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J Clin Med ; 10(23)2021 Nov 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34884233


The pediatric population is a vulnerable group for adverse drug reactions (ADRs), and data on spontaneous reporting of ADRs in the hospital setting are scarce. We conducted a retrospective analysis of ADRs in pediatric patients spontaneously reported by health care professionals to a Pharmacovigilance Program in a tertiary hospital between 2010 and 2020, and we compared characteristics of ADRs between pediatric age subgroups. From 1787 spontaneously reported ADRs in an 11-year period, 103 (5.85%) were pediatric ADRs. The median age of patients with ADRs was 8.4 years (range 1 day-17 years) and 57.3% were male. The most frequent ADRs reported were nervous system disorders (13.6%) and the most frequently involved drugs were antineoplastics and immunodulators (32.4%). A 59.2% of the ADRs were serious and 55.3% were classified as being type B reactions. Medication errors were involved in 7.8% of the ADRs and 11.9% of the suspected drugs were used off-label. Spontaneous reports of ADRs in newborns, infants, and toddlers were more serious and less often described in the product data sheet than in children and adolescents (p < 0.001 and p = 0.004 respectively). Medication errors were more frequent in patients under two years of age. These results should be interpreted with caution due to under-reporting and biases in spontaneous reporting of ADRs.

Pediatr. catalan ; 76(3): 120-122, jul.-sept. 2016. ilus
Article in Catalan | IBECS | ID: ibc-158697


Introducció: el ritme accelerat idioventricular (RIVA) és una disrítmia originada a nivell dels feixos de His, de les fibres de Purkinje o dels miòcits ventriculars, molt rara en infants i nadons. Cas clínic: es presenta el cas d'un nounat a terme amb la presència de RIVA els primers dies de vida, sense repercus-sió hemodinàmica, i que s'autolimita als dos mesos d'edat. Posteriorment es va diagnosticar d'acidèmia metilmalònica tipus mut0, i es va iniciar el tractament amb dieta específica, carnitina i vitamina B12, amb bon control metabòlic. En el seguiment presenta extrasístoles ventriculars aïllades i un desenvolupament físic i psicomotor correctes. Comentaris: la identificació d'aquesta disrítmia pot ser difícil i és de gran transcendència, ja que planteja el diagnòstic diferencial principalment amb la taquicàrdia ventricular. El seu pronòstic generalment és benigne i tendeix a la resolució espontània; per tant, els fàrmacs antiarítmics no estan indicats. La coexistència de RIVA i acidèmia metilmalònica en un mateix pacient no ha estat descrita fins al moment

Introducción. El ritmo acelerado idioventricular (RIVA) es una disritmia originada a nivel de los haces de His, de las fibras de Purkinje o de los miocitos ventriculares, muy rara en niños y neonatos. Caso clínico. Se presenta el caso de un recién nacido a término con la presencia de RIVA los primeros días de vida, sin repercusión hemodinámica, y que se autolimita a los dos meses de edad. Posteriormente se diagnosticó de acidemia metilmalónica tipo mut0, y se inició el tratamiento con dieta específica, carnitina y vitamina B12, con buen control metabólico. En el seguimiento presenta extrasístoles ventriculares aisladas y un desarrollo físico y psicomotor correctos. Comentarios. La identificación de esta disritmia puede ser difícil y es de gran trascendencia, puesto que plantea el diagnóstico diferencial principalmente con la taquicardia ventricular. Su pronostico es, generalmente, benigno y tiende a la resolución espontánea; por tanto, los fármacos antiarrítmicos no están indicados. La coexistencia de RIVA y acidemia metilmalónica no ha sido descrita hasta el momento en un mismo paciente (AU)

Introduction. The accelerated idioventricular rhythm (AIVR) is a very rare pediatric dysrhythmia originated in the bundles of His, Purkinje fibers, or ventricular myocytes. Case report. A term newborn presented with AIVR in the first days of life; he was hemodynamically stable, and the arrhythmia resolved by two months of age. The infant was subsequently diagnosed with mut0 methylmalonic acidemia, and was started on specific diet, carnitine, and vitamin B12, with good response. On follow-up, the infant was found to have isolated ventricular extrasystoles and normal physical and psychomotor development. Comments. The identification of this dysrhythmia can be difficult; its prompt recognition is critical due to its differential diagnosis with ventricular tachycardia. The prognosis is usually benign, with spontaneous resolution in most cases; thus, antiarrhythmic agents are not indicated. The coexistence of AIVR and methylmalonic academia has not been previously described (AU)

Humans , Female , Infant, Newborn , Accelerated Idioventricular Rhythm/complications , Accelerated Idioventricular Rhythm/diagnosis , Myocytes, Cardiac/pathology , Diagnosis, Differential , Metabolism, Inborn Errors/diet therapy , Metabolism, Inborn Errors/diagnosis , Purkinje Fibers/abnormalities , Metabolic Diseases/diet therapy , Carnitine/therapeutic use , Vitamin B 12/therapeutic use
Pediatr. catalan ; 71(4): 146-148, oct.-dic. 2011. ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-99702


Introducción. Los catéteres venosos centrales se utilizan de forma rutinaria en las unidades de cuidados intensivos neonatales. Son dispositivos seguros, pero no están libres de potenciales complicaciones. Su rotura es un ejemplo, y, al ser un hecho excepcional, cuando acontece puede producir dudas sobre su correcto abordaje. Caso clínico. Se expone el caso de una rotura de catéter venoso central percutáneo, accidentalmente insertado a nivel de arteria humeral, y la migración posterior de un fragmento hasta arteria mesentérica superior en un recién nacido pretérmino de 26 semanas de edad gestacional. Después de valorar diferentes opciones terapéuticas, se decide realizar un cateterismo intervencionista para su recuperación. De esta forma, se consigue la extracción del cuerpo extraño desde arteria femoral, sin ninguna complicación asociada al procedimiento. Comentario. Es, según nuestro conocimiento, el primer caso descrito de la utilidad del cateterismo intervencionista en la recuperación de cuerpos extraños situados en territorio arterial sistémico (AU)

Background. Central venous catheters are used routinely in the newborn intensive care units. These devices are reliable, but not free of potential complications. Its rupture is an example, and, being exceptional, when it happens it produces doubts about its correct management. Clinic case. We report the case of a broken percutaneous central venous catheter, accidentally inserted at humeral artery, and the subsequent migration of a fragment to superior mesenteric artery in a premature infant of 26 weeks of gestational age. After evaluating different treatment options, it was decided to perform an interventional catheterization to retrieve it. The foreign body was removed from femoral artery, without any complications associated with the procedure. Comment. It is, to our knowledge, the first reported example of the usefulness of interventional catheterization in the recovery of foreign bodies located in systemic arterial territory (AU)

Humans , Male , Infant, Newborn , Mesenteric Artery, Superior/surgery , Mesenteric Artery, Superior , /methods , Catheters , Foreign-Body Migration/complications , Foreign-Body Migration/surgery , Foreign-Body Migration , Radiography, Interventional/methods , Catheterization, Central Venous/methods , Catheterization, Central Venous , Catheterization/trends , Catheterization , Infant, Premature , Radiography, Interventional/trends , Radiography, Interventional