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Arch. med. deporte ; 40(4): 222-228, Juli. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-226579


Introduction: Soccer referees need excellent conditioning to withstand the physical and psychological demands of games.Objective: To compare the hemodynamic variables, speed, cadence, and distance coursed of referees during soccer gamesof series A and B in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Material and method: The total number of decisions made during the 10 soccer matches evaluated was 1,224 observabledecisions of 10 professional Soccer referees (one per soccer match: 5 in series A and 5 in series B). We used a frequency meter(Polar, model V800, PolarFlow software) and video footage of the games (Sony, model PXW-Z150, 4K). The moments considered were: the decision, 15 seconds that preceded it, and the period from the beginning of each stage to each decision. Were studied the hemodynamic [average heat rate (mean HR), maximum heart rate (HRmax), and minimum heart rate (HRmin)]and motion variables [average speed (Vmed), maximum speed (Vmax), average cadence (cadencemed), maximum cadence(cadencemax), minimum cadence (cadencemin), and distance covered]. Descriptive measures were used to present the resultsof the variables studied and the Student’s T-Test for independent samples to test the study hypotheses. The significance levelwas set at 95% (P <0.05). Results: The matches of series A had a greater number of interventions and greater hemodynamic load at the exact momentof the decision than those of series B. significantly (P <0.05): mean HR, HRmax, HRmin, Vmax, Cadencemed, and Cadencemax in seriesA were higher compared to series B. In the 15 seconds before the decisions: mean HR, HRmax, and HRmin in series A were higherthan in series B, and Vmed in series B was higher in relation to series A. At the exact moment of the decisions: mean HR in seriesA was higher in relation to series B...(AU)

Introducción: Los árbitros de fútbol necesitan un excelente acondicionamiento para soportar las exigencias físicas y psicológicas de los partidos. Objetivo: Comparar las variables hemodinámicas [frecuencia cardíaca media (mean HR), frecuencia cardíaca máxima (HRmax)y frecuencia cardíaca mínima (HRmin)] y desplazamiento [velocidad media (Vmed), velocidad máxima (Vmax), cadencia media(cadencemed), cadencia máxima (cadencemax), cadencia mínima (cadencemin) y distancia recorrida] durante intervencionesarbitrales en partidos entre las series A y B en Río de Janeiro, Brasil. Material y método: Se analizaron 1.224 decisiones observables de 10 árbitros profesionales de fútbol cada uno en 1 partido(10 partidos del Campeonato Carioca: 5 en la serie A y 5 en la B). Se utilizaron frecuencímetros (Polar, modelo V800, softwarePolarFlow) y secuencias de video de los juegos (Sony, modelo PXW-Z150, 4K). Los momentos considerados fueron: la decisión,los 15 segundos que la precedieron y el tiempo desde el inicio de cada etapa hasta cada decisión. Resultados: Los partidos de la serie A tuvieron mayor número de intervenciones y mayor carga hemodinámica en el momentoexacto de la decisión que los de la serie B. significativamente (p <0,05): mean HR, HRmax, HRmin, Vmax, cadencemed y cadencemaxin la serie A fueron mayores que en la serie B. En los 15 segundos previos a las decisiones: mean HR, HRmax y HRmin en la serieA fueron mayores con relación a la serie B, la Vmed en la serie B fue mayor en relación a la serie A. Conclusión: Las intervenciones de los árbitros generalmente se realizan bajo presión hemodinámica elevada. Los partidosdisputados en la serie A requieren un número de intervenciones e intensidad hemodinámica superior a los partidos de laserie B...(AU)

Humans , Female , Soccer , Hemodynamics , Physical Fitness , Physical Functional Performance , Heart Rate , Negotiating , Sports , Sports Medicine
Arch. med. deporte ; 38(203): 180-184, May. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in English | IBECS | ID: ibc-217900


Introduction: The training routine planned, and performed correctly results in exercises that, systematically organized,influence the levels of strength, and muscle hypertrophy. However, the magnitudes of these gains vary considerably. Tooptimize these gains, it is important to underst, and the interaction between training variables such as external load, volume,number of exercises, number of repetitions, duration of repetitions, the order of exercises, number of series, recovery intervalbetween series, and the exercises, as well as the time under tension. The influence of the recovery interval on the responsefollowing exercise on neuromuscular components is very important. However, different objectives, and instruments are usedto evaluate these responses.Objective: The purpose of this study is to conduct a systematic review of the assessment methods, and objectives for respon-ses after different recovery intervals in strength training. METHODS: The present study is characterized by a systematic reviewstudy. Articles found in the following databases were considered for the systematic review: Scopus, PubMed / MEDLINE, Webof Science, Cochrane Library. The following descriptors, and their respective synonyms according to the terms MeSH wereused in the databases, both singular, and plural: “Resistance Training”, “Rest Interval”, and “Bech Press”. As filters were used: a)species (humans), and type of study (original).Results: Seven studies were analyzed that met the established criteria.Conclusion: The studies presented have verified the influence of different recovery intervals on muscle, and hemodynamicresponses. Evaluating image measurements such as ultrasound, and resonance, blood measurements such as GH, Testosterone,IGF-1, and Lactate, number of repetitions for performance, and fatigue, as well as heart rate, and blood pressure.(AU)

Introducción: La rutina de entrenamiento planificada y realizada correctamente da como resultado ejercicios que, organizadossistemáticamente, influyen en los niveles de fuerza e hipertrofia muscular. Sin embargo, las magnitudes de estas gananciasvarían considerablemente. Para optimizar estas ganancias, es importante comprender la interacción entre las variables deentrenamiento como la carga externa, el volumen, el número de ejercicios, el número de repeticiones, la duración de lasrepeticiones, el orden de los ejercicios, el número de series, el intervalo de recuperación entre series y los ejercicios, así comoel tiempo bajo tensión. La influencia del intervalo de recuperación en la respuesta después del ejercicio en los componentesneuromusculares es muy importante. Sin embargo, se utilizan diferentes objetivos e instrumentos para evaluar estas respuestas.Objetivo: El propósito de este estudio es realizar una revisión sistemática de los métodos y objetivos de evaluación paralas respuestas posteriores a los diferentes intervalos de recuperación en el entrenamiento de fuerza. MÉTODOS: El presenteestudio se caracteriza por un estudio de revisión sistemática. Los artículos encontrados en las siguientes bases de datos seconsideraron para la revisión sistemática: Scopus, PubMed / MEDLINE, Web of Science, Cochrane Library. Los siguientes des-criptores y sus respectivos sinónimos según los términos MeSH se utilizaron en las bases de datos, tanto en singular como enplural: “Entrenamiento de resistencia”, “Intervalo de descanso” y “Bench Press”. Como filtros se utilizaron: a) especies (humanos)y tipo de estudio (original).Resultados: Se analizaron siete estudios que cumplieron con los criterios establecidos.Conclusión: Los estudios presentados han verificado la influencia de diferentes intervalos de recuperación en las respuestasmusculares y hemodinámicas. Evaluación de mediciones de imagen como ultrasonido y resonancia...(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Resistance Training , Rehabilitation , Rest , Muscles/injuries , Sports Medicine
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 37: e37058, Jan.-Dec. 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1359935


This study aimed to analyze the performance of the vertical jump with counter movement (CMJ), in university handball athletes, immediately after the maximum strength training in multiple series and after 10 and 15min of rest. Twelve male athletes participated, age 20.9±2.4 years old, height 1.78±0.05m and Body Mass Index (BMI) 28.74±8.1kg/m2. After the tests and retests of 1 repetition maximum (1RM) for the dominant and non-dominant sides, in the leg extension, the volunteers performed crossover after 48 hours of the training sessions. CMJ measurements were collected before and immediately after each training protocol and after 10 and 15min of rest. Passive recovery between sets was three minutes. The intervals between training protocols were at least 45min. There were no statistical differences for the CMJ between the moments pre-, post-training session, 10 and 15min of rest in the different protocols, but progressive increases in the CMJ variables were observed, extending up to the 15th minute of rest, in all training protocols when comparing the results of the means of the CMJ variables of the moments post-training session, 10 and 15min of rest with the averages of the variables from the pre-training session, being more evident in the alternate unilateral protocol, which, unlike the other protocols of the study, performed series with the two lower limbs. It was evidenced that the training protocols of short duration and with high dynamic efforts, previously performed, influenced the performance of the CMJ, favoring for the transient improvement of the explosive muscular strength of the athletes.

Sports , Muscle Strength , Athletes
J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 31: e3171, 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134692


RESUMO O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a atividade mioelétrica (EMG), o tempo sob tensão (TST) e a projeção dos joelhos no exercício agachamento sem o uso de implementos (SI) e com o uso de physioball (PH) e banda elástica (BE) em diferentes intensidades de esforço. Dez homens realizaram o exercício nos três protocolos com a intensidade de 50 e 100% de 10 RM. A distância entre joelhos no protocolo controle (51,25cm) foi menor quando comparada com o SI 50% (84,38cm; p < 0,001), com o SI 100% (88,80cm; p < 0,001) e com BE 100% (67,41cm; p = 0,014). A distância entre os joelhos também foi menor para os protocolos PH 100% (53,10cm; p < 0,001) e BE 100% (67,41cm; p < 0,001) comparada ao SI 100% (88,80cm). O Vasto Medial Oblíquo (VMO) apresentou maior ativação nos protocolos SI 50% (p = 0,035) e PH 50% (p = 0,028) quando comparados ao protocolo BE 50%. A realização do agachamento com cargas submáximas parece aumentar e diminuir a ativação do VMO quando realizado com PH e BE, respectivamente.

ABSTRACT The objective of the present study was to analyze the myoelectric activity (EMG), the time under tension (TST) and the knee projection in the squat exercise without the use of implements (SI) and with the use of physioball (PH) and elastic band (EB) at different intensities of effort. Ten men performed the exercise in the three protocols with the intensity of 50 and 100% of 10 RM. The distance between knees in the control protocol (51.25 cm) was lower when compared to SI 50% (84.38 cm, p <0.001), with SI 100% (88.80 cm, p <0.001) and with EB 100% (67.41cm, p = 0.014). The distance between the knees was also lower for the protocols PH 100% (53.10cm, p <0.001) and EB 100% (67.41, p <0.001) compared to the SI 100% (88.80 cm) protocols. The Vasto Medial Oblique (VMO) presented greater activation in the SI 50% protocols (p = 0.035) and PH 50% (p = 0.028) when compared to the EB 50% protocol. The accomplishment of squatting with submaximal loads seems to increase and decrease the activation of VMO when performed with physioball and BE, respectively.

Humans , Male , Resistance Training , Knee , Projection , Time , Exercise , Myoelectric Complex, Migrating , Physical Exertion , Genu Varum , Hip/anatomy & histology , Muscle Tonus , Muscles/anatomy & histology
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 23(4): 274-279, July-Aug. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-898979


ABSTRACT Introduction: Aging leads to decline in multiple organ systems associated to hormone alterations and loss of muscle mass and strength. Objective: To evaluate the effects of land and water resistance training on muscle strength, basal serum levels of GH, IGF-1, and IGFBP3 in elderly women. Methods: Subjects were distributed in three groups: land resistance training (LRT; n=10; age: 66.10±2.77 years), water resistance training (WRT; n=10; age: 67.10±3.54 years) and control (CG; n=10; age: 68.80±5.41 years). Muscle strength was assessed with the 1-RM test in bench press (BP) and leg press (LP) exercises. Serum levels of GH, IGF-1, and IGFBP3 were analyzed by chemiluminescence. Results: Repeated measures ANOVA showed elevated muscle strength in the BP only in LRT (D%=60.2%; p=0.0001) when compared to the CG (D%=46.73%, p=0.0001) and WRT (D%=32.49%, p=0.004). LRT and WRT increased muscle strength in LP (D%LRT=57.14%; p=0.004; D%WRT=42.3%; p=0.033). There was an increase in LRT and WRT in the LP when compared to CG (D%=45.59%, p=0.019; D%=43.97%, p=0.026, respectively). IGF-1 was elevated only in LRT (D%=49.72%, p=0.004) from pre- to post-test and when compared to WRT (D%=56.76%, p=0.002) and CG (D%=74.63%, p=0.0001). IGFBP3 levels showed that only WRT increased (D%=26.79%, p=0.044) from pre- to post-test. The IGF-1/IGFBP3 ratio demonstrated that LRT reached intragroup elevation (D%=52.66%, p=0.002) and when compared to WRT (D%=94.11%, p=0.0001) and CG (D%=73.45%, p=0.0001). There was no significant difference in GH. Conclusion: Land resistance training may provide better anabolic effects in elderly women.

RESUMO Introdução: O envelhecimento leva ao declínio de múltiplos sistemas de órgãos associado a alterações hormonais e perda de massa e força muscular. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos do treinamento de força no meio terrestre e aquático sobre a força muscular e os níveis séricos basais de GH, IGF-1 e IGFBP3 em mulheres idosas. Métodos: Os indivíduos foram distribuídos em três grupos: treinamento de força no meio terrestre (TFT; n = 10; idade: 66,10 ± 2,77 anos), treinamento de força na água (TFA; n = 10; idade: 67,10 ± 3,54 anos) e grupo controle (GC; n = 10; idade: 68,80 ± 5,41 anos). A força muscular foi avaliada pelo teste de 1-RM nos exercícios supino reto (SR) e leg press (LP). Os níveis séricos de GH, IGF-1 e IGFBP3 foram analisados por quimioluminescência. Resultados: O teste ANOVA com medidas repetidas mostrou aumento da força muscular no SR só no TFT (∆% = 60,2%; p = 0,0001) quando comparado ao GC (∆% = 46,73%, p = 0,0001) e TFA (∆% = 32,49%, p=0,004). TFT e TFA aumentaram a força muscular no LP (∆% TFT = 57,14%; p = 0,004; ∆% TFA = 42,3%; p = 0,033). Houve um aumento no TFT e TFA no LP em comparação com o GC (∆% = 45,59%, p = 0,019; ∆% = 43,97%, p = 0,026, respectivamente). IGF-1 aumentou só no TFT (∆% = 49,72%, p = 0,004) do pré para o pós-teste e quando comparado ao TFA (∆% = 56,76%, p = 0,002) e ao GC (∆% = 74,63%, p = 0,0001). Os níveis de IGFBP3 mostraram aumento apenas no TFA (∆% = 26,79%, p = 0,044) do pré para o pós-teste. A razão IGF-1/IGFBP3 demonstrou que TFT atingiu elevação intragrupo (∆% = 52,66%, p = 0,002) e quando comparado ao TFA (∆% = 94,11%, p = 0,0001) e CG (∆% = 73,45%, p = 0,0001). Não foram verificadas diferenças significativas no GH. Conclusão: O treinamento de força no meio terrestre produziu maior efeito anabólico nas idosas.

RESUMEN Introducción: El envejecimiento lleva al declive de múltiples sistemas de órganos, asociado a cambios hormonales y pérdida de masa y fuerza muscular. Objetivo: Evaluar los efectos del entrenamiento de fuerza en el medio terrestre y acuático sobre la fuerza muscular y los niveles séricos basales de GH, IGF-1 e IGFBP3 en mujeres mayores. Métodos: Los individuos fueron distribuidos en tres grupos: entrenamiento de fuerza en medio terrestre (EFT; n = 10; edad: 66,10 ± 2,77 años), entrenamiento de fuerza en medio acuático (EFA; n = 10; edad: 67,10 ± 3,54 años) y grupo control (GC, n = 10; edad = 68,80 ± 5,41 años). La fuerza muscular se evaluó por la prueba de 1-RM en los ejercicios de press de banca (PB) y prensa de pierna (PP). Los niveles séricos de GH, IGF-1 e IGFBP3 se analizaron por quimioluminiscencia. Resultados: La prueba ANOVA con medidas repetidas mostró aumento de la fuerza muscular en el PB sólo en el EFS (∆% = 60,2%; p = 0,0001) en comparación al GC (∆% = 46,73%, p = 0,0001) y EFA (∆% = 32,49%, p = 0,004). EFS y EFA aumentaron la fuerza muscular en la PP (∆%EFS = 57,14%; p = 0,004; ∆%EFA = 42,3%; p = 0,033). Se observó un aumento en el EFS y EFA en la PP en comparación con el GC (∆% = 45,59%, p = 0,019; ∆% = 43,97%, p = 0,026, respectivamente). IGF-1 aumentó sólo en el EFS (∆% = 49,72%; p = 0,004) del pre para el post-test y en comparación con el EFA (∆% = 56,76%; p = 0,002) y al GC (∆% = 74,63%; p = 0,0001). Los niveles de IGFBP3 mostraron aumento sólo en el EFS (∆% = 26,79%; p = 0,044) del pre para el post-test. La razón IGF-1/IGFBP3 demostró que EFS alcanzó elevación intragrupo (∆% = 52,66%; p = 0,002) y en comparación al EFA (∆% = 94,11%, p = 0,0001) y GC (∆% = 73,45%; p = 0,0001). No se observaron diferencias significativas en el GH. Conclusión: El entrenamiento de fuerza en el medio terrestre produjo un mayor efecto anabólico en las mujeres mayores.

Rev. dor ; 17(1): 15-18, Jan.-Mar. 2016. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-776642


RESUMO JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A dor lombar é um dos sintomas musculoesqueléticos mais comuns nas sociedades industrializadas, de acordo a Organização Mundial de Saúde. O objetivo do estudo foi investigar a prevalência de dor lombar em professores que atuam na atividade de musculação em academias de ginástica no município do Rio de Janeiro e verificar as correlações entre idade, tempo de trabalho, horas de trabalho e intensidade da dor lombar. MÉTODOS: Foi aplicado o Questionário adaptado do Quebec Pain Disability Scale em 50 professores de Educação Física de ambos os gêneros (idade=31,86±6,86 anos) que trabalham na musculação em academias de ginástica, com jornada semanal mínima de 12h de trabalho, e ao menos três anos de atuação prática na área. O trabalho foi caracterizado como um estudo descritivo, de corte transversal do tipo Survey. RESULTADOS: Dos 50 professores entrevistados, 62% alegaram não sentir qualquer tipo de desconforto na região lombar, enquanto apenas 38% afirmaram sentir algum tipo de dor. Desses, 20% alegaram que a manifestação da dor é diária, 6% semanal e 12% relataram que as dores são mensais. Sobre a intensidade da dor em seu pior momento, 14% afirmaram ser suave, 20% moderada e apenas 6% relataram dores intensas. Observou-se correlação positiva e significativa (p<0,05) entre a idade e tempo de trabalho e entre tempo de trabalho e intensidade da dor lombar. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de dor lombar não foi alta nos profissionais pesquisados da amostra. Os resultados apontam que os indivíduos com mais idade e que possuem mais tempo de trabalho são os que apresentam dor lombar em níveis mais elevados.

ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Low back pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal symptoms in industrialized societies, according to the World Health Organization. This study aimed at investigating the prevalence of low back pain among bodybuilding professors of fitness centers of the city of Rio de Janeiro and at observing correlations between age, working time, working hours and low back pain intensity. METHODS: The adapted questionnaire of the Quebec Pain Disability Scale was applied to 50 physical education professors of both genders (age = 31.86±6.86 years) working with bodybuilding in fitness centers, with minimum weekly working hours of 12h, and at least three years acting in the area. This was a survey-type descriptive cross-sectional study. RESULTS: From 50 interviewed professors, 62% have stated not feeling any type of lumbar discomfort, while just 38% have stated feeling some type of pain. From these, 20% have stated feeling daily pain, 6% weekly and 12% have reported monthly pain. About pain intensity in its worst moment, 14% have stated it is mild, 20% moderate and just 6% have reported severe pain. There has been positive and significant correlation (p<0.05) between age and working time and between working time and low back pain intensity. CONCLUSION: Low back pain prevalence was not high among interviewed professionals. Results show that older individuals working for a longer time are those with more severe low back pain.