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Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 26(20): 14547-14560, 2024 May 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38721799


Experimental evidence shows that hydroxylated metal ions are often produced during cluster synthesis by atmospheric pressure spark ablation. In this work, we predict the ground state equilibrium structures of AgOkHm± clusters (k and m = 1-4), which are readily produced when spark ablating Ag, using the coupled cluster with singles and doubles (CCSD) method. The stabilization energy of these clusters is calculated with respect to the dissociation channel having the lowest energy, by accounting perturbative triples corrections to the CCSD method. The interatomic interactions in each of the systems have been investigated using the frontier molecular orbital (FMO), natural bond orbital (NBO) and quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM) methods. Many of the ground states of these ionic clusters are found to be stable, corroborating experimental observations. We find that clusters having singlet spin states are more stable in terms of dissociation than the clusters that have doublet or triplet spin states. Our calculations also indicate a strong affinity of the ionic and neutral Ag atom towards water and hydroxyl radicals or ions. Many 3-center, 4-electron (3c/4e) hyperbonds giving rise to more than one resonance structure are identified primarily for the anionic clusters. The QTAIM analysis shows that the O-H and O-Ag bonds in the clusters of both polarities are respectively covalent and ionic. The FMO analysis indicates that the anionic clusters are more reactive than the cationic ones. Using the cluster structures predicted by the CCSD method, we calculate the collision cross sections of the AgOkHm± family, with k and m ranging from 1 to 4, by the trajectory method. In turn, we predict the electrical mobilities of these clusters when suspended in helium at atmospheric pressure and compare them with experimental measurements.

Environ Sci Nano ; 11(3): 1023-1043, 2024 Mar 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38496350


Photocatalyst synthesis typically involves multiple steps, expensive precursors, and solvents. In contrast, spark ablation offers a simple process of electrical discharges in a gap between two electrodes made from a desirable material. This enables a precursor- and waste-free generation of pure metal oxide nanoparticles or mixtures of various compositions. This study presents a two-step method for the production of photocatalytic filters with deposited airborne MnOx, TiO2, and ZnO nanoparticles using spark ablation and calcination processes. The resulting MnOx and TiO2 filters demonstrated almost twice the activity with outstanding performance stability, as compared to sol-gel MnO2 and commercial TiO2. The introduced method is not only simple, precursor- and waste-free, and leads to superior performance for the case studied, but it also has future potential due to its versatility. It can easily produce mixed and doped materials with further improved properties, making it an interesting avenue for future research.

Nanoscale Adv ; 5(24): 6880-6886, 2023 Dec 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38059023


Nanoparticles (NPs) mixed at the atomic scale have been synthesized by atmospheric-pressure spark ablation using pairs of Pd and Hf electrodes. Gravimetric analysis of the electrodes showed that the fraction of each material in the resulting mixed NPs can be varied from ca. 15-85 at% to 85-15 at% by employing different combinations of electrode polarities and thicknesses. These results were also qualitatively corroborated by microscopy and elemental analysis of the produced NPs. When using pairs of electrodes having the same diameter, the material from the one at negative polarity was represented at a substantially higher fraction in the mixed NPs regardless of whether a pair of thin or thick electrodes were employed. This can be attributed to the higher ablation rate of the electrodes at the negative polarity, as already known from earlier experiments. When using electrodes of different diameters, the fraction of the element from the thinner electrode was always higher. This is because thinner electrodes are ablated more effectively due to, at least in part, the increased importance of the associated heat losses compared to its thicker counterpart. In those cases, the polarity of the electrodes had a significantly smaller effect. Overall, our results demonstrate, for the first time, that spark ablation can be used to control atomic scale mixing and thus produce alloyed NPs with compositions that can be tuned to a good extent by simply using different combinations of electrode diameters and polarities. This expands the capabilities of the technique for producing mixed nanoparticle building blocks of well-defined composition that are highly desired for a wide range of applications.

J Phys Chem A ; 126(37): 6376-6386, 2022 Sep 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36099558


Silver oxide cluster cations (AgnOm+) can readily be produced by a number of methods including atmospheric-pressure spark ablation of pure silver electrodes when trace amounts of oxygen are present in the carrier gas. Here we determine the equilibrium geometries of AgnOm+ clusters (n = 1-4; m = 1-5) using accurate coupled cluster with singles and doubles (CCSD) method, while the stabilization energies are calculated with additional perturbative triples correction (CCSD(T)). Although a number of stable states have been identified, our results show that the AgnOm+ clusters with m = 1 are more stable than those with m ≥ 2 due to the absence of the terminally attached O2 molecule, corroborating recent observations by mass spectrometry. Using the computed structures, we calculate the electrical mobilities of the AgnOm+ clusters and label the values on a respective experimentally determined spectrum in an attempt to better interpret the occurrence of the peaks and troughs in the measurements.

Nanotechnology ; 33(48)2022 Sep 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35697007


A method is presented to directly measure the mass output of an impaction printer coupled with a spark ablation generator. It is based on a quartz crystal microbalance and shown to be reliable in quantifying mass deposition rate. Here, the method is demonstrated with an Au nanoparticle aerosol synthesized under several spark ablation and deposition settings. Changes in the deposition rate in response to changed synthesis conditions follow the spark ablation models on generation rate made in previous studies, validating this novel measurement method. In combination with the volume of a deposit, a good estimate of the film porosity can be made. The Au nanoparticle films synthesized here have a low porosity of 0.18 due to extensive restructuring and compaction on impact with the substrate. The porosity is found to be insensitive to deposition settings and is constant throughout the film. The simplicity and low cost of a quartz crystal microbalance setup make this an accessible method to determine porosity in porous thin films.

J Nanopart Res ; 20(3): 62, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29527123


The use of disc diffusion susceptibility tests to determine the antibacterial activity of engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) is questionable because their low diffusivity practically prevents them from penetrating through the culture media. In this study, we investigate the ability of such a test, namely the Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion test, to determine the antimicrobial activity of Au and Ag ENPs having diameters from 10 to 40 nm on Escherichia coli cultures. As anticipated, the tests did not show any antibacterial effects of Au nanoparticles (NPs) as a result of their negligible diffusivity through the culture media. Ag NPs on the other hand exhibited a strong antimicrobial activity that was independent of their size. Considering that Ag, in contrast to Au, dissolves upon oxidation and dilution in aqueous solutions, the apparent antibacterial behavior of Ag NPs is attributed to the ions they release. The Kirby-Bauer method, and other similar tests, can therefore be employed to probe the antimicrobial activity of ENPs related to their ability to release ions rather than to their unique size-dependent properties. Graphical abstractᅟ.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 10(7): 6073-6078, 2018 Feb 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29372638


Using the magnetocaloric effect in nanoparticles holds great potential for efficient refrigeration and energy conversion. The most promising candidate materials for tailoring the Curie temperature to room temperature are rare-earth-based magnetic nanoalloys. However, only few high-nuclearity lanthanide/transition-metal nanoalloys have been produced so far. Here we report, for the first time, the observation of magnetic response in spark-produced LaFeSi nanoalloys. The results suggest that these nanoalloys can be used to exploit the magnetocaloric effect near room temperature; such a finding can lead to the creation of unique multicomponent materials for energy conversion, thus helping toward the realization of a sustainable energy economy.

ACS Photonics ; 4(5): 1146-1152, 2017 May 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29354665


The conversion of light to electrical and chemical energy has the potential to provide meaningful advances to many aspects of daily life, including the production of energy, water purification, and optical sensing. Recently, plasmonic nanoparticles (PNPs) have been increasingly used in artificial photosynthesis (e.g., water splitting) devices in order to extend the visible light utilization of semiconductors to light energies below their band gap. These nanoparticles absorb light and produce hot electrons and holes that can drive artificial photosynthesis reactions. For n-type semiconductor photoanodes decorated with PNPs, hot charge carriers are separated by a process called hot electron injection (HEI), where hot electrons with sufficient energy are transferred to the conduction band of the semiconductor. An important parameter that affects the HEI efficiency is the nanoparticle composition, since the hot electron energy is sensitive to the electronic band structure of the metal. Alloy PNPs are of particular importance for semiconductor/PNPs composites, because by changing the alloy composition their absorption spectra can be tuned to accurately extend the light absorption of the semiconductor. This work experimentally compares the HEI efficiency from Ag, Au, and Ag/Au alloy nanoparticles to TiO2 photoanodes for the photoproduction of hydrogen. Alloy PNPs not only exhibit tunable absorption but can also improve the stability and electronic and catalytic properties of the pure metal PNPs. In this work, we find that the Ag/Au alloy PNPs extend the stability of Ag in water to larger applied potentials while, at the same time, increasing the interband threshold energy of Au. This increasing of the interband energy of Au suppresses the visible-light-induced interband excitations, favoring intraband excitations that result in higher hot electron energies and HEI efficiencies.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 8(23): 14756-65, 2016 Jun 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27196424


A major challenge in nanotechnology is that of determining how to introduce green and sustainable principles when assembling individual nanoscale elements to create working devices. For instance, textile nanofinishing is restricted by the many constraints of traditional pad-dry-cure processes, such as the use of costly chemical precursors to produce nanoparticles (NPs), the high liquid and energy consumption, the production of harmful liquid wastes, and multistep batch operations. By integrating low-cost, scalable, and environmentally benign aerosol processes of the type proposed here into textile nanofinishing, these constraints can be circumvented while leading to a new class of fabrics. The proposed one-step textile nanofinishing process relies on the diffusional deposition of aerosol NPs onto textile fibers. As proof of this concept, we deposit Ag NPs onto a range of textiles and assess their antimicrobial properties for two strains of bacteria (i.e., Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumoniae). The measurements show that the logarithmic reduction in bacterial count can get as high as ca. 5.5 (corresponding to a reduction efficiency of 99.96%) when the Ag loading is 1 order of magnitude less (10 ppm; i.e., 10 mg Ag NPs per kg of textile) than that of textiles treated by traditional wet-routes. The antimicrobial activity does not increase in proportion to the Ag content above 10 ppm as a consequence of a "saturation" effect. Such low NP loadings on antimicrobial textiles minimizes the risk to human health (during textile use) and to the ecosystem (after textile disposal), as well as it reduces potential changes in color and texture of the resulting textile products. After three washes, the release of Ag is in the order of 1 wt %, which is comparable to textiles nanofinished with wet routes using binders. Interestingly, the washed textiles exhibit almost no reduction in antimicrobial activity, much as those of as-deposited samples. Considering that a realm of functional textiles can be nanofinished by aerosol NP deposition, our results demonstrate that the proposed approach, which is universal and sustainable, can potentially lead to a wide number of applications.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 8(6): 3933-9, 2016 Feb 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26796099


Tungsten oxides (WOx) thin films are currently used in electro-chromic devices, solar-cells and gas sensors as a result of their versatile and unique characteristics. In this study, we produce nanoparticulate WOx films by spark ablation and focused inertial deposition, and demonstrate their application for NO2 sensing. The primary particles in the as-deposited film samples are amorphous with sizes ranging from 10 to 15 nm. To crystallize the samples, the as-deposited films are annealed at 500 °C in air. This also caused the primary particles to grow to 30-50 nm by sintering. The morphologies and crystal structures of the resulting materials are studied using scanning and transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction, whereas information on composition and oxidation states are determined by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy. The observed sensitivity of the resistance of the annealed films is ∼100 when exposed to 1 ppm of NO2 in air at 200 °C, which provides a considerable margin for employing them in gas sensors for measuring even lower concentrations. The films show a stable and repeatable response pattern. Considering the numerous advantages of spark ablation for fabricating nanoparticulate thin films, the results reported here provide a promising first step toward the production of high sensitivity and high accuracy sensors.

Sci Rep ; 5: 15788, 2015 Oct 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26511290


Continuous gas-phase synthesis of nanoparticles is associated with rapid agglomeration, which can be a limiting factor for numerous applications. In this report, we challenge this paradigm by providing experimental evidence to support that gas-phase methods can be used to produce ultrapure non-agglomerated "singlet" nanoparticles having tunable sizes at room temperature. By controlling the temperature in the particle growth zone to guarantee complete coalescence of colliding entities, the size of singlets in principle can be regulated from that of single atoms to any desired value. We assess our results in the context of a simple analytical model to explore the dependence of singlet size on the operating conditions. Agreement of the model with experimental measurements shows that these methods can be effectively used for producing singlets that can be processed further by many alternative approaches. Combined with the capabilities of up-scaling and unlimited mixing that spark ablation enables, this study provides an easy-to-use concept for producing the key building blocks for low-cost industrial-scale nanofabrication of advanced materials.

Materials (Basel) ; 8(3): 1027-1042, 2015 Mar 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28787986


This article introduces a continuous, gas-phase method for depositing thin metallic coatings onto (nano)particles using a type of physical vapor deposition (PVD) at ambient pressure and temperature. An aerosol of core particles is mixed with a metal vapor cloud formed by spark ablation by passing the aerosol through the spark zone using a hollow electrode configuration. The mixing process rapidly quenches the vapor, which condenses onto the core particles at a timescale of several tens of milliseconds in a manner that can be modeled as bimodal coagulation. Gold was deposited onto core nanoparticles consisting of silver or polystyrene latex, and silver was deposited onto gold nanoparticles. The coating morphology depends on the relative surface energies of the core and coating materials, similar to the growth mechanisms known for thin films: a coating made of a substance having a high surface energy typically results in a patchy coverage, while a coating material with a low surface energy will normally "wet" the surface of a core particle. The coated particles remain gas-borne, allowing further processing.

J Am Chem Soc ; 135(21): 7891-900, 2013 May 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23651258


Spark discharge generation was used to synthesize Mg-Ti nanocomposites consisting primarily of a metastable body-centered-cubic (bcc) alloy of Mg and Ti. The bcc Mg-Ti alloy transformed upon hydrogenation into the face-centered-cubic fluorite Mg1-yTiyHx phase with favorable hydrogen storage properties. Both metal and metal hydride nanocomposites showed a fractal-like porous morphology, with a primary particle size of 10-20 nm. The metal content of 70 atom % (at %) Mg and 30 at % Ti, consistently determined by XRD, TEM-EDS, and ICP-OES, was distributed uniformly across the as-prepared sample. Pressure-composition isotherms for the Mg-Ti-H nanocomposites revealed large differences in the thermodynamics relative to bulk MgH2, with a much less negative enthalpy of formation of the hydride as small as -45 ± 3 kJ/molH2 as deduced from van't Hoff plots. The plateau pressures of hydrogenation were substantially higher than those for bulk MgH2 in the low temperature range from 150 to 250 °C. The reaction entropy was simultaneously reduced to values down to 84 ± 5 J/K mol H2, following a linear relationship between the enthalpy and entropy. Plausible mechanisms for the modified thermodynamics are discussed, including the effect of lattice strains, the presence of interfaces and hydrogen vacancies, and the formation of excess free volume due to local deformations. These mechanisms all rely on the finely interdispersed nanocomposite character of the samples which is maintained by grain refinement.

Clin Orthop Relat Res ; 467(11): 3010-6, 2009 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19565304


The increase in metal-on-metal hip arthroplasties has led to concern regarding the effect of raised serum and tissue metal ion levels. Our aim was to determine changes in the integrity and function of cells of the immune system after exposure to CoCr nanoparticles in specific cell culture experiments. Nanometer-sized particles of CoCr were made from a manufacturer's forged CoCr used for metal-on-metal articulations. Primary, murine dendritic cells and T and B lymphocytes then were exposed to these CoCr particles under cell culture conditions and then assayed for viability and proliferation/activation. CoCr nanoparticles did not directly activate dendritic cells or regulate B cells. Although nanoparticles were not directly toxic to resting T cells, Signals 1- and 2-dependent T cell proliferation were reduced. This may explain the observed reduction in CD8+ T cells observed in patients with metal-on-metal implants.

B-Lymphocytes/immunology , Chromium Alloys/analysis , Lymphocyte Activation/immunology , Nanoparticles/administration & dosage , Animals , B-Lymphocytes/cytology , CD4-Positive T-Lymphocytes/cytology , CD4-Positive T-Lymphocytes/immunology , CD8-Positive T-Lymphocytes/cytology , CD8-Positive T-Lymphocytes/immunology , Cell Proliferation/drug effects , Cells, Cultured , Disease Models, Animal , Female , Hip Prosthesis/adverse effects , Lymphocyte Activation/drug effects , Metals , Mice , Mice, Inbred BALB C , Microscopy, Electron, Transmission , Prosthesis Design , Prosthesis Failure , Random Allocation , Sensitivity and Specificity
J Nanosci Nanotechnol ; 9(4): 2546-52, 2009 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19438000


Here we present a technique based on an initial densification of solid precursor materials using magnetic pulses followed by an atomization process via spark discharging. These two processes allow changing bulky micron sized materials into nanoparticles (5-60 nm). The resulting intermediates and nanomaterials have been characterized using electron microscopy (TEM, SEM) and X-ray diffraction to show the texture and structure evolution between the initial bulk phase and the final nanoparticles. In this paper we present the nanoparticle formation of certain metals (Cu, Sn, Sb), alloys and intermetallics (SnSb, Cu2Sb) starting with pure elemental powders.

J Nanosci Nanotechnol ; 9(1): 598-611, 2009 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19441356


The present work aims to answer the question, which combinations of parameters lead to which texture, and which ones have the largest influence, in the continuous synthesis of nanoporous silica particles from an aerosol. A precursor solution, consisting of dissolved organosilicate species (as silica source) and micelles of a non-ionic surfactant, was fed to a pneumatic aerosol generator resulting in an aerosol consisting of fine droplets, which was subsequently fed into a heated aerosol reactor. The homogeneous microdroplets underwent rapid heating inducing co-operative self-assembly of the silica species with the surfactant micelles to form fine powders composed of an inorganic/organic composite. Further calcination at high temperature decomposed the organic part, resulting in silica particles with a well-defined nanostructured pore network. The number of experimental parameters that potentially influence the final texture of the materials is very large. In order to probe this high-dimensional experimental parameter space, a rigorous statistical methodology is applied, which allows us to greatly reduce the number of experiments. A factorial design was formulated and appropriate statistical techniques were used to evaluate the effect of four experimental variables involving precursor composition and furnace temperature on the BET surface area and total pore volume of the generated particles. The statistical methodology discussed here is generally applicable, easy to implement, and insightful. We recommend using it to efficiently and rigorously investigate in (nano) materials synthesis in general which combinations of synthesis parameters are statistically relevant and which ones are not.