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Sci Med Footb ; 7(3): 263-271, 2023 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35787742


This study aimed to examine the differences in physical match activities and heart rate (HR) responses experienced by Brazilian field referees (FRs) and assistant referees (ARs) during official matches from Serie A, Serie B and Regional championships. The sample was composed of 51 FRs and 87 ARs. Match activities derived from Global Position System and HR response were collected during official matches. FRs and ARs covered higher distances at high-intensity running (HIR; d = 1.17 and 2.53, p < 0.001), sprinting (d = 0.82 and 0.48, p < 0.005) and high-intensity activities (HIA; d = 1.07 and 1.97, p < 0.001) in Serie A and Serie B than in Regional. Changes in the distances covered at HIR (0.80 < d < 3.25, p < 0.005), sprinting (d = 0.42, p = 0.050) and HIA (0.93 < d < 3.01, p < 0.005) between half-matches were observed during Serie A and Serie B. The average %HRmax was progressively increased in both half-matches (0.85 < d < 3.54, p < 0.001) during all championships. For FRs, Serie A and Regional elicited the highest average %HRmax (0.80 3C d < 1.37, p < 0.030). For ARs, Serie A and Serie B elicited the highest average %HRmax (2.14 < d< 3.87, p < 0.001). In conclusion, the physical match activities and average %HRmax of Brazilian FRs and ARs differ across championship levels. FRs and ARs acting in Regional championships are likely to need specific preparation to support the higher physical demand observed at higher competition levels.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy , Running , Soccer , Soccer/physiology , Heart Rate , Brazil , Running/physiology
Rev. bras. cineantropom. desempenho hum ; 23: e70749, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1180898


Abstract The present study examined the effects of small-sided and conditioned games (SSCGs) manipulating tactical rules (ball-possession [BP] vs goal-scoring with goalkeepers [GS]) and pitch size (square [SP] vs rectangular [RP]) on the running performance and technical skills of young soccer players. Ten male soccer players (chronological age: 12.45 ± 0.51 years; body mass: 41.99 ± 7.97 kg; height: 152.85 ± 10.03 cm) were monitored using GPS units during SSCG formats. The distance covered at different running intensities and number of technical actions were used in analyses. SSCG-induced changes in 30 m sprint and CMJ performances were also evaluated. Compared to BP, GS elicited significantly lower distances covered at low intensity running (p=0.003; d=-0.95), more sprints (p=0.050; d=0.67), and longer distances covered in terms of walking (p=0.035; d=2.60) and sprinting (p=0.029; d=0.75); (ii) number of passes (short [p=0.002; d=1.10] and long [p=0.013; d=0.82]) were more frequent during BP than GS games, while RP game format allowed for greater occurrence of long passes (p=0.036; d=0.64) than under the SP condition; (iii) jumping and sprinting performance did not change (p>0.05) using different SSCG formats. In conclusion, GS games demand more sprint running episodes in terms of number and distance covered than BP games. In addition, RP game formats can be used to increase the occurrence of longer passes in young soccer players aged 11-13 years.

Resumo O estudo examinou os efeitos de diferentes jogos reduzidos e condicionados (JRC): manipulando as regras táticas (posse de bola (BP) vs. marcar gols com goleiro (GS)) e o formato do campo (quadrado vs. retangular) sobre o desempenho físico e técnico em jovens jogadores de futebol. Dez jogadores do sexo masculino (idade: 12,45 ± 0,51 anos; massa corporal: 41,99 ± 7,97 kg; altura: 152,85 ± 10,3 cm) foram monitorados através do sistema de posicionamento global e os JRC gravados em vídeo. A distância percorrida em diferentes intensidades e o número de ações técnicas para os 4 diferentes JRC foram usadas para análise. O efeito dos JRC sobre o desempenho no teste de sprints de 30 m e altura do salto vertical também foram analisadas. Os JRC para GS provocaram distâncias significativamente menores em corrida de baixa intensidade (p=0.003; d=-0.95) e mais sprints (p=0.050; d=0.67) e maiores distâncias caminhando (p=0.035; d=2.60) e em sprint (p=0.029; d=0.75) comparado ao BP; (ii) o número de passes (curtos [p=0.002; d=1.10] e longos [p=0.013; d=0.82]) é maior nos JRC de BP que GS. O formato retangular permite maior ocorrência de passes longos que o modelo quadrado (p=0.036; d=0.64); (iii) o desempenho de salto vertical e velocidade não mudou (p>0.05) após os JRC. Concluindo, ações envolvendo sprints em número e distância são maiores no JRC com GS comparado ao BP, enquanto que JRC de BP favorecem o desenvolvimento do passe. Por fim, o campo retangular com BP estimula a realização de passes mais longos em jovens jogadores.