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Epidemiol Serv Saude ; 29(2): e2019204, 2020.
Article in English, Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32490898


OBJECTIVE: to analyze the occurrence of food insecurity and associated factors in Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in 2016. METHODS: this was a cross-sectional population-based study using data obtained by interviewing heads of household; Poisson regression with robust variance adjustment was used. RESULTS: 675 households were included; food insecurity prevalence was 35.2% (95%CI31.6;39.0) and its occurrence was associated with heads of household being female (PR=1.49 - 95%CI1.17;1.90), not being white-skinned (PR=1.49 - 95%CI1.18;1.88), being younger, unmarried (PR=1.39 - 95%CI 1.07;1.81), belonging to the lowest education bracket (PR=1.58; 95%CI 1.17;2,12), belonging to the first and second assets index tertiles, having insufficient money to meet expenses (PR=2.22 - 95%CI 1.76;2.80), being obese (PR=1.39 - 95%CI 1.13;1.71), and being a smoker (PR=1.28 - 95%CI 1.05;1.56). CONCLUSION: food insecurity was associated with all factors studied except alcohol abuse.

Food Insecurity , Vulnerable Populations/statistics & numerical data , Adolescent , Adult , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Educational Status , Family Characteristics , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Prevalence , Risk Factors , Socioeconomic Factors , Surveys and Questionnaires , Young Adult
Epidemiol Serv Saude ; 29(1): e2018381, 2020.
Article in English, Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32321046


OBJECTIVE: to analyze markers of healthy and unhealthy food consumption and associated socio-economic, demographic and behavioral factors in women in the rural area of Rio Grande, RS, Brazil. METHODS: this was a cross-sectional population-based study conducted in 2017; outcomes were collected using a Ministry of Health food consumption marker instrument; Poisson regression was used. RESULTS: 963 women (15-49 years old) were included in the study; previous day consumption frequencies were beans 71.2%; sweetened beverages, 66.1%; fresh fruit, 52.9%; vegetables, 55.1%; filled sweet biscuits/desserts/candies, 35.5%; hamburger/charcuterie 22.5%, and instant noodles/savory biscuits 19.9%; fruit and vegetable consumption was higher in the A/B economic classes; prevalence of unhealthy food consumption was higher among women aged 15-19; women who ate 5/6 meals a day consumed more fresh fruit, vegetables and filled sweet biscuits/desserts/candies. CONCLUSION: appropriate prevalence of healthy consumption markers and moderate prevalence of unhealthy food consumption markers were found.

Diet/statistics & numerical data , Feeding Behavior , Rural Population/statistics & numerical data , Adolescent , Adult , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Diet/standards , Female , Fruit , Humans , Middle Aged , Socioeconomic Factors , Vegetables , Young Adult
Epidemiol. serv. saúde ; 29(1): e2018381, 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1101110


Resumo Objetivo: analisar marcadores de consumo alimentar saudável e não saudável e fatores socioeconômicos, demográficos e comportamentais associados, em mulheres da área rural de Rio Grande, RS, Brasil. Métodos: estudo transversal de base populacional, realizado em 2017; desfechos foram coletados mediante instrumento de marcadores do consumo alimentar do Ministério da Saúde; utilizou-se a regressão de Poisson. Resultados: foram investigadas 963 mulheres (15-49 anos de idade); as frequências de consumo no dia anterior foram, para feijão, 71,2%; bebidas adoçadas, 66,1%; frutas frescas, 52,9%; verduras/legumes, 55,1%; biscoitos recheados/doces/guloseimas, 35,5%; hambúrguer/embutidos, 22,5%; e macarrão instantâneo/salgadinhos de pacote/biscoitos salgados, 19,9%; o consumo de frutas e verduras/legumes foi maior nas classes econômicas A/B; mulheres de 15-19 anos exibiram maior prevalência do consumo de alimentos não saudáveis; mulheres que realizavam 5/6 refeições por dia consumiam mais frutas, verduras/legumes e biscoitos recheados/doces/guloseimas. Conclusão: foram observadas prevalências adequadas dos marcadores de consumo alimentar saudáveis, e moderadas dos não saudáveis.

Resumen Objetivo: analizar marcadores de consumo de alimentos saludables y no saludables y factores socioeconómicos, demográficos y de comportamiento asociados, en mujeres de zonas rurales de Rio Grande, RS, Brasil. Métodos: estudio transversal de base poblacional en 2017; se recolectaron resultados utilizando instrumento de marcadores de consumo de alimentos del Ministerio de Salud; se utilizo la regresión de Poisson. Resultados: se investigaron 963 mujeres (15-49 años de edad); las frecuencias de consumo del día anterior fueron, para porotos, 71,2%, bebidas endulzadas 66,1%, frutas 52,9%, verduras/legumbres 55,1%, galletas rellenas/dulces/golosinas 35,5%, hamburguesas 22,5% y fideos instantáneos/galletas/saladitos industrializados 19,9%; el consumo de frutas y verduras/legumbres fue mayor en las clases económicas A/B; las mujeres de 15 a 19 años mostraron una mayor prevalencia de consumo de alimentos poco saludables; las mujeres que comieron 5/6 comidas al día consumieron más frutas, verduras/legumbres y galletas rellenas/dulces/golosinas. Conclusión: se observaron prevalencias adecuadas de marcadores de consumo de alimentos saludables, y moderadas para alimentos no saludables.

Abstract Objective: to analyze markers of healthy and unhealthy food consumption and associated socio-economic, demographic and behavioral factors in women in the rural area of Rio Grande, RS, Brazil. Methods: this was a cross-sectional population-based study conducted in 2017; outcomes were collected using a Ministry of Health food consumption marker instrument; Poisson regression was used. Results: 963 women (15-49 years old) were included in the study; previous day consumption frequencies were beans 71.2%; sweetened beverages, 66.1%; fresh fruit, 52.9%; vegetables, 55.1%; filled sweet biscuits/desserts/candies, 35.5%; hamburger/charcuterie 22.5%, and instant noodles/savory biscuits 19.9%; fruit and vegetable consumption was higher in the A/B economic classes; prevalence of unhealthy food consumption was higher among women aged 15-19; women who ate 5/6 meals a day consumed more fresh fruit, vegetables and filled sweet biscuits/desserts/candies. Conclusion: appropriate prevalence of healthy consumption markers and moderate prevalence of unhealthy food consumption markers were found.

Humans , Female , Socioeconomic Factors , Women , Rural Areas , Cross-Sectional Studies
Epidemiol. serv. saúde ; 29(2): e2019204, 2020. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, Coleciona SUS, Sec. Est. Saúde SP | ID: biblio-1133809


Objetivo: analisar a ocorrência de insegurança alimentar e fatores associados em Rio Grande, RS, Brasil, em 2016. Métodos: estudo transversal de base populacional, cujos dados foram coletados mediante entrevista com os responsáveis pelos domicílios; empregou-se regressão de Poisson, com ajuste robusto da variância. Resultados: foram incluídos 675 domicílios; a prevalência de insegurança alimentar foi de 35,2% (IC95%31,6;39,0) e sua ocorrência esteve associada ao responsável pelo domicílio ser do sexo feminino (RP=1,49 - IC95%1,17;1,90), de raça/cor da pele não branca (RP=1,49 - IC95%1,18;1,88), apresentar menor faixa etária, não ser casado (RP=1,39 - IC95%1,07;1,81), pertencer ao grupo de menor escolaridade (RP=1,58 - IC95%1,17;2,12), encontrar-se no primeiro ou segundo tercil de índice de bens, não ter dinheiro suficiente para as despesas (RP=2,22 - IC95%1,76;2,80), ser obeso (RP=1,39 - IC95%1,13;1,71) e ser fumante (RP=1,28 - IC95%1,05;1,56). Conclusão: a insegurança alimentar esteve associada a todos os fatores estudados, exceto consumo abusivo de álcool.

Objetivo: analizar la ocurrencia de inseguridad alimentaria y factores asociados en Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, en 2016. Métodos: un estudio transversal de base poblacional obtuvo información mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario a los responsables por las residencias; se utilizó la regresión de Poisson, con ajuste robusto de la varianza. Resultados: se evaluaron 675 hogares, la inseguridad alimentaria fue del 35,2% (IC95%31,6;39,0) y se asoció con que el responsable por la casa fuera del sexo femenino (RP=1,49 - IC95%1,17;1,90), de raza/color de piel no blanca (RP=1,49 - IC95%1,18;1,88), ser del grupo de edad más joven, no ser casada (RP=1,39 - IC95%1,07;1,81), pertenecer al grupo de menor escolaridad (RP=1,58 - IC95%1,17;2,12), estar en el primero o segundo tercil de índice de bienes, no tener dinero suficiente para los gastos de la casa (RP=2,22 - IC95%1,76;2,80), ser obeso (RP=1,39 - IC95%1,13;1,71) y ser fumador (RP=1,28 - IC95%1,05;1,56). Conclusión: la inseguridad alimentaria estuvo asociada a todos los factores estudiados, excepto el abuso de alcohol.

Objective: to analyze the occurrence of food insecurity and associated factors in Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in 2016. Methods: this was a cross-sectional population-based study using data obtained by interviewing heads of household; Poisson regression with robust variance adjustment was used. Results: 675 households were included; food insecurity prevalence was 35.2% (95%CI31.6;39.0) and its occurrence was associated with heads of household being female (PR=1.49 - 95%CI1.17;1.90), not being white-skinned (PR=1.49 - 95%CI1.18;1.88), being younger, unmarried (PR=1.39 - 95%CI 1.07;1.81), belonging to the lowest education bracket (PR=1.58; 95%CI 1.17;2,12), belonging to the first and second assets index tertiles, having insufficient money to meet expenses (PR=2.22 - 95%CI 1.76;2.80), being obese (PR=1.39 - 95%CI 1.13;1.71), and being a smoker (PR=1.28 - 95%CI 1.05;1.56). Conclusion: food insecurity was associated with all factors studied except alcohol abuse.

Socioeconomic Factors , Nutritional Epidemiology , Health Inequality Indicators , Food Supply/statistics & numerical data , Brazil , Indicators of Quality of Life , Cross-Sectional Studies , Feeding Behavior
Sci. med. (Porto Alegre, Online) ; 28(3): ID30407, jul-set 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-948784


OBJETIVOS: Descrever os aspectos metodológicos e operacionais de um inquérito de pesquisa sobre saúde, realizado por meio de um consórcio de pesquisa multidisciplinar. MÉTODOS: Um estudo transversal de base populacional foi realizado com indivíduos de 18 anos ou mais, residentes na zona urbana do município de Rio Grande, RS, Brasil. A amostragem foi probabilística, tendo como unidade primária amostral os setores censitários. O instrumento de pesquisa consistiu num questionário padronizado, com questões fechadas e previamente testado, aplicado face a face no domicílio. Um questionário resumido foi aplicado a 10,5% dos indivíduos para fins de controle de qualidade. O trabalho de campo se estendeu de abril a julho de 2016 e a pesquisa foi previamente aprovada por comitê de ética em pesquisa. RESULTADOS: Dos 70 setores censitários amostrados, foram selecionados 711 domicílios e 1.429 indivíduos. Responderam o questionário 1.300 indivíduos (91,0%) de 676 domicílios (95,1%). As perdas e recusas foram mais prevalentes para os indivíduos do sexo masculino e dos setores do centro da cidade. A reprodutibilidade do questionário foi satisfatória (kappa médio = 0,80). CONCLUSÕES: Apontaram-se os principais aspectos metodológicos de um consórcio de pesquisa multidisciplinar, que poderão ser de interesse para outros pesquisadores. Destaca-se a relevância deste tipo de estudo para a produção de informações sobre diversas condições de saúde da população.

AIMS: To describe the methodological and operational aspects of a health survey, conducted by means of a multidisciplinary research consortium. METHODS: A cross-sectional, population-based study was conducted with individuals 18 years or older, living in the urban area of the municipality of Rio Grande, in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. The sampling was probabilistic, with census tracts as the primary sample unit. The research instrument consisted of a standardized and previously tested questionnaire, with closed questions, applied by face-to-face in dwellings. A brief questionnaire was administered to 10.5% of subjects for quality control purposes. Fieldwork lasted from April to July 2016, and the study was approved by an ethics committee. RESULTS: Of the 70 sampled census tracts, 711 households were randomly selected, comprising 1,429 eligible individuals. Overall, 1,300 individuals (91.0%) of 676 households (95.1%) answered the questionnaire. Losses and refusals were more prevalent for males and downtown's sectors. The questionnaire reproducibility was satisfactory (mean kappa = 0.80). CONCLUSIONS: The main methodological aspects of a multidisciplinary research consortium were pointed out, which may be of interest to other researchers. We highlight the importance of these type of study to yield information on various health conditions of the population.

Epidemiology , Health Surveys , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev Bras Epidemiol ; 20(4): 624-635, 2017.
Article in Portuguese, English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29267748


OBJECTIVE: To analyze the prevalence and factors associated with clustering of four behavioral risk factors - physical inactivity, high fat intake, harmful use of alcohol and tobacco use - for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) among undergraduate students from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. METHODS: Cross-sectional study. Socio-demographic variables, breakfast habits, satisfaction with body image, body mass index, and self-perceived general health were analyzed. The outcome evaluated was simultaneity of risk factors for CVD. Crude and adjusted analyses were carried out, stratified by gender, using ordinal logistic regression, extracting odds ratio with respective 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) and p values. RESULTS: The sample was composed of 1,123 students (response rate: 66.0%); of these, 24.7% had two or more risk factors. In the adjusted analysis, the variables intermediate maternal education, absence of breakfast habit, and poor or regular self-perceived general health was significantly associated (p < 0.05) with the outcomes. CONCLUSION: The results indicate an important prevalence of two or more simultaneous risk factors among undergraduate students. It was possible to outline which groups are more susceptible to more risk factors. The association between absence of breakfast habit and poor/regular self-perceived general health are highlighted.

OBJETIVO: Analisar a prevalência e os fatores associados à simultaneidade de quatro fatores de risco comportamentais - inatividade física, elevado consumo de gorduras, consumo abusivo de álcool e tabagismo - para as doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) em estudantes de graduação da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. MÉTODOS: Estudo de delineamento transversal. Foram analisadas variáveis sociodemográficas, o hábito de tomar café da manhã, a satisfação com a imagem corporal, o índice de massa corporal (IMC) e a autopercepção de saúde. O desfecho foi a simultaneidade de fatores de risco para as DCV. Foi realizada regressão logística ordinal, extraindo as razões de odds com os respectivos intervalos de confiança de 95% (IC95%) e valores p. RESULTADOS: A amostra foi composta por 1.123 estudantes (taxa de resposta de 66,0%); desses, 24,7% apresentavam 2 fatores de risco ou mais. Na análise ajustada, apresentaram associação estatisticamente significativa (p < 0,05) com o desfecho as variáveis escolaridade materna intermediária, não ter o hábito de tomar café da manhã e autopercepção de saúde ruim/regular. CONCLUSÕES: Os achados deste estudo indicam uma importante prevalência de estudantes com simultaneidade de dois ou mais fatores de risco. Foi possível traçar quais são os grupos mais susceptíveis a apresentar maior número de fatores, ressaltando a associação com a falta de hábito de tomar café da manhã e a autopercepção de saúde ruim/regular.

Cardiovascular Diseases/epidemiology , Health Risk Behaviors , Alcoholism , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Diet, High-Fat , Female , Humans , Male , Prevalence , Risk Factors , Sedentary Behavior , Smoking , Universities , Young Adult
Rev. bras. epidemiol ; 20(4): 624-635, Out.-Dez. 2017. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-898624


RESUMO: Objetivo: Analisar a prevalência e os fatores associados à simultaneidade de quatro fatores de risco comportamentais - inatividade física, elevado consumo de gorduras, consumo abusivo de álcool e tabagismo - para as doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) em estudantes de graduação da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Métodos: Estudo de delineamento transversal. Foram analisadas variáveis sociodemográficas, o hábito de tomar café da manhã, a satisfação com a imagem corporal, o índice de massa corporal (IMC) e a autopercepção de saúde. O desfecho foi a simultaneidade de fatores de risco para as DCV. Foi realizada regressão logística ordinal, extraindo as razões de odds com os respectivos intervalos de confiança de 95% (IC95%) e valores p. Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 1.123 estudantes (taxa de resposta de 66,0%); desses, 24,7% apresentavam 2 fatores de risco ou mais. Na análise ajustada, apresentaram associação estatisticamente significativa (p < 0,05) com o desfecho as variáveis escolaridade materna intermediária, não ter o hábito de tomar café da manhã e autopercepção de saúde ruim/regular. Conclusões: Os achados deste estudo indicam uma importante prevalência de estudantes com simultaneidade de dois ou mais fatores de risco. Foi possível traçar quais são os grupos mais susceptíveis a apresentar maior número de fatores, ressaltando a associação com a falta de hábito de tomar café da manhã e a autopercepção de saúde ruim/regular.

ABSTRACT: Objective: To analyze the prevalence and factors associated with clustering of four behavioral risk factors - physical inactivity, high fat intake, harmful use of alcohol and tobacco use - for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) among undergraduate students from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Methods: Cross-sectional study. Socio-demographic variables, breakfast habits, satisfaction with body image, body mass index, and self-perceived general health were analyzed. The outcome evaluated was simultaneity of risk factors for CVD. Crude and adjusted analyses were carried out, stratified by gender, using ordinal logistic regression, extracting odds ratio with respective 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) and p values. Results: The sample was composed of 1,123 students (response rate: 66.0%); of these, 24.7% had two or more risk factors. In the adjusted analysis, the variables intermediate maternal education, absence of breakfast habit, and poor or regular self-perceived general health was significantly associated (p < 0.05) with the outcomes. Conclusion: The results indicate an important prevalence of two or more simultaneous risk factors among undergraduate students. It was possible to outline which groups are more susceptible to more risk factors. The association between absence of breakfast habit and poor/regular self-perceived general health are highlighted.

Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Cardiovascular Diseases/epidemiology , Health Risk Behaviors , Universities , Brazil , Smoking , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Alcoholism , Sedentary Behavior , Diet, High-Fat
Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 25: [e14448], jan.-dez. 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-947469


Objetivo: conhecer, sob a ótica das enfermeiras da Rede Básica de Atenção à Saúde, as dificuldades para o estabelecimento do Aleitamento Materno. Método: estudo qualitativo, realizado com 47 enfermeiras, em 2012, por meio de entrevistas. Os dados foram analisados a partir do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. A pesquisa teve anuência do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa na Área da Saúde, da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, com Parecer nº 184/2011. Resultados: no processo de análise, quatro ideias centrais foram identificadas: as enfermeiras estão despreparadas para orientar adequadamente as mães para o Aleitamento Materno; as crenças e a participação da rede social da mulher podem colaborar para o desmame precoce; o uso de mamadeira e chupeta interfere no Aleitamento Materno, a técnica inadequada traz consequências negativas e interfere no estabelecimento do Aleitamento Materno. Conclusão: as crenças da comunidade, desatualização profissional e a técnica inadequada, exercem influência nas condutas relacionadas à amamentação.

Objective: to examine the difficulties in establishing breastfeeding, from the perspective of nurses in the primary health care system in the town of Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul. Method: in this qualitative study, 47 nurses in Rio Grande were interviewed in 2012. Data were analyzed on the basis of Collective Subject Discourse. The study was approved by the health research ethics committee of Rio Grande Federal University (opinion No. 184/2011). Results: analysis identified four central ideas: PHC nurses are unprepared to give mothers proper guidance on breastfeeding; women's beliefs and participation in social networks may contribute to early weaning; use of feeding bottles and pacifiers interferes with breastfeeding; and inappropriate technique has negative effects and interferes with efforts to establish breastfeeding. Conclusion: community beliefs, outdated skills, and inappropriate technique influence breastfeeding-related behavior

Objetivo: conocer, bajo la óptica de las enfermeras de la Red Básica de Atención a la Salud, las dificultades para establecer la Lactancia Materna. Método: estudio cualitativo, realizado junto a 47 enfermeras, en 2012, por medio de entrevistas. Los datos fueron analizados a partir del Discurso del Sujeto Colectivo. La investigación tuvo anuencia del Comité de Ética en Investigación en el Área de la Salud, de la Universidad Federal de Rio Grande, con el Dictamen nº 184/2011. Resultados: en el proceso de análisis, cuatro ideas centrales fueron identificadas: las enfermeras no están preparadas para orientar adecuadamente a las madres en cuanto a la Lactancia Materna; las creencias y la participación de la red social de la mujer pueden colaborar para el destete precoz; el uso de biberón y chupete interfiere en la Lactancia Materna, la técnica inadecuada trae consecuencias negativas e interfiere en el establecimiento de la Lactancia Materna. Conclusión: las creencias de la comunidad, desactualización profesional y la técnica inadecuada ejercen influencia en las conductas relacionadas a la lactancia.

Humans , Female , Primary Health Care , Breast Feeding , Health Education , Nursing , Weaning , Infant, Newborn , Nursing Methodology Research , Nursing Bottles
Cien Saude Colet ; 21(1): 293-302, 2016 Jan.
Article in Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26816186


The scope of this study was to evaluate the knowledge of modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease and its distribution in terms of demographic, socioeconomic, behavioral and biological factors among women living in the State of Rio Grande. It was a cross-sectional population-based study, with the inclusion of women aged 18 years and over. Descriptive, bivariate and multivariable Poisson Regression analysis were performed. The outcome was defined as knowing three or more of the seven risk factors studied (75th percentile). Of the 1,593 respondents, 33% knew three or more factors. The outcome was independently associated with increased likelihood of knowledge among subjects in the 25-44 years old age group, non-white skin color, complete secondary education, higher income and having cardiovascular disease. On the other hand, sedentary women were less likely to have such knowledge. These findings indicate the need for educational activities for enhancing comprehension and knowledge of the factors associated with cardiovascular disease among women, particularly among the poorest and less educated.

Cardiovascular Diseases/epidemiology , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Risk Factors , Socioeconomic Factors , Young Adult
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 21(1): 293-302, Jan. 2016. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-770669


Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o conhecimento dos fatores de risco modificáveis para a doença cardiovascular e sua distribuição em termos demográficos, socioeconômicos, comportamentais e biológicos entre mulheres residentes em Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Foi um estudo transversal de base populacional, com a inclusão de mulheres com idade igual ou superior a 18 anos. Foram realizadas análise descritiva, bivariada e multivariável pela Regressão de Poisson. O desfecho foi definido como conhecer três ou mais dos sete fatores de risco pesquisados (percentil 75). De 1.593 entrevistadas, 33,0% conheciam três ou mais fatores. Foram associados de forma independente com maior probabilidade de conhecimento: a faixa etária de 25 a 44 anos, cor da pele não branca, ensino médio completo, maior renda e ser portadora da doença cardiovascular. Mulheres sedentárias apresentaram menor probabilidade de conhecimento. Os achados indicam a necessidade de ações educativas para melhorar a compreensão e o conhecimento dos fatores associados à doença cardiovascular, particularmente entre as mulheres mais pobres e menos escolarizadas.

Abstract The scope of this study was to evaluate the knowledge of modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease and its distribution in terms of demographic, socioeconomic, behavioral and biological factors among women living in the State of Rio Grande. It was a cross-sectional population-based study, with the inclusion of women aged 18 years and over. Descriptive, bivariate and multivariable Poisson Regression analysis were performed. The outcome was defined as knowing three or more of the seven risk factors studied (75th percentile). Of the 1,593 respondents, 33% knew three or more factors. The outcome was independently associated with increased likelihood of knowledge among subjects in the 25–44 years old age group, non-white skin color, complete secondary education, higher income and having cardiovascular disease. On the other hand, sedentary women were less likely to have such knowledge. These findings indicate the need for educational activities for enhancing comprehension and knowledge of the factors associated with cardiovascular disease among women, particularly among the poorest and less educated.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Cardiovascular Diseases , Cardiovascular Diseases/epidemiology , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Socioeconomic Factors , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-843509


Introduction:Domestic violence is a social and public health problem and its rates are currently increasing. It is present in all social classes, ethnicities and educational levels.Objective:To analyse the actions done by health professionals who work in Basic Health Units (BHUs) to recognise cases of psychological violence against children.Methods:This is a qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study. It used an analysis of the thematic data content. Interviews were conducted with 24 professionals working in BHUs in a city in southern Brazil.Results: It was observed that physical symptoms are prioritised and there is an underestimation of mental health issues, especially those relating to psychological violence.Conclusions: It was identified that professionals from the BHUs cannot intervene effectively because of the difficulty in identifying cases of domestic violence and their lack of training for dealing with cases of violence against children.

INTRODUÇÃO: A violência intrafamiliar é um problema social e de saúde pública e, atualmente, tem seus índices aumentados. Encontra-se presente em todas as classes sociais, étnicas ou grau de escolaridade MÉTODO: Este trabalho é uma pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva e exploratória. Foi utilizada a análise de conteúdo temática dos dados. Realizou-se entrevistas com 24 profissionais que trabalham em UBSFs, em um município do sul do Brasil RESULTADOS: Observou-se que os sintomas físicos são priorizados e ocorre a subestimação da saúde mental, principalmente da violência psicológica. : Identificou-se que os profissionais das UBSFs não conseguem intervir de maneira eficaz, devido a dificuldade na identificação dos casos de violência intrafamiliar e da ausência de capacitação para atuar nos casos de violência contra a criança

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Child Advocacy , Domestic Violence , Health Policy , Mental Health , Public Policy , Social Problems , Health Centers , Health Personnel , Qualitative Research
J Paediatr Child Health ; 51(10): 1001-6, 2015 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25872953


AIM: To investigate association between nutritional status, adiposity and asthma severity and control in children. METHODS: We conducted a case control study at two teaching hospitals in Brazil. Cases were children (3-12 years) with persistent asthma and age-matched controls were those with intermittent asthma. Nutritional status was assessed by body mass index (BMI). Adiposity was assessed by sum of skinfolds and waist circumference (WC). Crude and adjusted odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) were calculated using conditional logistic regression or multinomial logistic regression as appropriate. RESULTS: Two hundred sixty-eight cases and 126 controls were included. Obesity (>2 BMI z-score for age) was significantly associated with persistent asthma (adjusted OR 2.62; 95% CI 1.39-4.95). There was a significant linear relationship between BMI z-scores (≤1, >1 to ≤2, >2) and risk of having persistent asthma (P = 0.003 for linear trend). Children with WC >90th percentile had a higher risk of persistent asthma when compared with those with WC ≤90th percentile (adjusted OR 3.38; 95% CI 1.26-9.06). No significant difference was found in terms of nutritional status and adiposity between children whose asthma was controlled by inhaled corticosteroids and those requiring inhaled corticosteroids plus other medications for asthma control. CONCLUSIONS: Obesity measured by BMI and increased abdominal adiposity are significantly associated with risk of persistent asthma but not type of controller medications.

Adiposity/physiology , Asthma/physiopathology , Nutritional Status , Body Mass Index , Brazil , Case-Control Studies , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Hospitals, Teaching , Humans , Male , Obesity/physiopathology , Regression Analysis , Risk Factors , Waist Circumference
Indian Pediatr ; 52(1): 25-30, 2015 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25638180


OBJECTIVE: To investigate association between dietary habits and asthma severity in children. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: Two teaching hospitals in Brazil. PARTICIPANTS: Cases (n=268) were children (3-12yr) with persistent asthma and age-matched controls (n=126) were those with intermittent asthma. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Dietary habits were determined based on food consumption in the past 12 months classified as frequent (≥3 times per week) or infrequent (never or <3 times per week).Nutritional status was classified into two categories according to WHO Child Growth Standards: obese: >2Z-score of BMI-for-age; non-obese: ≤2Z-score of BMI-for-age. RESULTS: After adjusting for confounding factors, maternal smoking during pregnancy, preterm birth and obesity were significantly associated with persistent asthma, with adjusted ORs (95% CI) of 2.11 (1.08- 4.13), 2.61(1.07-6.35) and 2.89 (1.49-5.61), respectively. No significant association was observed between frequency of consumption of specific foods, food groups, or dietary pattern (pro- or contra-Mediterranean diet) and the severity of asthma. CONCLUSIONS: This study did not find a significant association between dietary habits and asthma severity in children. Maternal smoking during pregnancy, preterm birth and obesity were independent factors associated with persistent asthma.

Asthma/epidemiology , Feeding Behavior , Asthma/physiopathology , Brazil/epidemiology , Child , Child, Preschool , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Humans , Male , Obesity , Risk Factors
Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 37(3): 464-470, jul.-set. 2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-697277


As transformações nas condições sociais de trabalho surgidas nas últimas décadas restringiram a disponibilidade do contato profissional-paciente, levando a uma fragmentação e desumanização do cuidado à saúde. Dessa necessidade surgiu o programa Recrutas da Alegria (RA), da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (Furg), com a ideia de "formar um profissional diferente", com o intuito de horizontalizar as relações com a equipe hospitalar e a abordagem dos pacientes. O RA é promovido pelos cursos da área de saúde da Furg e é uma ação de extensão. As atividades são desenvolvidas na Ala Pediátrica do Hospital Universitário Dr. Miguel Riet Corrêa Júnior (HU). Esta experiência demonstrou que a humanização não é um fato isolado, não acontece em apenas um ambiente, mas constitui comportamentos e atitudes que se refletem na atuação dos acadêmicos. O programa permite aos acadêmicos questionar o papel do médico e do estudante do curso de Medicina, bem como valorizar as histórias que vão além da história clínica, compreendendo o paciente como um todo.

The transformations that have arisen in the social conditions of work over recent decades have restricted contact between the medical professional and the patient, leading to a fragmented and dehumanized health care. This need gave rise to the Recrutas da Alegria (RA - Recruits of Happiness) program at the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), with the idea of "training a different professional" in order to horizontalize relations with hospital staff and the patients' approach. The RA is promoted by FURG courses in the area of health and is an outreach initiative. The activities are developed in the Pediatric Wing of the Dr. Miguel Riet Corrêa Júnior Teaching Hospital. This experience has demonstrated that humanization is not a one-off occurrence, it does not occur in just one environment, but rather constitutes behaviours and attitudes reflected in students' work. The program enables students to question the role of the doctor and of the student doctor, as well as focusing on patient's histories that extend beyond their medical history, understanding the patient fully.

Rev. bras. saúde matern. infant ; 12(4): 383-394, out.-dez. 2012. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BVSAM | ID: lil-660943


Avaliar a atenção ao parto na ótica de adolescentes assistidas em um hospital universitário. MÉTODOS: estudo quantitativo, descritivo, desenvolvido em um hospital universitário do Sul do Brasil. A amostra foi 269 adolescentes, entre 10 e 19 anos, de julho de 2008 a outubro de 2009. A coleta de dados foi com entrevista acerca das práticas de parto normal. Para análise estatística, foi utilizado o Teste Exato de Fisher. Os achados foram comparados com as práticas recomendadas à atenção perinatal preconizados pelo Ministério da Saúde (MS). RESULTADOS: a posição litotômica adotada em 99 por cento dos casos; a episiotomia foi realizada em 89,6 por cento das parturientes; os toques vaginais foram realizados por mais de um examinador em 69,4 por cento dos partos; a cateterização venosa profilática de rotina foi instalada em 91,8 por cento das adolescentes e a restrição hídrica e alimentação esteve presente em 87,4 por cento. Estes achados não condizem com as orientações preconizadas pelo MS acerca da atenção ao parto. CONCLUSÕES: muitas condutas recomendadas pelo MS para o parto são desconsideradas na instituição em estudo, precisando ser revistas de modo a contemplar as diretrizes do MS...

Evaluate birthing care from the perspective of adolescents seen at a university hospital. METHODS: a quantitative descriptive study deve-loped at a university hospital in the south of Brazil. The research sample was comprised of 269 adolescents, between 10 and 19 years of age, from July 2008 to October 2009. The data was collected through interviews about the practices of vaginal childbirth. Statistical analysis was performed using Fisher's Exact Test. The fin-dings were then compared with the recommended practices for perinatal care recommended by the Ministry of Health (MH). RESULTS: the lithotomic position was adopted in 99 percent of cases; an episiotomy was performed on 89.6 percent of delivering women; digital vaginal examinations were conducted by more than one examiner in 69.4 percent of deliveries; routine preventive venous catheterization was performed in 91.8 percent of adolescent girls and food and water restrictions were put in place in 87.4 percent of cases. These findings are not consistent with MH guidelines for birthing care. CONCLUSIONS: many of the guidelines recommended by MH for birthing care are disregarded at the reviewed institution and must be revised in order to address the directives of the Ministry of Health...

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Primary Health Care , Pregnancy in Adolescence , Hospitals, University , Humanizing Delivery , Midwifery , Humanization of Assistance
Rev Esc Enferm USP ; 46(2): 287-94, 2012 Apr.
Article in Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22576530


The objective of this study was to learn what adolescents understand as appropriate delivery care. Data were collected through individual interviews with adolescents who delivered at a University Hospital in southern Brazil, between July 2008 and October 2009. A thematic analysis was performed, based on the recommendations of the Ministry of Health regarding humanized delivery. Theme nuclei emerged related to the need for care, guidance and respect. Care appeared as a significant and primordial factor, characterized by understanding, dialogue and an active participation in the delivery process, marked by a timely attention to their needs, understanding their unfamiliarity with the routines and procedures, having a good interaction with the team and not being seen as passive subjects.

Delivery, Obstetric , Hospitals, University , Adolescent , Brazil , Humans , Qualitative Research
Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP ; 46(2): 287-294, abr. 2012. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: lil-625135


O estudo buscou conhecer o que as adolescentes entendem como assistência adequada ao parto. Dados coletados através de entrevista individual com as adolescentes que tiveram seu parto em um Hospital Universitário do sul do Brasil, entre julho de 2008 e outubro de 2009Foi efetuada uma análise temática, que se baseou nas preconizações do Ministério da Saúde sobre o parto humanizado. Despontaram núcleos temáticos relacionados à necessidade de atenção, de orientação e de respeito. A atenção apareceu como elemento significativo e primordial, caracterizada pela compreensão, diálogo e participação ativa no processo de parir, assinalada pelo pronto atendimento às solicitações, compreensão pelo fato de desconhecerem as rotinas e procedimentos, interação com a equipe, sem serem simplesmente visualizadas como sujeitos passivos.

The objective of this study was to learn what adolescents understand as appropriate delivery care. Data were collected through individual interviews with adolescents who delivered at a University Hospital in southern Brazil, between July 2008 and October 2009. A thematic analysis was performed, based on the recommendations of the Ministry of Health regarding humanized delivery. Theme nuclei emerged related to the need for care, guidance and respect. Care appeared as a significant and primordial factor, characterized by understanding, dialogue and an active participation in the delivery process, marked by a timely attention to their needs, understanding their unfamiliarity with the routines and procedures, having a good interaction with the team and not being seen as passive subjects.

El estudio buscó conocer lo que las adolescentes entienden como atención adecuada al parto. Datos recolectados a través de entrevista individual con adolescentes que tuvieron su parto en un Hospital Universitario del sur de Brasil, entre julio 2008 y octubre 2009. Fue efectuado un análisis temático, que se basó en las recomendaciones del Ministerio de Salud sobre parto humanizado. Asomaron núcleos temáticos relacionados a la necesidad de atención de orientación y de respeto. La atención apareció como elemento significativo y primordial, caracterizada por la comprensión, diálogo y participación activa en el proceso de parto, señalada por la rápida atención a las solicitudes, comprensión por el hecho de desconocer las rutinas y procedimientos, interacción con el equipo, sin ser simplemente visualizadas como sujetos pasivos.

Adolescent , Obstetric Nursing , Parturition , Humanizing Delivery
Rev. bras. enferm ; 64(5): 824-832, set.-out. 2011. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: lil-618404


Estudo quantitativo que objetivou analisar as práticas desenvolvidas na assistência à adolescente, a partir do relato dos trabalhadores de um Centro Obstétrico de um Hospital Universitário, com base na proposta de humanização do parto do Ministério da Saúde. Segundo os trabalhadores, estão sendo desenvolvidas práticas úteis na assistência ao parto, dentre as quais as orientações sobre formas de relaxamento no trabalho de parto, o incentivo ao vínculo entre mãe e filho e a amamentação. Porém, o direito ao acompanhante não vem sendo considerado. A posição de litotomia e a padronização da tricotomia, episiotomia e amniotomia foram constatadas. Os registros dos prontuários, dentre eles o partograma, a anamnese, e o exame físico e obstétrico da parturiente mostraram-se insatisfatórios. Conclui-se que, no cenário investigado, são desenvolvidas práticas consideradas adequadas e inadequadas, mostrando a necessidade de incentivar a utilização de procedimentos embasados em evidência científica e inseridos na proposta de humanização do parto.

Quantitative study that aimed to analyze the practices developed in assisting the adolescent, from the account of health workers, in an Obstetric Center in a teaching hospital, based on the proposal of humanization of parturition of the Health Ministry. According to the workers, useful practices in assisting parturition, among them, orientations about relaxation techniques at parturition, improving the attachment between mother and child, are being carried out. However, the right to a companion has not been taken into account. The lithotomy position and standardization of trichotomy, episiotomy e amniotomy were registered. Medical records, among them partogram, anamnesis and physical and obstetric exam of the parturient, proved to the unsatisfactory. We conclude that, in the scenario investigated, are developed practices considered appropriate and inappropriate, showing the need to further encourage the use of procedures grounded in scientific evidence and inserted into the proposal to the humanization of birth.

Estudio cuantitativo que buscó analizar las prácticas desarrolladas en la asistencia a la adolescente, del punto de vista de los trabajadores de un Centro Obstétrico de un Hospital Universitario, con base en la propuesta de humanización del parto de Ministerio de la Salud. Las prácticas útiles en la asistencia, entre ellas las orientaciones sobre la manera de relajarse durante el parto, el fomento a las relaciones entre madre e hijo y la lactancia, están sendo desarrolladas. El derecho a escolta no está siendo considerado y la posición de litotomía, la normalización de tricotomía, episiotomía y amniotomía fueran encontradas. El partograma, anamnese y examen físico y obstétrico resultaran insatisfactorios. Llegamos a la conclusión de que se han desarrollado prácticas que se consideran apropiadas y inapropiadas, lo que muestra la necesidad de fomentar aún más el uso de procedimientos basados en las evidencias científicas y inseridos en la humanización del parto.

Adolescent , Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Delivery, Obstetric/standards , Birthing Centers , Humanism
Rev Bras Enferm ; 64(5): 824-32, 2011.
Article in Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22460481


Quantitative study that aimed to analyze the practices developed in assisting the adolescent, from the account of health workers, in an Obstetric Center in a teaching hospital, based on the proposal of humanization of parturition of the Health Ministry. According to the workers, useful practices in assisting parturition, among them, orientations about relaxation techniques at parturition, improving the attachment between mother and child, are being carried out. However, the right to a companion has not been taken into account. The lithotomy position and standardization of trichotomy, episiotomy e amniotomy were registered. Medical records, among them partogram, anamnesis and physical and obstetric exam of the parturient, proved to the unsatisfactory. We conclude that, in the scenario investigated, are developed practices considered appropriate and inappropriate, showing the need to further encourage the use of procedures grounded in scientific evidence and inserted into the proposal to the humanization of birth.

Delivery, Obstetric/standards , Adolescent , Birthing Centers , Female , Humanism , Humans , Pregnancy
J Hum Lact ; 24(4): 386-92; quiz 451-3, 2008 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18784322


This controlled clinical trial, conducted in southern Brazil, assessed the impact of paternal inclusion in a breastfeeding education program carried out in a maternity hospital. Rates of breastfeeding in the first 6 months of babies' lives were measured in 586 families: 201 in the control group, 192 in the group with only mothers exposed to the intervention, and 193 in the group with mothers and fathers exposed to the intervention. Paternal inclusion significantly increased the rates of exclusive breastfeeding but not the rates of any breastfeeding. Intervention with fathers with less than 8 years of schooling resulted in a decrease in the rate of breastfeeding when compared with the intervention with mothers only. The likelihood of success might have been greater if the cultural and behavioral complexities associated with this practice had received more attention.

Breast Feeding/epidemiology , Breast Feeding/psychology , Fathers/psychology , Health Promotion/methods , Brazil , Breast Feeding/ethnology , Educational Status , Female , Health Education , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Humans , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Male , Young Adult