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BMC Public Health ; 24(1): 196, 2024 01 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38229021


OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to analyze gender inequalities in types of physical activity (PA) and in the use of screen-based devices among schoolchildren from both urban and rural areas in Brazil. METHODS: Data from two population-based surveys conducted in 2019 (urban areas: n = 2,479; 52.6% girls; age = 9.2 ± 1.51 years) and 2022 (rural areas: n = 979; 42.6% girls; age = 9.4 ± 1.52 years) were used. PA (active play, nonactive play, home chores, and structured physical activities) and the use of screen-based devices (TV, cellphone, videogame, and computer) were self-reported in a previous-day-recall online questionnaire (Web-CAAFE). Absolute gender inequalities were evaluated and presented as equiplots. Relative gender inequalities were evaluated by the prevalence ratio (PR) and respective 95% confidence intervals (95% CI), which were estimated by Poisson regression, with adjustments for age and BMI z scores. RESULTS: Girls from urban and rural areas presented a lower prevalence of active play and a higher prevalence of home chores. The prevalence of nonactive play among girls from urban areas was also lower; however, their prevalence of structured physical activities was higher, especially among girls aged seven to nine years. Girls in both urban and rural areas presented a higher prevalence of TV viewing and lower use of video games. CONCLUSION: The gender inequalities observed in the types of physical activities and in the use of screen-based devices could be considered potential correlates of the likelihood of girls' and boys' compliance with the physical activity guidelines.

Gender Equity , Sports , Male , Female , Humans , Child , Brazil , Exercise , Surveys and Questionnaires , Rural Population
Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 28: 1-8, mar. 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551625


O estudo descreveu as alterações comportamentais durante a pandemia de COVID-19 e sua asso-ciação com o sobrepeso e obesidade atual de crianças e adolescentes. Participaram do estudo 1.004 crianças e adolescentes de comunidades rurais em áreas de remanescentes de quilombos de Feira de Santana, Bahia (50,3% meninos; Idade: 9,04 ± 1,52 anos). Desfechos: sobrepeso e obesidade, com base nos valores de Índice de Massa Corporal para idade e sexo, avaliados nos pontos de corte da In-ternational Obesity Taskforce. Alterações comportamentais (apetite, sono, psicológicas, sociais) foram avaliadas por meio de questionário preenchido pelos pais. A análise de dados incluiu estatística des-critiva, bivariada e regressão de Poisson múltipla, com estimador robusto de variância, para estimar Razões de Prevalência (RP) e Intervalos de 95% de Confiança (IC95%). A significância estatística foi fixada em valores de p<0,05. Covariáveis: idade, sexo, infecção por COVID-19 e insegurança ali-mentar. Após o período pandêmico, 24% dos participantes estavam com excesso de peso (sobrepeso = 15,5%; obesidade: 8,5%). As principais alterações comportamentais ocorreram no apetite (comer muito mais do que o habitual = 45,6%) e no sono (ir dormir e acordar mais tarde do que o habitual, em 74% e 62,2%, respectivamente). Comer mais que o habitual foi fator associado ao sobrepeso (RP = 1,63; IC95%: 1,14 - 2,32) e à obesidade (RP = 2,00; IC95%:1,22 - 2,25) entre os participantes, após ajuste por sexo, idade, infecção por COVID-19 e insegurança alimentar. As prevalências de sobrepe-so e obesidade subsequentes ao período pandêmico se associaram às alterações comportamentais no apetite ocorridas durante a pandemia entre escolares Quilombolas

The aim of the study was to describe behaviors changes during COVID-19 pandemic and its association with subsequent overweight and obesity among Quilombola schoolchildren. Participants in this study were 1,004 children and adolescents from rural communities in the Quilombo areas of Feira de Santana, Bahia (50.3% boys; Age: 9.04 ± 1.52 years). The outcomes were overweight and obesity prevalence based on age-and-sex Body Mass Index values, evaluated according to the International Obesity Task Force cut-offs. Behavior changes (appetite, sleep, psychological, and social) were measured by a proxy report questionnaire. The analysis included descriptive statistics and multiple Poisson regression models, using robust variance to estimate Prevalence Ratio (PR) and 95% Confidence Intervals (95%CI). Co-variables: age, sex, COV-ID-19 infection, and food insecurity. The results presented 24% of overweight subsequent to the pandemic period (overweight without obesity = 15.5%; obesity = 8.5%). Main behavior changes occurred in diet (eating more than usual = 45.6%) and sleep (time to go to bed/time to wake up later than usual, among 74% and 62.2% of participants, respectively). Eating mor than usual was associated to overweight without obesity (PR = 1.63; 95%CI: 1.14 - 2.32) and obesity (PR = 2.00; 95%CI: 1.22 - 2.25), when adjusted by sex, age, COVID-19 infection, and food insecurity. Being overweight and obese subsequent to the COV-ID-19 pandemic was associated with behavior changes in the appetite during the pandemic period among Quilombola schoolchildren

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Students , Overweight , Quilombola Communities , Sleep , Feeding Behavior
Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 45: e20230029, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529737


RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo ecológico foi estimar desigualdades nas instalações para atividades físicas e esportes (AF) nas escolas públicas de Educação Básica brasileiras (n=70.276), conforme a proporção de matrículas de estudantes autodeclarados negros. Os resultados mostraram que escolas urbanas e rurais com maior proporção de matrículas de estudantes negros (≥60%) apresentaram menos pátio descoberto, quadra coberta e descoberta, parque infantil, estúdio de dança e materiais para a prática desportiva e recreação. Essas desigualdades são traços do racismo, que é estruturante na sociedade brasileira e é institucionalizado na oferta de condições desfavoráveis ao engajamento em AF nas escolas públicas que atendem um maior número de alunos pretos e pardos.

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to estimate inequality in physical activity and sports facilities at Brazilian public elementary schools, according to percent of self-reported black students. Our results showed that schools from urban or rural areas with a higher percentage of enrollments of self-reported black students (≥60%) presented fewer outdoor courtyards, sport court indoor and outdoor, playgrounds, dance studios, and materials for sports and recreation. These inequalities are a feature of racism, which is structural in Brazilian society and institutionalized in unfavorable conditions for engaging in physical activity and sports at public elementary schools where there is a higher number of black students.

RESUMEN Este estudio ecológico tuvo como objetivo estimar las desigualdades en las instalaciones para actividades físicas y deportivas (AF) en las escuelas públicas brasileñas de Educación Básica (n=70.276), según la proporción de matrículas de alumnos que se declararon negros. Los resultados mostraron que las escuelas urbanas y rurales con mayor proporción de matrículas de estudiantes negros (≥60%) tenían menos patio al aire libre, canchas interiores y exteriores, parques infantiles, estudios de danza y materiales para deportes y recreación. Esas desigualdades son rasgos del racismo, que es estructural en la sociedad brasileña y está institucionalizado al ofrecer condiciones desfavorables para la práctica de AF en las escuelas públicas que atienden a un mayor número de alumnos negros y pardos.