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Foods ; 12(15)2023 Jul 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37569106


INTRODUCTION: The third wave of COVID-19 had a large impact on the autonomous Region of Valencia, which gave rise to restrictions on movement and access to collective eating establishments. The objective of this study is to analyse the culinary and gastronomic behaviour exhibited by the population of the province of Alicante during the period of restrictions, in early 2021, in order to compare the results with an identical survey carried out during the first lockdown of 2020. METHODS: observational and repeated cross-sectional study. RESULTS: The frequency and time dedicated to cooking were similar, as was the tendency to cook as a family, although the percentage of meals ate alone increased and the presence of audiovisual devices during meals persisted. Recipes, cookbooks, websites and online courses became the principal sources of learning and the self-perception of improvements in culinary skills was greater. The cooking of traditional dishes of the Mediterranean diet predominated to the detriment of ready meals, but 41.6% of those surveyed preferred to improvise. The recipes most consulted were those for main courses. CONCLUSIONS: In spite of certain changes and setbacks, which in many cases led to a regression to the situation prior to the pandemic, many of the improvements made during the lockdown of 2020 persisted. Changes were made in culinary and gastronomic practices that can help to achieve a more conscious, healthy and sustainable diet but which require educational policies and actions to reinforce and consolidate them.

Rev. esp. nutr. comunitaria ; 27(2): 1-8, Abril-Junio, 2021. tab, graf, ilus
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-220210


Fundamentos: La pérdida de los referentes alimentarios, culinarios y gastronómicos propios de la dieta mediterránea, se traduce en un deterioro del estado nutricional y en una mayor incidencia de sobrepeso, obesidad y problemas de salud asociados, entre otras consecuencias. Frente al alejamiento de los parámetros de la cultura alimentaria mediterránea parece oportuno desarrollar estrategias que ayuden a su recuperación. Hacerlo de la mano de la nutrición y la gastronomía puede resultar clave. Los objetivos son analizar la experiencia del programa El Setrill emitido en Radio UA y abordar la utilidad de la divulgación radiofónica como estrategia didáctica y como instrumento para la promoción de una gastronomía sostenible. Métodos: Bajo el título de El Setrill, con el valenciano y el castellano como lenguas vehiculares, durante el curso académico 2017-2018 se inició en Radio UA la emisión de un programa radiofónico de 30 minutos sobre gastronomía, tradiciones culinarias y salud. Lo lleva a cabo un equipo su multidisciplinar conformado por dos periodistas, dos dietistas nutricionistas, un cocinero con formación en enfermería y antropología, y un historiador de la ciencia con formación médica. Resultados: Se han realizado 21 programas en 3 temporadas, con temáticas que han abordado desde el aceite de oliva a la cocina de cuaresma, pasando por distintos arroces, la compra de proximidad, o los productos de temporada, entre otros. Con más de 15 000 visualizaciones y reproducciones y una media de 732 por programa. Conclusiones: La experiencia ha mostrado la utilidad y las posibilidades del medio radiofónico como instrumento de divulgación científica, complemento formativo y promotor de una gastronomía saludable y sostenible basada en las tradiciones culinarias. (AU)

Background: The loss of food, culinary and gastronomic references typical of the Mediterranean diet results in a deterioration of the nutritional status and a higher incidence of overweight, obesity and associated health problems, among other consequences. In this context, it seems appropriate to develop strategies that will help to recoverthe parameters of the Mediterranean food culture. Doing so hand in hand with nutrition and gastronomy can be the key.The objectives are to analyse the experience of the programme El Setrill broadcast on Radio UA and to tackle the usefulness of radio broadcasting as an educational strategyand as an instrument for the promotion of sustainable gastronomy. Methods: Under the title of El Setrill, with Valencian andSpanish as the vehicular languages, during the 2017-2018 academic year, a 30-minute radio programme on gastronomy, culinary traditions and health was started on Radio UA. It is carried out by a multidisciplinary team made up of two journalists, two dieticians, a cook with studies in nursing and anthropology, and a science historian with medical degrees.Results: 21 programs have been carried out in 3 seasons, with themes that have covered everything from olive oil to Lenten cooking, including different rice dishes, local shopping and seasonal products, among others. With more than 15,000 views and reproductions and an average of 732 per programme. Conclusions: Revista Española de Nutrición Comunitaria Revista Española de Nutrición Comunitaria Revista Española de The experience has shown the utility and the possibilities of radio as a tool for popularizing science, a formative complement and a promoter of healthy and sustainable gastronomy based on culinary traditions. (AU)

Humans , Food and Nutrition Education , Scientific Communication and Diffusion , Radio , Spain