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J Chem Phys ; 159(15)2023 Oct 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37861122


An Achille's heel of lower-rung density-functional approximations is that the highest-occupied-molecular-orbital energy levels of anions, known to be stable or metastable in nature, are often found to be positive in the worst case or above the lowest-unoccupied-molecular-orbital levels on neighboring complexes that are not expected to accept charge. A trianionic example, [Cr(C2O4)3]3-, is of interest for constraining models linking Cr isotope ratios in rock samples to oxygen levels in Earth's atmosphere over geological timescales. Here we describe how crowd sourcing can be used to carry out self-consistent Fermi-Löwdin-Orbital-Self-Interaction corrected calculations (FLOSIC) on this trianion in solution. The calculations give a physically correct description of the electronic structure of the trianion and water. In contrast, uncorrected local density approximation (LDA) calculations result in approximately half of the anion charge being transferred to the water bath due to the effects of self-interaction error. Use of group-theory and the intrinsic sparsity of the theory enables calculations roughly 125 times faster than our initial implementation in the large N limit reached here. By integrating charge density densities and Coulomb potentials over regions of space and analyzing core-level shifts of the Cr and O atoms as a function of position and functional, we unambiguously show that FLOSIC, relative to LDA, reverses incorrect solute-solvent charge transfer in the trianion-water complex. In comparison to other functionals investigated herein, including Hartree-Fock and the local density approximation, the FLOSIC Cr 1s eigenvalues provide the best agreement with experimental core ionization energies.

Nanomaterials (Basel) ; 13(11)2023 Jun 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37299696


The UiO-6x family of metal-organic frameworks has been extensively studied for applications in chemical warfare agent (CWA) capture and destruction. An understanding of intrinsic transport phenomena, such as diffusion, is key to understanding experimental results and designing effective materials for CWA capture. However, the relatively large size of CWAs and their simulants makes diffusion in the small-pored pristine UiO-66 very slow and hence impractical to study directly with direct molecular simulations because of the time scales required. We used isopropanol (IPA) as a surrogate for CWAs to investigate the fundamental diffusion mechanisms of a polar molecule within pristine UiO-66. IPA can form hydrogen bonds with the µ3-OH groups bound to the metal oxide clusters in UiO-66, similar to some CWAs, and can be studied by direct molecular dynamics simulations. We report self, corrected, and transport diffusivities of IPA in pristine UiO-66 as a function of loading. Our calculations highlight the importance of the accurate modeling of the hydrogen bonding interactions on diffusivities, with about an order of magnitude decrease in diffusion coefficients when the hydrogen bonding between IPA and the µ3-OH groups is included. We found that a fraction of the IPA molecules have very low mobility during the course of a simulation, while a small fraction are highly mobile, exhibiting mean square displacements far greater than the ensemble average.

J Phys Chem A ; 127(7): 1750-1759, 2023 Feb 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36787213


Density functional theory (DFT) suffers from self-interaction errors (SIEs) that generally result in the underestimation of chemical reaction barrier heights. This is commonly attributed to the tendency of density functional approximations to overstabilize delocalized densities that typically occur in the stretched bonds of transition state structures. The Perdew-Zunger self-interaction correction (PZSIC) and locally scaled self-interaction correction (LSIC) improve the prediction of barrier heights of chemical reactions, with LSIC giving better accuracy than PZSIC on average. These methods employ an orbital-by-orbital correction scheme to remove the one-electron SIE. In the context of barrier heights, this allows an analysis of how the self-interaction correction (SIC) for each orbital contributes to the calculated barriers using Fermi-Löwdin orbitals (FLOs). We hypothesize that the SIC contribution to the reaction barrier comes mainly from a limited number of orbitals that are directly involved in bond-breaking and bond-making in the reaction transition state. We call these participant orbitals (POs), in contrast to spectator orbitals (SOs) which are not directly involved in changes to the bonding. Our hypothesis is that ΔETotalSIC ≈ ΔEPOSIC, where ΔETotalSIC is the difference in the SIC corrections for the reactants or products and the transition state. We test this hypothesis for the reaction barriers of the BH76 benchmark set of reactions. We find that the stretched-bond orbitals indeed make the largest individual SIC contributions to the barriers. These contributions increase the barrier heights relative to LSDA, which underpredicts the barrier. However, the full stretched-bond hypothesis does not hold in all cases for either PZSIC or LSIC. There are many cases where the total SIC contribution from the SOs is significant and cannot be ignored. The size of the SIC contribution to the barrier height is a key indicator. A large SIC correction is correlated to a large LSDA error in the barrier, showing that PZSIC properly gives larger corrections when corrections are needed most. A comparison of the performance of PZSIC and LSIC shows that the two methods have similar accuracy for reactions with large LSDA errors, but LSIC is clearly better for reactions with small errors. We trace this to an improved description of reaction energies in LSIC.

ChemSusChem ; 15(1): e202102217, 2022 Jan 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34725931


Ammonia is a widely used toxic industrial chemical that can cause severe respiratory ailments. Therefore, understanding and developing materials for its efficient capture and controlled release is necessary. One such class of materials is 3D porous metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) with exceptional surface areas and robust structures, ideal for gas storage/transport applications. Herein, interactions between ammonia and UiO-67-X (X: H, NH2 , CH3 ) zirconium MOFs were studied under cryogenic, ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) conditions using temperature-programmed desorption mass spectrometry (TPD-MS) and in-situ temperature-programmed infrared (TP-IR) spectroscopy. Ammonia was observed to interact with µ3 -OH groups present on the secondary building unit of UiO-67-X MOFs via hydrogen bonding. TP-IR studies revealed that under cryogenic UHV conditions, UiO-67-X MOFs are stable towards ammonia sorption. Interestingly, an increase in the intensity of the C-H stretching mode of the MOF linkers was detected upon ammonia exposure, attributed to NH-π interactions with linkers. These same binding interactions were observed in grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations. Based on TPD-MS, binding strength of ammonia to three MOFs was determined to be approximately 60 kJ mol-1 , suggesting physisorption of ammonia to UiO-67-X. In addition, missing linker defect sites, consisting of H2 O coordinated to Zr4+ sites, were detected through the formation of nNH3 ⋅H2 O clusters, characterized through in-situ IR spectroscopy. Structures consistent with these assignments were identified through density functional theory calculations. Tracking these bands through adsorption on thermally activated MOFs gave insight into the dehydroxylation process of UiO-67 MOFs. This highlights an advantage of using NH3 for the structural analysis of MOFs and developing an understanding of interactions between ammonia and UiO-67-X zirconium MOFs, while also providing directions for the development of stable materials for efficient toxic gas sorption.

Metal-Organic Frameworks , Adsorption , Ammonia , Binding Sites
J Phys Chem Lett ; 12(2): 892-899, 2021 Jan 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33434023


Thermodynamic and kinetic properties of molecular adsorption and transport in metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are crucially important for many applications, including gas adsorption, filtration, and remediation of harmful chemicals. Using the in situ 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) isotherm technique, we measured macroscopic thermodynamic and kinetic properties such as isotherms and rates of mass transfer while simultaneously obtaining microscopic information revealed by adsorbed molecules via NMR. Upon investigating isopropyl alcohol adsorption in MOF UiO-66 by in situ NMR, we obtained separate isotherms for molecules adsorbed at distinct environments exhibiting distinct NMR characteristics. A mechanistic view of the adsorption process is obtained by correlating such resolved isotherms with the cage structure effect on the nucleus-independent chemical shift, molecular dynamics such as the crowding effect at high loading levels, and the loading level dependence of the mass transfer rate as measured by NMR and elucidated by classical Monte Carlo simulations.