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J Phys Condens Matter ; 33(3)2020 Oct 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33007759


We investigate the lattice and electronic structures of the bulk and surface of the prototypical layered topological insulators Bi2Se3and Bi2Te3usingab initiodensity functional methods, and systematically compare the results of different methods of including van der Waals (vdW) interactions. We show that the methods utilizing semi-empirical energy corrections yield accurate descriptions of these materials, with the most precise results obtained by properly accounting for the long-range tail of the vdW interactions. The bulk lattice constants, distances between quintuple layers and the Dirac velocity of the topological surface states (TSS) are all in excellent agreement with experiment. In Bi2Te3, hexagonal warping of the energy dispersion leads to complex spin textures of the TSS at moderate energies, while in Bi2Se3these states remain almost perfectly helical away from the Dirac point, showing appreciable signs of hexagonal warping at much higher energies, above the minimum of the bulk conduction band. Our results establish a framework for unified and systematic self-consistent first principles calculations of topological insulators in bulk, slab and interface geometries, and provides the necessary first step towardab initiomodeling of topological heterostructures.

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 5225, 2018 Mar 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29588462


Due to its cooperative nature, magnetic ordering involves a complex interplay between spin, charge, and lattice degrees of freedom, which can lead to strong competition between magnetic states. Binary Fe3Ga4 is one such material that exhibits competing orders having a ferromagnetic (FM) ground state, an antiferromagnetic (AFM) behavior at intermediate temperatures, and a conspicuous re-entrance of the FM state at high temperature. Through a combination of neutron diffraction experiments and simulations, we have discovered that the AFM state is an incommensurate spin-density wave (ISDW) ordering generated by nesting in the spin polarized Fermi surface. These two magnetic states, FM and ISDW, are seldom observed in the same material without application of a polarizing magnetic field. To date, this unusual mechanism has never been observed and its elemental origins could have far reaching implications in many other magnetic systems that contain strong competition between these types of magnetic order. Furthermore, the competition between magnetic states results in a susceptibility to external perturbations allowing the magnetic transitions in Fe3Ga4 to be controlled via temperature, magnetic field, disorder, and pressure. Thus, Fe3Ga4 has potential for application in novel magnetic memory devices, such as the magnetic components of tunneling magnetoresistance spintronics devices.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 114(24): 6256-6261, 2017 06 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28539436


The subject of topological materials has attracted immense attention in condensed-matter physics because they host new quantum states of matter containing Dirac, Majorana, or Weyl fermions. Although Majorana fermions can only exist on the surface of topological superconductors, Dirac and Weyl fermions can be realized in both 2D and 3D materials. The latter are semimetals with Dirac/Weyl cones either not tilted (type I) or tilted (type II). Although both Dirac and Weyl fermions have massless nature with the nontrivial Berry phase, the formation of Weyl fermions in 3D semimetals require either time-reversal or inversion symmetry breaking to lift degeneracy at Dirac points. Here we demonstrate experimentally that canted antiferromagnetic BaMnSb2 is a 3D Weyl semimetal with a 2D electronic structure. The Shubnikov-de Hass oscillations of the magnetoresistance give nearly zero effective mass with high mobility and the nontrivial Berry phase. The ordered magnetic arrangement (ferromagnetic ordering in the ab plane and antiferromagnetic ordering along the c axis below 286 K) breaks the time-reversal symmetry, thus offering us an ideal platform to study magnetic Weyl fermions in a centrosymmetric material.

J Chem Phys ; 141(9): 094102, 2014 Sep 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25194359


In this paper we discuss a new formalism for producing an analytic coupled-cluster (CC) Green's function for an N-electron system by shifting the poles of similarity transformed Hamiltonians represented in N - 1 and N + 1 electron Hilbert spaces. Simple criteria are derived for the states in N - 1 and N + 1 electron spaces that are then corrected in the spectral resolution of the corresponding matrix representations of the similarity transformed Hamiltonian. The accurate description of excited state processes within a Green's function formalism would be of significant importance to a number of scientific communities ranging from physics and chemistry to engineering and the biological sciences. This is because the Green's function methodology provides a direct path for not only calculating properties whose underlying origins come from coupled many-body interactions but also provides a straightforward path for calculating electron transport, response, and correlation functions that allows for a direct link with experiment. As a special case of this general formulation, we discuss the application of this technique for Green's function defined by the CC with singles and doubles representation of the ground-state wave function.

Science ; 300(5626): 1726-30, 2003 Jun 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12805542


The barrier height for electron exchange at a dielectric-semiconductor interface has long been interpreted in terms of Schottky's theory with modifications from gap states induced in the semiconductor by the bulk termination. Rather, we show with the structure specifics of heteroepitaxy that the electrostatic boundary conditions can be set in a distinct interface phase that acts as a "Coulomb buffer." This Coulomb buffer is tunable and will functionalize the barrier-height concept itself.