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Chemosphere ; 343: 140235, 2023 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37734497


Evidence linking the toxicity of bisphenol A (BPA) to environmental and public-health issues has led to restrictions on its use. This compound has been gradually replaced with analogues proposed as a safer alternative, normally bisphenol F (BPF) and bisphenol S (BPS), but these substitutes are structurally almost identical to BPA, suggesting they may pose similar risks. The effects of BPA and these analogues were compared for antioxidant activity, lipid peroxidation, free-radical generation, photosynthetic pigments, and chlorophyll fluorescence in Salvinia biloba Raddi (S. biloba) plants exposed to environmentally relevant and sublethal concentrations (1, 10, 50, 100 and 150 µM). Bisphenol exposure promoted alterations in most of the physiological parameters investigated, with BPS toxicity differing slightly from that of the analogues. Furthermore, S. biloba removed similar levels of BPA and BPF from aqueous solutions with ≈70% removed at the 150 µM concentration, while BPS was less effectively removed, with only 23% removed at 150 µM. These findings show that high concentrations of bisphenols (10≥) are toxic to S. biloba, and even typical environmental levels (≤1 µM) can induce metabolic changes in plants, bringing to light that both BPA and its substitutes BPF and BPS pose risks to aquatic ecosystems.

Ecosystem , Phenols , Phenols/toxicity , Phenols/metabolism , Benzhydryl Compounds/toxicity , Benzhydryl Compounds/metabolism
Rev. APS ; 19(4): 656-660, out. 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-832251


Objetiva-se relatar a experiência de uma proposta que integra ensino ao serviço para a promoção da saúde do homem trabalhador. Essa ação foi proposta por discentes, docente da Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia e uma equipe de saúde da família no município de Santo Antônio de Jesus − BA. A ação foi desenvolvida em etapas; inicialmente, houve uma apropriação do mapa da área adstrita e o reconhecimento da área para levantamento do perfil produtivo, o que permitiu a definição de um itinerário de visitas a estabelecimentos de trabalho. A execução do projeto no território se deu a partir da visita aos estabelecimentos de trabalho por microárea para a ação de promoção à saúde e redução de danos e, no outro dia, visita aos mesmos estabelecimentos para avaliação e atualização do cartão vacinal. Para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, foram selecionados temas e modo de abordagem, e após amadurecimento da discussão entre docente, discentes e trabalhadores de saúde, foram listados os subtemas: prevenção de acidentes laborais, acidentes automobilísticos, condutas básicas em caso de acidentes, saúde sexual e reprodutiva e testagem rápida para infecções sexualmente transmissíveis, redução de danos, alimentação saudável, atividade física versus sedentarismo, uso de anabolizantes e calendário vacinal de adulto, apresentados sob a forma de álbum seriado. Foram realizadas visitas a oficinas, metalúrgicas, bares, lava-jatos, mercados, marcenarias, construções, pontos de mototáxi e fábricas. Estima-se que 50 homens com idades entre 18 a 56 anos participaram dos momentos educativos e 23 pessoas foram vacinadas. A experiência ensino-serviço proporcionou o desenvolvimento de estratégias para incluir os homens nas ações de promoção da saúde, alertando trabalhadores/empregadores sobre os potenciais riscos laborais bem como outros aspectos da saúde.

The aim of this work is to report the experience with a proposal that integrates teaching and university extension project for the promotion of worker men's health. This action was proposed by professors and nursing students of Federal University of Reconcavo of Bahia, and a family health team in Santo Antônio de Jesus - BA. The action was developed in stages. Initially, there was a familiarization with the map of ancillary area, and area recognition to know the production profile, which allowed the definition of an itinerary of visits to work establishments. The project execution in the territory occurred from the visit to work establishments per micro area; for the health promotion action and damage reduction, and in the next day, visit to the same establishments for evaluation and immunization record updating. For the teaching-learning process, themes and approach mode were selected, and after the ripening of discussion among professors, students and health workers, the subthemes were listed: industrial accidents prevention, traffic accidents, basic conducts in accident cases, sexual and reproductive health, rapid testing for sexually transmitted infections, damage reduction, healthy alimentation, physical activity versus sedentary lifestyle, use of anabolic steroids and adult immunization schedule. They were presented in the serialized album format. Visits were made in workshops, metallurgical plants, bars, car washes, markets, cabinetmaking, construction sites, motorcycle taxi stands and factories. It is estimated that 50 men between 18-56 years old, participated in the education moments and 23 people were vaccinated. The teaching-extension experience provided development of strategies of men inclusion on health promotion actions, alerting workers and employers about the potential risks at work, as well as others health aspects.

Men's Health , Health Promotion , Primary Health Care , Health Education , National Health Strategies