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J Geophys Res Space Phys ; 126(6)2021 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34650898


Coincident Ionospheric Connections Explorer (ICON) measurements of neutral winds, plasma drifts and total ion densities (:=Ne, electron density) are analyzed during January 1-21, 2020 to reveal the relationship between neutral winds and ionospheric variability on a day-to-day basis. Atmosphere-ionosphere (A-I) connectivity inevitably involves a spectrum of planetary waves (PWs), tides and secondary waves due to wave-wave nonlinear interactions. To provide a definitive attribution of dynamical origins, the current study focuses on a time interval when the longitudinal wave-4 component of the E-region winds is dominated by the eastward-propagating diurnal tide with zonal wavenumber s = -3 (DE3). DE3 is identified in winds and ionospheric parameters through its characteristic dependence on local solar time and longitude as ICON's orbit precesses. Superimposed on this trend are large variations in low-latitude DE3 wave-4 zonal winds (±40 ms-1) and topside F-region equatorial vertical drifts at periods consistent with 2-days and 6-days PWs, and a ~3-day ultra-fast Kelvin wave (UFKW), coexisting during this time interval; the DE3 winds, dynamo electric fields, and drifts are modulated by these waves. Wave-4 variability in Ne is of order 25%-35%, but the origins are more complex, likely additionally reflecting transport by ~20-25 ms-1 wave-4 in-situ winds containing strong signatures of DE3 interactions with ambient diurnal Sun-synchronous winds and ion drag. These results are the first to show a direct link between day-to-day wave-4 variability in contemporaneously measured E-region neutral winds and F-region ionospheric drifts and electron densities.

J Geophys Res Space Phys ; 126(11)2021 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35070616


A quasi-2-day wave (Q2DW) event during January-February, 2020, is investigated in terms of its propagation from 96 to 250 km as a function of latitude (10°S to 30°N), its nonlinear interactions with migrating tides to produce 16 and 9.6-h secondary waves (SWs), and the plasma drift and density perturbations that it produces in the topside F-region (590-607 km) between magnetic latitudes 18°S and 18°N. This is accomplished through analysis of coincident Ionospheric Connections Explorer (ICON) measurements of neutral winds, plasma drifts and ion densities, and wind measurements from four low-latitude (±15°) specular meteor radars (SMRs). The Q2DW westward-propagating components that existed during this period consist of zonal wavenumbers s = 2 and s = 3, that is, Q2DW+2 and Q2DW+3 (e.g., He, Chau et al., 2021, SWs in the ICON measurements are inferred from Q2DW+2 and Q2DW+3 characteristics derived from traditional longitude-UT fits that potentially contain aliasing contributions from SWs ("apparent" Q2DWs), from fits to space-based zonal wavenumbers that each reflect the aggregate signature of either Q2DW+2 or Q2DW+3 and its SWs combined ("effective" Q2DWs), and based on information contained in published numerical simulations. The total Q2DW ionospheric responses consists of F-region field-aligned and meridional drifts of order ±25 ms-1 and ±5-7 ms-1, respectively, and total ion density perturbations of order (±10%-25%). It is shown that the SWs can sometimes make substantial contributions to the Q2DW winds, drifts, and plasma densities.

Nat Geosci ; 14: 893-898, 2021 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35003329


Earth's equatorial ionosphere exhibits substantial and unpredictable day-to-day variations in density and morphology. This presents challenges in preparing for adverse impacts on geopositioning systems and radio communications even 24 hours in advance. The variability is now theoretically understood as a manifestation of thermospheric weather, where winds in the upper atmosphere respond strongly to a spectrum of atmospheric waves that propagate into space from the lower and middle atmosphere. First-principles simulations predict related, large changes in the ionosphere, primarily through modification of wind-driven electromotive forces: the wind-driven dynamo. Here we show the first direct evidence of the action of a wind dynamo in space, using the coordinated, space-based observations of winds and plasma motion made by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Ionospheric Connection Explorer. A clear relationship is found between vertical plasma velocities measured at the magnetic equator near 600 km and the thermospheric winds much farther below. Significant correlations are found between the plasma and wind velocities during several successive precession cycles of the Ionospheric Connection Explorer's orbit. Prediction of thermospheric winds in the 100-150 km altitude range emerges as the key to improved prediction of Earth's plasma environment.