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J Family Med Prim Care ; 5(4): 789-791, 2016.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28348992


INTRODUCTION: One of the major causes of pediatric morbidity today at the community level is infection involving the ear, nose, and throat. Maximum of these patients respond well initially on general regular medications, but then recurrent complaints are not very uncommon. One of the major causes for such recurrence is hypertrophy of adenoids, the evaluation of which requires a battery of sophisticated investigative tools and expertise which are lacking at the community level. The aim of the study is to evaluate various symptoms related to adenoid hypertrophy and its correlation to the size of the adenoid seen in the lateral view nasopharyngeal X-ray. The aim of the study was to assess various symptoms related to adenoid hypertrophy and its correlation with the size of adenoid radiologically. METHODS: A total of fifty cases of pediatric age with strong clinical suspicion of adenoid hypertrophy were included in the study. Through ENT examination was done. X-ray lateral view nasopharynx was obtained. RESULTS: Adenoid hypertrophy was graded according to symptoms score and lateral cephalometric/radiographs. Snoring was the most frequent symptom which had a linear relation with the size of the adenoid. CONCLUSION: There was good agreement between symptom and the X-ray findings.

J Family Med Prim Care ; 3(4): 409-12, 2014.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25657954


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: An acute scrotum is defined as acute pain with or without scrotal swelling, may be accompanied by local signs or general symptoms. Acute scrotal pain is a medical emergency. Depending on cause, the management is entirely different. Torsion of testis and strangulated hernia are surgical emergency; whereas, epididymo-orchitis is treated by medicines. Testicular trauma and obstructed hernia can be differentiated by taking history from patient. Physical examination adds only a little information. Color Doppler ultrasound (US) is the modality of choice to differentiate testicular torsion from inflammatory conditions and can thus help in avoiding unnecessary surgical explorations. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A study on 50 patients was conducted who were referred with history of acute scrotal pain to our department between January 2013 and January 2014. Trauma and scrotal mass were excluded from the study. The clinical presentation, outcome, and US results were analyzed. RESULTS: Color Doppler sonography yielded a positive and negative predictive value (PPV and NPV) of 100% each for torsion, whereas, 93.9 and 70.6% for epididymo-orchitis, respectively; a sensitivity and specificity of 100% for torsion, whereas, for epididymo-orchitis it was found to be 86.1 and 85.7%, respectively. In cases of incomplete or early torsion, some residual perfusion may be detected leading to false-negative results. CONCLUSION: We therefore conclude that color Doppler sonography can reliably rule out testicular torsion and can thus help in avoiding unnecessary surgical explorations. Hence, it can significantly improve outcome and decrease morbidity of patient. It is an accurate, rapid, nonexpensive, nonionizing, important adjunct to clinical assessment of scrotum.