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Biosci. j. (Online) ; 38: e38030, Jan.-Dec. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1395419


The cultivation of passion fruit is important for Brazil, since the country is currently the largest producer and consumer of fruit in the world. However, the fields of passion fruit still face important problems due to the incidence and severity of diseases in the field. Thus, the present study aimed to assess resistance to bacterial and fungal diseases in 13 genotypes of sour, sweet and wild passion fruit, in field conditions in the Distrito Federal, Brazil. For this, a field experiment was installed in a randomized block design, with four replications and 13 treatments (genotypes). The characteristics of incidence, severity and degree of resistance for bacteriosis, septoriosis, scab and anthracnose diseases were evaluated in 5 fruits per plot of each genotype. Genetic parameters of the evaluated traits were also estimated. High heritability values and CVg/Cve ratio were observed for most of the evaluated characteristics. The genotypes presented mean values of incidence and severity of bacteriosis, septoriosis, scab and anthracnose different among them, and the one that presented the best results in the degree of resistance for all diseases was F1 (MAR20 # 24 x ECL7 P1 R4).

Plant Diseases , Bacteria , Xanthomonas , Cladosporium , Colletotrichum , Passiflora , Fungi
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 38: e38004, Jan.-Dec. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361405


The production of passion fruit is important in Brazil. In order to contribute to the development of the most promising cultivars of passion fruit, this study aimed to evaluate the agronomic performance of 32 genotypes of passion fruit in Federal District of Brazil, and to estimate genetic parameters for use in breeding programs. Thirty-two genotypes were used in a randomized block design, with eight plants per plot and four replications. The experiment was conducted in field. Twenty-eight harvests were performed, and the variables analyzed were: productivity estimated, total number of fruits per hectare, average fruit weight and these characteristics following classification of fruits in five categories. The genotypes that presented the highest total yield estimated were MAR20 # 23, AR 01 and PLANTA 7. For industrial purposes, genotypes MAR 20 # 21 and BRS Gigante Amarelo were superior. For fresh consumption, the genotypes with the best performance were PLANT 7, AR 01 and MSC. Total productivity estimated and total number of fruits per hectare in the first-class classification showed high values of heritability and CVg/CVe ratio. These results indicate a favorable condition for selection.

Templates, Genetic , Passiflora , Crop Production , Plant Breeding
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 36(Supplement1): 156-162, Dec. 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355211


Carrots are among the most planted vegetables in Brazil, which represents importance in the national market. This crop can be grown in conventional and agroecological systems, and studies to improve productivity, disease resistance and root quality in agroecological cropping systems are important. The aim of the present work was to estimate genetic parameters that provide a breeding strategy in the search for the development of new varieties of carrot adapted to the conditions of Distrito Federal's agroecology cultivation. Considering data from tests performed in areas of agroecology cultivation (Natural Agriculture-NA and Organic Agriculture-OA), the following characteristics were evaluated: incidence of leaf blight-LB, incidence of root cracking-CRACK, root length-COMP, format of root tip-TP, format of root shoulder-TO, measure of the color of the a* xylem parameter-a*X, measure of the color of the a* phloem parameter-a*F. Traits were evaluated in 100 half-sib progenies derived from Brasília cultivar, using a completely randomized block design. For the characters COMP, a*X, a*F, TP and TO, the treatment X environment interaction was significant according to the results from test F. The values of the individual variance analyses presented significant effect for the following characteristics: COMP, a*X, TP, TO, LB for NA system, and COMP, a*X, a*F, TP for OA system. In NA system, the values of heritability estimates-ha² for the plant characters fluctuated from 65.66 to 25.52% and, in the OA system, the ha² of the characters a*X, was 81.13%. Estimates of genetic gain per cycle for the characters a*X and a*F were lower in NA system than the estimates observed in OA system.

A cenoura está entre as hortaliças mais plantadas no Brasil, o que representa importância no mercado nacional. Essa cultura pode ser cultivada em sistemas convencionais e agroecológicos, sendo importante o desenvolvimento de estudos para melhorar características de produtividade, resistência a doenças e qualidade de raiz em sistemas com base agroecológica de cultivo. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estimar parâmetros genéticos que fornecem uma estratégia de melhoramento na busca pelo desenvolvimento de novas variedades de cenoura adaptadas às condições do cultivo agroecológico do Distrito Federal. Considerando dados de testes realizados em áreas de cultivo agroecológico (Agricultura Natural - NA e Agricultura Orgânica - OA), foram avaliadas as seguintes características: incidência de queima das folhas - LB, incidência de rachadura radicular - RACH, comprimento de raiz - COMP, formato de raiz -TP, formato do ombro -TO, medida da cor do parâmetro a * do xilema ­ a*X, medida da cor do parâmetro a *do floema ­ a*F. As características foram avaliadas em 100 progênies de meios-irmãos derivadas da cultivar Brasília, usando um delineamento de blocos inteiramente casualizados. Para os caracteres COMP, a*X, a*F, TP e TO, a interação tratamento X ambiente foi significativa de acordo com os resultados do teste F. Os valores das análises de variância individuais apresentaram efeito significativo para as seguintes características: COMP, a*X, TP, TO, LB para o sistema NA e COMP, a*X, um a*F, TP para o sistema OA. No sistema NA, os valores de estimativa de herdabilidade - ha² para os caracteres da planta variaram de 65,66 a 25,52% e, no sistema OA, o ha² da característica a*X foi de 81,13%. As estimativas de ganho genético por ciclo para os caracteres a*X e a*F foram menores no sistema NA do que as estimativas observadas no sistema OA.

Daucus carota/genetics , Plant Breeding
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 35(6): 1708-1717, nov./dec. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1049095


Studies on the determination of genetic divergence among genotypes are important tools in breeding programs, contributing to the identification of parents with considerable productive potential. However, little is known about the combinatorial capacity of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) accessions and its adaptation to the different regions of Brazil. The objective of this study was to evaluate the morpho-agronomic traits from 102 sweet potato accessions from the Germplasm Bank of Embrapa Hortaliças. The experiment was laid out as an augmented block design comprised of 102 treatments. Nineteen above ground traits were measured using descriptors for the respective parts. Estimated values of broad sense heritability were high for the traits mean branch length (95.75%), immature leaf color (85.06%), and predominant branch color (90.57%). Coefficients of environmental variation were below 30.00% for all variables, except for branch weight (51.62%). The 102 clones analyzed presented broad genetic variability for the different traits evaluated, especially for branch weight, and branch length, and mature leaf color.

Estudos de determinação de divergência genética entre genótipos são ferramentas de grande importância em programas de melhoramento, auxiliando na identificação de genitores com considerável potencial produtivo. No entanto, pouco ainda se sabe sobre a capacidade combinatória de acessos de batata-doce (Ipomoea batatas) e sobre a adaptação a diferentes regiões do Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar características agronômicas de 102 acessos de batata-doce mantidos no Banco de Germoplasma da Embrapa Hortaliças. O experimento foi instalado utilizando o delineamento em blocos aumentados, com 102 tratamentos. Foram mensuradas 19 características da parte aérea utilizando-se descritores das respectivas partes. Os valores das estimativas de herdabilidade no sentido amplo foram altos para as características comprimento médio das ramas (95,75%), cor da folha imatura (85,06%) e cor predominante da rama (90,57%). Os coeficientes de variação foram inferiores a 30 % para todas as variáveis, exceto para peso das ramas (51.62%). Os 102 clones analisados apresentaram ampla variabilidade genética para as diferentes características avaliadas, principalmente para peso das ramas, comprimento das ramas e cor da folha madura

Ipomoea batatas , Plant Breeding , Seed Bank , Genotype
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 34(6 Supplement 1): 11-16, nov./dec. 2018.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-967605


Sweet potato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.] is a multipurpose plant due to the different uses for its roots, leaves, and branches. The objective of this study was to evaluate the ornamental potential of sweet potato accessions from the Germplasm Bank of Embrapa Hortaliças, Brasilia, DF, Brazil. The morphological characterization and evaluation of the ornamental potential used five accessions with distinct leaf shape (CNPH 980, CNPH 1205, CNPH 895, CNPH 796, CNPH 1284) and 12 qualitative and quantitative descriptors [plant type (PT), leaf lobe type (LLT), immature leaf color (ILC), leaf lobe number (LLN), branch color (BC), shape of central leaf lobe (SCLL), petiole pigmentation (PP), mature leaf size (MLS), mature leaf color (MLC), leaf shape (LS), branch yield (BY), and root yield (RY)]. In the evaluation of the ornamental potential, each criterion was scored from 10 (minimum) to 100 (maximum). Leaf lobe number was the trait that pleased the evaluators the most, and the greater the number of lobes, the greater was the ornamental potential. CNPH 980, CNPH 1205, and CNPH 1284 stood out for this trait. CNPH 1284 (almost divided leaf type) had the greatest score and was considered, by the evaluators, as the accession with the most harmonious aesthetics, indicating a great ornamental potential for the consumer market. All accessions studied presented considerable ornamental potential and could be used in floral arrangements or garden beds.

A batata-doce [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.] é uma planta com diferentes aptidões de uso das suas raízes, folhas e hastes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial ornamental de acessos de batata-doce oriundas do banco de germoplasma mantidos na Embrapa Hortaliças, Brasília, DF, Brasil. Para a caracterização morfológica e avaliação do potencial ornamental, foram escolhidos cinco acessos com formatos de folhas diferentes (CNPH 980, CNPH 1205, CNPH 895, CNPH 796, CNPH 1284) e utilizados doze descritores qualitativos e quantitativos [tipo de planta (TP), tipo de lóbulo da folha (TLF), cor da folha imatura (CFI), número de lóbulos por folha (NLF), cor das ramas (CR), formato do lóbulo central (FLC), pigmento no pecíolo (PP), tamanho da folha madura (TFM), cor da folha madura (CFM), formato da folha (FF), produção de ramas (BY) e produção de raízes (RY)]. Na avaliação do potencial ornamental, cada critério foi pontuado por meio de notas variando de 10 (mínimo) a 100 (máximo). A característica número de lóbulos da folha foi a que mais agradou os avaliadores. Observou-se que quanto mais lóbulos, maior o potencial ornamental, sendo que os acessos CNPH 980, CNPH 1205 e CNPH 1284 se destacaram para essa característica. CNPH 1284, com folhas no formato quase dividido, obteve a maior nota e foi considerado como o acesso com a estética mais harmoniosa, indicando grande potencial ornamental para o mercado consumidor, na opinião dos avaliadores. Os cinco acessos estudados apresentaram considerável potencial ornamental, podendo ser usados como forragem, complementos para arranjos florais ou como jardineiras.

Plant Leaves , Ipomoea batatas , Seed Bank