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Microsc Microanal ; 19 Suppl 5: 38-42, 2013 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23920171


We report the direct visualization of point defect clustering in {113} planes of silicon crystal using a transmission electron microscope, which was supported by structural modeling and high-resolution electron microscope image simulations. In the initial stage an accumulation of nonbonded interstitial-vacancy (I-V) pairs stacked at a distance of 7.68 Å along neighboring atomic chains located on the {113} plane takes place. Further broadening of the {113} defect across its plane is due to the formation of planar fourfold coordinated defects (FFCDs) perpendicular to chains accumulating I-V pairs. Closely packed FFCDs create a sequence of eightfold rings in the {113} plane, providing sites for additional interstitials. As a result, the perfect interstitial chains are built on the {113} plane to create an equilibrium structure. Self-ordering of point defects driven by their nonisotropic strain fields is assumed to be the main force for point defect clustering in the {113} plane under the existence of an energy barrier for their recombination.

Ultramicroscopy ; 108(11): 1408-19, 2008 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18657907


The phase transition phenomena of Ge2Sb2Te5 chalcogenides were investigated by in situ dynamic high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). A 300kV field emission TEM and a 1250kV high voltage TEM were employed for the in situ heating experiments from 20 to 500 degrees C for undoped and 3wt% nitrogen-doped Ge2Sb2Te5 thin films deposited by DC sputtering. Crystallization of amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 to its cubic structure phase started at 130 degrees C and then rapid crystal growth developed from cubic to hexagonal phase in the range of 130-350 degrees C; finally, the hexagonal crystals started to melt at 500 degrees C. For nitrogen-doped Ge2Sb2Te5, its crystallization from amorphous film occurred at higher temperature of ca. 200 degrees C, and the cubic and hexagonal phases were usually formed simultaneously without significant growth of crystals at further heating to 400 degrees C. EELS measurements showed that the electronic structures of Ge, Sb and Te stayed almost the same regardless of the amorphous, FCC and hexagonal phases. The nitrogen doped in Ge2Sb2Te5 was confirmed to exist as a nitride. Also, the doped nitrogen distributed homogeneously in both amorphous and crystalline phases. Localization of doped nitrogen was not found in the grain boundary of crystallized phases. The dynamic process of phase transition was enhanced by high-energy electron irradiation. Peeling of atomic layers in nitrogen-doped Ge2Sb2Te5 film was detected during heating assisted with electron beam irradiation.

Microsc Microanal ; 11(5): 431-45, 2005 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17481324


Practical analyses of the structures of ultrathin multilayers in tunneling magneto resistance (TMR) and Magnetic Random Access Memory (MRAM) devices have been a challenging task because layers are very thin, just 1-2 nm thick. Particularly, the thinness (approximately 1 nm) and chemical properties of the AlOx barrier layer are critical to its magnetic tunneling property. We focused on evaluating the current TEM analytical methods by measuring the thickness and composition of an AlOx layer using several TEM instruments, that is, a round robin test, and cross-checked the thickness results with an X-ray reflectometry (XRR) method. The thickness measured by using HRTEM, HAADF-STEM, and zero-loss images was 1.1 nm, which agreed with the results from the XRR method. On the other hand, TEM-EELS measurements showed 1.8 nm for an oxygen 2D-EELS image and 3.0 nm for an oxygen spatially resolved EELS image, whereas the STEM-EDS line profile showed 2.5 nm in thickness. However, after improving the TEM-EELS measurements by acquiring time-resolved images, the measured thickness of the AlOx layer was improved from 1.8 nm to 1.4 nm for the oxygen 2D-EELS image and from 3.0 nm to 2.0 nm for the spatially resolved EELS image, respectively. Also the observed thickness from the EDS line profile was improved to 1.4 nm after more careful optimization of the experimental parameters. We found that EELS and EDS of one-dimensional line scans or two-dimensional elemental mapping gave a larger AlOx thickness even though much care was taken. The reasons for larger measured values can be found from several factors such as sample drift, beam damage, probe size, beam delocalization, and multiple scattering for the EDS images, and chromatic aberration, diffraction limit due to the aperture, delocalization, alignment between layered direction in samples, and energy dispersion direction in the EELS instrument for EELS images. In the case of STEM-EDS mapping with focused nanoprobes, it is always necessary to reduce beam damage and sample drift while trying to maintain the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio as high as possible. Also we confirmed that the time-resolved TEM-EELS acquisition technique improves S/N ratios of elemental maps without blurring the images.