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Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 29: e55746, 2024. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1569420


RESUMO. O objetivo deste estudo foi apresentar os resultados da reabilitação de um adolescente com dano cerebral precoce no hemisfério direito e cerebelo por acidente vascular cerebral com evolução superior a dez anos e sem histórico de tratamento formal. O método utilizado foi o estudo de caso único, com avaliação pré e pós-aplicação de um programa de reabilitação neuropsicológica. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram a melhora do funcionamento dos sistemas funcionais para as ações práticas, lúdicas, gráficas e verbais do paciente. Mudanças positivas também foram observadas no aspecto motor, no tônus muscular e no equilíbrio. O paciente mostrou-se mais independente, houve aumento nos interesses, maior nível de regulação, de responsabilidade e participação ativa em sua vida cotidiana. A avaliação neuropsicológica deve considerar a causa psicofisiológica das dificuldades do paciente, juntamente com a atividade orientadora da idade psicológica. Os resultados deste tipo de avaliação permitem a elaboração e aplicação de programas efetivos de reabilitação, inclusive depois de longos períodos sem um tratamento formal. A teoria neuropsicológica de Luria, juntamente com a teoria do desenvolvimento psicológico, representa uma base sólida para a avaliação e organização do processo de reabilitação em casos de pacientes com dano cerebral, mesmo depois de vários anos após o evento traumático.

RESUMEN. El objetivo de este estudio es presentar los resultados de la rehabilitación de un adolescente con daño cerebral temprano en hemisferio derecho y cerebelo por evento cerebrovascular con evolución mayor a diez años y sin historial de tratamiento formal. El método usado fue el estudio de caso único, con una evaluación pre y post aplicación de un programa de rehabilitación neuropsicológica. Los resultados obtenidos evidenciaron la mejoría en el funcionamiento de los sistemas funcionales para las acciones prácticas, lúdicas, gráficas y verbales del paciente. Cambios positivos también fueron observados en la esfera motora, el tono muscular y el balance. El paciente se mostró más independiente, sus intereses se incrementaron, evidenció un mayor nivel de regulación, responsabilidad y participación en su vida cotidiana. La evaluación neuropsicológica debe considerar la causa psicofisiológica de las dificultades del paciente, junto con la actividad rectora de la edad psicológica. Los resultados de este tipo de evaluación permiten la elaboración y aplicación de programas efectivos de rehabilitación, incluso después de largos períodos sin un tratamiento formal. La teoría neuropsicológica de Luria, junto con la teoría del desarrollo psicológico, representa una base sólida para la evaluación y organización del proceso de rehabilitación en casos de pacientes con daño cerebral, aún después de varios años desde el evento.

ABSTRACT. The objective of this study is to present results of the rehabilitation of an individual case of an adolescent patient with early brain damage in right hemisphere and the cerebellum because of a stroke with an evolution of more than ten years without any formal treatment. The method of the individual case study was used in this research, performing a pre-and-post qualitative assessment before and after of the application of the neuropsychological rehabilitation program. The results obtained in the study allowed to point out an improvement in the functioning of functional systems for practical, ludical, graphic and verbal actions of the patient. Positive changes were obtained in the motor sphere, muscle tone and balance. The patient became more independent in his general behavior, his interests were increased, he showed a higher level of regulation, responsibility, and active participation in his day-to-day life. Neuropsychological assessment should consider the psychophysiological cause of the patient's difficulties together with the guiding activity of psychological age. Results of such assessment lead to elaboration and application of effective programs for rehabilitation even after long periods without formal treatment. Luria's neuropsychological theory together with the theory of psychological development represents a solid background for the assessment and organization of the rehabilitation process in cases of patients with brain damage after several years since the event.

Psychol Russ ; 16(3): 88-103, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38024564


Background: The process of teaching mathematics represents a challenge for primary education, due to the different perspectives and disciplines involved. In addition, as an active and flexible process, it requires feedback on what the students actually achieved. An analysis of the different learning and development outcomes allows the teacher to understand the mathematical content and the method of teaching it in the classroom, with the objective of promoting the students' conceptual development. Objective: The objective of our study was to analyze the general skills for problem solving which students developed, by applying dynamic evaluation. Design: A verification method was used to identify the students' abilities and difficulties. A protocol for evaluating the process of solving mathematical problems was organized. The assessment included four simple problems and four complex ones. The participants were 15 students in the third grade of primary school attending a private school located in Mexico City. Results: The results showed that the students identified the types of mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) required to solve the problems as their objective. Therefore, their preparation of a solution plan, its execution, and its verification were based only on empirical thinking and quantitative information. Conclusions: We concluded that problem-solving is an intellectual activity that requires conceptual development to carry out a solution plan, execute it, and verify it, in addition to the main objective of answering the question posed by the problem. We propose that these characteristics be included in the organization of mathematics teaching in order to develop mathematical thinking.

Psychol Russ ; 16(3): 56-73, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38024573


Background: While the traditional method of teaching consists of repetition and memorization, the constructivist theory proposes independent discovery and free play. The cultural-historical approach, on the other hand, does not insist on the early introduction of formal mathematics as implicit or explicit knowledge. According to this outlook, important psychological developmental is necessary for the child before he/she can learn mathematics in primary school. Objective: To present a methodology for organizing the play activity of children of preschool age by introducing symbolic means on the materialized and perceptual levels as an essential aspect of preparation for learning mathematical concepts in primary school. Design: The experiment consisted in pedagogical work in the online modality by the authors at a private college in the city of Puebla, Mexico. Eighteen children from three levels of preschool education (from three to six years old) participated in 45-minute sessions three times per week. There were six children from each preschool level. Results: It was shown that playing with roles online allows children at least partially to include different symbolic means in their activity. This allows the children not only to satisfy their curiosity and be positively engaged in the topic of the play, but also to develop symbolic functions as preparation for intellectual actions with numerical content in primary school. Conclusion: The article shows a feasible way to organize preschool play with roles online and thus to scaffold the formation of children's imagination and ability to use symbolic means, which is important for future learning. The cultural-historical approach offers useful guidelines here, although more research is needed to support the development of children's symbolic function within math-specific activity, based on activity theory applied to learning.

Front Psychol ; 14: 1198675, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37637901


Introduction: The process of teaching and learning mathematics in primary school represents an obstacle for both teachers and pupils. According to the historical-cultural conception of development and education, the way how intellectual concepts are initially introduced may radically affect a student's success in learning. The historical-cultural conception of development, together with activity theory, may serve as the basis for creating a novel methodology for pedagogical work on mathematical concepts with pre-school and school children. Methods: The goal of the present study was to show the effects of work with an original program for the initial introduction of mathematical concepts to young school children. The program included reflexive symbolic and logical actions on the materialized and perceptual level, which were introduced and performed collectively by six-year-old children under the guidance and assistance of a teacher. The pupils were tested before and after their work with the program. Results: The results showed important qualitative and quantitative progress by the children in solving the tasks of the assessment, together with an increment of reflection on their intellectual actions. Discussion: The study points to the necessity for more intensive and extensive research, involving specialists in psychology and pedagogy trained in cultural-historical methodology.

Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e246224, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1431120


O isolamento social provocado pela pandemia de covid-19 exigiu uma intensificação no estabelecimento de parâmetros para o trabalho do neuropsicólogo com suas especificidades. Assim, o objetivo deste artigo é levantar reflexões sobre a prática neuropsicológica infantil via internet baseada na nossa experiência prática vivenciada no período, relacionando com as referências teóricas da abordagem histórico-cutural e outros trabalhos que discorrem sobre as particularidades dessa modalidade de atendimento. Para isso, foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica em fontes reconhecidas, como SciELO e Google Acadêmico, utilizando-se marcadores como "neuropsicologia on-line" e "teleneuropsicologia", entre outros, em português, inglês e espanhol. Os trabalhos encontrados foram utilizados como fundamento para discutir as ideias aqui apresentadas, a partir da experiência dos autores durante esse período. Considera-se que os neuropsicólogos precisam enfrentar a possível necessidade do trabalho on-line, considerando que as situações vividas durante a pandemia tendem a aumentar a necessidade de avaliações e intervenções neuropsicológicas. Ao mesmo tempo, se prevê que essa via de trabalho deve se intensificar após o isolamento, dentro do que se tem denominado como "o novo normal". Para isso, é essencial que haja esforço por parte da comunidade neuropsicológica para mostrar como essa área de trabalho pode ser útil para crianças, seus pais e professores. Conclui-se que é preciso ter a noção de que nenhuma via ou metodologia de trabalho é absolutamente completa, sendo essencial a instrumentalização das vantagens e desvantagens de todas elas.(AU)

The social isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic demanded intensification in the establishment of parameters for the neuropsychologist's work with its specificities. Thus, the aim of this article is to raise reflections on child neuropsychological practice via the internet, based on our practical experience in this period, relating to the theoretical references of the cultural-historical approach and other works that discuss the particularities of this type of care. For this, a bibliographic research was carried out in recognized sources such as SciELO and Google Scholar, using markers such as "online neuropsychology" and teleneuropsychology, among others, in Portuguese, English and Spanish. The works found were used as a basis for discussing the ideas presented here which are based on the authors' experience during this period. It is considered that neuropsychologists need to face the possible need for online work, considering that situations experienced during the pandemic tend to increase the need for neuropsychological assessments and interventions. At the same time, it is expected that this work path should intensify after isolation, within of what has been called "the new normal". For this, an effort by the neuropsychological community is essential to show how this area of work can be useful for children, their parents and teachers. It is concluded that it is necessary to have the notion that no way or work methodology is absolutely complete, being essential the instrumentalization of the advantages and disadvantages of all of them.(AU)

El aislamiento social provocado por la pandemia de Covid-19 exigió una intensificación en el establecimiento de parámetros para el trabajo del neuropsicólogo con sus especificidades. Así, el objetivo de este artículo es plantear reflexiones sobre la práctica neuropsicológica infantil a través de internet, a partir de nuestra experiencia práctica en este período, en relación con los referentes teóricos del enfoque histórico-cultural y otros trabajos que discuten las particularidades de este tipo de cuidado. Para esto, se realizó una investigación bibliográfica en fuentes reconocidas como SciELO y Google Académico, utilizando marcadores como "neuropsicología en línea" y teleneuropsicología, entre otros, en portugués, inglés y español. Los trabajos encontrados sirvieron de base para discutir las ideas aquí presentadas a partir de la experiencia de los autores durante este período. Se considera que los neuropsicólogos necesitan enfrentar la posible necesidad de trabajo en línea, considerando que las situaciones vividas durante la pandemia tienden a incrementar la necesidad de evaluaciones e intervenciones neuropsicológicas. Al mismo tiempo, se espera que esta vía de trabajo se intensifique después del aislamiento, dentro de lo que se ha denominado "la nueva normalidad". Para esto, un esfuerzo de la comunidad neuropsicológica es fundamental para mostrar cómo esta área de trabajo puede ser útil para los niños, sus padres y profesores. Se concluye que es necesario tener la noción de que ninguna vía o metodología de trabajo es absolutamente completa, siendo imprescindible la instrumentalización de las ventajas y desventajas de todas ellas.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Social Isolation , Online Systems , Remote Consultation , Culture , Internet-Based Intervention , History , Neuropsychology , Parent-Child Relations , Aptitude Tests , Practice, Psychological , Problem Solving , Psychological Tests , Psychology , Quality of Life , Attention , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Wechsler Scales , Behavior , Mainstreaming, Education , Adaptation, Psychological , Family , Child , Child Development , Child Language , Child, Preschool , Parenting , Cognition , Coronavirus Infections , Communication , Competency-Based Education , Compliance , Early Intervention, Educational , Neurobehavioral Manifestations , Recognition, Psychology , Dementia , Growth and Development , Videoconferencing , Evaluation of Research Programs and Tools , Cerebrum , Interdisciplinary Studies , Spatial Memory , Neurodevelopmental Disorders , Behavior Rating Scale , Patient Health Questionnaire , Memory and Learning Tests , Mental Status and Dementia Tests , Frontal Lobe , Egocentrism , Clinical Reasoning , COVID-19 , Cognitive Training , Family Support , Human Development , Information Services , Intelligence Tests , Language Development , Memory , Memory, Short-Term , Mental Processes , Neurologic Examination , Neuronal Plasticity , Neuropsychological Tests
Front Psychol ; 12: 686761, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34489797


According to the conception of cultural historical psychology, introduced by L. S. Vigotsky, the first year of a child's life represents a specific period of development or the first psychological age. Psychological development should be differentiated from biological development and have proper objective indicators. Psychological development starts with the possibility of initial cultural communication between an adult and child, within a unique kind of social situation of development. The goal of the article is to describe the content of the crisis of the first year of life as a psychological phenomenon and to propose psychological and neuropsychological indicators for qualitative assessment of the progress of psychological development at the end of the first year of life. The article opens the discussion about guiding the activity of the first age, new psychological formations of the crisis of the first year, and qualitative changes in the social situation of development. The content of the first psychological age and crisis is presented in the article, according to proposals of cultural historical psychology. Future interdisciplinary research should be continued in order to establish optimal strategies for adult and child interaction during a stable period of development and the crisis of the first year.

Psychol Russ ; 14(4): 51-64, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36733821


Background: This paper argues that Cultural-Historical neuropsychology provides a solid theoretical framework for the assessment of reading difficulties. Objective: The objective of the paper is to discuss how reading process and reading difficulties are perceived through the prism of Cultural-Historical neuropsychology. Design: This paper is of a theoretical and methodological nature, directed to practice and research in the field of neuropsychology. Results: This paper provides an outline of the fundamental concepts and principles of Cultural-Historical theory that are relevant to the assessment of reading difficulties. It provides a blueprint for the assessment of difficulties in reading Spanish via a presentation of data on common mistakes and their relationship to neuropsychological factors. Conclusion: The crucial role of in-school teaching in facilitating students to avoid developing reading difficulties, or to overcome them, is highlighted.

Front Psychol ; 11: 1887, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32849107


The psychological conception of the formation of action by stages has been one of the most significant contributions to activity theory. This conception can be understood in two ways: (1) in a broad way as general psychological conception and (2) in a straight way as a conception of the process of teaching and learning according to activity theory. We propose to consider the union of these two conceptual possibilities as a general methodological proposal for the study of development. The article offers a revision of the conception of gradual formation of action by stages according to modern educational needs in the sense of a union between Vigotsky's and Galperin's conception of psychological development. The article revises the possibility for usage of this methodology in a broad way as a general psychological conception, which might include modes of positive development together with developmental difficulties. From the point of view of an activity theory approach, brain functional systems might be understood as psycho-physiological dynamic mechanisms of actions and operations fulfilled by a subject. At the same time, the subject's own action is always accomplished within the context of one or another cultural activity. The conception of the gradual formation of action by stages helps to plan and organize specific types of interactions between child and adult in significant cultural situations. The stages of formation of cultural action, discussed in the article, are: material action with objects, materialized actions with external symbols, perceptive concrete action with concrete images, perceptive symbolic action with perceptive symbols, and verbal actions. The orientation base of action is an essential part of action on each level. These stages differ from the original proposal within Galperin's theory and offer a possibility to work with different kinds of actions: practical, intellectual, artistic, and physical actions. These types of actions might be used in educational processes in optimal situations and in situations with children with developmental difficulties. Our proposal opens a question about the types of actions which might be considered during the formation process, such as practical and intellectual actions. We discuss the usefulness of this psychological conception for the methods of assessment, correction, and teaching, which contribute to the development of the child.

Article in Spanish | COLNAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1247682


El presente estudio se dedica a la propuesta de evaluación e intervención neuropsicológica en el caso de un niño con características del Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA). El niño fue evaluado por presentar retraso en el lenguaje, conductas estereotipadas, además de dificultades cognoscitivas y motoras. El diagnóstico de la evaluación neuropsicológica permitió precisar los aspectos fuertes y débiles del desarrollo psicológico del niño. La propuesta de programa de intervención fue elaborada de acuerdo con la postura teórico metodológica histórico cultural y la teoría de la actividad, que consideran la localización sistémica y dinámica de los mecanismos cerebrales, así como, las características esenciales de la edad psicológica. El periodo de intervención fue de 24 meses, dividiéndose en 180 sesiones individuales y 160 sesiones grupales de 60 minutos cada una. Después de la intervención se realizó una revaloración neuropsicológica del paciente, encontrando cambios favorables principalmente en el desarrollo de la función reguladora, comprensión del lenguaje oral e integración social

The following study is related to the neuropsychological and neurophysiological analysis from a neuropsychological assessment and intervention of a preschool boy with autism spectrum characteristics. The boy was evaluated due to severe developmental disorders and absence of oral expression. Neuropsychological and psychological diagnosis allowed to determine strong and weak development aspects and to establish strategies for intervention. The intervention program was conducted according to consideration of psychological age of the boy and included diverse stages of game activities with symbolic and verbal means. The result showed improvement in the girl's activity such as the possibility to take part in school learning and in social communication. We discuss that even in cases of severe diagnosis and probability of brain injur y, neuropsychological inter vention can play an important role and be powerful instrument for overcoming of developmental difficulties and serve for progressive development in childhood.

Humans , Brain , Autism Spectrum Disorder , Patients , Comprehension , Diagnosis , Social Integration , Learning
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 25: e45979, 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1135776


RESUMEN El tema de las condiciones óptimas para el desarrollo verbal del niño preescolar menor aún sigue abierto en psicología, y surge la pregunta acerca de la naturaleza de dichas condiciones. Desde la teoría de la actividad se plantea la posibilidad de análisis de fenómenos del desarrollo no como procesos aislados, sino como elementos de la actividad que predomina en el desarrollo del niño en una u otra etapa. El objetivo de este estudio fue establecer una relación entre la adquisición de las acciones objetales y la producción verbal en niños preescolares menores.En el estudio se valoraron los niveles de adquisición de la acción objetal, comunicación verbal en el juego y la forma de interacción entre niño y adultos que predomina en familia. Para las interacciones con los niños se utilizó el Protocolo para Evaluación del desarrollo para niños preescolares menores (Solovieva & Quintanar, 2014), mientras que con los cuidadores se aplicó una entrevista para precisar el tipo de acciones y orientaciones predominantes en familia. Se identificó una relación entre ambos fenómenos estudiados y una correlación significativa entre el nivel de adquisición de las acciones con objetos, expresiones verbales y orientación parental. Se precisaron las etapas de adquisición de acciones con objetos y el paso al inicio de la adquisición de la función simbólica con el rol específico de uso de juguetes animados. Se discute la utilidad del protocolo para diagnóstico e interacción con niños preescolares, así como para la formulación de programas de intervención y desarrollo en esta edad.

RESUMO O tema das condições ótimas para o desenvolvimento verbal da criança pré-escolar ainda está em aberto na psicologia, trazendo questões sobre a natureza destas condições. A partir da teoria da atividade, se apresenta a possibilidade da análise dos fenômenos do desenvolvimento não como processos isolados, mas sim como elementos da atividade que predomina no desenvolvimento da criança em uma ou outra etapa. O objetivo do presente estudo foi estabelecer uma relação entre a aquisição das ações objetais e a produção verbal em crianças pré-escolares. Neste estudo se consideraram os níveis de aquisição da ação objetal, a comunicação verbal no jogo e a forma de interação predominante na família entre a criança e os adultos. Para as interações com as crianças utilizou-se o protocolo para Evaluación del desarrollo para niños preescolares menores (Solovieva & Quintanar, 2014), ao passo que uma entrevista foi aplicada aos cuidadores para precisar o tipo de ações e orientações predominantes na família. Foi identificada uma relação entre ambos os fenômenos estudados e uma correlação significativa entre o nível de aquisição de ações com objetos, expressões verbais e orientação parental. Foram especificadas as etapas de aquisição de ações com objetos e a passagem ao início da aquisição da função simbólica, com a necessidade particular do uso de brinquedos animados. Por fim, se discute a utilidade do protocolo para o diagnóstico e interação com crianças pré-escolares, assim como para a formulação de programas de intervenção e desenvolvimento nesta idade.

ABSTRACT The topic of favorable conditions for verbal development is opened in psychology. The question about the nature of such conditions hasn't been solved. According to activity theory, it is possible to study aspects of psychological development no as isolated functions, but in relation to the main activity at each stage of development. The objective of the study was to establish a relationship between stages of play with objects using symbols and verbal production in preschool children. For the interactions with children, the Protocol for Evaluación del desarrollo para niños preescolares menores (Solovieva & Quintanar, 2014) was used, and a semi-structured interview was applied with the caregivers in order to specify the type of actions and orientations Predominant in family. We identified a relationship between studied phenomena and a significant correlation between the variables of actions with objects, verbal expressions and parental orientation. The stages of acquisition of actions with objects were determined together with the specific necessity of use of animated toys for verbal development. We discuss the usefulness of the protocol for diagnosis and interaction with preschool children, as well as for the formulation of intervention and development programs at this age.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Play and Playthings/psychology , Verbal Learning , Child Development , Child, Preschool/education , Aptitude , Psychological Tests , Psychology , Speech , Verbal Behavior , Object Attachment
Rev. chil. fonoaudiol. (En línea) ; 18: 1-16, nov. 2019. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1095039


En los últimos años, dentro del ámbito clínico se ha pugnado por la integración de un marco teórico inter/multidisciplinar que permita explicar de forma integral las alteraciones del lenguaje. Esto adquiere mayor relevancia cuando se proponen categorías disgnósticas que se limitan a describir el daño y no a explicar las causas subyacentes. Así, los objetivos de este trabajo son: (1) identificar los factores neurofisiológicos y neuropsicológicos alterados, a partir de la perspectiva neuropsicológica de Luria, en un niño con problemas de lenguaje y (2) realizar un análisis lingüístico de los errores fonológicos para determinar la relación existente entre ambos elementos. El método que se siguió fue un estudio de caso ­de tipo descriptivo­donde se realizó un análisis cualitativo de los déficits fonológicos del paciente. Los resultados muestran que el niño presentaba un amplio rango de alteraciones fonológicas: asimilación, sustitución, omisión e inserción, todos ellos relacionados con el mecanismo de análisis y síntesis cinestésico y la organización secuencial de movimientos y acciones. Estos resultados sugieren que existe una relación entre los factores neuropsicológicos alterados y el tipo de error fonológico presentado. Se propone aquí, que los déficits del lenguaje pueden explicarse en mayor medida si se considera un enfoque neuropsicológico y lingüístico. Finalmente, la inclusión de la lingüística al campo clínico fonoaudiológico permitiría explicar los fenómenos observados de manera más integral.

Over the last years, the need of an inter/multidisciplinary framework has been advanced within clinical contexts that might integrally explain language alterations. This need is even more relevant when diagnostic categories that have been proposed describe mostly the damage, but they do not explain underlying causes. Thus, the aims of this work are: (1) identifying the altered neurophysiological and neuropsychological factors, from a Lurian neuropsychology perspective, in a child with language deficits and, (2) carry out a linguistic analysisof phonological errors to determine the relation between both facts A single-case study was implemented, and qualitative analysis was conducted to describe the child's phonological deficits. Results showed that the child had a wide range of phonological alterations: assimilation, substitution, omission, and insertion, all of them related with a deficit in kinesthetic analysis and synthesis mechanism, and sequential organization of movements and actions. These findings suggest that there is a relation between altered neuropsychological factors and type of phonological error observed. We propose that language deficits can be explained better if we consider a neuropsychologic and linguistic approaches. Finally, if a linguistic approach is including in the speech pathology clinical context, we can expect explain the observed phenomenon in a more integral way.

Humans , Male , Child , Electroencephalography , Language Disorders/physiopathology , Neurophysiology , Neuropsychology
Pensam. psicol ; 17(1): 101-112, ene.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020105


Resumen Objetivo. Identificar y precisar las dificultades en funciones espaciales que presentan los niños con TDAH en edad escolar. Método. Se evaluaron 24 niños, entre los 6 y los 12 años de edad, con diagnóstico de TDAH. Todos los niños fueron evaluados con tareas gráficas, tareas verbales y tareas constructivas, incluidas en las pruebas Evaluación Neuropsicológica Infantil, Evaluación Neuropsicológica de la Integración Espacial y Evaluación Neuropsicológica del Éxito Escolar. Resultados. El análisis clínico realizado al desempeño de los niños mostró dificultades no solo en el manejo de la proporción, la integración y al dibujar ángulos, sino en el uso adecuado del espacio e inversión. Las dificultades espaciales estuvieron acompañadas de otras de índole regulatorio, tono de activación, motoras y cinestésicas. Los participantes con mayor número de errores fueron aquellos de menor edad. Conclusión. Los niños con diagnóstico de TDAH pueden presentar dificultades en el desarrollo de las funciones espaciales, por lo cual se hace necesario que la evaluación neuropsicológica incluya un análisis profundo de esta dimensión cognitiva, que permita indagar la naturaleza de estas dificultades y su posible relación con el desarrollo de otras funciones.

Abstract Objective. Identify and detail the difficulties in children with attention deficit disorder in spatial function tasks. Method. 24 school children between 6 and 12 years old with diagnosis of attention deficit disorder were included in the study. Neuropsychological tasks used in the study were divided in graphic tasks, verbal tasks and a constructive task, all of them included in the Neuropsychological Evaluation for Children, Neuropsychological Evaluation of the Spatial Integration and Neuropsychological Evaluation of School Success assessments. Results. Analysis of the results has pointed out specific errors in graphic tasks such as disproportion, disintegration, difficulties with angles, problems with usage of space and inversions. Younger participants with complex neuropsychological syndromes committed more mistakes. The spatial difficulties were accompanied by regulatory, activation, motor and kinesthetic difficulties. The participants with higher frequencies of error were those of lower age. Conclusion. The results show that children with attention deficit disorder diagnosis may have difficulties in the development of spatial function; therefore, it is necessary to include a more profound neuropsychological analysis of the domain that allows the investigation of the nature of the difficulties and its plausible relation to the development of other functions.

Resumo Escopo. Identificar e reconhecer as dificuldades em funções espaciais que apresentam as crianças com TDAH em idade escolar. Metodologia. Foram avaliadas 20 crianças masculinas e 4 femininas, com idades compreendidas entre os 6 e 12 anos de idade, com diagnóstico de TDAH. Todas as crianças foram avaliadas com tarefas gráficas, tarefas verbais e tarefas construtivas, incluídas nas provas Avaliação Neuropsicológica da Integração espacial e Avaliação Neuropsicológica do Sucesso Escolar. Resultados. A análise clínica realizada aos desempenhos das crianças, mostraram dificuldades de desproporção, desintegração, dificuldade para desenhar ângulos, uso inadequado do espaço e inversão. As dificuldades espaciais estiveram acompanhadas de outras de natureza regulatória, tono de ativação, motoras e cinestésicas. Os participantes com maior número de erros foram aqueles de menor idade. Conclusão. As crianças com diagnóstico de déficit de atenção podem apresentar dificuldades no desenvolvimento das funções espaciais, pelo qual é preciso que a avaliação neuropsicológica possa incluir uma análise profunda de esta dimensão cognitiva, que permita indagar a natureza de estas dificuldades e sua possível relação com o desenvolvimento de outras funções.

Humans , Child , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Child Development , Evaluation Studies as Topic , Spatial Learning , Neuropsychology
Rev. Fac. Med. (Bogotá) ; 67(2): 299-306, Apr.-June 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020410


Resumen Introducción. Valorar el desarrollo neuropsicológico de niños preescolares permite determinar los mecanismos débiles y fuertes en el curso del desarrollo infantil y conocer el nivel de preparación del niño para la escuela. El juego de roles sociales es una actividad que promueve el desarrollo neuropsicológico. Objetivo. Mostrar los resultados de la aplicación de un programa de juego de roles sociales para promover el desarrollo neuropsicológico en niños preescolares. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio longitudinal cuasi experimental con niños de dos grupos, uno experimental (n=28) y otro control (n=31 ). Se aplicaron pre-test y post-test a ambos grupos. El grupo experimental participó en un programa de juego de roles. La evaluación y el programa se basaron en los conceptos de la psicología y neuropsicología histórico-cultural. El grupo control solo recibió el programa curricular oficial de preescolar. Resultados. A través de análisis cuantitativos y cualitativos se observaron mejores ejecuciones de los niños del grupo experimental, principalmente en tareas gráficas y verbales y en mayores posibilidades de autoregulación. Conclusiones. El juego de roles promueve el desarrollo neuropsicológico. Los resultados muestran la utilidad de métodos de juego como estrategia de trabajo psicopedagógico.

Abstract Introduction: Neuropsychological developmental assessment of preschool children allows determining the weak and strong mechanisms of child development and to establish the level of readiness for school learning. Social role-playing is an activity that promotes neuropsychological development. Objective: To present the results of the application of a social role-play program to strengthen neuropsychological development in preschool children. Materials and methods: A quasi-experimental longitudinal study was conducted with children who were divided into two groups: an experimental group (n=28) and a control group (n=31). Pre-test and post-test assessments were made to both groups. The experimental group participated in a role-playing program. The assessments and the program were based on the concepts of historical-cultural psychology and neuropsychology. The control group only received the official preschool curriculum. Results: Quantitative and qualitative analyses showed better performance in the children of the experimental group, mainly in graphic and verbal tasks, as well as greater possibilities of voluntary activity. Conclusions: Social role-playing promotes neuropsychological development. These results reveal the usefulness of play methods as a strategy of psychopedagogical development.

Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 24(1): 65-75, Jan.-Mar. 2019.
Article in English | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1090320


This article analyzes the theoretical foundations of neuropsychology based on the ideas of L.S. Vygotsky and A. R. Luria, with an emphasis on the principle of systemic organization of psychological processes, their ontogenetic development and systemic representation in the central nervous system. The article describes the need for a comprehensive study of neuropsychology, considering its relationship with more global psychological concepts developed by representatives of the historical-cultural concept of mental functions and the theory of activity. This paper considers the need to include neuropsychology in the context of historical-cultural studies and the theory of activity. Finally, it is argued that one of the essential features of historical-cultural neuropsychology is the concept of systemic, dynamic and hierarchical representation of cultural psychological processes.

O presente artigo dedica-se à análise dos fundamentos teóricos da neuropsicologia a partir das ideias de L.S. Vygotsky e A. R. Luria. Enfatiza-se o principio da organização sistêmica dos processos psicológicos, seu desenvolvimento ontogenético e sua representação sistêmica no sistema nervoso central. O artigo descreve a necessidade de um estudo integral da neuropsicologia, considerando sua relação com as concepções psicológicas mais globais, desenvolvidas pelos representantes da concepção histórico-cultural e da teoría da atividade. Propõe-se a consideração da necessidade de inclusão da neuropsicologia no contexto dos estudos histórico-culturais e da teoría da atividade. Por fim, argumentam e problematizam acerca de um dos aspectos essenciais da neuropsicologia histórico-cultural, a saber, a concepção da representação sistêmica, dinâmica e hierárquica dos processos psicológicos culturais.

El artículo se dedica al análisis de los fundamentos teóricos de la neuropsicología desde las ideas de L.S. Vygotsky y A.R. Luria. Se realiza énfasis en el principio de organización sistémica de los procesos psicológicos, su desarrollo ontogenético y su representación sistémica en el sistema nervioso central. O artículo describe la necesidad de un estudio integral de la neuropsicología, considerando su relación con las concepciones psicológicas más globales, desarrolladas por los representantes de la concepción histórico-cultural y la teoría de la actividad. Propone considerar la necesidad de inclusión de la neuropsicología en el contexto de los estudios histórico-culturales y la teoría de la actividad. Uno de los rasgos esenciales de la neuropsicología histórico-cultural es la concepción de la representación cerebral sistémica, dinámica y jerárquica de los procesos psicológicos culturales.

Psychological Phenomena , Psychological Theory , Psychology/classification , Neuropsychology
Psicol. esc. educ ; 22(2): 271-280, maio-ago. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-955701


Uma das queixas que chegam ao psicólogo escolar/educacional é referente à falta de controle de comportamento expressa pela criança. Diante disso, cobra-se do profissional a realização de avaliação psicológica para diagnóstico das dificuldades, porém muitas dessas avaliações realizam um diagnóstico de forma que rotula a criança sem, contudo, contribuir para seu desenvolvimento. Considerando que o aparato teórico-metodológico da psicologia histórico-cultural permite a compreensão do desenvolvimento humano como de ordem social, buscamos discutir como o psicólogo poderia avaliar as crianças de uma forma condizente com essa teoria. Dessa forma, este artigo, que é parte de uma dissertação de mestrado, apresenta um instrumento de avaliação psicológica no que se refere à atividade voluntária, desenvolvido pela Maestría en Diagnóstico y Rehabilitación Neuropsicológica (Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla - Puebla, México) à luz da neuropsicologia e psicologia histórico-cultural. Espera-se instrumentalizar psicólogos escolares/educacionais a enfrentar os crescentes diagnósticos estigmatizantes, bem como auxiliar futuras pesquisas.

One of the complaints that comes to the school and educational psychologist is about children with issues on controlling their own behavior. For this reason, the professional is charged with performing a psychological assessment to diagnose difficulties, but many of these evaluations carry out a diagnostic in a way that labels the child without, therefore, contributing to its development. Considering that the theoretical-methodological apparatus of historical-cultural psychology allows the understanding of human development as a social order, we discuss how to evaluate children based on this theory. Thus, this article, which is part of a Master thesis, it presents a voluntary activity evaluation instrument developed by the Maestría en Diagnóstico y Rehabilitación Neuropsicológica (Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla - Puebla, México) from the neuropsychology and historical-cultural psychology. It is expected that the research will contribute to instrumentalize school and educational psychologists to face the increasing diagnostic labels and to support future researches.

Uno de los problemas, a los que se enfrenta psicólogo escolar/educativo, se refiere a la falta de control del comportamiento expresada en el niño. Así pues, el profesional debe realizar una evaluación psicológica para diagnosticar las dificultades, sin embargo, muchas de esas evaluaciones son realizadas de forma que rotula el niño y no contribuye para su desarrollo. La Psicología Histórico-Cultural permite la comprensión del desarrollo humano de forma social, por eso buscamos discutir como el psicólogo puede realizar evaluaciones desde esa teoría. El presente artículo representa una parte de la tesina de Maestría y tiene como objetivo presentar el protocolo de evaluación psicológica de la actividad voluntaria desarrollado desde la Neuropsicología y Psicología Histórico-Cultural por la Maestría en Diagnóstico y Rehabilitación Neuropsicológica (Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla - Puebla, México). Se espera compartir las herramientas con psicólogos escolares/educativos, para hacer frente al aumento de los diagnósticos estigmatizados, así como ayudar a futuras investigaciones.

Humans , Psychology, Educational , Behavior , Child Development
Rev. CES psicol ; 11(1): 14-25, ene.-jun. 2018. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-976902


Resumen La manifestación clínica de la Hidrocefalia de Tensión Normal (NPH) implica pérdida del control de esfínter vesical, trastorno de la marcha y deterioro cognitivo. Este estudio buscó describir el estado neuropsicológico funcional de una paciente con NPH a través del análisis sindrómico, aplicando pruebas neuropsicológicas cualitativas y la evaluación de la actividad intelectual. Se evidenciaron dificultades y errores característicos del síndrome frontal severo con predominio de dificultades severas en la regulación y control de la actividad. Se observaron errores sistemáticos derivados de una falta de planeación, de selectividad y de autocrítica, en tareas perceptivas, verbales e intelectuales complejas. En el caso observado, el análisis neuropsicológico cualitativo apoya la afirmación de atrofia cortical con predominio frontal en esta enfermedad.

Abstract The clinical manifestation of Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH) implies loss of bladder sphincter control, gait disorder and cognitive impairment. The aim of this study is to describe the NPH patient's functional neuropsychological state through a syndromic analysis, applying qualitative neuropsychological tests and assessment of intellectual activity. It is evidenced difficulties and errors, which characterize severe syndrome with self-regulation and control of the activity. In the case of NPH, such syndrome is a consequence of organic frontal damage. Systematic errors derived from a lack of planning, selectivity and self-criticism were observed in complex perceptual, verbal and intellectual tasks. In this case, the qualitative neuropsychological analysis supports the affirmation of a cortical atrophy with frontal predominance in NPH.

Rev. Fac. Med. (Bogotá) ; 65(3): 417-423, July-Sept. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-896738


Abstract Introduction: Brain activation is considered as one of the mechanisms of the brain related to the functional state of deep subcortical structures. A deficit in this mechanism may be involved in behavioral disorders during development and school learning. Objective: To identify the clinical features of Mexican schoolchildren with general brain activation deficit, and to determine the neuropsychological tasks that help to detect this syndrome. Materials and methods: The sample included 20 Mexican schoolchildren attending regular schools and diagnosed with behavioral and/or learning disorders. The types of errors and performance in neuropsychological tasks were analyzed by categories. Results: The results showed that there are common clinical features in schoolchildren, particularly, executive instability, fatigue and/or slow execution, and instability in memory and perceptive graphic tasks. These features can be demonstrated through the qualitative syndromic analysis of perceptive graphic tasks, retention tasks and manual praxis. Conclusions: Qualitative assessment is effective to differentiate this type of cases from other possible neuropsychological conditions.

Resumen Introducción. La activación cerebral general se considera como un mecanismo de trabajo cerebral relacionado con el estado funcional de las estructuras subcorticales profundas; su déficit puede subyacer a los trastornos conductuales durante el desarrollo y el aprendizaje escolar. Objetivos. Precisar las características clínicas de escolares mexicanos con déficit de activación cerebral general e identificar las tareas neuropsicológicas que ayudan a la detección de este síndrome. Materiales y métodos. Se incluyeron 20 casos de escolares mexicanos: alumnos de escuelas regulares con problemas de conducta o aprendizaje que solicitaron apoyo de evaluación neuropsicológica. Se analizaron los tipos de error y la forma de ejecución de tareas neuropsicológicas por categorías. Resultados. Se demostró que existen características clínicas comunes en los escolares evaluados. Como rasgos particulares se identificó inestabilidad en la ejecución de tareas neuropsicológicas, fatiga o lentificación e inestabilidad en el mantenimiento de huellas mnésicas y durante la realización de tareas gráfico-perceptivas. Estos rasgos se evidenciaron a través del análisis sindrómico cualitativo en tareas gráfico-perceptivas, de retención en diversas modalidades y de praxias manuales. Conclusión. Se encontró eficacia clínica de diferenciación en este tipo de casos frente a otras posibles dificultades a nivel neuropsicológico.