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Curr Zool ; 68(3): 361-369, 2022 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35592344


Hematological parameters can provide key information to an animal health status. However, this information is usually hard to obtain. Here, we described the hematological parameters of Leptodactylus podicipinus in the Brazilian Pantanal. We measured red blood cell morphometrics, erythrogram, and leukogram. We also tested for phylogenetic signal in the erythrogram and leukogram of 48 frog species from 15 families, testing if body size explains their variation. Lymphocytes were the most abundant leukocytes (>60%) in L. podicipinus, followed by neutrophils (∼10%). Given that L. podicipinus is an abundant and widely distributed species in central Brazil, knowing its hematological pattern can help establish a baseline and improve its use as a bioindicator of environmental degradation. Mean corpuscular hemoglobin and value contributed more to the phylomorphospace of erythrogram, in which Leptodactylus spp. and Hypsiboas raniceps had lower values of these variables, whereas Bufotes viridis and Hyla arborea had high values. The phylogenetic signal was spread throughout the dimensions of the leukogram phylomorphospace. The variables that most contributed to it were total leukocytes counts, lymphocytes, and neutrophils. We also found a moderate phylogenetic signal for both the erythrogram and leukogram. Accordingly, body size accounted for a low proportion of variation in both the leukogram (4.7%) and erythrogram (0.57%). By applying phylogenetic comparative methods to hematological parameters, our results add a new perspective on the evolution of blood cell physiology in frogs.

Neotrop. ichthyol ; 19(1): e200136, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1287439


Pygocentrus nattereri is a carnivorous fish widely distributed in the Brazilian wetland and occupies different river strata. Based on the sexual maturity, the standard length (SL) has been used to categorize age and physiological attributes. However, hematological parameters and their relationship with age and growth features are unknow. Here, the aim was to evaluate the hematological profile and leukocyte data of juvenile and adult specimens, associating it with SL. Specimens of both sexes were weighted, and SL were measured for classify as juveniles (SL ≤16.0 cm) and adults (SL ≥16.1 cm). Blood was collected to perform the hemogram, for leukocyte quantification and ultrastructural descriptions. In general, hemogram values and leukocyte, lymphocyte, and monocyte counts were high in juveniles. Hemogram variables were negatively correlated with SL. Thrombocyte and neutrophil counts were higher in adults than in juveniles. SL was correlated with leukogram variables. Ultrastructural analysis showed that granular leukocyte count in P. nattereri was similar another fishes. PAS-positive granular leukocytes are slightly smaller than neutrophils and are characterized by dense elongated and semi-lunar shapes in the cytoplasm. Our results suggest that age-based SL may be useful for the analysis of the relationship between P. nattereri health status and wetland aquatic environments.(AU)

Pygocentrus nattereri é um peixe carnívoro amplamente distribuído no pantanal brasileiro e ocupa diferentes estratos de rios. Com base na maturidade sexual, o comprimento padrão (CP) tem sido usado para categorizar a idade e os atributos fisiológicos. No entanto, os parâmetros hematológicos e sua relação com a idade e características de crescimento são desconhecidos. O objetivo foi avaliar o perfil hematológico e leucocitário de espécimes juvenis e adultos, associando-o ao CP. Espécimes de ambos os sexos foram pesados e os CPs foram medidos para classificação em juvenis (CP ≤16,0 cm) e adultos (CP ≥16,1 cm). Foi coletado sangue para realização do hemograma, perfil e morfologia dos leucócitos. Em geral, os valores do hemograma e as contagens de leucócitos, linfócitos e monócitos foram maiores nos jovens. A contagem de trombócitos e neutrófilos foi maior em adultos do que em jovens. A análise ultraestrutural mostrou que a contagem de leucócitos granulares em P. nattereri foi semelhante a outros peixes. Os leucócitos granulares PAS-positivos são menores do que os neutrófilos, sendo caracterizados por formas alongadas e semilunares densas no citoplasma. Nossos resultados sugerem que CP é útil para a análise da relação entre o estado de saúde de P. nattereri em ambientes aquáticos alagados.(AU)

Animals , Blood Platelets , Characiformes/blood , Fishes , Leukocyte Count , Hematology
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 37(7): 781-784, jul. 2017. tab, graf, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-895475


A leishmaniose é uma zoonose de caráter endêmico que acomete diferentes espécies animal, dentre elas os cães. Como auxílio no diagnóstico e prognóstico do paciente é rotineiramente solicitado o hemograma, que é caracterizado por uma anemia do tipo normocítica e normocrômica. Os valores de volume corpuscular médio (VCM) e concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular médio (CHCM) são os padrões utilizados para a classificação da anemia, no entanto, nos últimos anos começou-se a utilizar a amplitude de distribuição de diâmetro dos eritrócitos (RDW) para diferenciar as anemias em regenerativas e arregenerativas. Este trabalho tem como objetivo comparar os valores de RDW e do VCM com a citometria eritrocitária em cães com leishmaniose. Foram colhidos sangue de 19 cães de diferentes raças e idades. As amostras sanguíneas foram processadas em equipamento automático para obtenção dos valores de VCM e RDW e posteriormente confeccionados esfregaços sanguíneos para contagem e medição de cem células eritrocitárias de cada lâmina. Para avaliar a dispersão entre os valores de hemácias utilizou-se o coeficiente linear de Pearson. Os valores de RDW mostraram-se mais sensíveis a anemia do que o VCM, quando comparados a citometria eritrocitária.(AU)

Leishmaniasis is an endemic zoonosis that affects different animals species, among them the dogs. As an aid in the diagnosis and prognosis of the patient is routinely asked the CBC, which is characterized by anemia normocytic and normochromic type. The mean corpuscular volumes (MCV) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) are the standards used for the classification of anemia, however, in recent years begun to use the amplitude diameter distribution of red blood cells (RDW) to distinguish anemias in regenerative and arregenerativas. This study aims to compare the RDW and MCV values with the erythrocyte cytometry in dogs with leishmaniasis. blood of 19 dogs of different breeds and ages were collected. The blood samples were processed in automatic equipment to obtain the MCV and RDW and later made blood smears for counting and measuring erythrocyte hundred cells from each slide. To evaluate the dispersion between the RBC values used the linear coefficient of Pearson. The RDW were more sensitive to anemia than VCM as compared with erythrocyte cytometry.(AU)

Animals , Dogs , Leishmaniasis/veterinary , Erythrocyte Indices/veterinary , Erythrocyte Volume/veterinary , Hematocrit/veterinary , Flow Cytometry/veterinary