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Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 21(6): 433-437, Nov.-Dec. 2015. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-768282


Introdução A determinação do limiar anaeróbio em exercícios resistidos tem sido tema de diversos estudos. No entanto, o impacto desta avaliação sobre os parâmetros hemodinâmicos de pressão arterial e frequência cardíaca ainda é desconhecido. Objetivo Comparar a estimativa do limiar anaeróbio (LAn) obtido em teste e reteste de protocolo incremental nos exercícios resistidos de supino reto (SR) e rosca direta (RD) e analisar o comportamento das variáveis hemodinâmicas de frequência cardíaca (FC), pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) e diastólica (PAD) durante protocolo de cargas incrementais. Métodos Oito voluntários do sexo masculino praticantes de treinamento resistido foram recrutados e realizaram quatro testes de cargas incrementais (dois no SR e dois na RD) em dias distintos para a determinação do LAn. Durante cada teste, as variáveis de lactato sanguíneo, FC, PAS e PAD foram mensuradas ao final de cada estágio. Resultados Os valores do LAn expressos em porcentagens da carga máxima (1-RM) para o SR em teste e reteste foram de 19,7±4,0% e 18,4±3,4% respectivamente e para RD de 17,7±3,4% e 19,4±3,1% respectivamente, não sendo identificadas diferenças estatísticas entre estas. No decorrer dos testes, a FC variou em média entre 90 e 135bpm para SR e entre 98 a 150bpm para RD. Apenas a PAS se alterou no decorrer dos testes, variando entre 111,8 a 123,3mmHg no SR e entre 119,4 a 141,3mmHg na RD. Conclusão Tais resultados nos sugerem que a intensidade relativa ao LAn não é diferente para SR ou RD em teste ou reteste. Não obstante, apesar de diferenças nos comportamentos hemodinâmicos entre os tipos de exercícios (SR vs. RD), os valores de FC e PAS se elevaram dentro de limites clinicamente aceitáveis, como sugerido pela literatura.

Introduction The anaerobic threshold determination in resistance exercises has been the subject of several studies. However, the impact of these evaluations over the hemodynamic parameters of blood pressure and heart rate are still unknown. Objective To compare the estimate of the anaerobic threshold (AnT) obtained during test and retest of an incremental protocol in resistance exercises of bench press (BP) and biceps curl (BC), and analyze the hemodynamic variable behavior of heart rate (HR), systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) during the incremental load protocol. Methods Eight male practitioners of resistance training volunteers have been recruited and carried out four incremental load tests (two in BP and two in BC) in distinct days for AnT determination. During each test, the variables of blood lactate, HR, SBP and DBP were measured at the end of each stage. Results The values of AnT expressed in % of maximum load (1-RM) for BP in test and retest were 19.7±4.0% and 18.4±3.4% respectively, and for BC were 17.7±3.4% and 19.4±3.1% respectively, not being found statistical differences between these. During tests, HR ranged on average between 90 and 135bpm for BP and between 98 and 150bpm for BC. Only the SBP has changed during tests, ranging between 111.8 to 123.3mmHg in BP and 119.4 to 141.3mmHg in BC. Conclusion These results suggest that the intensity related to AnT is not different for BP or BC during test or retest. Despite differences in hemodynamic behavior between exercise types (BP vs. BC), HR and SBP values had an elevation within acceptable clinical limits as suggested by literature.

Introducción La determinación del umbral anaeróbico en ejercicios de resistencia, ha sido un tema de diversos estudios, sin embargo, el impacto de esta evaluación sobre los parámetros hemodinámicos de presión arterial y frecuencia cardíaca todavía son desconocidos. Objetivo Comparar la estimación del umbral anaeróbico (LAn) obtenido en prueba y reprueba del protocolo incremental en los ejercicios de resistencia de press de banca (PB) y curl de bíceps con barra (CB) y analizar el comportamiento de las variables hemodinámicas de frecuencia cardíaca (FC), presión arterial sistólica (PAS) y diastólica (PAD) durante un protocolo de cargas incrementales. Métodos Ocho voluntarios de sexo masculino, practicantes de entrenamiento de resistencia, fueron reclutados y realizaran cuatro pruebas de cargas incrementales (dos en PB y dos en CB) en días distintos para la determinación del LAn. Durante cada prueba, las variables de lactato sanguíneo, FC, PAS y PAD fueron medidas al final de cada fase. Resultados Los valores de LAn expresados en porcentajes de carga máxima (1-RM) para el PB en prueba y reprueba fueron de 19,7±4,0% y 18,4±3,4% respectivamente y para CB de 17,7±3,4% e 19,4±3,1% respectivamente, no siendo identificadas diferencias estadísticas entre estas. En el transcurso de las pruebas, la FC varió, en promedio, entre 90 y 135bpm para PB y entre 98 a 150bpm para CB. Solamente la PAS se alteró en el transcurso de las pruebas, variando entre 111,8 a 123,3mmHg en PB y entre 119,4 a 141,3mmHg en CB. Conclusión Tales resultados nos sugieren que la intensidad relativa al LAn no es diferente para PB o CB en prueba y reprueba. No obstante, a pesar de las diferencias en los comportamientos hemodinámicos entre los tipos de ejercicios (PB vs. CB), los valores de FC y PAS aumentaron dentro de límites clínicamente aceptables como lo sugerido por la bibliografía.

Physiol Genomics ; 47(2): 13-23, 2015 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25465030


Peripheral blood cells are an accessible environment in which to visualize exercise-induced alterations in global gene expression patterns. We aimed to identify a peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) signature represented by alterations in gene expression, in response to a standardized endurance exercise training protocol. In addition, we searched for molecular classifiers of the variability in oxygen uptake (V̇o2). Healthy untrained policemen recruits (n = 13, 25 ± 3 yr) were selected. Peak V̇o2 (measured by cardiopulmonary exercise testing) and total RNA from PBMCs were obtained before and after 18 wk of running endurance training (3 times/wk, 60 min). Total RNA was used for whole genome expression analysis using Affymetrix GeneChip Human Gene 1.0 ST. Data were normalized by the robust multiarray average algorithm. Principal component analysis was used to perform correlations between baseline gene expression and V̇o2peak. A set of 211 transcripts was differentially expressed (ANOVA, P < 0.05 and fold change > 1.3). Functional enrichment analysis revealed that transcripts were mainly related to immune function, cell cycle processes, development, and growth. Baseline expression of 98 and 53 transcripts was associated with the absolute and relative V̇o2peak response, respectively, with a strong correlation (r > 0.75, P < 0.01), and this panel was able to classify the 13 individuals according to their potential to improve oxygen uptake. A subset of 10 transcripts represented these signatures to a similar extent. PBMCs reveal a transcriptional signature responsive to endurance training. Additionally, a baseline transcriptional signature was associated with changes in V̇o2peak. Results might illustrate the possibility of obtaining molecular classifiers of endurance capacity changes through a minimally invasive blood sampling procedure.

Exercise/physiology , Leukocytes, Mononuclear/physiology , Physical Endurance/genetics , Transcriptome , Adult , Algorithms , Exercise Test/methods , Gene Expression Regulation , Humans , Male , Oxygen Consumption/physiology , Physical Endurance/physiology , Running