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Appl Opt ; 62(13): 3284-3288, 2023 May 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37132828


We explore the suitability of a virtually imaged phased array as a spectral-to-spatial mode-mapper (SSMM) for applications in quantum communication such as a quantum repeater. To this end, we demonstrate spectrally resolved Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) interference with weak coherent states (WCSs). Spectral sidebands are generated on a common optical carrier, and WCSs are prepared in each spectral mode and sent to a beam splitter followed by two SSMMs and two single-photon detectors, allowing us to measure spectrally resolved HOM interference. We show that the so-called HOM dip can be observed in the coincidence detection pattern of matching spectral modes with visibilities as high as 45% (maximum 50% for WCSs). For unmatched modes, the visibility drops significantly, as expected. Due to the similarity between HOM interference and a linear-optics Bell-state measurement (BSM), this simple optical arrangement figures as a candidate for the implementation of a spectrally resolved BSM. Finally, we simulate the secret key generation rate using current and state-of-the-art parameters in a measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution scenario and explore the trade-off between rate and complexity of a spectrally multiplexed quantum communication link.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(22): 220502, 2021 Nov 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34889639


We argue that long optical storage times are required to establish entanglement at high rates over large distances using memory-based quantum repeaters. Triggered by this conclusion, we investigate the 795.325 nm^{3} H_{6}↔^{3}H_{4} transition of Tm:Y_{3}Ga_{5}O_{12} (Tm:YGG). Most importantly, we find that the optical coherence time can reach 1.1 ms, and, using laser pulses, we demonstrate optical storage based on the atomic frequency comb protocol during up to 100 µs as well as a memory decay time T_{m} of 13.1 µs. Possibilities of how to narrow the gap between the measured value of T_{m} and its maximum of 275 µs are discussed. In addition, we demonstrate multiplexed storage, including with feed-forward selection, shifting and filtering of spectral modes, as well as quantum state storage using members of nonclassical photon pairs. Our results show the potential of Tm:YGG for creating multiplexed quantum memories with long optical storage times, and open the path to repeater-based quantum networks with high entanglement distribution rates.

Nature ; 530(7590): 313-6, 2016 Feb 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26779950


Interfacing a single photon with another quantum system is a key capability in modern quantum information science. It allows quantum states of matter, such as spin states of atoms, atomic ensembles or solids, to be prepared and manipulated by photon counting and, in particular, to be distributed over long distances. Such light-matter interfaces have become crucial to fundamental tests of quantum physics and realizations of quantum networks. Here we report non-classical correlations between single photons and phonons--the quanta of mechanical motion--from a nanomechanical resonator. We implement a full quantum protocol involving initialization of the resonator in its quantum ground state of motion and subsequent generation and read-out of correlated photon-phonon pairs. The observed violation of a Cauchy-Schwarz inequality is clear evidence for the non-classical nature of the mechanical state generated. Our results demonstrate the availability of on-chip solid-state mechanical resonators as light-matter quantum interfaces. The performance we achieved will enable studies of macroscopic quantum phenomena as well as applications in quantum communication, as quantum memories and as quantum transducers.

Phys Rev Lett ; 113(5): 053603, 2014 Aug 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25126920


Future multiphoton applications of quantum optics and quantum information science require quantum memories that simultaneously store many photon states, each encoded into a different optical mode, and enable one to select the mapping between any input and a specific retrieved mode during storage. Here we show, with the example of a quantum repeater, how to employ spectrally multiplexed states and memories with fixed storage times that allow such mapping between spectral modes. Furthermore, using a Ti:Tm:LiNbO_{3} waveguide cooled to 3 K, a phase modulator, and a spectral filter, we demonstrate storage followed by the required feed-forward-controlled frequency manipulation with time-bin qubits encoded into up to 26 multiplexed spectral modes and 97% fidelity.

Nat Commun ; 4: 2386, 2013.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23985479


Quantum memories allowing reversible transfer of quantum states between light and matter are central to quantum repeaters, quantum networks and linear optics quantum computing. Significant progress regarding the faithful transfer of quantum information has been reported in recent years. However, none of these demonstrations confirm that the re-emitted photons remain suitable for two-photon interference measurements, such as C-NOT gates and Bell-state measurements, which constitute another key ingredient for all aforementioned applications. Here, using pairs of laser pulses at the single-photon level, we demonstrate two-photon interference and Bell-state measurements after either none, one or both pulses have been reversibly mapped to separate thulium-doped lithium niobate waveguides. As the interference is always near the theoretical maximum, we conclude that our solid-state quantum memories, in addition to faithfully mapping quantum information, also preserve the entire photonic wavefunction. Hence, our memories are generally suitable for future applications of quantum information processing that require two-photon interference.

Phys Rev Lett ; 109(2): 020402, 2012 Jul 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23030132


The question of whether the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanical predictions can be alleviated by supplementing the wave function with additional information has received a lot of attention during the past century. A few specific models have been suggested and subsequently falsified. Here we give a more general answer to this question: We provide experimental data that, as well as falsifying these models, cannot be explained within any alternative theory that could predict the outcomes of measurements on maximally entangled particles with significantly higher probability than quantum theory. Our conclusion is based on the assumptions that all measurement settings have been chosen freely (within a causal structure compatible with relativity theory), and that the presence of the detection loophole did not affect the measurement outcomes.

Phys Rev Lett ; 108(8): 083602, 2012 Feb 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22463529


We demonstrate the conditional detection of time-bin qubits after storage in and retrieval from a photon-echo-based waveguide quantum memory. Each qubit is encoded into one member of a photon pair produced via spontaneous parametric down-conversion, and the conditioning is achieved by the detection of the other member of the pair. By performing projection measurements with the stored and retrieved photons onto different bases, we obtain an average storage fidelity of 0.885±0.020, which exceeds the relevant classical bounds and shows the suitability of our integrated light-matter interface for future applications of quantum information processing.

Nat Commun ; 2: 561, 2011 Nov 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22127057


Coin flipping is a cryptographic primitive in which two distrustful parties wish to generate a random bit to choose between two alternatives. This task is impossible to realize when it relies solely on the asynchronous exchange of classical bits: one dishonest player has complete control over the final outcome. It is only when coin flipping is supplemented with quantum communication that this problem can be alleviated, although partial bias remains. Unfortunately, practical systems are subject to loss of quantum data, which allows a cheater to force a bias that is complete or arbitrarily close to complete in all previous protocols and implementations. Here we report on the first experimental demonstration of a quantum coin-flipping protocol for which loss cannot be exploited to cheat better. By eliminating the problem of loss, which is unavoidable in any realistic setting, quantum coin flipping takes a significant step towards real-world applications of quantum communication.

Nature ; 469(7331): 512-5, 2011 Jan 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21228775


The reversible transfer of quantum states of light into and out of matter constitutes an important building block for future applications of quantum communication: it will allow the synchronization of quantum information, and the construction of quantum repeaters and quantum networks. Much effort has been devoted to the development of such quantum memories, the key property of which is the preservation of entanglement during storage. Here we report the reversible transfer of photon-photon entanglement into entanglement between a photon and a collective atomic excitation in a solid-state device. Towards this end, we employ a thulium-doped lithium niobate waveguide in conjunction with a photon-echo quantum memory protocol, and increase the spectral acceptance from the current maximum of 100 megahertz to 5 gigahertz. We assess the entanglement-preserving nature of our storage device through Bell inequality violations and by comparing the amount of entanglement contained in the detected photon pairs before and after the reversible transfer. These measurements show, within statistical error, a perfect mapping process. Our broadband quantum memory complements the family of robust, integrated lithium niobate devices. It simplifies frequency-matching of light with matter interfaces in advanced applications of quantum communication, bringing fully quantum-enabled networks a step closer.

Opt Lett ; 35(4): 499-501, 2010 Feb 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20160797


We demonstrate a source of photon pairs with widely separated wavelengths, 810 and 1548 nm, generated through spontaneous four-wave mixing in a microstructured fiber. The second-order autocorrelation function g((2))(0) was measured to confirm the nonclassical nature of a heralded single-photon source constructed from the fiber. The microstructured fiber presented herein has the interesting property of generating photon pairs with wavelengths suitable for a quantum repeater able to link free-space channels with fiber channels, as well as for a high-quality telecommunication wavelength heralded single photon source. It also has the advantage of potentially low-loss coupling into standard optical fiber. These reasons make this photon pair source particularly interesting for long-distance quantum communication.