterioration, the lower the risk of falling in the studied population.

Humans , Aged , Aging , Data Collection , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Nursing , Cognition , Gait , Mexico
Enferm. nefrol ; 20(1): 28-36, ene.-mar. 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-161473


Introducción: Actualmente el número creciente de personas en tratamiento de hemodiálisis aunado al incremento de incidencia de complicaciones agudas, pone de manifiesto implementar estrategias que favorezcan conductas o hábitos saludables disminuyendo las consecuencias personales, familiares y gastos institucionales. Objetivos: Determinar la influencia del apoyo educativo de enfermería en el patrón de vida del paciente con insuficiencia renal crónica en tratamiento de hemodiálisis. Metodología: Estudio pre-experimental donde participaron 22 pacientes en hemodiálisis, se diseñó y ejecutó un programa educativo bajo el referente teórico de Orem con enfoque en tres dimensiones: Responsabilidad en Salud, Alimentación e Higiene, consistió en diez sesiones de media hora dos veces por semana durante la primera hora de tratamiento del paciente. Resultados: Edad promedio de 36.4 ± 16.7 años, con igual distribución tanto para hombres como mujeres (n=11); el 68.1% (n=15) de los pacientes son económicamente activos, reportando un tiempo promedio de 20.6 ± 15.6 meses de tratamiento en hemodiálisis. Se obtuvo un valor de mediana en la fase de pre-intervención de 92 y, de 107.5 en la fase post-intervención. Con una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre ambas de p<0.001. Conclusión: El 100% de los sujetos mantiene un patrón de vida protector, lo que sugiere que el Apoyo Educativo de Enfermería aumenta el patrón de vida del paciente con tratamiento de hemodiálisis. Lo que hace trascendente el papel de enfermería en la promoción de conductas generadoras de salud (AU)

Introduction: The increase in the number of persons in hemodialysis treatment, together with the greater incidence of acute complications, illustrate the necessity of designing strategies that emphasize the promotion of health-generating behavior in these patients, reducing the consequences personal, family and institutional costs. Aims: To determine the influence of educational support provided by the nursing professional on the pattern-of-life of the patient with hemodialysis treatment. Methodology: A pre-experimental study was conducted on 22 patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment. An educational program based on the Orem theoretical reference was designed and put into practice, concentrating on three aspects: responsibility in relation to health, hygiene, and diet. The program consisted of a total of ten half-hour sessions, each one given twice a week for a period of five weeks during the patient’s first hour of hemodialysis treatment. Results: The mean age of the patients was 36.4 ± 16.7 years. A total of 68.1% (n=15) of the patients were economically active, and the mean time of the patient in the hemodialysis treatment program was 20.6 ± 15.6 months. The median questionnaire score was 92 in the pre-intervention phase and 107.5 in the post-intervention phase. With a statistically significant difference of p<0.001. Conclusion: One hundred percent of the subjects maintained a protective pattern-of-life, suggesting that educational support provided by the nursing professional increased the pattern-of-life score of the patients treated with hemodialysis (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Renal Dialysis/nursing , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic/epidemiology , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic/nursing , Patient Education as Topic , Patient Education as Topic/methods , Self Care/methods , Life Style , Medication Adherence , Nurse-Patient Relations
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 24(1): 37-43, Enero.-Abr. 2016. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1031275



Introducción: actualmente, la obesidad a nivel internacional, nacional y regional forma parte importante de un desafío por resolver.

Objetivo: evaluar la efectividad de una intervención educativa en el estado nutricional y el nivel de conocimientos sobre alimentación y actividad física en escolares.

Metodología: estudio cuasiexperimental en una muestra de 12 escuelas, se seleccionó por muestreo aleatorio simple a 368 escolares para valorar el estado nutricional y a 352 escolares para medir el nivel de conocimientos.

Resultados: la prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad se presentó en ambos sexos en 43.3% antes y 44% después de la intervención, con mayor prevalencia en niños. Hubo diferencia significativa del IMC en el grupo control y en las niñas del grupo de estudio. Después de la intervención, aumento en 83.5% el nivel de conocimientos sobre nutrición en el grupo de estudio y 263.4% en el grupo control. La intervención educativa logró disminuir los índices de peso bajo, pero incrementó el sobrepeso y la obesidad.

Conclusiones: La intervención educativa puede ser efectiva para incrementar conocimientos en nutrición e inducir a los niños a modificaciones significativas en los hábitos de salud. Se sugiere mayor participación de los padres para lograr mejores resultados.


Introduction: Currently obesity at international, national and regional levels is an important part of a challenge to solve.

Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention in the nutritional status and knowledge level about food and physical activity in school.

Methodology: Quantitative study, descriptive, cross-sectional, quasi-experimental. The sample consisted of 368 schoolchildren from 12 schools in the nutritional status. For the knowledge level the sample was 352 students, it was a simple random sampling using the formula for finite populations. RESULTS: The results showed that the educational intervention was able to reduce the rates of low birth weight but increased overweight and obesity. The prevalence of overweight and obesity was present in both male and females, it was 43.3% before the intervention to 44% post-intervention, manifesting mostly in boys than in girls. The T-tests indicated significant differences in the IMC in the control group and in girls in the study group, but no significant difference ¡n the study group were found in children. The level of nutrition knowledge after the educational intervention increased proportionally by 83.59% for the study group and 263.44% in the control group. Conclusions: The educational intervention can be effective in increasing knowledge of nutrition and induce children to significant changes in health habits. Greater parental involvement is suggested for best results.

Child , Physical Education and Training , Health Education , Nutritional Status , Mexico , Humans
J Food Drug Anal ; 24(2): 350-357, 2016 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28911589


A number of studies have been conducted to evaluate the effects of vegetable oils with varying percentages of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids on insulin resistance. However, there is no report on the effect of avocado oil on this pathologic condition. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of avocado oil on sucrose-induced insulin resistance in Wistar rats. An experimental study was carried out on Wistar rats that were randomly assigned into six groups. Each group received a different diet over an 8-week period (n = 11 in each group): the control group was given a standard diet, and the other five groups were given the standard feed plus sucrose with the addition of avocado oil at 0%, 5%, 10%, 20%, and 30%, respectively. Variables were compared using Student t test and analysis of variance. Statistically significant difference was considered when p < 0.05. Rats that were given diets with 10% and 20% avocado oil showed lower insulin resistance (p = 0.022 and p = 0.024, respectively). Similar insulin resistance responses were observed in the control and 30% avocado oil addition groups (p = 0.85). Addition of 5-30% avocado oil lowered high sucrose diet-induced body weight gain in Wistar rats. It was thus concluded that glucose tolerance and insulin resistance induced by high sucrose diet in Wistar rats can be reduced by the dietary addition of 5-20% avocado oil.

Persea , Animals , Diet , Insulin Resistance , Rats , Rats, Wistar , Sucrose
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 23(1): 3-8, Enero.-Abr. 2015. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1031237



Introducción: el envejecimiento es un proceso de cambios progresivos que repercuten en la funcionalidad física y esta, a su vez, es el mejor indicador de salud en la población adulta mayor. Objetivo: realizar un diagnóstico de la capacidad funcional del adulto mayor residente de casas hogar del sur de Jalisco.

Metodología: se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal descriptivo prospectivo en adultos mayores, en quienes se aplicó la Escala de Barthel para evaluar su capacidad para realizar 10 actividades básicas de la vida diaria. La muestra fue no aleatoria por conveniencia. Se obtuvo el consentimiento informado. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva, X2 para comparaciones entre los sexos. Las diferencias se consideraron estadísticamente significativas con una p < 0.05.

Resultados: la muestra estuvo conformada por 111 adultos mayores. El promedio de edad fue de 81 años, 27.9 % mostró independencia total, 28.8 % dependencia leve, 14.4 % moderada, 18 % severa y 10.8 % total. Estadísticamente no hubo diferencia significativa según el sexo (p = 0.36). Las actividades básicas con mayor número de sujetos independientes totales fueron comer, arreglarse, vestirse, control en la micción y evacuación, trasladarse y deambulación; subir y bajar escaleras y lavarse fueron actividades en las que más sujetos mostraron dependencia total.

Conclusiones: 72.1 % de los adultos mayores presentó algún grado de dependencia funcional, lo que representa una oportunidad para el cuidado de enfermería.


Introduction: Aging is a process of progressive changes that affect physical functioning, and this is the best health indicator of the adult population.

Objective: To make a diagnosis of the functional capacity of elderly residents of nursing homes in southern Jalisco.

Methodology: A cross sectional, descriptive, prospective study in older adults was conducted, in whom Barthel scale was used to assess their ability to perform ten basic activities of daily living. The sample was not random for convenience. Informed consent was obtained. Descriptive statistics were used, X2 for comparisons between sexes. Differences were considered statistically significant at p < 0.05.

Results: The sample consisted of 111 elderly. The mean age was 81 years, 27.9 % showed complete independence, 28.8 % mild dependence, 14.4 % moderate, 18 % severe and 10.8 % total dependence. There was no statistically significant sex differences (p = 0.36). The basic activities with the highest number of total independent subjects were eating, grooming, dressing, micturition and defecation continence, moving and walking; going up and down stairs and bathing were activities in which subjects showed more total dependence.

Conclusions: 72.1 % of elderly had some degree of functional dependence, which represents an opportunity for nursing care.

Activities of Daily Living , Geriatric Assessment , Aged , Frail Elderly , Homes for the Aged , Mexico , Humans
Rev. colomb. enferm ; 9(1): 88-94, Agosto de 2014.
Article in Spanish | BDENF - Nursing, LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1006059


Este estudio transversal descriptivo busca analizar si la formación profesional de las estudiantes de enfer\r\n-\r\nmería influye para que presenten menor frecuencia de bacteriuria asintomática (BA) y factores de riesgo \r\nrespecto a las de trabajo social. Previo consentimiento informado, se seleccionó un grupo de alumnas de \r\nenfermería y otro de trabajo social mediante muestreo simple aleatorio. Se excluyeron quienes estaban \r\nembarazadas o en tratamiento con antibióticos. El diagnóstico de BA se hizo con base en tres criterios \r\nquímicos y de laboratorios validados por la literatura médica. Para identificar factores de riesgo de BA, \r\nse aplicó un instrumento de diez preguntas que evalúan situaciones que favorecen infecciones urinarias. \r\nSe realizó un estudio piloto y las respuestas permitieron adecuar el instrumento. Se utilizó estadística \r\ndescriptiva y chi cuadrado para identificar asociación entre frecuencia de BA y área de formación de las \r\nestudiantes. Las diferencias se consideraron estadísticamente significativas cuando \r\np\r\n ≤ 0,05. Se identificó \r\nun solo caso de BA en alumnas de enfermería y cuatro en trabajo social, lo cual no es estadísticamente \r\nsignificativo (\r\np\r\n=0,26, OR=0,29). Los factores de riesgo que resultaron significativos entre ambos grupos \r\nfueron: higiene vaginal inadecuada (\r\np\r\n=0,0016, OR=0,17), presencia de lavados vaginales frecuentes \r\n(\r\np\r\n=0,005, OR=0,26) e ingesta de suplementos vitamínicos (\r\np\r\n=0,0008, OR=4,23). Se concluye que los \r\ncasos de BA positivos no están relacionados con el área de formación profesional; los casos positivos de \r\nBA se deben más a factores y hábitos de higiene local que a factores socioculturales y de nutrición.

Objective: to analyze whether the academic training of \r\nnursing school students contributes to a reduction of \r\nAsymptomatic Bacteriuria (AB) in comparison with social \r\nwork students. Methods: cross-sectional study between \r\n2 groups of females; nursing and social work students. \r\nInformed consent prior to the participation in the study \r\nwas provided. Pregnant women and students under anti\r\n-\r\nbiotic treatment were excluded. AB diagnosis was based \r\non three measures of chemical and laboratory criteria \r\nvalidated in the medical literature. AB risk factors were \r\nidentified by a 10-question instrument, which evaluated \r\nsituations that propitiate urinary infections. A pilot \r\nstudy was carried out and answers were used to adapt \r\nthe study instrument. Descriptive statistics, chi-square \r\ntest, odds ratio (OR) and 95% Confidence Interval (CI) \r\nwere used to identify associations between AB frequency \r\nand student's area of training. Statistical significance was \r\nconsidered when P < 0.05. Results: One case of AB was \r\nidentified in the nursing school students and four cases \r\nin the social work students. These results were not statis\r\n-\r\ntically significant (P= 0.26, OR= 0.29). Significant risk \r\nfactors in both groups included: inadequate perineal \r\nhygiene (P= 0.0016, OR 0.17), frequent vaginal washing \r\n(P= 0.005, OR= 0.26) and supplementary vitamin intake \r\n(P= 0.0008, OR= 4.23). Conclusions: positive AB cases \r\nare not linked to an area of professional training. Positive \r\nAB cases are more related to local hygiene habits rather \r\nthan sociocultural or nutritional factors.

Objetivos: analisar se a formação acadêmica dos estu\r\n-\r\ndantes de enfermagem contribui a diminuir a frequência de \r\nbacteriuria assintomática (BA) em relação aos estudantes \r\nde assistência social. Métodos: um estudo transversal \r\ndescritivo entre dois grupos de alunas femininas de \r\nenfermagem e assistência social, quem consentimento \r\ninformado foram selecionados em amostragem aleatória \r\nsimples. Foram excluídas meninas grávidas e meninas em \r\nuso de remédios antibióticos. O diagnóstico de BA foi \r\nbaseado em três critérios químicos e laboratoriais vali\r\n-\r\ndadas pela literatura médica. Para identificar os fatores \r\nde risco para a BA, um instrumento de 10 preguntas que \r\navaliam situações que favorecem a UTI foi aplicado. Um \r\nestudo piloto foi realizado e as respostas foram usadas \r\npara adaptar o instrumento. Estatísticas descritivas e \r\nteste do Qui-quadrado foram utilizados para identificar \r\nassociações entre a frequência de BA e a área da formação \r\ndas estudantes. As diferenças foram consideradas estatis\r\n-\r\nticamente significativas quando p ≤ 0,05. Resultados: 1 \r\ncaso de BA foi identificado em estudantes de enfermagem \r\ne 4 de assistência social, o que não é estatisticamente \r\nsignificativa (p = 0,26, OR = 0,29). Os fatores de risco \r\nque foram significativas entre os dois grupos foram: falta \r\nde higiene vaginal (p =0,0016, OR 0,17), presença de \r\nlavagem frequente (p = 0,005, OR = 0,26) e ingestão de \r\nvitaminas (p = 0,0008, OR = 4,23). Conclusões: casos \r\npositivos de BA não estão relacionados com a área de \r\nformação profissional; casos positivos de BA sao mas \r\nrelacionado come fatores como hábitos de higiene de que \r\nos fatores culturais e nutricionais.

Social Work , Bacteriuria , Urine , Risk Factors , Health Personnel , Young Adult
Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 33(2): 241-252, abr.-jun. 2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-735334


Introducción: la resistencia a la insulina es una condición metabólica que afecta múltiples tejidos entre ellos al músculo esquelético. El propósito del presente trabajo es analizar si la resistencia a la insulina inducida experimentalmente en ratas, modifica la excitabilidad y las propiedades contráctiles del músculo esquelético. Métodos: se incluyeron 22 ratas Sprague Dawley sanas para formar 2 grupos: Al grupo experimental (n=10) se le indujo resistencia a la insulina mediante la administración oral de prednisona (45mg/Kg.) durante 7 días. Al grupo control (n=12) se le administró solo agua. En ambos grupos se compararon principalmente los parámetros de la contractura muscular: tensión al pico, tensión total, activación contráctil y grado de excitabilidad muscular mediante una curva de umbrales así como su respuesta a una infusión continua de insulina intravenosa. Los experimentos fueron realizados en músculo gastrocnemio utilizando registros de tensión isométrica y estimulación eléctrica. Se analizaron las varianzas entre grupos para utilizar prueba t de Students o U de Mann Whitney, determinándose diferencias significativas entre ambos grupos cuando p<0.05. Resultados: (Control vs. Experimental): 1) Excitabilidad muscular: Reobase: 0.59± 0.12 V vs. 0.27 ± 0.03V (p = 0.19); Cronaxia: 0.07 ms vs. 0.08 ms. 2) Parámetros de la contractura muscular: Tensión al pico: 58.5±5.1 g vs. 48.3±4.3 g (p =0.19). Tensión total: 0.55±0.13 V/ms vs. 0.44±0.05 V/ms (p=0.45). Activación contráctil: 9.13±1.3 ms vs. 10.5±1.6 ms (p=0.19). Conclusiones: los resultados del presente estudio sugieren que la resistencia a la insulina al parecer modifica parcialmente la excitabilidad de la fibra muscular además de favorecer el desarrollo de contracciones musculares de menor intensidad y mas lentas, lo que sugiere una posible afección del acople excitación-contracción del músculo esquelético.

Introduction: Insulin resistance is a metabolic condition that affects many tissues including skeletal muscle tissue. The objective of the present study was to analyze whether or not experimentally induced insulin resistance modifies skeletal muscle excitability and contraction in the rat. Methods : Twenty-two healthy Sprague-Dawley rats were used to form two groups. In the experimental group (n=10) insulin resistance was induced by means of oral prednisone administration (45mg/Kg) over a period of 7 days. The control group (n=12) received only water. The following muscle contraction parameters were compared between groups: peak tension, contractile activation, total tension, degree of muscle excitability during threshold curve and response to continuous intravenous insulin infusion. Experiments were carried out in gastrocnemius muscle, utilizing isometric tension registers and electrical stimulation. Variance between groups was analyzed to determine use of Student t test or Mann Whitney U test. Difference between groups was considered statistically significant when P<0.05. Results : (Control group vs Experimental group): 1) Muscle excitability: Rheobase: 0.59± 0.12 V vs 0.27 ± 0.03V (P = 0.19); Chronaxie: 0.07 ms vs 0.08 ms. 2) Muscle contraction parameters: Peak tension: 58.5±5.1 g vs 48.3±4.3 g (P =0.19). Total tension: 0.55±0.13 V/ms vs 0.44±0.05 V/ms ( P=0.45). Contractile activation: 9.13±1.3 ms vs 10.5±1.6 ms (P=0.19). Conclusions: In the results of the present study insulin resistance appears to partially modify muscle fiber excitability in addition to favoring the development of slow, low intensity muscle contractions, suggesting a possible affectation of excitation-contraction coupling in skeletal muscle.

Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 33(1): 52-60, ene.-mar. 2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-722958


Introducción: la interleucina-12 es una citosina inmunorreguladora con múltiples funciones biológicas, incluyendo la activación de macrófagos. La mieloperoxidasa es una enzima que desempeña un papel importante en la función antimicrobiana de fagocitos activados. En presencia de peróxido de hidrógeno, esta cataliza la oxidación de cloruro para generar ácido hipocloroso, potente agente microbicida. Objetivo: determinar el efecto estimulador de interleucina-12 recombinante murina sobre la actividad de mieloperoxidasa en macrófagos peritoneales en gérbiles infectados experimentalmente con levaduras de Sporothrix schenckii. Métodos: 500 ng de interleucina-12 recombinante murina fueron suministrados diariamente por vía intraperitoneal durante 5 días consecutivos a gérbiles machos, los cuales al sexto día fueron inoculados por vía subcutánea en el cojinete plantar posterior izquierdo con 6x10(6) levaduras de S. schenckii. siete días después de la infección los macrófagos fueron obtenidos de la cavidad peritoneal y la actividad de su mieloperoxidasa fue determinada mediante el método de Kaplow, expresándose como porcentaje de actividad de macrófagos peritoneales. Los resultados son expresados como el promedio del por ciento de actividad de mieloperoxidasa ± desviación estándar de 3 experimentos independientes. Las diferencias estadísticas entre grupos fueron evaluadas por medio de t de Student y un valor de p < 0,05 fue considerado significativo. Resultados: la administración de interleucina-12 recombinante murina a gérbiles previa infección con S. schenckii aumentó significativamente la actividad de mieloperoxidasa de macrófagos peritoneales (p = 0,0001) comparada con los controles sanos. En contraste, macrófagos de gérbiles infectados no tratados mostraron actividad de mieloperoxidasa significativamente disminuida comparada con los controles sanos (p= 0,001), lo cual sugiere activación deteriorada de macrófagos. Conclusiones: la administración in vivo de interleucina-12 recombinante murina antes de la infección con S. schenckii, induce activación de macrófagos evidenciada por un aumento en la actividad de mieloperoxidasa, lo que contribuiría a la defensa del organismo contra este agente infeccioso vía sistema oxidativo dependiente de mieloperoxidasa.

Introduction: interleukin-12 is an immunoregulatory cytokine with multiple biologic functions, including macrophage activation. Myeloperoxidase is an enzyme that plays an important role in the antimicrobial function of activated phagocytes. In the presence of hydrogen peroxide, myeloperoxidase catalyzes chloride oxidation to produce hypochlorous acid, a powerful microbicidal agent. Objective: determine the stimulating effect of murine recombinant interleukin-12 on myeloperoxidase activity in peritoneal macrophages of gerbils experimentally infected with Sporothrix schenckii yeasts. Methods: 500 ng murine recombinant interleukin-12 were administered intraperitoneally on a daily basis on 5 consecutive days to male gerbils. On the sixth day the gerbils were inoculated subcutaneously on the left posterior plantar pad with 6x10(6) S. schenckii yeasts. Seven days after infection, macrophages were obtained from the peritoneal cavity. Myeloperoxidase activity was determined by Kaplow's method and expressed as percentage of peritoneal macrophage activity. Results are expressed as the average percentage of myeloperoxidase activity ± standard deviation from 3 independent experiments. Statistical differences between groups were evaluated by Student's t test. A value of p < 0.05 was considered significant. Results: administration of murine recombinant interleukin-12 to gerbils following infection with S. schenckii significantly increased the myeloperoxidase activity of peritoneal macrophages (p = 0.0001) in comparison with healthy controls. Macrophages of untreated infected gerbils, however, showed significantly reduced myeloperoxidase activity in comparison with healthy controls (p= 0.001), suggesting poor macrophage activation. Conclusions: in vivo administration of murine recombinant interleukin-12 before infection with S. schenckii induces macrophage activation evidenced by an increase in myeloperoxidase activity, enhancing the organism's defense against that infectious agent via the myeloperoxidase-dependent oxidative system.

Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 32(2): 130-138, abr.-jun. 2013.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-685974


Introducción: En América Latina muchos agentes educativos consideran, que para que se generen necesidades de autoperfeccionamiento continuo en el personal docente, resulta imprescindible que se someta consciente y periódicamente a un proceso de evaluación de su desempeño, lo cual viene a constituir otra causa de estrés. Objetivo: La carga de trabajo a la que son sometidos los profesores de tiempo completo (PTC) en las universidades, puede ser fuente generadora de enfermedad, por lo que se identificó el perfil de salud en relación con su desempeño docente. Métodos: En un estudio descriptivo y transversal, con un universo de 61 profesores a tiempo completo de la Universidad de Colima, del área de Ciencias Biológicas y de la Salud, se solicitó consentimiento informado y se garantizó el anonimato. Resultados: Al aplicar los criterios de selección se contó con un total de 47 PTC. Se crearon dos grupos, de acuerdo con el nivel alcanzado de estímulos al desempeño docente (ESDEPED): de I a IV y de V a VIII. En ambos grupos de profesores se encontraron: caries dental, sobrepeso, obesidad, enfermedades digestivas y astenopia. En los que obtuvieron niveles más altos se agregan de manera importante lumbalgias, cefaleas, insomnio, ansiedad, fatiga crónica e insuficiencia venosa, lo cual refleja que a mayor productividad, mayor incremento de enfermedades, semejante a lo reportado por otros investigadores. Conclusiones: Una limitación del presente estudio es que tiene un tamaño de muestra pequeño, sin embargo, nos da indicios de que el nivel de desempeño docente pudiera estar asociado a diferentes enfermedades. Es necesario realizar estudios posteriores con un mayor tamaño de muestra, para confirmar esta afirmación.

Background: In Latin America, many educational agents consider that, to develop a continuous self-improvement of the teaching personnel, the teachers should periodically undergo a conscious and systematic performance evaluation process, what leads to another cause of stress among them. Objective: The workload to which Full Time Teachers (FTT) are submitted in the universities can be a generating source of diseases; this is the reason why the health profile in relation to their teaching performance was identified. Methods: A descriptive transversal study was conducted in a universe of 61 Full Time Teachers of the Biological Sciences and Health in the University of Colima. Informed consent was requested and anonymity was granted. Results: The selection criteria comprised a total of 47 FTT. Two groups were created, according to the levels of stimuli for teaching performance: from I to IV and from V to VIII. In both groups of teachers, dental cavities, overweight, obesity, digestive diseases and asthenopia were found. In those who obtained the highest levels, back pain, headaches, insomnia, anxiety, chronic fatigue and venous insufficiency were significantly added, reflecting that, a higher productivity leads to a higher increase of diseases, as reported by the researchers. Conclusions: A limitation of this study is that it has a small sample; however, it gives us the clues that the level of teaching performance could be associated with different pathologies. It is necessary to carry out further studies with a larger sample size to confirm this statement.

Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 21(1): 15-21, Enero.-Abr. 2013. tab, graf, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1031186



Introducción: hace 20 años en México se inició la regulación para la disposición de sangre humana y sus componentes, sin que a la fecha se logre su cumplimiento.

Objetivo: evaluar el nivel de conocimiento y cumplimiento en el registro y manejo de hemoderivados por el personal de enfermería de una unidad del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. Metodología: estudio exploratorio, transversal y descriptivo tipo sombra. Mediante un muestreo simple aleatorio, se evaluaron 48 enfermeras. Para recolectar la información, se utilizaron dos instrumentos: uno validado para identificar el cumplimiento en el manejo de hemoderivados y otro para determinar el nivel de conocimientos con base en los criterios de la NOM-003-SSA2-1993. Se realizó un análisis de frecuencias y X2 para comparar proporciones de cumplimiento y conocimiento con base en el grado académico de la población estudiada. Se consideraron significativas las diferencias con un valor de p < 0.05. Resultados: la aplicación del instrumento demostró que sólo 35.4 % conoce acerca del manejo de sangre y sus componentes, 18.7 % no sabe acerca de ello; con predominio del conocimiento regular en 45.8 %. Con relación al cumplimiento, 75 % de enfermeras cumplen el manejo de hemoderivados con un nivel de mínimo a excelente, predominando el cumplimiento parcial con 37.5 %. La comparación entre el nivel de conocimiento y el grado académico evidenció diferencias estadísticamente significativas solo entre el personal que tiene licenciatura respecto del que tiene alguna especialidad (p = 0.014).

Conclusiones: el personal de enfermería evaluado (n = 48) omite las acciones establecidas en el procedimiento de la transfusión de hemoderivados, con lo que pone en riesgo la integridad física y la salud del paciente.


Introduction: 20 years ago in Mexico began regulation for the disposal of human blood and its components, to date not archieved fulfill.

Objective: To assess the level of knowledge and compliance in the registration and management of blood products by the nursing staff of a unit of the Institute¼ Mexicano del Seguro Social, in accordance with official regulations.

Methodology: An exploratory, cross-sectional study in which subjects were observed —without knowing—was carried out. From a simple random sample, 48 nurses were evaluated. Two validated instruments were used to collect information: one for identifying performance in blood derivative management and the other one for determining the level of knowledge based on NOM-003-SSA2-1993 criteria. Frequency analysis and X2 test were carried out to compare performance and knowledge proportions based on academic level of the study population. Difference was considered significant when p < 0.05.

Results: The application of the instrument showed that only 35.4% of the nurses had an acceptable level of knowledge regarding the handling of blood components, and 18.7 % lacked all knowledge, with an average level of knowledge of 45.8 % predominating. Related to compliance with the handling of blood components, 75 % of the nurses had a level ranging from minimal to excellent with partial compliance predominating at 37.5%. The comparison between level of knowledge and academic level showed statistically significant differences only between personnel with a bachelor's degree and those with a speciality (p = 0.014).

Conclusions: Principally, the nursing personnel evaluated (n = 48) omitted established actions in blood derivative transfusion procedure, a situation that can put at risk the health and life of the patient.

Occupational Exposure , Risk Factors , Blood-Derivative Drugs , Blood Transfusion , Mexico , Humans
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 20(2): 91-96, May.-Ago. 2012. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1031171



Introducción: en México, un adulto mayor es la persona de 60 años o más. A nivel nacional e internacional este sector crece demográficamente, por lo que debería ser una prioridad en salud garantizar su bienestar, independientemente de que pertenezcan a instituciones públicas o privadas.

Objetivo: identificar el efecto del envejecimiento sobre el estado actual de las capacidades funcionales, mentales y sociales de adultos mayores residentes en cuatro instituciones del estado de Colima.

Metodología: estudio transversal descriptivo, realizado en 149 personas mayores residentes de cuatro asilos y casa hogar del estado de Colima. Mediante consentimiento informado, se recolecto la información de personas que reunieron los criterios de inclusión se utilizaron tres escalas validadas —Barthel, Folstein y Diaz-Veiga—. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva para el análisis de variables y X2 para la comparación con base en el género.

Resultados: del total de la población, más del 50% presentan algún grado de deterioro de las capacidades estudiadas. La escala de Barthel reporto, 16 adultos con independencia, el resto presenta algún grado de dependencia funcional. Folstein registró solo 47 de 143 como aptos mentales, y Diaz-Veiga registró 126 de 141 adultos con algún grado de compromiso social. Las diferencias basadas en el género no fueron significativas en ninguna escala.

Conclusiones: los adultos mayores no se incorporan voluntariamente a las actividades lúdicas y de cuidados que les brinda el profesional de enfermería, debido a que el envejecimiento ha afectado de manera importante sus capacidades funcionales, mentales y sociales.


Introduction: In México, an older adult is a person who is sixty years of age or older. The number of individuals in this sector is increasing demographically in the national and international setting. Therefore their welfare should be a health priority regardless of whether they are in public or private eldercare facilities.

Objective: To identify the effect of aging on functional, mental, and social status of older adults residing in four facilities in the State of Colima.

Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out on 149 residents at four eldercare facilities in the State of Colima. After obtaining informed consent, information was collected on the individuals who fit inclusion criteria using three validated scales (Barthel, Folstein and Diaz-Veiga). Study variables were analyzed with descriptive statistics and sex-based comparison was done with chi square test.

Results: Of the total study population, more than 50% presented some degree of deterioration in the evaluated abilities. The Barthel scale reported 16 completely independent adults out of the total number, while the rest presented some degree of functional dependency. Folstein scale registered only 47 out of 143 adults as mentally fit, and the Diaz-Veiga scale results registered one 126 out of one 141 adults with some degree of social deterioration. Sex-based differences were not statistically significant for any of the scales.

Conclusions: Eider people do not incorporate voluntarily to recreational and care activities that nursing professional offers them since aging has affected in an important way functional, mental and social abilities.

Humans , Data Collection , Population Dynamics , Geriatric Nursing , Aging , Cross-Sectional Studies , Aged , Homes for the Aged , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Mexico , Humans
Salud(i)ciencia (Impresa) ; 18(5): 455-456, ago. 2011.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-620059


La sistematización del cuidado a un paciente con dengue clásico mediante la aplicación del proceso enfermero demostró efectividad, reflejándose en su adaptación y mejora.

Humans , Adult , Female , Patient-Centered Care , Patient Care , Nursing Care/methods , Nursing Care , Dengue/nursing , Dengue/therapy , Mexico
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 19(1): 25-28, Enero–Abr. 2011. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1031134



Introducción: en la enseñanza resulta importante que el docente considere en su práctica a los Sistemas de Representación Mental (SRM) como vías perceptuales de acceso de la información visión, audición movimiento, favorece en el estudiante un aprendizaje significativo.

Objetivo: caracterizar los sistemas de representación mental utilizados por los estudiantes de enfermería con modelos pedagógicos diferentes.

Metodología: estudio transversal descriptivo que compara dos grupos de estudiantes de enfermería procedentes de la Universidad de Colima y del Centro Universitario del Sur Universidad de Guadalajara, a los cuales se les aplicó un instrumento de 15 preguntas de opción múltiple, elaborado y adecuado a partir de otros instrumentos previamente validados, para determinar los SRM más utilizados en su formación. El instrumento fue piloteado con 30 alumnos de dos facultades diferentes. Los resultados fueron analizados mediante estadística descriptiva y χ2.

Resultados: el SRM más utilizado en la población estudiantil de ambas instituciones educativas fue el visual con 48.80 %, seguido del auditivo 31.42 % y el kinestésico 8.80 %. Analizándolos por institución (UdC/ UdG) se tiene lo siguiente: visual (50/47.66 %), auditivo (30/32.71%) y kinestésico (9.2/8.4 %).

Conclusiones: la utilización de un sistema de representación mental que favorezca el aprendizaje y adquisición del conocimiento no es determinado por los modelos pedagógicos en los cuales se forman los estudiantes de enfermería.


Introduction: in education it is important that teachers consider in their practice the Mental Representation Systems (MRS) as perceptual access to information channels (vision, hearing, movement), this helps better in effective student learning.

Objective: to characterize the MRS used by nursing students from the University of Colima and South University Center of University of Guadalajara than to educate under different pedagogic models.

Methodology: sectional descriptive study comparing two groups of nursing students from the University of Colima and the South University Center, University of Guadalajara, in which we applied an instrument of 15 multiple choice questions, drawn and appropriate from other instruments previously validated to determine the most commonly used MRS in its formation. The instrument was piloted with 30 students from two different faculties, doing minimal modifications. The results were analyzed by descriptive statistics and χ2 square using the Office Excel 2003.

Results: the most commonly used MRS in the student population of both institutions was the visual with 48.80 %, followed by auditory 31.42 % and kinesthetic 8.80 %. Analyzed by institution (UdC/UdG) we have the following: visual (50/47.66 %), auditory (30/32.71%) and kinesthetic (9.2/8.4 %).

Conclusions: choice of a mental representation system that promotes learning and knowledge acquisition is not determined by pedagogical models where students are trained nurses.

Humans , Learning , Data Collection , Nursing , Cross-Sectional Studies , Models, Nursing , Mental Processes , Mexico , Humans
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 18(2): 99-104, Mayo.-Ago. 2010. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1031117



Introducción: el dengue clásico es una enfermedad viral de alta incidencia en el estado de Colima, la clínica es el método más común para su diagnóstico.

Objetivo: sistematizar el cuidado de enfermería a una paciente adulta joven con diagnóstico de dengue clásico, aplicando la metodología a través del proceso enfermero para promover la adaptación con el padecimiento.

Metodología: en la valoración se utilizó una guía con base en las características definitorias de los Dominios y clases la Taxonomía II de la Asociación Norteamericana Diagnósticos de Enfermería (NANDA), se construyeron seis diagnósticos enfermeros con base en las respuestas humanas identificadas, el plan de cuidados se realizó con el Modelo de Adaptación de Calista Roy.

Resultados: las intervenciones de enfermería son redactadas con el lenguaje disciplinar, se obtuvo alta domiciliaria por mejoría, al lograr el cumplimiento del plan, y continuar con los cuidados en el hogar y seguimiento del personal de enfermería.

Conclusiones: la metodología del proceso enfermero, permite la sistematización del cuidado, así como la aplicación de conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes con sentido humano que promuevan la adaptación de la persona con un proceso morboso y alcanzar el bienestar del paciente.


Introduction: the classical Dengue is a viral disease of high incidence in the state of Colima, the clinic is the most common method for diagnosis.

Objective: to descrived the nurse care given to a young adult patient with diagnosis of classic dengue following the methodology of the nursing process in the course of the disease.

Methodology: for the assessment guide was used based on the defining characteristics of the Domains and Classes of Taxonomy II of the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA); six nursing diagnosis were built in human responses identified, the care plan was made based with Roy Adaptation Model.

Results: outcomes and nursing interventions are written in the language of the discipline, we obtained high improvement with efficiently achieving compliance with the plan, and following with home care and personal monitoring nursing.

Conclusions: the methodology of the nursing process, allowing the systematization of care, and the application of knowledge, skills and attitudes to obtain human sense adaptation to disease process and patient's welfare.

Humans , Outcome and Process Assessment, Health Care , Dengue , Communicable Diseases , Nursing Process , Virus Diseases , Dengue Virus , Mexico , Humans
Arch Med Res ; 40(3): 180-5, 2009 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19427968


BACKGROUND AND AIMS: We undertook this study to assess the influence of diabetic peripheral neuropathy on self-reported disability and postural control during quiet stance of patients with peripheral vestibular disease, before and after a standardized program of vestibular rehabilitation (Cawthorne & Cooksey exercises). METHODS: Twenty patients with peripheral vestibular disease participated in the study (mean age 56+/-7.8 years), 10 with and 10 without peripheral neuropathy (age matched). The Dizziness Handicap Inventory and static posturography (eyes open/closed and firm/soft surface) were evaluated prior to rehabilitation and at week 7 of follow-up. RESULTS: Compared to patients without neuropathy, patients with neuropathy had more time elapsed since the diabetes was diagnosed, higher glycemia and HbAc level and higher composite scores on the Dizziness Handicap Inventory, but similar results on static posturography. After rehabilitation, although scores on the Dizziness Handicap Inventory decreased in the two groups, the difference between them persisted. In patients with neuropathy, static posturography showed improvement of postural control only with the eyes closed and soft surface, whereas in patients without neuropathy the postural control improved during all sensory conditions (eyes open/closed and firm/soft surface). CONCLUSIONS: In diabetic patients with peripheral vestibular disease, peripheral neuropathy contributes to self-reported disability and may interfere with complete balance recovery.

Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/complications , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/physiopathology , Diabetic Neuropathies/physiopathology , Postural Balance , Vestibular Diseases/physiopathology , Diabetic Neuropathies/complications , Diabetic Neuropathies/rehabilitation , Dizziness/etiology , Dizziness/physiopathology , Dizziness/rehabilitation , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Surveys and Questionnaires , Vestibular Diseases/complications , Vestibular Diseases/rehabilitation
Ann Clin Microbiol Antimicrob ; 8: 14, 2009 Apr 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19405980


BACKGROUND: Helicobacter pylori has been strongly associated with chronic gastritis, peptic and duodenal ulcers, and it is a risk factor for gastric cancer. Three major virulence factors of H. pylori have been described: the vacuolating toxin (VacA), the cytotoxin-associated gene product (CagA) and the adhesion protein BabA2. Since considerable geographic diversity in the prevalence of H. pylori virulence factors has been reported, the aim of this work was to establish the H. pylori and vacA, cagA and babA2 gene status in 238 adult patients, from a marginal urban area of Mexico, with chronic gastritis. METHODS: H. pylori was identified in cultures of gastric biopsies by nested PCR. vacA and cagA genes were detected by multiplex PCR, whereas babA2 gene was identified by conventional PCR. RESULTS: H. pylori-positive biopsies were 143 (60.1%). All H. pylori strains were vacA+; 39.2% were cagA+; 13.3% were cagA+ babA2+ and 8.4% were babA2+. Mexican strains examined possessed the vacA s1, m1 (43.4%), s1, m2 (24.5%), s2, m1 (20.3%) and s2, m2 (11.9%) genotypes. CONCLUSION: These results show that the Mexican patients suffering chronic gastritis we have studied had a high incidence of infection by H. pylori. Forty four percent (63/143) of the H. pylori strains analyzed in this work may be considered as highly virulent since they possessed two or three of the virulence markers analyzed: vacA s1 cagA babA2 (9.8%, 14/143), vacA s1 babA2 (4.9%, 7/143), and vacA s1 cagA (29.4%, 42/143). However, a statistically significant correlation was not observed between vacAs1, cagA and babA2 virulence markers (chi2 test; P > 0.05).

Adhesins, Bacterial/genetics , Antigens, Bacterial/genetics , Bacterial Proteins/genetics , Gastritis/microbiology , Helicobacter pylori/genetics , Virulence Factors/genetics , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Biomarkers/analysis , Chronic Disease , Female , Genotype , Helicobacter Infections/microbiology , Helicobacter pylori/isolation & purification , Humans , Male , Mexico , Middle Aged , Molecular Sequence Data , Young Adult
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 16(1): 7-12, Enero.-abr. 2008. graf
Article in Spanish | BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-967192


Introducción: La anemia es definida como el descenso en la concentración de hemoglobina por debajo de los límites considerados como normales para un determinado colectivo de individuos de la misma edad, sexo y condiciones medioambientales. Objetivo: Identificar la prevalencia de anemia por género y semestre en estudiantes de enfermería. Metodología: Estudio transversal descriptivo que compara 2 grupos de alumnos de enfermería (10 y 5o n=37 c/u) cuyas cargas horarias difieren significativamente de acuerdo al plan de estudios vigente. El diagnóstico de anemia se realizó mediante análisis espectrofotométrico de la concentración sérica de hemoglobina. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva para determinar la frecuencia y prevalencia, X2 con OR para valorar la asociación de anemia con el semestre cursado y t de Student para comparar los valores de hemoglobina promedio por género y semestre, estableciéndose una p<0.05 en ambas pruebas. Resultados: Prevalencia por género: mujeres, se observó anemia en 23.3% del 5o semestre respecto a las del primero (3.3%). Hombres, 5o semestre presentó anemia en 14.3%, en tanto que primero no reportó casos positivos. Prevalencia por semestre: 5° presentó 21.6% y 1o, 2.7%. El análisis con X2 demostró diferencias significativas entre prevalencias de ambos grupos (p=0.03); t de Student evidenció diferencias significativas entre ambos grupos respecto a los valores promedio de hemoglobina en mujeres (p=0.001), más no en hombres (p=0.86). Conclusiones: La prevalencia de anemia fue mayor en mujeres que en hombres y fue 5o semestre en el que se observó en ambos géneros más casos de hemoglobinas bajas y consecuentemente de anemia.

Introduction: Anemia is defined as the decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin under limits that are considered as normal for a determined group of individuals about the same age, gender, and environmental conditions. Objective: To identify the prevalence of anemia by gender and semester in nursing students. Methodology: Transversal and descriptive study that compare two groups of nursing students (1 st. and 5th n=37 each) whose school time-spending differ significantly according to the current curriculum. The diagnosis of anemia was done through spectral-photometric analysis of serum hemoglobin concentration. Descriptive statistics were utilized to determine frequency and prevalence: X2 with OR to assess the association of anemia with the semester that is being taken and t-student to compare the average hemoglobin values by gender and semester, obtaining p<0.05 in both tests. Results: Prevalence by gender: 23.3% women taking the 5th semester had anemia, related to women taking the first one (3.3%). 14.3% men taking the 5th semester had anemia, meanwhile those in first semester did not report any positive case. Prevalence by semester: 5th semester had 21.6% and 1st semester 2.7%. X2 analysis showed significant differences between prevalence in both groups (p=0.03); t-student gave evidence for significant differences between both groups regarding to the average values of hemoglobin in women (p=0.001), but not in men (p=0.86). Conclusions: Prevalence of anemia was more frequent in women than men, and the 5th semester was in which both genders had more cases of low hemoglobin and consequently anemia.

Humans , Students, Nursing , Women , Cross-Sectional Studies , Gender Identity , Anemia , Men , Mexico
Ginecol Obstet Mex ; 75(10): 603-7, 2007 Oct.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18800578


BACKGROUND: Anatomical alterations in bony structures, as the sacrum, can be related with defects in nervous supply to pelvic viscera and low urinary tract. OBJECTIVE: To relate location of damages at spina bifida occult with diagnosis of overactive bladder. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Cross sectional study between December 2005 and March 2006 in 31 patients with diagnose of overactive bladder. All of them with complete medical history, uroneurologic physical exam, multichannel urodynamic study, urethrocystoscopy, urine culture, bladder voiding, life quality questionnaire, and antero subsequent, sacred lateral and lumbar column x-ray. Statistical analysis was done through distribution frequencies graphics and averages comparison. RESULTS: Age average was 47 years, 20 to 69 years; gestations average was four and childbirth average was three by patient. Highest percentage of dysraphia was located between S2 to S5 in 29 patients (94%), and between L5 to S5 in 2 patients (6%). Other findings were: scoliosis in 20 patients (64.5%), asymmetry of hip in 9 patients (29%), and lordosis in 7 patients (22.5%); spondilolistesis, lumbarization of S1 and sacralization of L5 were found each one in a patient (22.5%). CONCLUSIONS: In 94% of patients, presence of spina bifida occult between S2 to S4 correlates with the diagnosis of overactive bladder. Another type of alteration, as lordosis and scoliosis, are findings in a high percentage of patients and can be related to symptoms of overactive bladder.

Spinal Dysraphism/diagnosis , Urinary Bladder, Overactive/diagnosis , Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Lordosis/complications , Middle Aged , Pilot Projects , Quality of Life , Radiography , Scoliosis/complications , Spinal Dysraphism/complications , Spinal Dysraphism/diagnostic imaging , Surveys and Questionnaires , Urinary Bladder, Overactive/etiology , Urodynamics