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Rep Prog Phys ; 86(10)2023 Sep 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37706242


The concept of topological energy bands and their manifestations have been demonstrated in condensed matter systems as a fantastic paradigm toward unprecedented physical phenomena and properties that are robust against disorders. Recent years, this paradigm was extended to phononic metamaterials (including mechanical and acoustic metamaterials), giving rise to the discovery of remarkable phenomena that were not observed elsewhere thanks to the extraordinary controllability and tunability of phononic metamaterials as well as versatile measuring techniques. These phenomena include, but not limited to, topological negative refraction, topological 'sasers' (i.e. the phononic analog of lasers), higher-order topological insulating states, non-Abelian topological phases, higher-order Weyl semimetal phases, Majorana-like modes in Dirac vortex structures and fragile topological phases with spectral flows. Here we review the developments in the field of topological phononic metamaterials from both theoretical and experimental perspectives with emphasis on the underlying physics principles. To give a broad view of topological phononics, we also discuss the synergy with non-Hermitian effects and cover topics including synthetic dimensions, artificial gauge fields, Floquet topological acoustics, bulk topological transport, topological pumping, and topological active matters as well as potential applications, materials fabrications and measurements of topological phononic metamaterials. Finally, we discuss the challenges, opportunities and future developments in this intriguing field and its potential impact on physics and materials science.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 4457, 2023 Jul 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37491343


Topologically protected photonic edge states offer unprecedented robust propagation of photons that are promising for waveguiding, lasing, and quantum information processing. Here, we report on the discovery of a class of hybrid topological photonic crystals that host simultaneously quantum anomalous Hall and valley Hall phases in different photonic band gaps. The underlying hybrid topology manifests itself in the edge channels as the coexistence of the dual-band chiral edge states and unbalanced valley Hall edge states. We experimentally realize the hybrid topological photonic crystal, unveil its unique topological transitions, and verify its unconventional dual-band gap topological edge states using pump-probe techniques. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the dual-band photonic topological edge channels can serve as frequency-multiplexing devices that function as both beam splitters and combiners. Our study unveils hybrid topological insulators as an exotic topological state of photons as well as a promising route toward future applications in topological photonics.

Opt Express ; 31(11): 17695-17708, 2023 May 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37381496


We systematically study the first- and second-order band topologies, which are tied to the pseudospin and valley degree of freedoms (DOFs), in honeycomb-kagome photonic crystals (HKPCs). We first demonstrate the quantum spin Hall phase as the first-order pseudospin-induced topology in HKPCs by observing the partial pseudospin-momentum locked edge states. By employing the topological crystalline index, we also discover the multiple corner states emerging in the hexagon-shaped supercell as the manifestation of the second-order pseudospin-induced topology in HKPCs. Next, by gapping the Dirac points, a lower band gap associated with the valley DOF emerges, in which the valley-momentum locked edge states are observed as the first-order valley-induced topology. Such HKPCs without inversion symmetry are proved to be Wannier-type second-order topological insulators, which manifested with valley-selective corner states. Additionally, we also discuss the symmetry breaking effect on pseudospin-momentum locked edge states. Our work realizes both pseudospin-induced and valley-induced topologies in a higher-order manner and thus provides more flexibility in manipulating electromagnetic waves, which may find potential applications in topological routings.

Opt Express ; 30(10): 17204-17220, 2022 May 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36221548


The simulation of fermionic relativistic physics, e.g., Dirac and Weyl physics, has led to the discovery of many unprecedented phenomena in photonics, of which the optical-frequency realization is, however, still challenging. Here, surprisingly, we discover that the woodpile photonic crystals commonly used for optical frequency applications host exotic fermion-like relativistic degeneracies: a Dirac nodal line and a fourfold quadratic point, as protected by the nonsymmorphic crystalline symmetry. Deforming the woodpile photonic crystal leads to the emergence of type-II Dirac points from the fourfold quadratic point. Such type-II Dirac points can be detected by its anomalous refraction property which is manifested as a giant birefringence in a slab setup. Our findings provide a promising route towards 3D optical Dirac physics in all-dielectric photonic crystals.

Opt Lett ; 47(6): 1454-1457, 2022 Mar 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35290337


The recent advancements in higher-order topology have provided unprecedented opportunities in optical device designs and applications. Here, we propose a new, to the best of our knowledge, method to realize rainbow trapping based on higher-order topological corner modes (HOTCMs), which are constructed by two configurations of breathing kagome photonic crystals with distinct topological phases. Interestingly, the HOTCMs localized at corners with different geometric configurations are found to be frequency dispersive and thus initiate the possible application in realizing rainbow trapping. By designing a polygon structure containing several configurations of corners, we demonstrate that the HOTCMs can be excited with the frequency sequence locked to the corner order (clockwise/anticlockwise direction) in the polygon. The reported HOTCMs provide a new mechanism to realize multiple-frequency trapping, which may find potential applications in future integrated photonics.

Opt Express ; 29(24): 40606-40616, 2021 Nov 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34809396


We proposed an one-dimensional layer-stacked photonic crystal using anisotropic materials to realize ideal type-II Weyl points. The topological transition from Dirac to Weyl points can be clearly observed by tuning the twist angle between layers. Also, on the interface between the photonic type-II Weyl material and air, gapless surface states have been demonstrated in an incomplete bulk bandgap. By breaking parameter symmetry, these ideal type-II Weyl points would transform into the non-ideal ones, exhibiting topological surface states with single group velocity. Our work may provide a new idea for the realization of photonic semimetal phases by utilizing naturally anisotropic materials.

Nat Mater ; 20(6): 794-799, 2021 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33859382


Weyl semimetals (WSMs)1 exhibit phenomena such as Fermi arc surface states, pseudo-gauge fields and quantum anomalies that arise from topological band degeneracy in crystalline solids for electrons1 and metamaterials for photons2 and phonons3. Here we report a higher-order Weyl semimetal (HOWSM) in a phononic system that exhibits topologically protected boundary states in multiple dimensions. We created the physical realization of the HOWSM in a chiral phononic crystal with uniaxial screw symmetry. Using acoustic pump-probe spectroscopies, we observed coexisting chiral Fermi arc states on two-dimensional surfaces and dispersive hinge arc states on one-dimensional hinge boundaries. These topological boundary states link the projections of the Weyl points (WPs) in different dimensions and directions, and hence demonstrate the higher-order topological physics4-8 in WSMs. Our study further establishes the fundamental connection between higher-order topology and Weyl physics in crystalline materials and should stimulate further work on other potential materials, such as higher-order topological nodal-line semimetals.

Sci Bull (Beijing) ; 66(19): 1959-1966, 2021 Oct 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36654165


Metamaterials with higher-order topological band gaps that exhibit topological physics beyond the bulk-edge correspondence provide unique application values due to their ability of integrating topological boundary states at multiple dimensions in a single chip. On the other hand, in the past decade, micromechanical metamaterials are developing rapidly for various applications such as micro-piezoelectric-generators, intelligent micro-systems, on-chip sensing and self-powered micro-systems. To empower these cutting-edge applications with topological manipulations of elastic waves, higher-order topological mechanical systems working at high frequencies (MHz) with high quality-factors are demanded. The current realizations of higher-order topological mechanical systems, however, are still limited to systems with large scales (centimetres) and low frequencies (kHz). Here, we report the first experimental realization of an on-chip micromechanical metamaterial as the higher-order topological insulator for elastic waves at MHz. The higher-order topological phononic band gap is induced by the band inversion at the Brillouin zone corner which is achieved by configuring the orientations of the elliptic pillars etched on the silicon chip. With consistent experiments, theory and simulations, we demonstrate the emergence of coexisting topological edge and corner states in a single silicon chip as induced by the higher-order band topology. The experimental realization of on-chip micromechanical metamaterials with higher-order topology opens a new regime for materials and applications based on topological elastic waves.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(14): 146401, 2020 Oct 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33064542


Higher-order topology yields intriguing multidimensional topological phenomena, while Weyl semimetals have unconventional properties such as chiral anomaly. However, so far, Weyl physics remain disconnected with higher-order topology. Here, we report the theoretical discovery of higher-order Weyl semimetals and thereby the establishment of such an important connection. We demonstrate that higher-order Weyl semimetals can emerge in chiral materials such as chiral tetragonal crystals as the intermediate phase between the conventional Weyl semimetal and 3D higher-order topological phases. Higher-order Weyl semimetals manifest themselves uniquely by exhibiting concurrent chiral Fermi-arc surface states, topological hinge states, and the momentum-dependent fractional hinge charge, revealing a novel class of higher-order topological phases.

Nat Commun ; 11(1): 65, 2020 Jan 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31900420


Symmetry and topology are two fundamental aspects of many quantum states of matter. Recently new topological materials, higher-order topological insulators, were discovered, featuring bulk-edge-corner correspondence that goes beyond the conventional topological paradigms. Here we discover experimentally that the nonsymmorphic p4g acoustic metacrystals host a symmetry-protected hierarchy of topological multipoles: the lowest band gap has a quantized Wannier dipole and can mimic the quantum spin Hall effect, whereas the second band gap exhibits quadrupole topology with anomalous Wannier bands. Such a topological hierarchy allows us to observe experimentally distinct, multiplexed topological phenomena and to reveal a topological transition triggered by the geometry transition from the p4g group to the C4v group, which demonstrates elegantly the fundamental interplay between symmetry and topology. Our study demonstrates that classical systems with controllable geometry can serve as powerful simulators for the discovery of novel topological states of matter and their phase transitions.

Zookeys ; 864: 67-77, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31360095


A new species of the genus Tipulodina Enderlein, 1912, Tipulodinabifurcata Xue & Men, sp. nov. (Guangxi, South China) is described and illustrated. A key to the known species in China is provided. The morphological description of the female internal reproductive system of the new species is provided, which represents the first description for this genus.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(21): 217401, 2018 May 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29883132


We demonstrate experimentally that a photonic crystal made of Al_{2}O_{3} cylinders exhibits topological time-reversal symmetric electromagnetic propagation, similar to the quantum spin Hall effect in electronic systems. A pseudospin degree of freedom in the electromagnetic system representing different states of orbital angular momentum arises due to a deformation of the photonic crystal from the ideal honeycomb lattice. It serves as the photonic analogue to the electronic Kramers pair. We visualized qualitatively and measured quantitatively that microwaves of a specific pseudospin propagate only in one direction along the interface between a topological photonic crystal and a trivial one. As only a conventional dielectric material is used and only local real-space manipulations are required, our scheme can be extended to visible light to inspire many future applications in the field of photonics and beyond.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 2462, 2018 06 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29941903


Topological insulators have unconventional gapless edge states where disorder-induced back-scattering is suppressed. In photonics, such edge states lead to unidirectional waveguides which are useful for integrated photonic circuitry. Cavity modes, another type of fundamental component in photonic chips, however, are not protected by band topology because of their lower dimensions. Here we demonstrate that concurrent wavevector space and real-space topology, dubbed as dual-topology, can lead to light-trapping in lower dimensions. The resultant photonic-bound state emerges as a Jackiw-Rebbi soliton mode localized on a dislocation in a two-dimensional photonic crystal, as proposed theoretically and discovered experimentally. Such a strongly confined cavity mode is found to be robust against perturbations. Our study unveils a mechanism for topological light-trapping in lower dimensions, which is invaluable for fundamental physics and various applications in photonics.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 29(44): 445703, 2017 Nov 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28853709


Quantum simulation is a promising approach to understanding complex strongly correlated many-body systems using relatively simple and tractable systems. Photon-based quantum simulators have great advantages due to the possibility of direct measurements of multi-particle correlations and ease of simulating non-equilibrium physics. However, interparticle interaction in existing photonic systems is often too weak, limiting the potential for quantum simulation. Here we propose an approach to enhance the interparticle interaction using exciton-polaritons in MoS2 monolayer quantum dots embedded in 2D photonic crystal microcavities. Realistic calculation yields optimal repulsive interaction in the range of 1-10 meV-more than an order of magnitude greater than the state-of-the-art value. Such strong repulsive interaction is found to emerge neither in the photon-blockade regime for small quantum dot nor in the polariton-blockade regime for large quantum dot, but in the crossover between the two regimes with a moderate quantum-dot radius around 20 nm. The optimal repulsive interaction is found to be largest in MoS2 among commonly used optoelectronic materials. Quantum simulation of strongly correlated many-body systems in a finite chain of coupled cavities and its experimental signature are studied via the exact diagonalization of the many-body Hamiltonian. A method to simulate 1D superlattices for interacting exciton-polariton gases in serially coupled cavities is also proposed. Realistic considerations on experimental realizations reveal advantages of transition metal dichalcogenide monolayer quantum dots over conventional semiconductor quantum emitters.

Opt Express ; 24(16): 18059-71, 2016 Aug 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27505772


A simple core-shell two-dimensional photonic crystal is studied where the triangular lattice symmetry and the C6 point group symmetry give rich physics in accidental touching points of photonic bands. We systematically evaluate different types of accidental nodal points at the Brillouin zone center for transverse-magnetic harmonic modes when the geometry and permittivity of the core-shell material are continuously tuned. The accidental nodal points can have different dispersions and topological properties (i.e., Berry phases). These accidental nodal points can be the critical states lying between a topological phase and a normal phase of the photonic crystal. They are thus very important for the study of topological photonic states. We show that, without breaking time-reversal symmetry, by tuning the geometry of the core-shell material, a phase transition into the photonic quantum spin Hall insulator can be achieved. Here the "spin" is defined as the orbital angular momentum of a photon. We study the topological phase transition as well as the properties of the edge and bulk states and their application potentials in optics.

Asian Pac J Cancer Prev ; 14(10): 5645-50, 2013.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24289556


Src homology 2 domain containing (SHC) is a proto-oncogene which mediates cell proliferation and carcinogenesis in human carcinomas. Here, the SHC SH2-domain binding protein 1 (SHCBP1) was first established to be up-regulated in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) tissues by array-base comparative genome hybridization (aCGH). Meanwhile, we examine and verify it by quantitative real-time PCR and western blot. Our current data show that SHCBP1 was up-regulated in HCC tissues. Overexpression of SHCBP1 could significantly promote HCC cell proliferation, survival and colony formation in HCC cell lines. Furthermore, knockdown of SHCBP1 induced cell cycle delay and suppressed cell proliferation. Furthermore, SHCBP1 could regulate the expression of activate extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) and cyclin D1. Together, our findings indicate that SHCBP1 may contribute to human hepatocellular carcinoma by promoting cell proliferation and may serve as a molecular target of cancer therapy.

Carcinoma, Hepatocellular/genetics , Cell Proliferation/genetics , Liver Neoplasms/genetics , Shc Signaling Adaptor Proteins/genetics , Cell Cycle/genetics , Cell Line, Tumor , Cyclin D1/genetics , Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic/genetics , Humans , MAP Kinase Signaling System/genetics , Proto-Oncogene Mas , Up-Regulation/genetics