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Nanomaterials (Basel) ; 14(9)2024 Apr 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38727370


The time-dependent interfacial adhesion between rock and fresh mortar is key for printing concrete linings in mountain tunnels. However, a scientific deficit exists in the time-dependent evolution of the interfacial adhesion, which can cause adhesion failure when printing tunnel lining. Nanoclay has the potential to increase the interfacial adhesion and eliminate the adhesion failure. Before the actual printing of tunnel linings, the time-dependent interfacial adhesion between artificial rock and fresh mortar modified by nanoclay should be understood. This paper studied the time-dependent interfacial adhesion based on fast tack tests, fast shear tests, and isothermal calorimetry tests. With the addition of nanoclay, the maximum tensile stress and the maximum shear stress increased. Compared with a reference series, the maximum interfacial tensile stress in a 0.3% nanoclay series increased by 106% (resting time 1 min) and increased by 209% (resting time 32 min). A two-stage evolution of the interfacial adhesion was found with the addition of nanoclay. In the first stage, the time-dependent interfacial adhesion increased rapidly. A 0.3% NC series showed an increase rate six times higher than that of the reference series. As the matrices aged, the increase rate slowed down and followed a linear pattern of increase, still higher than that of the reference series. The stiffening of fresh matrices resulted in the interface failure mode transition from a ductile failure to a brittle failure. The effect of nanoclay on flocculation and on accelerating the hydration contributed to the time-dependent interfacial adhesion between artificial rock and fresh mortar.

Materials (Basel) ; 16(21)2023 Oct 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37959569


Complex concrete elements are typically produced with lost formwork made out of timber or plastic. After usage, these timber or plastic panels are disposed of. This makes complex lost formwork a polluting and high-cost-inducing aspect of concrete construction. A possible solution for this problem could be 3D printing of concrete. This high degree of freedom construction process could easily be used to produce complex formwork. As the formwork stays in place, it has a function during and after the hardening of the inner concrete. Before hardening, the formwork keeps the fresh concrete in place. After hardening, the printed formwork takes the function of a concrete cover. The concrete cover protects the steel reinforcement against aggressive environmental substances such as chlorides and carbon dioxide. To properly execute this function, the printed material and the transition between printed material and inner concrete need to perform at least as well as the inner material. This experimental research investigates the usability of a 3D printed concrete mixture as a concrete cover in a combined concrete structure. The effect of the curing condition as well as two different surface finishing techniques of the printed formwork are taken into account. The effect of the different parameters is compared based on existing service life models. Results indicate that proper curing of the printed formwork is of key importance in order to obtain significant resistance against carbonation- and chloride-induced corrosion. Adjusting the nozzle with side trowels improves the resistance of the printed material against chloride intrusion and carbonation but has only a limited effect on the service life extension.

Materials (Basel) ; 14(16)2021 Aug 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34442996


Similar to conventional cast concrete, printable materials require reinforcement to counteract their low tensile strength. However, as traditional reinforcement strategies are not commonly used in 3D print applications, fiber reinforcement can serve as an alternative. This study aims to assess the influence of different polypropylene fiber lengths (3 and 6 mm, denoted as M3 and M6, respectively) and dosages (0.1 and 0.3% volume fraction) on the workability, pore structure, mechanical and shrinkage behavior of 3D printable cementitious materials. Fresh state observations revealed that the addition of a higher fiber volume decreased the workability of the material, irrespective of the fiber length as a result of the lower water film thickness (WFT). In hardened state, a marginal increase in total porosity could be observed when adding fibers to the mix composition. In addition, the flexural strength was found to increase with the addition of fibers, while no significant difference was observed in compressive strength. The increase in flexural strength was more pronounced in the case of longer-sized M6 fibers. Finally, the total drying shrinkage behavior was evaluated using mold-cast prisms. The addition of M6 fibers showed no beneficial effect in reducing total free shrinkage, while a reduction in total free shrinkage was observed when using M3 fibers.

Sci Technol Adv Mater ; 21(1): 661-682, 2020 Sep 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33061839


Development and commercialization of self-healing concrete is hampered due to a lack of standardized test methods. Six inter-laboratory testing programs are being executed by the EU COST action SARCOS, each focusing on test methods for a specific self-healing technique. This paper reports on the comparison of tests for mortar and concrete specimens with polyurethane encapsulated in glass macrocapsules. First, the pre-cracking method was analysed: mortar specimens were cracked in a three-point bending test followed by an active crack width control technique to restrain the crack width up to a predefined value, while the concrete specimens were cracked in a three-point bending setup with a displacement-controlled loading system. Microscopic measurements showed that with the application of the active control technique almost all crack widths were within a narrow predefined range. Conversely, for the concrete specimens the variation on the crack width was higher. After pre-cracking, the self-healing effect was characterized via durability tests: the mortar specimens were tested in a water permeability test and the spread of the healing agent on the crack surfaces was determined, while the concrete specimens were subjected to two capillary water absorption tests, executed with a different type of waterproofing applied on the zone around the crack. The quality of the waterproofing was found to be important, as different results were obtained in each absorption test. For the permeability test, 4 out of 6 labs obtained a comparable flow rate for the reference specimens, yet all 6 labs obtained comparable sealing efficiencies, highlighting the potential for further standardization.

Materials (Basel) ; 12(18)2019 Sep 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31527419


Three-dimensional concrete printing (3DCP) has progressed rapidly in recent years. With the aim to realize both buildings and civil works without using any molding, not only has the need for reliable mechanical properties of printed concrete grown, but also the need for more durable and environmentally friendly materials. As a consequence of super positioning cementitious layers, voids are created which can negatively affect durability. This paper presents the results of an experimental study on the relationship between 3DCP process parameters and the formed microstructure. The effect of two different process parameters (printing speed and inter-layer time) on the microstructure was established for fresh and hardened states, and the results were correlated with mechanical performance. In the case of a higher printing speed, a lower surface roughness was created due to the higher kinetic energy of the sand particles and the higher force applied. Microstructural investigations revealed that the amount of unhydrated cement particles was higher in the case of a lower inter-layer interval (i.e., 10 min). This phenomenon could be related to the higher water demand of the printed layer in order to rebuild the early Calcium-Silicate-Hydrate (CSH) bridges and the lower amount of water available for further hydration. The number of pores and the pore distribution were also more pronounced in the case of lower time intervals. Increasing the inter-layer time interval or the printing speed both lowered the mechanical performance of the printed specimens. This study emphasizes that individual process parameters will affect not only the structural behavior of the material, but they will also affect the durability and consequently the resistance against aggressive chemical substances.

Materials (Basel) ; 12(9)2019 May 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31083408


Superabsorbent polymers (SAPs) can be added to a concrete mixture to provide internal curing and reduce the risk for early-age shrinkage cracking. Hence, they can help to increase the overall durability of concrete structures. The type, swelling characteristics, kinetics of water release, amount and particle size of the SAPs will dictate their effectiveness for this purpose. In this paper, SAPs with different cross-linking degrees, particle sizes and amount of solubles are investigated. By varying these parameters, insight can be gained on the influence of each of these parameters on SAP properties such as the swelling capacity. In a next step, the SAPs can be implemented in mortar to assess their influence on mortar properties like workability, compressive strength or hydration kinetics. Based on these results, the 'ideal' SAP with tunable properties for a specific concrete application can be selected. For this purpose, an anionic SAP was synthesized with varying amounts of cross-linker and ground to particle sizes with d50 varying between 10 and 100 µm. The swelling capacity in demineralised water of 40 µm SAP particles increased with a decreasing degree of cross-linker from 66 g/g SAP with 1 mol% cross-linker to 270 g/g SAP in case of 0.15 mol% cross-linker, and was about three to four times larger than the swelling capacity in the prepared cement filtrate. The SAPs were tested for their effect on mortar workability, cement hydration kinetics and mechanical properties of the hardened mortar. With proper compensation for the absorbed water by the SAPs, the mortar workability was not negatively affected and the reduction in flow over the first two hours remained limited. The SAPs with the lowest swelling capacity, resulting in the smallest total amount of macro pores formed, showed the smallest negative effect on mortar compressive strength (a reduction of 23% compared to the reference after 28 days for an addition of 0.5 m% SAP) and a negligible effect on cement hydration. The difference in strength with the reference decreased as a function of mortar age. When using SAPs with particle sizes in the range of 10-100 µm, no significant differences between the studied particle sizes were found concerning the mortar properties. With the ease of upscaling in mind, the need to purify the SAPs and to remove the non-cross-linked soluble fraction was further investigated. It was shown that the solubles had no effect on the mortar properties, except for increasing the setting time with almost 100%.

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 14092, 2018 09 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30237506


Chemicals and synthetic coatings are widely used to protect steel against corrosion. Bio-based corrosion inhibition strategies can be an alternative in the arising bioeconomy era. To maintain the good state of steel reinforcement in cracked concrete, microbe-based self-healing cementitious composites (MSCC) have been developed. Yet, proposed strategies involve reasonably slow crack filling by biomineralization and thus risk the possible rebar corrosion during crack healing. Here we upgrade the rebar protection to a higher level by combining MSCC with microbial induced corrosion inhibition. Presented NO3- reducing bacterial granules inhibit rebar corrosion by producing the anodic corrosion inhibitor NO2- and meanwhile heal a 300-µm-wide crack in 28 days. During 120 days exposure to 0.5 M Cl- solution, the rebars in cracked MSCC keep showing open circuit potentials above the critical value of -250 mV and they lose less than 2% of the total rebar material which corresponds to half the material loss in cracked plain mortar. Overall, the obtained rebar protection performance is comparable with that of uncracked mortar and mortar containing chemical inhibitor, hence the microbe-based system becomes an alternative to the traditional methods.

Bacteria/metabolism , Nitrites/metabolism , Construction Materials , Corrosion
Materials (Basel) ; 10(1)2017 Jan 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28772409


Concrete is prone to crack formation in the tensile zone, which is why steel reinforcement is introduced in these zones. However, small cracks could still arise, which give liquids and gasses access to the reinforcement causing it to corrode. Self-healing concrete repairs and seals these small (300 µm) cracks, preventing the development of corrosion. In this study, a vascular system, carrying the healing agent, is developed. It consists of tubes connected to a 3D printed distribution piece. This distribution piece has four outlets that are connected to the tubes and has one inlet, which is accessible from outside. Several materials were considered for the tubes, i.e., polymethylmethacrylate, starch, inorganic phosphate cement and alumina. Three-point-bending and four-point-bending tests proved that self-healing and multiple self-healing is possible with this developed vascular system.

Materials (Basel) ; 10(1)2016 Dec 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28772363


Formation of cracks impairs the durability of concrete elements. Corrosion inducing substances, such as chlorides, can enter the matrix through these cracks and cause steel reinforcement corrosion and concrete degradation. Self-repair of concrete cracks is an innovative technique which has been studied extensively during the past decade and which may help to increase the sustainability of concrete. However, the experiments conducted until now did not allow for an assessment of the service life extension possible with self-healing concrete in comparison with traditional (cracked) concrete. In this research, a service life prediction of self-healing concrete was done based on input from chloride diffusion tests. Self-healing of cracks with encapsulated polyurethane precursor formed a partial barrier against immediate ingress of chlorides through the cracks. Application of self-healing concrete was able to reduce the chloride concentration in a cracked zone by 75% or more. As a result, service life of steel reinforced self-healing concrete slabs in marine environments could amount to 60-94 years as opposed to only seven years for ordinary (cracked) concrete. Subsequent life cycle assessment calculations indicated important environmental benefits (56%-75%) for the ten CML-IA (Center of Environmental Science of Leiden University-Impact Assessment) baseline impact indicators which are mainly induced by the achievable service life extension.

Materials (Basel) ; 10(1)2016 Dec 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28772370


Polymeric capsules can have an advantage over glass capsules used up to now as proof-of-concept carriers in self-healing concrete. They allow easier processing and afford the possibility to fine tune their mechanical properties. Out of the multiple requirements for capsules used in this context, the capability of rupturing when crossed by a crack in concrete of a typical size is one of the most relevant, as without it no healing agent is released into the crack. This study assessed the fitness of five types of polymeric capsules to fulfill this requirement by using a numerical model to screen the best performing ones and verifying their fitness with experimental methods. Capsules made of a specific type of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) were considered fit for the intended application, rupturing at average crack sizes of 69 and 128 µm, respectively for a wall thickness of ~0.3 and ~0.7 mm. Thicker walls were considered unfit, as they ruptured for crack sizes much higher than 100 µm. Other types of PMMA used and polylactic acid were equally unfit for the same reason. There was overall good fitting between model output and experimental results and an elongation at break of 1.5% is recommended regarding polymers for this application.

Materials (Basel) ; 9(5)2016 Apr 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28773436


Given their low tensile strength, cement-based materials are very susceptible to cracking. These cracks serve as preferential pathways for corrosion inducing substances. For large concrete infrastructure works, currently available time-consuming manual repair techniques are not always an option. Often, one simply cannot reach the damaged areas and when making those areas accessible anyway (e.g., by redirecting traffic), the economic impacts involved would be enormous. Under those circumstances, it might be useful to have concrete with an embedded autonomous healing mechanism. In this paper, the effectiveness of incorporating encapsulated high and low viscosity polyurethane-based healing agents to ensure (multiple) crack healing has been investigated by means of capillary absorption tests on mortar while monitoring the time-dependent water ingress with neutron radiography. Overall visual interpretation and water front/sample cross-section area ratios as well as water profiles representing the area around the crack and their integrals do not show a preference for the high or low viscosity healing agent. Another observation is that in presence of two cracks, only one is properly healed, especially when using the latter healing agent. Exposure to water immediately after release of the healing agent stimulates the foaming reaction of the polyurethane and ensures a better crack closure.

Materials (Basel) ; 6(6): 2182-2217, 2013 May 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28809268


Concrete is very sensitive to crack formation. As wide cracks endanger the durability, repair may be required. However, these repair works raise the life-cycle cost of concrete as they are labor intensive and because the structure becomes in disuse during repair. In 1994, C. Dry was the first who proposed the intentional introduction of self-healing properties in concrete. In the following years, several researchers started to investigate this topic. The goal of this review is to provide an in-depth comparison of the different self-healing approaches which are available today. Among these approaches, some are aimed at improving the natural mechanism of autogenous crack healing, while others are aimed at modifying concrete by embedding capsules with suitable healing agents so that cracks heal in a completely autonomous way after they appear. In this review, special attention is paid to the types of healing agents and capsules used. In addition, the various methodologies have been evaluated based on the trigger mechanism used and attention has been paid to the properties regained due to self-healing.