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Ultramicroscopy ; 253: 113805, 2023 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37459656


An electron monochromator design is presented as an instrumental development for electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and imaging in (scanning) transmission electron microscopy ((S)TEM). The main purpose of this development is enhancing the energy resolving power in spectroscopy and filtering. In addition, it helps reducing the effect of the objective lens' chromatic aberration Cc in imaging and therefore, enhancing the spatial resolving power of electron microscopes. General estimates for the performance of a monochromator in energy distribution and the resulting usable beam currents are given. The special monochromator design presented is a ground-potential monochromator based on magnetic sector fields. The monochromator generates a spatially and angular un-dispersed spot and has no mechanically actuated parts in the filter sections. The optics can be operated at electron acceleration voltages from 30kV to 300kV and shows an energy resolving power of better than 2⋅10-7 relative to the primary electron energy. The actual device is designed to be retro-fittable to microscopes from various manufacturers.

Ultramicroscopy ; 233: 113440, 2021 Dec 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34920279


Ultimate resolution in scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) with state-of-the-art aberration correctors requires careful tuning of the experimental parameters. The optimum aperture semi-angle depends on the chosen high tension, the chromatic aberration and the energy width of the source as well as on potentially limiting intrinsic residual aberrations. In this paper we derive simple expressions and criteria for choosing the aperture semi-angle and for counterbalancing the intrinsic sixth-order three-lobe aberration of two-hexapole aberration correctors by means of the fourth-order three-lobe aberration. It is noteworthy that for such an optimally adjusted electron probe the so-called flat area of the Ronchigram is explicitly not maximized. The above considerations are validated by experiments with a CEOS ASCOR in a C-FEG-equipped JEOL NEOARM operated at 60 kV. Sub-Angstrom resolution is demonstrated for a Si[112] single crystal as well as for a single-layered MoS2 crystalline film. Lattice reflections of 73 pm for silicon and 93 pm for molybdenum disulfide are visible in the Fourier transform of the images, respectively. Moreover, single sulfur vacancies can be clearly identified in the MoS2.

Phys Rev Lett ; 117(7): 076101, 2016 Aug 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27563976


Atomic resolution in transmission electron microscopy of thin and light-atom materials requires a rigorous reduction of the beam energy to reduce knockon damage. However, at the same time, the chromatic aberration deteriorates the resolution of the TEM image dramatically. Within the framework of the SALVE project, we introduce a newly developed C_{c}/C_{s} corrector that is capable of correcting both the chromatic and the spherical aberration in the range of accelerating voltages from 20 to 80 kV. The corrector allows correcting axial aberrations up to fifth order as well as the dominating off-axial aberrations. Over the entire voltage range, optimum phase-contrast imaging conditions for weak signals from light atoms can be adjusted for an optical aperture of at least 55 mrad. The information transfer within this aperture is no longer limited by chromatic aberrations. We demonstrate the performance of the microscope using the examples of 30 kV phase-contrast TEM images of graphene and molybdenum disulfide, showing unprecedented contrast and resolution that matches image calculations.

Ultramicroscopy ; 151: 199-210, 2015 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25499019


Thermal magnetic field noise from magnetic and non-magnetic conductive parts close to the electron beam recently has been identified as a reason for decoherence in high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Here, we report about new experimental results from measurements for a layered structure of magnetic and non-magnetic materials. For a simplified version of this setup and other situations we derive semi-analytical models in order to predict the strength, bandwidth and spatial correlation of the noise fields. The results of the simulations are finally compared to previous and new experimental data in a quantitative manner.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(4): 046101, 2013 Jul 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23931384


The resolving power of an electron microscope is determined by the optics and the stability of the instrument. Recently, progress has been obtained towards subångström resolution at beam energies of 80 kV and below but a discrepancy between the expected and achieved instrumental information limit has been observed. Here we show that magnetic field noise from thermally driven currents in the conductive parts of the instrument is the root cause for this hitherto unexplained decoherence phenomenon. We demonstrate that the deleterious effect depends on temperature and at least weakly on the type of material.

J Electron Microsc (Tokyo) ; 58(3): 147-55, 2009 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19398781


Contrast-transfer calculations indicate that C(c) correction should be highly beneficial for high-resolution and energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy. A prototype of an electron optical system capable of correcting spherical and chromatic aberration has been used to verify these calculations. A strong improvement in resolution at an acceleration voltage of 80 kV has been measured. Our first C(c)-corrected energy-filtered experiments examining a (LaAlO(3))(0.3)(Sr(2)AlTaO(6))(0.7)/LaCoO(3) interface demonstrated a significant gain for the spatial resolution in elemental maps of La.

Microsc Microanal ; 12(6): 442-55, 2006 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19830935


Aberration correctors using hexapole fields have proven useful to correct for the spherical aberration in electron microscopy. We investigate the limits of the present design for the hexapole corrector with respect to minimum probe size for the scanning transmission electron microscope and discuss several ways in which the design could be improved by rather small and incremental design changes for the next generation of advanced probe-forming systems equipped with a gun monochromator.