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Appl Spectrosc ; 71(7): 1427-1431, 2017 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28485180


Two-dimensional correlation analysis was applied to the time-dependent evolution of Raman spectra during the isothermal crystallization of bioplastic, poly[(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate- co-(R)-3-hydroxyhexanoate] or PHBHx copolymer. Simultaneous Raman measurement of both carbonyl stretching and low-frequency crystalline lattice mode regions made it possible to carry out the highly informative hetero-mode correlation analysis. The crystallization process of PHBHx involves: (1) the early nucleation stage; (2) the primary growth of well-ordered crystals of PHBHx; and (3) the secondary crystal growth phase. The latter stage probably occurs in the inter-lamellar region, with an accompanying reduction of the amorphous component, which occurs most dominantly during the primary crystal growth. The development of a fully formed lamellar structure comprising the 21 helices occurs after the primary growth of crystals. In the later stage, secondary inter lamellar space crystallization occurs after the full formation of packed helices comprising the lamellae.

Appl Spectrosc ; 71(10): 2339-2343, 2017 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28441032


In this work, we describe polymer-solvent interactions in biosynthesized and biodegradable poly[(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate- co-(R)-3-hydroxyhexanoate] (PHBHx) and the atactic homopolymer, poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (a-PHB), which were studied both as neat polymers and in solutions of chloroform and 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-propanol (HFIP). Specifically, infrared frequency shifts of the carbonyl band were observed in semi-crystalline PHBHx, but not in a-PHB, because it cannot form the helical conformation required for crystallization. The carbonyl band of PHBHx exhibited the high frequency associated with amorphous structure in chloroform and the lower frequency traditionally attributed to the helical crystalline structure in HFIP. The same results were obtained for a-PHB, demonstrating that the helical structure is not required for a lower frequency carbonyl-stretching mode. It is proposed that the band shift is due to hydrogen bonding between the carbonyl and hydroxyl hydrogen in HFIP. Therefore, the carbonyl frequency observed upon crystallization is most likely due to hydrogen bonding between the carbonyl and methyl hydrogen of the neighboring polymer chain in the crystal lattice as previously suggested.