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Cienc. Salud (St. Domingo) ; 7(3): [7], 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525446


Introducción: La actividad física y el estado nutricional son dos componentes fundamentales en el estilo de vida de las personas. Los jóvenes universitarios, al encontrarse expuestos a distintos entornos, son vulnerables a adquirir ciertos hábitos y actitudes que pueden llegar a perjudicar su salud. En República Dominicana se carecen de estos datos, dándole importancia a este estudio, investigando sobre dichos factores modificables. Objetivos: Determinar los factores relacionados al estado nutricional y actividad física en estudiantes universitarios de la provincia Santiago de los Caballeros en el período de mayo-julio 2022. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de tipo corte transversal utilizando fuentes primarias en el periodo 2021-2022 en Santiago, a través de un cuestionario con 33 preguntas, aplicado previo a consentimiento informado, en una muestra de 201 estudiantes seleccionados por un muestreo no probabilístico, de tipo bola de nieve en una población desconocida. Resultados: La mayoría de la población encuestada era de sexo femenino (67.2%), el estado nutricional predominante era aquel con un IMC normal (36.8%), la mayor parte de los universitarios eran inactivos físicamente (41.8%), y los hábitos alimenticios de los mismos eran parcialmente inadecuados (57.2%). Conclusión: La relación entre los factores sociodemográficos y académicos con la actividad física y el estado nutricional no fue estadísticamente significativa. Sin embargo, se evidenció una relación significativa entre la actividad física inactiva y los hábitos alimenticios parcialmente inadecuados de los participantes.

Introduction: Physical activity and nutritional status are two fundamental components of a person's lifestyle. Young university students, being exposed to different environments, are vulnerable to acquiring certain habits and attitudes that may be detrimental to their health. In the Dominican Republic these data are deficient, giving importance to this study, investigating these modifiable factors. Objectives: To determine the factors related to the nu-tritional status and physical activity in university stu-dents of the Santiago de los Caballeros province in the period of May-July 2022. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was ca-rried out using primary sources in the period 2021-2022 in Santiago, using a questionnaire with 33 questions, applied prior to informed consent, in a sample of 201 students selected by a non-probabilistic sampling of snowball type in an unknown population. Results: The majority of the population surveyed was female (67.2%), the predominant nutritional status was normal BMI (36.8%), most of the university students were physically inactive (41.8%), and their eating ha-bits were partially inadequate (57.2%). Conclusion: The relationship between sociodemogra-phic and academic factors with physical activity and nu-tritional status was not statistically significant. Howe-ver, a significant relationship was evidenced between inactive physical activity and partially inadequate eating habits of the participants.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Young Adult , Exercise , Nutritional Status , Students , Cross-Sectional Studies , Dominican Republic
J Sports Sci Med ; 17(1): 56-65, 2018 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29535578


The teaching and learning of games and sport-based activities has historically been the dominant form of the physical education curricula. With an interest in providing to students meaningful and culturally situated sporting experiences, Sport Education is probably the most implemented and researched pedagogical model worldwide. However, although there is considerable evidence that the model as a curriculum approach can benefit the development of social goals and healthy sport behaviors, not a single study as to date examined students' game-play development beyond participation in single and isolated teaching units. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine students' development of Game Performance and Game Involvement during participation in three consecutive Sport Education seasons of invasion games. The participants were an experienced physical education teacher and one seventh-grade class totaling 26 students (10 girls and 16 boys). Using the Game Performance Assessment Instrument (Oslin et al., 1998), pre-test to post-tests measures of students' Game Performance and Game Involvement were collected during their participation in basketball (20 lessons), handball (16 lessons), and football (18 lessons) units. Inter-group differences and pre-test to post-test improvements within each season were analyzed through 2 (time) x group (sport) repeated measures ANOVA tests. There were found significant pre-test to post-test improvements in Game Performance and Game Involvement in the second (handball) and third (football) seasons, but not in the first season (basketball). Students' Game Performance and Involvement scores of handball and football were significantly higher than their scores while playing basketball. The opportunity for an extended engagement in game-play activities and prolonged membership of students in the same teams throughout three consecutive seasons of Sport Education were key to the outcomes found. The specific configurations of the game forms played by students either inhibited or enabled their game-play development.