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Motriz (Online) ; 28: e10220017121, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365161


Abstract Aim: This study investigated the impact of a handball-teaching program through the understanding of the TGfU on motor coordination (MC) and technical skills of students. Methods: The sample consisted of 43 students of both genders, with a mean age of 14.3 years (± 0.46), divided into two groups, G1 - Teaching Games of Understanding (TGfU) and G2 - TGfU + MC, and both received 20 classes. We used the Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder (KTK) for the assessment of MC and the Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI) for technical skills in handball. Results: The categorization confirmed the reliability of the application of teaching programs and the results showed that, after the intervention, both groups presented meaningful improvements in MC, considering time and gender effect. The female students presented a larger impact on MC in both teaching programs, while the male students obtained a larger impact in the technical skill execution index when received the TGfU + MC model. Still, the relative frequency for the classification of a good MC increased in both groups after the intervention, and the normal MC was the one with the highest frequency in both groups and genders after the proposed program. Conclusion: We concluded that the teaching program was able to provide meaningful improvements in MC considering both groups and that the proposal of the inclusion of specific MC elevated the impact of technical skills for male students.

Humans , Adolescent , Aptitude , Sports , Learning , Motor Activity , Epidemiology, Descriptive
J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 31: e3169, 2020. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134757


RESUMO Objetivou-se categorizar as sessões de aula via TGfU e TGfU+CM para determinar a consistência da aplicação dos conteúdos dos modelos de ensino e analisar o impacto do desempenho tático-técnico de escolares iniciantes da modalidade de handebol, após o programa de ensino. A amostra compôs-se de 43 sujeitos (14,3±0,46), divididos em dois grupos (G1 - TGfU e G2 - TGfU+CM), sendo que ambos receberam unidades didáticas de 20 sessões de aula com a mesma duração. A categorização das aulas trouxe fidedignidade a aplicação dos programas de ensino empregados e, após a intervenção pelo TGfU, apenas o sexo masculino apresentou melhoras em ambos os grupos na performance de jogo, apresentando TE grande para o G2 (0,610) e TE médio para o G1 (0,487). Quanto à análise entre grupos não se encontrou diferença significativamente estatística após a intervenção para nenhuma das variáveis do estudo. Conclui-se, por meio do teste de aderência, que os programas de ensino aplicados aos dois grupos experimentais foram semelhantes, modificando apenas a inserção do conteúdo de coordenação motora para o G2, sendo ambos capazes de proporcionar melhoras significativas para o sexo masculino, considerando o efeito tempo para o desempenho tático-técnico.

ABSTRACT The study was performed aiming to categorize the class sessions through TGfU and TGfU+CM to determine the effectiveness of the teaching models application and analyze the changes on handball students tactical-technical performance after the teaching program. The sample is constituted by 43 subjects (14,3±0,46) separated in two groups (G1 - TGfU e G2 - TGfU+CM), both which received teaching units with 20 class sessions of the same time duration. The categorizing of the classes granted reliability to the teaching programs applied and after the TGfU intervention only male subjects showed better performance during the game in both groups, indicating high Effect Size for group 2 (0,610) and average effect size for group 1 (0,487). Regarding the analysis between groups, there were no statistically significant differences post intervention in any of the study variables. It stands concluded that it was possible to verify, through the adherence test, that the applied teaching programs were similar in both groups, differing only the motor coordination matter input for G2, and that the teaching program was able to cause significant improvement for the male gender subjects considering the time effect for the tactical-technical performance.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Program Evaluation/methods , Youth Sports/education , Motor Skills , Physical Education and Training/methods , Soccer/education , Project Formulation , Physical Fitness , Decision Making , Volleyball/education , Games, Recreational , School Teachers