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Heliyon ; 7(2): e06092, 2021 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33659725


Dioctophyme renale is the largest parasitic nematode of animals. It is most often found in the right kidney, but can also occur in the urinary system, ears, free abdominal cavity, mammary gland, thoracic cavity, and more rarely in subcutaneous tissue. The genus Dirofilaria has specific parasitic characteristics according to its location, and may parasitize the respiratory tract or even the skin, varying according to species. This report describes a case of Dioctophyme renale and Dirofilaria sp. in the subcutaneous tissue of a cat in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. An adult male mongrel cat showed physical enlargement in the left inguinal region, diagnosed as a subcutaneous nodule. Surgical excision and histopathological evaluation of the nodule were performed, and Dioctophyme renale and Dirofilaria sp. were found inside. Dioctophymosis and heartworm disease are present in Brazil and most other countries, but this is the unprecedented case of the association of Dioctophyme renale and Dirofilaria sp. in the subcutaneous tissue of a cat.

Ciênc. rural ; 38(8): 2225-2231, Nov. 2008. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-512003


As lesões tendíneas nas extremidades distais dos membros estão entre as mais freqüentes alterações do aparelho locomotor na rotina clínico-cirúrgica humana e animal e, não raro, necessitam de terapias adjuvantes para seu completo retorno às funções fisiológicas. O ultra-som terapêutico (UST) é a modalidade mais utilizada nas clínicas de reabilitação para tratar lesões tendíneas, mas devido à falta ou a divergências de estudos específicos sobre seus efeitos no tecido ósseo, sua utilização sobre as regiões distais dos membros, ricas em protuberâncias ósseas e áreas desprovidas de cobertura muscular, sempre preocuparam os profissionais da área médica. No intuito de esclarecer os efeitos do UST sobre o tecido ósseo, seis cães receberam tratamento ultra-sônico contínuo, de 1MHz, durante cinco minutos diários, por um período de 20 dias sobre a região craniodistal do rádio e da ulna. A intensidade do UST aplicada foi de 0,5W cm-2 no membro torácico direito, ficando o membro contralateral como controle. A região distal de ambos os membros torácicos foi radiografada para análise de densitometria óssea em imagens radiográficas, antes do início da terapia e ao final do tratamento. Não houve alterações significativas de densidade mineral óssea entre os membros tratados e os controles. Conclui-se que dentro dos parâmetros utilizados no experimento a utilização do UST em regiões ósseas protuberantes ou desprovidas de cobertura muscular pode ser feita com segurança.

Tendon lesions on distal extremities of the limbs are among the most frequent alterations of the locomotor system in the human and animal clinic-surgery routine, and frequently need supplementary therapy for the complete recovery of the physiologic functions. The therapeutic ultrasound (TUS) is the mostly used apparatus in rehabilitation clinics to treat tendon lesions, but due to the lack or the divergence on specific studies about its effects in bone tissues, the use of TUS in distal regions of the members, which are rich in bony protuberances and muscle-less areas, always concern the medical professionals. For the purpose of enlightening the TUS effects on bone tissue, six dogs received a continuous ultrasound treatment of 1MHZ for 5 minutes per day on distal-skull area of radio and ulna during 20 days. The TUS intensity applied was 0.5W cm-2 in the right thoracic member leaving out the counter-lateral member for control. Before the beginning and in the end of the treatment, the distal area of both thoracic members were radiographed for analysis of bone densitometry in radiographic images. There wasn't any significant alteration in bone mineral density between the treated members and the control members. Based on the parameters used in this experiment one can conclude that the use of TUS in bony protuberances and muscle-less areas can be done with safety.

Animals , Male , Female , Densitometry/veterinary , Bone and Bones/injuries , Ultrasonic Therapy/veterinary , Dogs/injuries
Ciênc. rural ; 31(1): 89-94, jan.-fev. 2001. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-455521


Foi elaborado um modelo experimental de conservação, assepsia e implantação de tendão homólogo ortotópico, para avaliar a resposta orgânica, em 48 cães. Os implantes foram conservados em glicerina a 98 por cento, durante 45 dias a seis meses e, após, reidratados e submetidos à ação anti-séptica do iodo durante 24h antes da implantação. A avaliação clínica e histopatológica após 11, 22, 44 e 132 dias de evolução não evidenciou qualquer sinal de infecção ou rejeição. Tendões homólogos ortotópicos conservados em glicerina a 98 por cento estão indicados para corrigir perdas tendíneas.

An experimental model of conservation, asepsis and implantation of homologous glycerine 98 percent-stored tendon graft is presented in order to evaluate the tissue reaction to implantation in 48 dogs. Grafts were preverved in sterile glycerin from 45 days to six months period. Before implantation grafts were placed in isotônic saline with iodine, during 24h period for rehydration and asepsis. Clinical evaluation and histopathologic analisis of biopsies were made at 11st , 22nd, 44th and 132nd post-operative day. There was not evidence of infection or graft rejection. Orthotopic homologous glycerine-stored tendon graft are indicated in reconstructive tendon surgery.