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EFSA J ; 16(3): e05167, 2018 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32625823


The Panel on Food Contact Materials, Enzymes, Flavourings and Processing Aids of the European Food Safety Authority was requested to consider evaluations of flavouring substances assessed since 2000 by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), and to decide whether further evaluation is necessary, as laid down in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1565/2000. The present revision of this FGE is on the assessment of recently submitted toxicity data on methyl propyl trisulfide [FL-no: 12.020], being the representative for a group of seven additional flavouring substances: diallyl trisulfide [FL-no: 12.009], dimethyl trisulfide [FL-no: 12.013], dipropyl trisulfide [FL-no: 12.023], methyl allyl trisulfide [FL-no: 12.045], diallyl polysulfides [FL-no: 12.074], methyl ethyl trisulfide [FL-no: 12.155] and diisopropyl trisulphide [FL-no: 12.280]. Specifications have been provided for all substances. The Panel decided that the 90-day study submitted for [FL-no: 12.020] can be considered only once it is clearly demonstrated that the material tested is representative of the material of commerce and that potential reaction products of the components are not of safety concern. Therefore, no conclusion on the safety of the eight flavouring substances [FL-no: 12.009, 12.013, 12.020, 12.023, 12.045, 12.074, 12.155 and 12.280] can be reached. For 2-methyl-4-oxopentane-2-thiol [FL-no: 12.169] and 2-mercapto-2-methylpentan-1-ol [FL-no: 12.241], additional subchronic toxicity data are required. The remaining nine substances [FL-no: 12.088, 12.179, 12.198, 12.212, 12.238, 12.239, 12.255, 12.257 and 12.291] in this FGE are not considered of safety concern under the intended conditions of use.

EFSA J ; 15(11): e05010, 2017 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32625329


The EFSA Panel on Food Contact Materials, Enzymes, Flavourings and Processing Aids was requested to consider evaluations of flavouring substances assessed since 2000 by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), and to decide whether further evaluation is necessary, as laid down in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1565/2000. The present revision of FGE.73 concerns the inclusion of four additional flavouring substances (p-mentha-1,8-dien-7-ol [FL-no: 02.060], myrtenol [FL-no: 02.091], p-mentha-1,8-dien-7-yl acetate [FL-no: 09.278] and myrtenyl acetate [FL-no: 09.302]) evaluated by JECFA at the 59th meeting. The substances were evaluated through a stepwise approach integrating information on structure-activity relationships, intake from current uses, toxicological thresholds of concern (TTC), and available data on metabolism and toxicity. In agreement with JECFA, the Panel evaluated 22 and one candidate substances via the A and the B-side of the Procedure, respectively, and concluded for all substances 'No safety concern at estimated levels of intake as flavouring substances' based on the maximised survey-derived daily intake (MSDI) approach. The specifications for the materials of commerce have also been considered. Adequate specifications, including complete purity criteria and identity data, are available for 22 out of the 23 JECFA substances evaluated in this FGE. For [FL-no: 09.278], the stereoisomeric composition is not specified. For the six substances with [FL-no: 02.060, 02.091, 09.034, 09.278, 09.302 and 09.712] evaluated in this FGE, use levels have become available and the modified theoretical added maximum daily intakes (mTAMDIs) were estimated. For two substances [FL-no: 09.034, and 09.712], the mTAMDI estimates were above the TTC for their structural class and more detailed information is needed to finalise their evaluation. For the remaining 17 substances evaluated through the Procedure, use levels are needed to calculate the mTAMDIs in order to identify those flavouring substances that need more refined exposure assessment in order to finalise the evaluation.

EFSA J ; 15(11): e05012, 2017 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32625331


The EFSA Panel on Food Contact Materials, Enzymes, Flavourings and Processing Aids (CEF Panel) was requested by the European Commission according to Art. 29 1(a) of the Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 to carry out a review of existing literature on the safety of ethyl acrylate [FL-no: 09.037] when used as a flavouring substance. Ethyl acrylate [FL-no: 09.037] was evaluated in 2010 by EFSA in FGE.71 as a flavouring substance, based on the 2006 JECFA evaluation. The Panel concluded that ethyl acrylate was of no safety concern at estimated level of intake as flavouring substance based on the Maximised Survey-Derived Daily Intake (MSDI) approach. The Panel has evaluated the new literature available and any previous assessments performed by JECFA (2006) and EFSA (2010). Moreover, new data on the use levels of ethyl acrylate as flavouring substance have been provided. For use as flavouring substance, the chronic dietary exposure estimated using the added portions exposure technique (APET), is calculated to be 3,545 µg/person per day for a 60-kg adult and 2,233 µg/person per day for a 15-kg 3-year-old child. Exposure from food contact materials may be up to 6,000 µg/person per day. The Panel considered that based on the available data, which covers all relevant genetic endpoints (i.e. gene mutations, structural and numerical chromosomal aberrations) there is no concern with respect to genotoxicity of ethyl acrylate. The Panel evaluated the available carcinogenicity studies conducted in rats and mice and agreed with the NTP evaluation (1998) concluding that the forestomach squamous cell papilloma and carcinoma observed in rodents were not relevant to humans. Additionally, there was no evidence of systemic toxicity in short-term and subchronic toxicity studies. Therefore, the Panel concluded that there is no safety concern for the use of ethyl acrylate as a flavouring substance, under the intended conditions of use.

EFSA J ; 15(11): e05013, 2017 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32625332


Benzophenone [FL-no: 07.032] has been evaluated as a flavouring substance, in FGE.69, by the EFSA Panel on Food Additives, Flavourings, Processing Aids and Materials in Contact with Food in 2008. Benzophenone was evaluated also by JECFA (2011) and by IARC (2013) based on studies that were not considered in the EFSA opinion on FGE.69. Therefore, the Commission requested the CEF Panel to carry out a review of existing literature on the safety of this flavouring substance. In the framework of the evaluation of benzophenone as a food contact material, the CEF Panel established a tolerable daily intake (TDI) of 0.03 mg/kg body weight (bw) per day (2009). In the present Opinion, the Panel considered the already existing evaluations by EFSA, JECFA, IARC and available literature data on benzophenone toxicity. Moreover, new data on the use levels of benzophenone as a flavouring substance have been provided. The Panel considers that there is no concern with respect to genotoxicity. The Panel considers the endocrine activities of benzophenone and its metabolite 4-hydroxybenzophenone as weak and not directly related to the observed toxic effects including the neoplastic effects in rodents. The Panel confirms that the conservative approach taken by EFSA (2009) to derive a TDI of 0.03 mg/kg bw for benzophenone is appropriate to cover the non-neoplastic effects in the chronic toxicity studies and the neoplastic effects induced in the rodent carcinogenicity studies. The TDI is in the same order of magnitude as the chronic dietary exposure of adults and children to benzophenone (10-20 µg/kg bw per day) for the amount of added flavouring substance. The Panel considers that the calculated TDI and exposure estimate are based on conservative assumptions. The Panel concludes that there is no safety concern for benzophenone under the current condition of use as a flavouring substance.

EFSA J ; 15(5): e04766, 2017 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32625478


The EFSA Panel on Food Contact Materials, Enzymes, Flavourings and Processing Aids (CEF) was requested to evaluate the genotoxic potential of flavouring substances from subgroup 2.2 of FGE.19 in the Flavouring Group Evaluation 208 Revision 2 (FGE.208Rev2). In FGE.208Rev1, the CEF Panel evaluated genotoxicity studies on p-mentha-1,8-dien-7-al [FL-no: 05.117], the representative substance for FGE.19 subgroup 2.2. The Comet assay performed in liver showed a positive result, and therefore, the Panel concluded that p-mentha-1,8-dien-7-al [FL-no: 05.117] is genotoxic in vivo and that, accordingly, there is a safety concern for its use as flavouring substance. Since p-mentha-1,8-dien-7-al [FL-no: 05.117] is representative for the nine remaining substances of subgroup 2.2 (p-mentha-1,8-dien-7-ol [FL-no: 02.060], myrtenol [FL-no: 02.091], myrtenal [FL-no: 05.106], 2,6,6-trimethyl-1-cyclohexen-1-carboxaldehyde [FL-no: 05.121], myrtenyl formate [FL-no: 09.272], p-mentha-1,8-dien-7-yl acetate [FL-no: 09.278], myrtenyl acetate [FL-no: 09.302], myrtenyl-2-methylbutyrate [FL-no: 09.899] and myrtenyl-3-methylbutyrate [FL-no: 09.900]), the Panel concluded in the previous revision of FGE.208 (FGE.208Rev1) that there is a potential safety concern for these substances. Subsequently, the industry has submitted genotoxicity studies on five substances of FGE.19 subgroup 2.2: p-mentha-1,8-dien-7-ol [FL-no: 02.060], myrtenol [FL-no: 02.091], myrtenal [FL-no: 05.106], p-mentha-1,8-dien-7-yl acetate [FL-no: 09.278] and myrtenyl acetate [FL-no: 09.302], which are evaluated in the present revision of FGE.208 (FGE.208Rev2). The Panel concluded that the concern for genotoxicity could be ruled out for p-mentha-1,8-dien-7-ol [FL-no: 02.060], myrtenol [FL-no: 02.091], p-mentha-1,8-dien-7-yl acetate [FL-no: 09.278] and myrtenyl acetate [FL-no: 09.302], which will be evaluated through the Procedure. Genotoxicity data on myrtenal [FL-no: 05.106] were considered equivocal, therefore, it cannot be evaluated through the Procedure, presently. p-Mentha-1,8-dien-7-al [FL-no: 05.117] and four substances not supported by industry (2,6,6-trimethyl-1-cyclohexen-1-carboxaldehyde [FL-no: 05.121], myrtenyl formate [FL-no: 09.272], myrtenyl-2-methylbutyrate [FL-no: 09.899] and myrtenyl-3-methylbutyrate [FL-no: 09.900]) have been deleted from the Union List.

EFSA J ; 15(5): e04847, 2017 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32625501


The EFSA Panel on Food Contact Materials, Enzymes, Flavourings and Processing Aids was requested to evaluate the genotoxic potential of one flavouring substance from subgroup 1.1.1(b) of FGE.19 in the Flavouring Group Evaluation 226 (FGE.226). The flavour industry provided genotoxicity studies for the substance 4,5-epoxydec-2(trans)-enal [FL-no: 16.071]. Based on these data, the Panel concluded in FGE.226 that 4,5-epoxydec-2(trans)-enal did not induce gene mutations in bacterial cells but was positive in an in vitro micronucleus assay, so, 4,5-epoxydec-2(trans)-enal is considered an in vitro genotoxic agent. The negative results obtained in an in vivo micronucleus assay cannot overrule the positive results of the in vitro micronucleus assay with and without S9-mix due to the lack of demonstration of bone marrow exposure. Following this, the flavour industry has provided plasma analysis of a satellite group of rats treated with 4,5-epoxydec-2(trans)-enal in order to investigate the systemic exposure of animals in the in vivo micronucleus assay. However, the plasma analysis did not provide enough evidence of target tissue exposure. An in vivo Comet assay in rodents was recommended in FGE.226, in order to investigate possible genotoxic effects at the first site of contact (e.g. stomach/duodenum cells) and in the liver. An in vivo Comet assay in liver and duodenum was provided that suggests that 4,5-epoxydec-2(trans)-enal [FL-no: 16.071] did not induce DNA damage in the duodenum of rats. However, the genotoxic effect observed in vitro was confirmed in the in vivo Comet assay in the liver of rats. The Panel concluded that 4,5-epoxydec-2(trans)-enal [FL-no: 16.071] does raise a safety concern with respect to genotoxicity and, therefore, it cannot be evaluated according to the Procedure.