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Int J Older People Nurs ; 18(1): e12494, 2023 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35842923


AIMS: To translate and culturally validate the Estabrooks' Kinds of Research Utilization (RU) and the Conceptual Research Utilization Scale (CRU) into Brazilian Portuguese; and to describe the research use by health professionals working on Long Term Care Institutions (LTCI) for older people. BACKGROUND: Research utilisation ensures greater quality and effectiveness in the care provided by health professionals. However, there are no instruments to evaluate research utilisation in Latin America countries, like Brazil. MATERIALS & METHODS: A methodological cross-sectional questionnaire validity and descriptive study. The translation and adaptation of the instruments was performed in seven steps following psychometric guidelines. The instruments evaluate research utilisation by health professionals in clinical practice. The RU is composed of single-items of instrumental, persuasive, conceptual and overall forms; and the CRU the conceptual form through a 5-item scale. Professionals of technical level and graduated working in nine LTCI were evaluated from August to December 2018. Descriptive and inferential (reliability, correlation, internal consistency and structure of CRU) analyses were conducted. RESULTS: Sample composed of 117 professionals, 67.5% of healthcare aides and 32.5% of graduated health professionals. All forms of research utilisation showed high implementation in practice (about 75% of the time, or frequently). CRU internal consistency (α = 0.885) and structure were adequate. There were significant correlations between RU and CRU (from very low r = 0.187 to high r = 0.712). Intra-rater, inter-rater and alternate forms reliability ranged from moderate to substantial. CONCLUSIONS: The Brazilian versions of the RU and the CRU are valid, reliable and acceptable for evaluating research utilisation by professionals working on LTCI. It is of great relevance to introduce these instruments in low- and middle-income countries to have future data on how much older people care is influenced by the best evidence available. These instruments can be adapted to different healthcare settings and populations.

Cross-Cultural Comparison , Translations , Humans , Aged , Brazil , Reproducibility of Results , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Psychometrics
Acta fisiátrica ; 26(1): 37-42, mar. 2019.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1046644


O Teste Alcance Funcional avalia o limite de estabilidade, isto é, o quanto o indivíduo pode se movimentar sem alterar sua base de sustentação. Objetivo: Avaliar idosos pelo Teste Alcance Funcional (AF) e verificar os fatores associados ao seu desempenho. Métodos: Pesquisa observacional de corte transversal com análise secundária de dados coletados em estudo prévio. Amostra de idosos da comunidade (≥ 65 anos), de Unidade de Saúde da Família, de ambos os sexos e com deambulação independente. Foram coletadas do banco as informações sociodemográficas, antropométricas, clínicas e de equilíbrio corporal (AF, Time Up and Go-TUG e Escala de Equilíbrio de Berg). O AF foi mensurado em uma única tentativa pelo deslocamento anterior do idoso, sendo classificado de forma numérica (cm) e categórica pela Berg. Foi realizada estatística descritiva e inferencial (testes de correlação e associação) Resultados: Foram avaliados 96 idosos com média de 74,8 anos, AF de 22,5±7,2 cm e 49% conseguiram alcançar à frente mais que 25 cm. Houve correlação entre o AF e variáveis sociodemográficas (idade), antropométricas (altura, peso e comprimento do pé), clínicas (força de preensão palmar e dor) e de equilíbrio (TUG e Berg). Idosos com faixa etária mais avançada, com doença endócrina, baixa acuidade visual, sedentários, com histórico de quedas, com queixas de dor e tontura apresentaram estatisticamente pior desempenho no AF. Conclusão: Idosos de Unidade de Saúde da Família apresentam AF levemente reduzido em relação à normalidade. Alguns fatores estão associados ao desempenho no AF e devem ser considerados na interpretação de seus resultados.

The Functional Reach assesses the limits of stability, that is, how far the individual can move without changing the base of support. Objective: To evaluate the Forward Functional Reach Test (FR) in older adults and to verify the factors associated with the test performance. Method: Observational cross-sectional study with secondary analysis of data from a previous study. Sample of community-dwelling older adults (≥ 65 years) from the Family Health Program, both sexes and independent for ambulation. Socio-demographic, anthropometric, clinical and balance control (FR, Time Up and Go-TUG and Berg Balance Scale) information were collected. The FR was measured in a single attempt by the anterior displacement of the subject classified numerically (cm) and categorically according to the Berg Balance Scale. Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis (correlation and association tests) were performed. Results: 96 older adults were evaluated with mean age of 74.8 years, FR of 22.5±7.2 cm and 49% achieved more than 25 cm. There was a correlation between FR and sociodemographic (age), anthropometric (height, weight and foot length), clinical (grip strength and pain) and balance (TUG and Berg Scale) data. Old people with more advanced age, with endocrine disease, low visual acuity, sedentary, with history of falls, with complaints of pain and dizziness presented statistically worse performance in FR. Conclusion: Older adults from the Family Health Program have a slightly reduced in FR compare to normative data from community-dwelling elderly. Some factors are associated with FR performance and should be considered when interpreting their results.

Humans , Aged , Aged , Postural Balance