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Rev. bras. ter. intensiva ; 20(4): 422-428, out.-dez. 2008. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-506842


O objetivo da presente revisão foi avaliar o estado atual do conhecimento sobre doença terminal e cuidados paliativos em unidade de terapia intensiva. Identificar as questões-chave e sugerir uma agenda de pesquisa sobre essas questões. A Associação Brasileira de Medicina Intensiva organizou um fórum especifico para o debate de doenças terminais na unidade de terapia intensiva, onde participaram profissionais experientes em medicina intensiva. Esses profissionais foram subdivididos em 3 subgrupos, que discutiram: comunicação em unidade de terapia intensiva, decisões diante de um doente terminal e cuidados/ações paliativas na unidade de terapia intensiva. As informações e referências bibliográficas foram copiladas e trabalhadas através de um site de acesso restrito. Os trabalhos ocorreram em 12 horas quando foram realizadas discussões sistematizadas seguindo o método Delphi modificado. Foram elaboradas definições sobre a terminalidade. A adequada comunicação foi considerada de primordial importância para a condução do tratamento de um paciente terminal. Foram descritas barreiras de comunicação que devem ser evitadas sendo definidas técnicas para a boa comunicação. Foram também definidos os critérios para cuidados e ações paliativas nas unidades de terapia intensiva, sendo considerada fundamental a aceitação da morte, como um evento natural, e o respeito à autonomia e não maleficência do paciente. Considerou-se aconselhável a suspensão de medicamentos fúteis, que prolonguem o morrer e a adequação dos tratamentos não fúteis privilegiando o controle da dor e dos sintomas para o alívio do sofrimento dos pacientes com doença terminal. Para a prestação de cuidados paliativos a pacientes críticos e seus familiares, devem ser seguidos princípios e metas que visem o respeito às necessidades e anseios individuais. Os profissionais da unidade de terapia intensiva envolvidos com o tratamento desses pacientes são submetidos a grande estresse e tensão...

The objective of this review was to evaluate current knowledge regarding terminal illness and palliative care in the intensive care unit, to identify the major challenges involved and propose a research agenda on these issues The Brazilian Critical Care Association organized a specific forum on terminally ill patients, to which were invited experienced and skilled professionals on critical care. These professionals were divided in three groups: communication in the intensive care unit, the decision making process when faced with a terminally ill patient and palliative actions and care in the intensive care unit. Data and bibliographic references were stored in a restricted website. During a twelve hour meeting and following a modified Delphi methodology, the groups prepared the final document. Consensual definition regarding terminality was reached. Good communication was considered the cornerstone to define the best treatment for a terminally ill patient. Accordingly some communication barriers were described that should be avoided as well as some approaches that should be pursued. Criteria for palliative care and palliative action in the intensive care unit were defined. Acceptance of death as a natural event as well as respect for the patient's autonomy and the nonmaleficence principles were stressed. A recommendation was made to withdraw the futile treatment that prolongs the dying process and to elected analgesia and measures that alleviate suffering in terminally ill patients. To deliver palliative care to terminally ill patients and their relatives some principles and guides should be followed, respecting individual necessities and beliefs. The intensive care unit staff involved with the treatment of terminally ill patients is subject to stress and tension. Availability of a continuous education program on palliative care is desirable.

Critical Care , Life Support Care , Palliative Care , Terminally Ill
Rev Bras Ter Intensiva ; 20(4): 422-8, 2008 Dec.
Article in English, Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25307249


The objective of this review was to evaluate current knowledge regarding terminal illness and palliative care in the intensive care unit, to identify the major challenges involved and propose a research agenda on these issues The Brazilian Critical Care Association organized a specific forum on terminally ill patients, to which were invited experienced and skilled professionals on critical care. These professionals were divided in three groups: communication in the intensive care unit, the decision making process when faced with a terminally ill patient and palliative actions and care in the intensive care unit. Data and bibliographic references were stored in a restricted website. During a twelve hour meeting and following a modified Delphi methodology, the groups prepared the final document. Consensual definition regarding terminality was reached. Good communication was considered the cornerstone to define the best treatment for a terminally ill patient. Accordingly some communication barriers were described that should be avoided as well as some approaches that should be pursued. Criteria for palliative care and palliative action in the intensive care unit were defined. Acceptance of death as a natural event as well as respect for the patient's autonomy and the nonmaleficence principles were stressed. A recommendation was made to withdraw the futile treatment that prolongs the dying process and to elected analgesia and measures that alleviate suffering in terminally ill patients. To deliver palliative care to terminally ill patients and their relatives some principles and guides should be followed, respecting individual necessities and beliefs. The intensive care unit staff involved with the treatment of terminally ill patients is subject to stress and tension. Availability of a continuous education program on palliative care is desirable.