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Heliyon ; 9(12): e22412, 2023 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38046150


A supervised deep learning network like the UNet has performed well in segmenting brain anomalies such as lesions and tumours. However, such methods were proposed to perform on single-modality or multi-modality images. We use the Hybrid UNet Transformer (HUT) to improve performance in single-modality lesion segmentation and multi-modality brain tumour segmentation. The HUT consists of two pipelines running in parallel, one of which is UNet-based and the other is Transformer-based. The Transformer-based pipeline relies on feature maps in the intermediate layers of the UNet decoder during training. The HUT network takes in the available modalities of 3D brain volumes and embeds the brain volumes into voxel patches. The transformers in the system improve global attention and long-range correlation between the voxel patches. In addition, we introduce a self-supervised training approach in the HUT framework to enhance the overall segmentation performance. We demonstrate that HUT performs better than the state-of-the-art network SPiN in the single-modality segmentation on Anatomical Tracings of Lesions After Stroke (ATLAS) dataset by 4.84% of Dice score and a significant 41% in the Hausdorff Distance score. HUT also performed well on brain scans in the Brain Tumour Segmentation (BraTS20) dataset and demonstrated an improvement over the state-of-the-art network nnUnet by 0.96% in the Dice score and 4.1% in the Hausdorff Distance score.

Front Neurosci ; 17: 1298514, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38105927


A hybrid UNet and Transformer (HUT) network is introduced to combine the merits of the UNet and Transformer architectures, improving brain lesion segmentation from MRI and CT scans. The HUT overcomes the limitations of conventional approaches by utilizing two parallel stages: one based on UNet and the other on Transformers. The Transformer-based stage captures global dependencies and long-range correlations. It uses intermediate feature vectors from the UNet decoder and improves segmentation accuracy by enhancing the attention and relationship modeling between voxel patches derived from the 3D brain volumes. In addition, HUT incorporates self-supervised learning on the transformer network. This allows the transformer network to learn by maintaining consistency between the classification layers of the different resolutions of patches and augmentations. There is an improvement in the rate of convergence of the training and the overall capability of segmentation. Experimental results on benchmark datasets, including ATLAS and ISLES2018, demonstrate HUT's advantage over the state-of-the-art methods. HUT achieves higher Dice scores and reduced Hausdorff Distance scores in single-modality and multi-modality lesion segmentation. HUT outperforms the state-the-art network SPiN in the single-modality MRI segmentation on Anatomical Tracings of lesion After Stroke (ATLAS) dataset by 4.84% of Dice score and a large margin of 40.7% in the Hausdorff Distance score. HUT also performed well on CT perfusion brain scans in the Ischemic Stroke Lesion Segmentation (ISLES2018) dataset and demonstrated an improvement over the recent state-of-the-art network USSLNet by 3.3% in the Dice score and 12.5% in the Hausdorff Distance score. With the analysis of both single and multi-modalities datasets (ATLASR12 and ISLES2018), we show that HUT can perform and generalize well on different datasets. Code is available at:

Front Neurosci ; 16: 866666, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35677355


Both neuroimaging and genomics datasets are often gathered for the detection of neurodegenerative diseases. Huge dimensionalities of neuroimaging data as well as omics data pose tremendous challenge for methods integrating multiple modalities. There are few existing solutions that can combine both multi-modal imaging and multi-omics datasets to derive neurological insights. We propose a deep neural network architecture that combines both structural and functional connectome data with multi-omics data for disease classification. A graph convolution layer is used to model functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data simultaneously to learn compact representations of the connectome. A separate set of graph convolution layers are then used to model multi-omics datasets, expressed in the form of population graphs, and combine them with latent representations of the connectome. An attention mechanism is used to fuse these outputs and provide insights on which omics data contributed most to the model's classification decision. We demonstrate our methods for Parkinson's disease (PD) classification by using datasets from the Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI). PD has been shown to be associated with changes in the human connectome and it is also known to be influenced by genetic factors. We combine DTI and fMRI data with multi-omics data from RNA Expression, Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP), DNA Methylation and non-coding RNA experiments. A Matthew Correlation Coefficient of greater than 0.8 over many combinations of multi-modal imaging data and multi-omics data was achieved with our proposed architecture. To address the paucity of paired multi-modal imaging data and the problem of imbalanced data in the PPMI dataset, we compared the use of oversampling against using CycleGAN on structural and functional connectomes to generate missing imaging modalities. Furthermore, we performed ablation studies that offer insights into the importance of each imaging and omics modality for the prediction of PD. Analysis of the generated attention matrices revealed that DNA Methylation and SNP data were the most important omics modalities out of all the omics datasets considered. Our work motivates further research into imaging genetics and the creation of more multi-modal imaging and multi-omics datasets to study PD and other complex neurodegenerative diseases.