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J Chem Phys ; 155(16): 164302, 2021 Oct 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34717369


The kinetics of carbon condensation, or carbon clustering, in detonation of carbon-rich high explosives is modeled by solving a system of rate equations for concentrations of carbon particles. Unlike previous efforts, the rate equations account not only for the aggregation of particles but also for their fragmentation in a thermodynamically consistent manner. Numerical simulations are performed, yielding the distribution of particle concentrations as a function of time. In addition to that, analytical expressions are obtained for all the distinct steps and regimes of the condensation kinetics, which facilitates the analysis of the numerical results and allows one to study the sensitivity of the kinetic behavior to the variation of system parameters. The latter is important because the numerical values of many parameters are not reliably known at present. The theory of the kinetics of first-order phase transitions is found adequate to describe the general kinetic trends of carbon condensation, as described by the rate equations. Such physical phenomena and processes as the coagulation, nucleation, growth, and Ostwald ripening are observed, and their dependence on various system parameters is studied and reported. It is believed that the present work will become useful when analyzing the present and future results for the kinetics of carbon condensation, obtained from experiments or atomistic simulations.

J Chem Phys ; 151(14): 144703, 2019 Oct 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31615218


Covalent functionalization of semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes (CNTs) introduces new photoluminescent emitting states. These states are spatially localized around functionalization sites and strongly red-shifted relative to the emission commonly observed from the CNT band-edge exciton state. A particularly important feature of these localized exciton states is that because the exciton is no longer free to diffusively sample photoluminescent quenching sites along the CNT length, its lifetime is significantly extended. We have recently demonstrated that an important relaxation channel of such localized excitons is the electronic-to-vibrational energy transfer (EVET). This process is analogous to the Förster resonance energy transfer except the final state of this process is not electronically, but vibrationally excited molecules of the surrounding medium (e.g., solvent). In this work, we develop a theory of EVET for a nanostructure of arbitrary shape and apply it to the specific case of EVET-mediated relaxation of defect-localized excitons in a covalently functionalized CNT. The resulting EVET relaxation times are in good agreement with experimental data.

Nat Commun ; 10(1): 4662, 2019 10 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31604949


While ubiquitous, energy redistribution remains a poorly understood facet of the nonequilibrium thermodynamics of biomolecules. At the molecular level, finite-size effects, pronounced nonlinearities, and ballistic processes produce behavior that diverges from the macroscale. Here, we show that transient thermal transport reflects macromolecular energy landscape architecture through the topological characteristics of molecular contacts and the nonlinear processes that mediate dynamics. While the former determines transport pathways via pairwise interactions, the latter reflects frustration within the landscape for local conformational rearrangements. Unlike transport through small-molecule systems, such as alkanes, nonlinearity dominates over coherent processes at even quite short time- and length-scales. Our exhaustive all-atom simulations and novel local-in-time and space analysis, applicable to both theory and experiment, permit dissection of energy migration in biomolecules. The approach demonstrates that vibrational energy transport can probe otherwise inaccessible aspects of macromolecular dynamics and interactions that underly biological function.

Energy Transfer , Molecular Dynamics Simulation , Biophysics/methods , Computational Biology , Computer Simulation , Kinetics , Thermodynamics
J Phys Chem Lett ; 10(6): 1423-1430, 2019 Mar 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30848914


Recent demonstration of room temperature, telecommunication wavelength single photon generation by sp3 defects of single wall carbon nanotubes established these defects as a new class of quantum materials. However, their practical utilization in development of quantum light sources calls for a significant improvement in their imperfect quantum yield (QY∼10-30%). PL intensity fluctuations observed with some defects also need to be eliminated. Aiming toward attaining fundamental understanding necessary for addressing these critical issues, we investigate PL intensity fluctuation and PL decay dynamics of aryl sp3 defects of (6,5), (7,5), and (10,3) single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) at temperatures ranging from 300 to 4 K. By correlating defect-state PL intensity fluctuations with change (or lack of change) in PL decay dynamics, we identified random variations in the trapping efficiency of E11 band-edge excitons (likely resulting from the existence of a fluctuating potential barrier in the vicinity of the defect) as the mechanism mainly responsible for the defect PL intensity fluctuations. Furthermore, by analyzing the temperature dependence of PL intensity and decay dynamics of individual defects based on a kinetic model involving the trapping and detrapping of excitons by optically allowed and forbidden (bright and dark) defect states, we estimate the height of the potential barrier to be in the 3-22 meV range. Our analysis also provides further confirmation of recent DFT simulation results that the emissive sp3 defect state is accompanied by an energetically higher-lying optically forbidden (dark) exciton state.

ACS Nano ; 12(8): 8060-8070, 2018 Aug 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29995379


Photoluminescent sp3 defect states introduced to single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) through low-level covalent functionalization create new photophysical behaviors and functionality as a result of defect sites acting as exciton traps. Evaluation of relaxation dynamics in varying dielectric environments can aid in advancing a more complete description of defect-state relaxation pathways and electronic structure. Here, we exploit helical wrapping polymers as a route to suspending (6,5) SWCNTs covalently functionalized with 4-methoxybenzene in solvent systems including H2O, D2O, methanol, dimethylformamide, tetrahydrofuran, and toluene, spanning a range of dielectric constants from 80 to 3. Defect-state photoluminescence decays were measured as a function of emission wavelength and solvent environment. Emission decays are biexponential, with short lifetime components on the order of 65 ps and long components ranging from around 100 to 350 ps. Both short and long decay components increase as emission wavelength increases, while only the long lifetime component shows a solvent dependence. We demonstrate that the wavelength dependence is a consequence of thermal detrapping of defect-state excitons to produce mobile E11 excitons, providing an important mechanism for loss of defect-state population. Deeper trap states (i.e., those emitting at longer wavelengths) result in a decreased rate for thermal loss. The solvent-independent behavior of the short lifetime component is consistent with its assignment as the characteristic time for redistribution of exciton population between bright and dark defect states. The solvent dependence of the long lifetime component is shown to be consistent with relaxation via an electronic to vibrational energy transfer mechanism, in which energy is resonantly lost to solvent vibrations in a complementary mechanism to multiphonon decay processes.

J Chem Phys ; 149(3): 035101, 2018 Jul 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30037251


The interconversion between the left- and right-handed helical folds of a polypeptide defines a dual-funneled free energy landscape. In this context, the funnel minima are connected through a continuum of unfolded conformations, evocative of the classical helix-coil transition. Physical intuition and recent conjectures suggest that this landscape can be mapped by assigning a left- or right-handed helical state to each residue. We explore this possibility using all-atom replica exchange molecular dynamics and an Ising-like model, demonstrating that the energy landscape architecture is at odds with a two-state picture. A three-state model-left, right, and unstructured-can account for most key intermediates during chiral interconversion. Competing folds and excited conformational states still impose limitations on the scope of this approach. However, the improvement is stark: Moving from a two-state to a three-state model decreases the fit error from 1.6 kBT to 0.3 kBT along the left-to-right interconversion pathway.

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 6093, 2018 Apr 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29650985


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Sci Rep ; 8(1): 768, 2018 01 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29335642


We report a combined theoretical/experimental study of dynamic screening of excitons in media with frequency-dependent dielectric functions. We develop an analytical model showing that interparticle interactions in an exciton are screened in the range of frequencies from zero to the characteristic binding energy depending on the symmetries and transition energies of that exciton. The problem of the dynamic screening is then reduced to simply solving the Schrodinger equation with an effectively frequency-independent potential. Quantitative predictions of the model are experimentally verified using a test system: neutral, charged and defect-bound excitons in two-dimensional monolayer WS2, screened by metallic, liquid, and semiconducting environments. The screening-induced shifts of the excitonic peaks in photoluminescence spectra are in good agreement with our model.

Phys Rev B ; 972018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30997441


Topological effects typically discussed in the context of quantum physics are emerging as one of the central paradigms of physics. Here, we demonstrate the role of topology in energy transport through dimerized micro- and nano-mechanical lattices in the classical regime, i.e., essentially "masses and springs". We show that the thermal conductance factorizes into topological and nontopological components. The former takes on three discrete values and arises due to the appearance of edge modes that prevent good contact between the heat reservoirs and the bulk, giving a length-independent reduction of the conductance. In essence, energy input at the boundary mostly stays there, an effect robust against disorder and nonlinearity. These results bridge two seemingly disconnected disciplines of physics, namely topology and thermal transport, and suggest ways to engineer thermal contacts, opening a direction to explore the ramifications of topological properties on nanoscale technology.

Nanoscale ; 9(42): 16143-16148, 2017 Nov 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29053165


By separating the photons from slow and fast decays of single and multi-exciton states in a time gated 2nd order photon correlation experiment, we show that solitary oxygen dopant states of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) allow emission of photon pairs with efficiencies as high as 44% of single exciton emission. Our pump dependent time resolved photoluminescence (PL) studies further reveal diffusion-limited exciton-exciton annihilation as the key process that limits the emission of multi-excitons at high pump fluences. We further postulate that creation of additional permanent exciton quenching sites occurring under intense laser irradiation leads to permanent PL quenching. With this work, we bring out multi-excitonic processes of solitary dopant states as a new area to be explored for potential applications in lasing and entangled photon generation.

Phys Rev E ; 95(1-1): 012137, 2017 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28208409


We present a method for calculating analytically the thermal conductance of a classical harmonic lattice with both alternating masses and nearest-neighbor couplings when placed between individual Langevin reservoirs at different temperatures. The method utilizes recent advances in analytic diagonalization techniques for certain classes of tridiagonal matrices. It recovers the results from a previous method that was applicable for alternating on-site parameters only, and extends the applicability to realistic systems in which masses and couplings alternate simultaneously. With this analytic result in hand, we show that the thermal conductance is highly sensitive to the modulation of the couplings. This is due to the existence of topologically induced edge modes at the lattice-reservoir interface and is also a reflection of the symmetries of the lattice. We make a connection to a recent work that demonstrates thermal transport is analogous to chemical reaction rates in solution given by Kramers' theory [Velizhanin et al., Sci. Rep. 5, 17506 (2015)]2045-232210.1038/srep17506. In particular, we show that the turnover behavior in the presence of edge modes prevents calculations based on single-site reservoirs from coming close to the natural-or intrinsic-conductance of the lattice. Obtaining the correct value of the intrinsic conductance through simulation of even a small lattice where ballistic effects are important requires quite large extended reservoir regions. Our results thus offer a route for both the design and proper simulation of thermal conductance of nanoscale devices.

Nano Lett ; 17(3): 1787-1795, 2017 03 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28169547


Quantum dots (QDs) of ternary I-III-VI2 compounds such as CuInS2 and CuInSe2 have been actively investigated as heavy-metal-free alternatives to cadmium- and lead-containing semiconductor nanomaterials. One serious limitation of these nanostructures, however, is a large photoluminescence (PL) line width (typically >300 meV), the origin of which is still not fully understood. It remains even unclear whether the observed broadening results from considerable sample heterogeneities (due, e.g., to size polydispersity) or is an unavoidable intrinsic property of individual QDs. Here, we answer this question by conducting single-particle measurements on a new type of CuInS2 (CIS) QDs with an especially thick ZnS shell. These QDs show a greatly enhanced photostability compared to core-only or thin-shell samples and, importantly, exhibit a strongly suppressed PL blinking at the single-dot level. Spectrally resolved measurements reveal that the single-dot, room-temperature PL line width is much narrower (down to ∼60 meV) than that of the ensemble samples. To explain this distinction, we invoke a model wherein PL from CIS QDs arises from radiative recombination of a delocalized band-edge electron and a localized hole residing on a Cu-related defect and also account for the effects of electron-hole Coulomb coupling. We show that random positioning of the emitting center in the QD can lead to more than 300 meV variation in the PL energy, which represents at least one of the reasons for large PL broadening of the ensemble samples. These results suggest that in addition to narrowing size dispersion, future efforts on tightening the emission spectra of these QDs might also attempt decreasing the "positional" heterogeneity of the emitting centers.

ACS Nano ; 10(9): 8355-65, 2016 09 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27529740


Photoluminescent defect states introduced by sp(3) functionalization of semiconducting carbon nanotubes are rapidly emerging as important routes for boosting emission quantum yields and introducing new functionality. Knowledge of the relaxation dynamics of these states is required for understanding how functionalizing agents (molecular dopants) may be designed to access specific behaviors. We measure photoluminescence (PL) decay dynamics of sp(3) defect states introduced by aryl functionalization of the carbon nanotube surface. Results are given for five different nanotube chiralities, each doped with a range of aryl functionality. We find that the PL decays of these sp(3) defect states are biexponential, with both components relaxing on time scales of ∼100 ps. Exciton trapping at defects is found to increases PL lifetimes by a factor of 5-10, in comparison to those for the free exciton. A significant chirality dependence is observed in the decay times, ranging from 77 ps for (7,5) nanotubes to >600 ps for (5,4) structures. The strong correlation of time constants with emission energy indicates relaxation occurs via multiphonon decay processes, with close agreement to theoretical expectations. Variation of the aryl dopant further modulates decay times by 10-15%. The aryl defects also affect PL lifetimes of the free E11 exciton. Shortening of the E11 bright state lifetime as defect density increases provides further confirmation that defects act as exciton traps. A similar shortening of the E11 dark exciton lifetime is found as defect density increases, providing strong experimental evidence that dark excitons are also trapped at such defect sites.

Sci Rep ; 6: 24514, 2016 Apr 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27094206


Landauer's formula is the standard theoretical tool to examine ballistic transport in nano- and meso-scale junctions, but it necessitates that any variation of the junction with time must be slow compared to characteristic times of the system, e.g., the relaxation time of local excitations. Transport through structurally dynamic junctions is, however, increasingly of interest for sensing, harnessing fluctuations, and real-time control. Here, we calculate the steady-state current when relaxation of electrons in the reservoirs is present and demonstrate that it gives rise to three regimes of behavior: weak relaxation gives a contact-limited current; strong relaxation localizes electrons, distorting their natural dynamics and reducing the current; and in an intermediate regime the Landauer view of the system only is recovered. We also demonstrate that a simple equation of motion emerges, which is suitable for efficiently simulating time-dependent transport.

Sci Rep ; 5: 17506, 2015 Dec 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26634333


Kramers' theory frames chemical reaction rates in solution as reactants overcoming a barrier in the presence of friction and noise. For weak coupling to the solution, the reaction rate is limited by the rate at which the solution can restore equilibrium after a subset of reactants have surmounted the barrier to become products. For strong coupling, there are always sufficiently energetic reactants. However, the solution returns many of the intermediate states back to the reactants before the product fully forms. Here, we demonstrate that the thermal conductance displays an analogous physical response to the friction and noise that drive the heat current through a material or structure. A crossover behavior emerges where the thermal reservoirs dominate the conductance at the extremes and only in the intermediate region are the intrinsic properties of the lattice manifest. Not only does this shed new light on Kramers' classic turnover problem, this result is significant for the design of devices for thermal management and other applications, as well as the proper simulation of transport at the nanoscale.

ACS Nano ; 9(10): 9772-82, 2015 Oct 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26348831


Close-packed assemblies of ligand-passivated colloidal nanocrystals can exhibit enhanced photoluminescent stability, but the origin of this effect is unclear. Here, we use experiment, simulation, and ab initio computation to examine the influence of interparticle interactions on the photoluminescent stability of silicon nanocrystal aggregates. The time-dependent photoluminescence emitted by structures ranging in size from a single quantum dot to agglomerates of more than a thousand is compared with Monte Carlo simulations of noninteracting ensembles using measured single-particle blinking data as input. In contrast to the behavior typically exhibited by the metal chalcogenides, the measured photoluminescent stability shows an enhancement with respect to the noninteracting scenario with increasing aggregate size. We model this behavior using time-dependent density functional theory calculations of energy transfer between neighboring nanocrystals as a function of nanocrystal size, separation, and the presence of charge and/or surface-passivation defects. Our results suggest that rapid exciton transfer from "bright" nanocrystals to surface trap states in nearest-neighbors can efficiently fill such traps and enhance the stability of emission by promoting the radiative recombination of slowly diffusing excited electrons.

Nat Nanotechnol ; 10(10): 878-85, 2015 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26301902


Luminescent solar concentrators serving as semitransparent photovoltaic windows could become an important element in net zero energy consumption buildings of the future. Colloidal quantum dots are promising materials for luminescent solar concentrators as they can be engineered to provide the large Stokes shift necessary for suppressing reabsorption losses in large-area devices. Existing Stokes-shift-engineered quantum dots allow for only partial coverage of the solar spectrum, which limits their light-harvesting ability and leads to colouring of the luminescent solar concentrators, complicating their use in architecture. Here, we use quantum dots of ternary I-III-VI2 semiconductors to realize the first large-area quantum dot-luminescent solar concentrators free of toxic elements, with reduced reabsorption and extended coverage of the solar spectrum. By incorporating CuInSexS2-x quantum dots into photo-polymerized poly(lauryl methacrylate), we obtain freestanding, colourless slabs that introduce no distortion to perceived colours and are thus well suited for the realization of photovoltaic windows. Thanks to the suppressed reabsorption and high emission efficiencies of the quantum dots, we achieve an optical power efficiency of 3.2%. Ultrafast spectroscopy studies suggest that the Stokes-shifted emission involves a conduction-band electron and a hole residing in an intragap state associated with a native defect.

ACS Nano ; 9(3): 2981-8, 2015 Mar 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25668323


Graphene oxide (GO) has emerged as a multifunctional material that can be synthesized in bulk quantities and can be solution processed to form large-area atomic layered photoactive, flexible thin films for optoelectronic devices. This is largely due to the potential ability to tune electrical and optical properties of GO using functional groups. For the successful application of GO, it is key to understand the evolution of its optoelectronic properties as the GO undergoes a phase transition from its insulating and optically active state to the electrically conducting state with progressive reduction. In this paper, we use a combination of electrostatic force microscopy (EFM) and optical spectroscopy to monitor the emergence of the optoelectronic properties of GO with progressive reduction. EFM measurements enable, for the first time, direct visualization of charge propagation along the conducting pathways that emerge on progressively reduced graphene oxide (rGO) and demonstrate that with the increasing degree of reduction, injected charges can rapidly migrate over a distance of several micrometers, irrespective of their polarities. Direct imaging reveals the presence of an insurmountable potential barrier between reduced GO (rGO) and GO, which plays the decisive role in the charge transport. We complement charge imaging with theoretical modeling using quantum chemistry calculations that further demonstrate that the role of barrier in regulating the charge transport. Furthermore, by correlating the EFM measurements with photoluminescence imaging and electrical conductivity studies, we identify a bifunctional state in GO, where the optical properties are preserved along with good electrical conductivity, providing design principles for the development of GO-based, low-cost, thin-film optoelectronic applications.

ACS Nano ; 9(1): 539-47, 2015 Jan 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25427007


The unique optical properties exhibited by visible emitting core/shell quantum dots with especially thick shells are the focus of widespread study, but have yet to be realized in infrared (IR)-active nanostructures. We apply an effective-mass model to identify PbSe/CdSe core/shell quantum dots as a promising system for achieving this goal. We then synthesize colloidal PbSe/CdSe quantum dots with shell thicknesses of up to 4 nm that exhibit unusually slow hole intraband relaxation from shell to core states, as evidenced by the emergence of dual emission, i.e., IR photoluminescence from the PbSe core observed simultaneously with visible emission from the CdSe shell. In addition to the large shell thickness, the development of slowed intraband relaxation is facilitated by the existence of a sharp core-shell interface without discernible alloying. Growth of thick shells without interfacial alloying or incidental formation of homogeneous CdSe nanocrystals was accomplished using insights attained via a systematic study of the dynamics of the cation-exchange synthesis of both PbSe/CdSe and the related system PbS/CdS. Finally, we show that the efficiency of the visible photoluminescence can be greatly enhanced by inorganic passivation.

ACS Nano ; 8(12): 12572-86, 2014 Dec 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25427158


We discuss fundamental differences in electronic structure as reflected in one- and two-photon absorption spectra of semiconductor quantum dots and organic molecules by performing systematic experimental and theoretical studies of the size-dependent spectra of colloidal quantum dots. Quantum-chemical and effective-mass calculations are used to model the one- and two-photon absorption spectra and compare them with the experimental results. Currently, quantum-chemical calculations are limited to only small-sized quantum dots (nanoclusters) but allow one to study various environmental effects on the optical spectra such as solvation and various surface functionalizations. The effective-mass calculations, on the other hand, are applicable to the larger-sized quantum dots and can, in general, explain the observed trends but are insensitive to solvent and ligand effects. Careful comparison of the experimental and theoretical results allows for quantifying the range of applicability of theoretical methods used in this work. Our study shows that the small clusters can be in principle described in a manner similar to that used for organic molecules. In addition, there are several important factors (quality of passivation, nature of the ligands, and intraband/interband transitions) affecting optical properties of the nanoclusters. The larger-size quantum dots, on the other hand, behave similarly to bulk semiconductors, and can be well described in terms of the effective-mass models.