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Sci Adv ; 10(15): eadi7346, 2024 Apr 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38608017


A hybrid interface of solid-state single-photon sources and atomic quantum memories is a long sought-after goal in photonic quantum technologies. Here, we demonstrate deterministic storage and retrieval of light from a semiconductor quantum dot in an atomic ensemble quantum memory at telecommunications wavelengths. We store single photons from an indium arsenide quantum dot in a high-bandwidth rubidium vapor-based quantum memory, with a total internal memory efficiency of (12.9 ± 0.4)%. The signal-to-noise ratio of the retrieved light field is 18.2 ± 0.6, limited only by detector dark counts.

Nat Comput Sci ; 3(10): 839-848, 2023 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38177757


Gaussian boson sampling (GBS) has the potential to solve complex graph problems, such as clique finding, which is relevant to drug discovery tasks. However, realizing the full benefits of quantum enhancements requires large-scale quantum hardware with universal programmability. Here we have developed a time-bin-encoded GBS photonic quantum processor that is universal, programmable and software-scalable. Our processor features freely adjustable squeezing parameters and can implement arbitrary unitary operations with a programmable interferometer. Leveraging our processor, we successfully executed clique finding on a 32-node graph, achieving approximately twice the success probability compared to classical sampling. As proof of concept, we implemented a versatile quantum drug discovery platform using this GBS processor, enabling molecular docking and RNA-folding prediction tasks. Our work achieves GBS circuitry with its universal and programmable architecture, advancing GBS toward use in real-world applications.

Accidental Injuries , Humans , Molecular Docking Simulation , Drug Discovery , Normal Distribution , Photons
Light Sci Appl ; 11(1): 214, 2022 Jul 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35798696


Photonics integrated circuitry would benefit considerably from the ability to arbitrarily control waveguide cross-sections with high precision and low loss, in order to provide more degrees of freedom in manipulating propagating light. Here, we report a new method for femtosecond laser writing of optical-fiber-compatible glass waveguides, namely spherical phase-induced multicore waveguide (SPIM-WG), which addresses this challenging task with three-dimensional on-chip light control. Fabricating in the heating regime with high scanning speed, precise deformation of cross-sections is still achievable along the waveguide, with shapes and sizes finely controllable of high resolution in both horizontal and vertical transversal directions. We observed that these waveguides have high refractive index contrast of 0.017, low propagation loss of 0.14 dB/cm, and very low coupling loss of 0.19 dB coupled from a single-mode fiber. SPIM-WG devices were easily fabricated that were able to perform on-chip beam rotation through varying angles, or manipulate the polarization state of propagating light for target wavelengths. We also demonstrated SPIM-WG mode converters that provide arbitrary adiabatic mode conversion with high efficiency between symmetric and asymmetric nonuniform modes; examples include circular, elliptical modes, and asymmetric modes from ppKTP (periodically poled potassium titanyl phosphate) waveguides which are generally applied in frequency conversion and quantum light sources. Created inside optical glass, these waveguides and devices have the capability to operate across ultra-broad bands from visible to infrared wavelengths. The compatibility with optical fiber also paves the way toward packaged photonic integrated circuitry, which usually needs input and output fiber connections.

Sci Adv ; 8(4): eabl9236, 2022 Jan 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35080972


Identifying the boundary beyond which quantum machines provide a computational advantage over their classical counterparts is a crucial step in charting their usefulness. Gaussian boson sampling (GBS), in which photons are measured from a highly entangled Gaussian state, is a leading approach in pursuing quantum advantage. State-of-the-art GBS experiments that run in minutes would require 600 million years to simulate using the best preexisting classical algorithms. Here, we present faster classical GBS simulation methods, including speed and accuracy improvements to the calculation of loop hafnians. We test these on a ∼100,000-core supercomputer to emulate GBS experiments with up to 100 modes and up to 92 photons. This reduces the simulation time for state-of-the-art GBS experiments to several months, a nine-orders of magnitude improvement over previous estimates. Last, we introduce a distribution that is efficient to sample from classically and that passes a variety of GBS validation methods.

Opt Express ; 28(23): 34246-34254, 2020 Nov 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33182898


The development of new quantum light sources requires robust and convenient methods of characterizing their joint spectral properties. Measuring the joint spectral intensity between a photon pair ignores any correlations in spectral phase which may be responsible for degrading the quality of quantum interference. A fully phase-sensitive characterization tends to require significantly more experimental complexity. Here, we investigate the sensitivity of the frequency-resolved double-pair emission to spectral phase correlations, in particular to the presence of a simple form of correlated phase which can be generated by a chirped pump laser pulse. We observe interference fringes in the four photon coincidences which depend on the frequencies of all four photons, with a period which depends on the strength of their correlation. We also show that phase correlations in the JSA induce spectral intensity correlations between two signal photons, even when the corresponding idler photons are not detected, and link this correlation pattern to the purity of a single signal photon. These effects will be useful in assessing new photon-pair sources for quantum technologies, especially since we require little additional complexity compared to a joint spectral intensity measurement - essentially just the ability to detect at least two photons in each output port.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(12): 123603, 2020 Sep 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33016763


One of the central principles of quantum mechanics is that if there are multiple paths that lead to the same event and there is no way to distinguish between them, interference occurs. It is often assumed that distinguishing information in the preparation, evolution, or measurement of a system is sufficient to destroy interference. However, it is still possible for photons in distinguishable, separable states to interfere due to the indistinguishability of paths corresponding to possible exchange processes. Here we experimentally measure an interference signal that depends only on the multiparticle interference of four photons in a four-port interferometer despite pairs of them occupying distinguishable states.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(11): 117401, 2020 Sep 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32975978


We report the observation of a mode associated with a topological defect in the bulk of a 2D photonic material by introducing a vortex distortion to a hexagonal lattice analogous to graphene. The observed modes lie midgap at zero energy and are closely related to Majorana bound states in superconducting vortices. This is the first experimental demonstration of the Jackiw-Rossi model [R. Jackiw and P. Rossi, Nucl. Phys. B190, 681 (1981)NUPBBO0550-321310.1016/0550-3213(81)90044-4].

Opt Express ; 28(4): 5147-5163, 2020 Feb 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32121741


We report a bright and tunable source of spectrally pure heralded single photons in the telecom O-Band, based on cross-polarized four wave mixing in a commercial birefringent optical fiber. The source can achieve a purity of 85%, heralding efficiency of 30% and a coincidence-to-accidentals ratio of 108. Furthermore, through the measurements of joint spectral intensities, we find that the fiber is homogeneous over at least 45 centimeters and thus can potentially realize 4 sources that can produce identical quantum states of light. This paves the way for a cost-effective fiber-optic approach to implement multi-photon quantum optics experiments.

Sci Adv ; 6(6): eaax1425, 2020 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32083174


Quantum memory capable of storage and retrieval of flying photons on demand is crucial for developing quantum information technologies. However, the devices needed for long-distance links are different from those envisioned for local processing. We present the first hybrid quantum memory-enabled network by demonstrating the interconnection and simultaneous operation of two types of quantum memory: an atomic ensemble-based memory and an all-optical Loop memory. Interfacing the quantum memories at room temperature, we observe a well-preserved quantum correlation and a violation of Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. Furthermore, we demonstrate the creation and storage of a fully-operable heralded photon chain state that can achieve memory-built-in combining, swapping, splitting, tuning, and chopping single photons in a chain temporally. Such a quantum network allows atomic excitations to be generated, stored, and converted to broadband photons, which are then transferred to the next node, stored, and faithfully retrieved, all at high speed and in a programmable fashion.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(2): 023602, 2020 Jan 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32004012


Solid-state quantum emitters that couple coherent optical transitions to long-lived spin qubits are essential for quantum networks. Here we report on the spin and optical properties of individual tin-vacancy (SnV) centers in diamond nanostructures. Through cryogenic magneto-optical and spin spectroscopy, we verify the inversion-symmetric electronic structure of the SnV, identify spin-conserving and spin-flipping transitions, characterize transition linewidths, measure electron spin lifetimes, and evaluate the spin dephasing time. We find that the optical transitions are consistent with the radiative lifetime limit even in nanofabricated structures. The spin lifetime is phonon limited with an exponential temperature scaling leading to T_{1}>10 ms, and the coherence time, T_{2}^{*} reaches the nuclear spin-bath limit upon cooling to 2.9 K. These spin properties exceed those of other inversion-symmetric color centers for which similar values require millikelvin temperatures. With a combination of coherent optical transitions and long spin coherence without dilution refrigeration, the SnV is a promising candidate for feasable and scalable quantum networking applications.

Opt Express ; 27(24): 35646-35658, 2019 Nov 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31878733


Multi-photon interference in large multi-port interferometers is key to linear optical quantum computing and in particular to boson sampling. Silicon photonics enables complex interferometric circuits with many components in a small footprint and has the potential to extend these experiments to larger numbers of interfering modes. However, loss has generally limited the implementation of multi-photon experiments in this platform. Here, we make use of high-efficiency grating couplers to combine bright and pure quantum light sources based on ppKTP waveguides with silicon circuits. We interfere up to 5 photons in up to 15 modes, verifying genuine multi-photon interference by comparing the results against various models including partial distinguishability between photons.

Opt Express ; 27(19): 26842-26857, 2019 Sep 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31674557


The development of large-scale optical quantum information processing circuits ground on the stability and reconfigurability enabled by integrated photonics. We demonstrate a reconfigurable 8×8 integrated linear optical network based on silicon nitride waveguides for quantum information processing. Our processor implements a novel optical architecture enabling any arbitrary linear transformation and constitutes the largest programmable circuit reported so far on this platform. We validate a variety of photonic quantum information processing primitives, in the form of Hong-Ou-Mandel interference, bosonic coalescence/anti-coalescence and high-dimensional single-photon quantum gates. We achieve fidelities that clearly demonstrate the promising future for large-scale photonic quantum information processing using low-loss silicon nitride.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(11): 110601, 2019 Mar 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30951320


The ability of the internal states of a working fluid to be in a coherent superposition is one of the basic properties of a quantum heat engine. It was recently predicted that in the regime of small engine action, this ability can enable a quantum heat engine to produce more power than any equivalent classical heat engine. It was also predicted that in the same regime, the presence of such internal coherence causes different types of quantum heat engines to become thermodynamically equivalent. Here, we use an ensemble of nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond for implementing two types of quantum heat engines, and experimentally observe both effects.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(6): 063601, 2019 Feb 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30822048


Strong light-matter interactions are critical for quantum technologies based on light, such as memories or nonlinear interactions. Solid state materials will be particularly important for such applications due to the relative ease of fabrication of components. Silicon vacancy centers (SiV^{-}) in diamond feature especially narrow inhomogeneous spectral lines, which are rare in solid materials. Here, we demonstrate resonant coherent manipulation, stimulated Raman adiabatic passage, and strong light-matter interaction via the four-wave mixing of a weak signal field in an ensemble of SiV^{-} centers.

Opt Express ; 26(19): 24678-24686, 2018 Sep 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30469580


Direct UV-written waveguides are fabricated in silica-on-silicon with birefringence of (4.9 ± 0.2) × 10-4, much greater than previously reported in this platform. We show that these waveguides are suitable for the generation of heralded single photons at telecommunication wavelengths by spontaneous four-wave mixing. A pulsed pump field at 1060 nm generates pairs of photons in highly detuned, spectrally uncorrelated modes near 1550 nm and 800 nm. Waveguide-to-fiber coupling efficiencies of 78-91 % are achieved for all fields. Waveguide birefringence is controlled through dopant concentration of GeCl4 and BCl3 using the flame hydrolysis deposition process. The technology provides a route towards the scalability of silica-on-silicon integrated components for photonic quantum experiments.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(15): 153603, 2017 Apr 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28452506


Quantum interference of two independent particles in pure quantum states is fully described by the particles' distinguishability: the closer the particles are to being identical, the higher the degree of quantum interference. When more than two particles are involved, the situation becomes more complex and interference capability extends beyond pairwise distinguishability, taking on a surprisingly rich character. Here, we study many-particle interference using three photons. We show that the distinguishability between pairs of photons is not sufficient to fully describe the photons' behavior in a scattering process, but that a collective phase, the triad phase, plays a role. We are able to explore the full parameter space of three-photon interference by generating heralded single photons and interfering them in a fiber tritter. Using multiple degrees of freedom-temporal delays and polarization-we isolate three-photon interference from two-photon interference. Our experiment disproves the view that pairwise two-photon distinguishability uniquely determines the degree of nonclassical many-particle interference.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(13): 130504, 2017 Sep 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29341700


A quantum theory of multiphase estimation is crucial for quantum-enhanced sensing and imaging and may link quantum metrology to more complex quantum computation and communication protocols. In this Letter, we tackle one of the key difficulties of multiphase estimation: obtaining a measurement which saturates the fundamental sensitivity bounds. We derive necessary and sufficient conditions for projective measurements acting on pure states to saturate the ultimate theoretical bound on precision given by the quantum Fisher information matrix. We apply our theory to the specific example of interferometric phase estimation using photon number measurements, a convenient choice in the laboratory. Our results thus introduce concepts and methods relevant to the future theoretical and experimental development of multiparameter estimation.

Sci Adv ; 2(1): e1501054, 2016 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27152325


Multiphoton propagation in connected structures-a quantum walk-offers the potential of simulating complex physical systems and provides a route to universal quantum computation. Increasing the complexity of quantum photonic networks where the walk occurs is essential for many applications. We implement a quantum walk of indistinguishable photon pairs in a multimode fiber supporting 380 modes. Using wavefront shaping, we control the propagation of the two-photon state through the fiber in which all modes are coupled. Excitation of arbitrary output modes of the system is realized by controlling classical and quantum interferences. This report demonstrates a highly multimode platform for multiphoton interference experiments and provides a powerful method to program a general high-dimensional multiport optical circuit. This work paves the way for the next generation of photonic devices for quantum simulation, computing, and communication.

Models, Theoretical , Optical Fibers , Photons , Quantum Theory
Phys Rev Lett ; 116(5): 050401, 2016 Feb 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26894692


We report an experimental realization of Maxwell's demon in a photonic setup. We show that a measurement at the few-photons level followed by a feed-forward operation allows the extraction of work from intense thermal light into an electric circuit. The interpretation of the experiment stimulates the derivation of an equality relating work extraction to information acquired by measurement. We derive a bound using this relation and show that it is in agreement with the experimental results. Our work puts forward photonic systems as a platform for experiments related to information in thermodynamics.

Opt Lett ; 40(23): 5582-5, 2015 Dec 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26625056


Alkali-filled hollow-core fibers are a promising medium for investigating light-matter interactions, especially at the single-photon level, due to the tight confinement of light and high optical depths achievable by light-induced atomic desorption (LIAD). However, until now these large optical depths could only be generated for seconds, at most once per day, severely limiting the practicality of the technology. Here we report the generation of the highest observed transient (>10(5) for up to a minute) and highest observed persistent (>2000 for hours) optical depths of alkali vapors in a light-guiding geometry to date, using a cesium-filled Kagomé-type hollow-core photonic crystal fiber (HC-PCF). Our results pave the way to light-matter interaction experiments in confined geometries requiring long operation times and large atomic number densities, such as generation of single-photon-level nonlinearities and development of single photon quantum memories.