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Ann Surg Open ; 5(2): e417, 2024 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38911647


Objective: To determine timing and risk factors associated with readmission within 30 days of discharge following noncardiac surgery. Background: Hospital readmission after noncardiac surgery is costly. Data on the drivers of readmission have largely been derived from single-center studies focused on a single surgical procedure with uncertainty regarding generalizability. Methods: We undertook an international (28 centers, 14 countries) prospective cohort study of a representative sample of adults ≥45 years of age who underwent noncardiac surgery. Risk factors for readmission were assessed using Cox regression (, NCT00512109). Results: Of 36,657 eligible participants, 2744 (7.5%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 7.2-7.8) were readmitted within 30 days of discharge. Rates of readmission were highest in the first 7 days after discharge and declined over the follow-up period. Multivariable analyses demonstrated that 9 baseline characteristics (eg, cancer treatment in past 6 months; adjusted hazard ratio [HR], 1.44; 95% CI, 1.30-1.59), 5 baseline laboratory and physical measures (eg, estimated glomerular filtration rate or on dialysis; HR, 1.47; 95% CI, 1.24-1.75), 7 surgery types (eg, general surgery; HR, 1.86; 95% CI, 1.61-2.16), 5 index hospitalization events (eg, stroke; HR, 2.21; 95% CI, 1.24-3.94), and 3 other factors (eg, discharge to nursing home; HR, 1.61; 95% CI, 1.33-1.95) were associated with readmission. Conclusions: Readmission following noncardiac surgery is common (1 in 13 patients). We identified perioperative risk factors associated with 30-day readmission that can help frontline clinicians identify which patients are at the highest risk of readmission and target them for preventive measures.

Am J Hum Genet ; 110(9): 1590-1599, 2023 09 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37683613


The island of St Helena played a crucial role in the suppression of the transatlantic slave trade. Strategically located in the middle of the South Atlantic, it served as a staging post for the Royal Navy and reception point for enslaved Africans who had been "liberated" from slave ships intercepted by the British. In total, St Helena received approximately 27,000 liberated Africans between 1840 and 1867. Written sources suggest that the majority of these individuals came from West Central Africa, but their precise origins are unknown. Here, we report the results of ancient DNA analyses that we conducted as part of a wider effort to commemorate St Helena's liberated Africans and to restore knowledge of their lives and experiences. We generated partial genomes (0.1-0.5×) for 20 individuals whose remains had been recovered during archaeological excavations on the island. We compared their genomes with genotype data for over 3,000 present-day individuals from 90 populations across sub-Saharan Africa and conclude that the individuals most likely originated from different source populations within the general area between northern Angola and Gabon. We also find that the majority (17/20) of the individuals were male, supporting a well-documented sex bias in the latter phase of the transatlantic slave trade. The study expands our understanding of St Helena's liberated African community and illustrates how ancient DNA analyses can be used to investigate the origins and identities of individuals whose lives were bound up in the story of slavery and its abolition.

African People , Enslaved Persons , Humans , Female , Male , DNA, Ancient , Black People/genetics , Genotype
Can J Pain ; 7(1): 2150156, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36704362


Background: Continuing professional development is an important means of improving access to effective patient care. Although pain content has increased significantly in prelicensure programs, little is known about how postlicensure health professionals advance or maintain competence in pain management. Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate Canadian health professionals' continuing professional development needs, activities, and preferred modalities for pain management. Methods: This study employed a cross-sectional self-report web survey. Results: The survey response rate was 57% (230/400). Respondents were primarily nurses (48%), university educated (95%), employed in academic hospital settings (62%), and had ≥11 years postlicensure experience (70%). Most patients (>50%) cared for in an average week presented with pain. Compared to those working in nonacademic settings, clinicians in academic settings reported significantly higher acute pain assessment competence (mean 7.8/10 versus 6.9/10; P < 0.002) and greater access to pain specialist consultants (73% versus 29%; P < 0.0001). Chronic pain assessment competence was not different between groups. Top learning needs included neuropathic pain, musculoskeletal pain, and chronic pain. Recently completed and preferred learning modalities respectively were informal and work-based: reading journal articles (56%, 54%), online independent learning (44%, 53%), and attending hospital rounds (43%, 42%); 17% had not completed any pain learning activities in the past 12 months. Respondents employed in nonacademic settings and nonphysicians were more likely to use pocket cards, mobile apps, and e-mail summaries to improve pain management. Conclusions: Canadian postlicensure health professionals require greater access to and participation in interactive and multimodal methods of continuing professional development to facilitate competency in evidence-based pain management.

Contexte: Le développement professionnel continu est un moyen important d'améliorer l'accès à des soins efficaces pour les patients. Bien que le contenu lié à la douleur ait augmenté de manière significative dans les programmes préalables à l'autorisation d'exercer, on sait peu de choses sur la façon dont les professionnels de la santé après licenciés améliorent ou maintiennent leurs compétences en matière de gestion de la douleur.Objectifs: Étudier les besoins, les activités et les préférences de développement professionnel continu des cliniciens canadiens en matière de gestion de la douleur.Méthodes: Enquête Web transversale d'auto-évaluation.Résultats: Le taux de réponse au sondage était de 57 % (230/400). Les répondants étaient principalement des infirmières (48 %), des diplômés universitaires (95 %), des employés en milieu hospitalier universitaire (62 %), avec ≥11 ans d'expérience après l'obtention du permis (70 %). La plupart des patients (> 50 %) pris en charge dans une semaine moyenne présentaient des douleurs. Comparativement à ceux qui travaillent dans des milieux non universitaires, les cliniciens en milieu universitaire ont signalé une compétence d'évaluation de la douleur aiguë significativement plus élevée (moyenne de 7,8/10 contre 6,9/10; P < 0,002) et un meilleur accès aux consultants en gestion de la douleur (73 % contre 29 %; P < 0,0001). La compétence d'évaluation de la douleur chronique n'était pas différente entre les groupes. Les principaux besoins d'apprentissage comprenaient la douleur neuropathique, la douleur musculo-squelettique et la douleur chronique. Les modalités d'apprentissage récemment achevées et préférées étaient respectivement informelles et basées sur le travail: lecture d'articles de journaux (56 %, 54 %), apprentissage indépendant en ligne (44 %, 53 %) et participation à des visites à l'hôpital (43 %, 42 %); 17 % n'avaient effectué aucune activité d'apprentissage de la douleur au cours des 12 derniers mois. Les répondants hors les médecins et ceux employés dans des milieux non universitaires étaient plus susceptibles d'utiliser des cartes de poche, des applications mobiles et des résumés par e-mail pour améliorer la gestion de la douleur.Conclusions: Les professionnels de la santé canadiens après l'obtention du permis d'exercice ont besoin d'un meilleur accès et d'une plus grande participation aux méthodes interactives et multimodales de développement professionnel continu pour faciliter la compétence en gestion de la douleur fondée sur des données probantes.

CJC Open ; 4(2): 214-222, 2022 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35198939


BACKGROUND: Women with physical disabilities are faced with challenges in many aspects of life-education, work, income, relationships, as well as their general health. These women are at a greater risk of developing heart disease. This study aimed to explore the cardiac pain experiences of women with physical disabilities and heart disease within a Canadian healthcare context. METHODS: In this qualitative study, 8 women with physical disabilities and heart disease from across Canada were interviewed. They were asked about their pre-, peri-, and post-diagnostic experiences in the Canadian healthcare system. Transcripts of the interviews were analyzed using a hermeneutic phenomenological approach inspired by Ricoeur. RESULTS: Two main themes were uncovered in the analysis of the transcripts, as follows: (i) the diagnostic journey; and (ii) life with cardiac symptoms and a disability. The women indicated that they had experienced difficulties in utilizing the Canadian healthcare system prior to receiving a cardiac diagnosis, including long waitlists, expensive and unreliable transport, issues with accessibility, and dealing with providers' attitudinal barriers regarding disability. Receiving a diagnosis was challenging due to poor relationships with healthcare providers; however, having a same-sex provider seemed essential to receiving adequate care. Self-managing a disability and heart disease had significant physical and psychological impact, which was lightened by financial and social supports, modified lifestyle choices, and self-advocacy. CONCLUSIONS: Women with physical disabilities are often forgotten in discussions encompassing equity and inclusion. The participants' experiences offer insight into what changes are needed within the Canadian healthcare system in order to improve outcomes for these women.

CONTEXTE: Les femmes qui présentent une incapacité physique doivent composer avec des défis dans de nombreux aspects de leur vie, notamment en ce qui touche l'éducation, le travail, le revenu, les relations et la santé en général. Le risque de cardiopathie est plus important dans leur cas. Cette étude visait à examiner comment la douleur cardiaque est vécue par les femmes présentant une incapacité physique et une cardiopathie dans le contexte des soins de santé au Canada. MÉTHODOLOGIE: Dans le cadre de cette étude qualitative, huit femmes présentant une incapacité physique et une cardiopathie ont participé à des entrevues menées à l'échelle du Canada. Elles ont été interrogées sur leurs expériences au sein du système de santé canadien au cours des périodes précédant, entourant et suivant le diagnostic. Les transcriptions des entrevues ont été analysées en fonction d'une approche phénoménologique herméneutique inspirée par Ricœur. RÉSULTATS: Deux grands thèmes ressortent de l'analyse des transcriptions, à savoir : (i) le parcours diagnostique; (ii) la vie avec des symptômes cardiaques et une incapacité physique. Les femmes interrogées ont indiqué qu'elles avaient éprouvé des difficultés dans leur parcours au sein du système de santé canadien avant de recevoir un diagnostic en cardiologie, évoquant à cet égard les longues listes d'attente, les services de transport coûteux et peu fiables, les problèmes d'accessibilité et les obstacles liés à l'attitude des fournisseurs de soins vis-à-vis de l'incapacité physique. Le fait de recevoir un diagnostic a été éprouvant en raison de rapports difficiles avec les fournisseurs de soins de santé; cependant, le fait d'avoir un fournisseur de soins de sexe féminin semblait être une condition essentielle à une prestation de soins adéquate. L'autoprise en charge d'une incapacité physique et d'une cardiopathie a eu des répercussions physiques et psychologiques importantes qui ont pu être allégées par le soutien financier et social, des modifications des habitudes de vie et l'autonomie sociale. CONCLUSIONS: Les femmes qui présentent une incapacité physique sont souvent laissées pour compte dans les discussions portant sur l'équité et l'inclusion. Le vécu des participantes donne un aperçu des changements qui doivent être apportés au sein du système de santé canadien afin d'améliorer les résultats chez ces femmes.

Can J Pain ; 6(1): 1-11, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35036823


BACKGROUND: National strategies from North America call for substantive improvements in entry-level pain management education to help reduce the burden of chronic pain. Past work has generated a valuable set of interprofessional pain management competencies to guide the education of future health professionals. However, there has been very limited work that has explored the development of such competencies for individual professions in different regions. Developing profession-specific competencies tailored to the local context is a necessary first step to integrate them within local regulatory systems. Our group is working toward this goal within the context of entry-level physiotherapy (PT) programs across Canada. AIMS: This study aimed to create a consensus-based competency profile for pain management, specific to the Canadian PT context. METHODS: A modified Delphi design was used to achieve consensus across Canadian university-based and clinical pain educators. RESULTS: Representatives from 14 entry-level PT programs (93% of Canadian programs) and six clinical educators were recruited. After two rounds, a total of 15 competencies reached the predetermined endorsement threshold (75%). Most participants (85%) reported being "very satisfied" with the process. CONCLUSIONS: This process achieved consensus on a novel pain management competency profile specific to the Canadian PT context. The resulting profile delineates the necessary abilities required by physiotherapists to manage pain upon entry to practice. Participants were very satisfied with the process. This study also contributes to the emerging literature on integrated research in pain management by profiling research methodology that can be used to inform related work in other health professions and regions.

Contexte: Contexte: Les stratégies nationales nord-américaines préconisent des améliorations sensibles à la formation de base en matiére de prise en charge de la douleur afin de contribuer à la réduction du fardeau de la douleur chronique. Des travaux antérieurs ont généré un ensemble de compétences interprofessionnelles utile en matiére de prise en charge de la douleur afin de guider la formation des futurs professionnels de la santé. Cependant, trés peu de travaux ont porté sur l'acquisition de telles compétences pour des professions individuelles dans différentes régions. L'uisition de compétences spécifiques à une profession adaptées au contexte local est une première étape nécessaire pour leur intégration dans les systèmes réglementaires locaux. Notre groupe travaille à cet objectif dans le cadre de programmes de formation de base en physiothèrapie partout au Canada.Objectifs: Cette étude visait à créer un profil de compétences consensuel pour la prise en charge de la douleur, propre au contexte canadien de la physiothérapie.Méthodes: Un devis Delphi modifié a étè utilisé pour parvenir à un consensus parmi des formateurs en milieu universitaire et clinique en matière de douleur en milieu universitaire et clinique.Résultats: Des représentants de 14 programmes de formation de base en physiothérapie (93 % des programmes canadiens) et de six formateurs en milieu clinique ont été recrutés. Après deux tours, 15 compétences ont atteint le seuil d'approbation prédéterminé (75 %). La plupart des participants (85 %) ont déclaré être « très satisfaits ¼du processus.Conclusions: Ce processus a permis de dégager un consensus sur un nouveau profil de compétences en matiére de prise en charge de la douleur propre au contexte canadien de la physiothérapie. Ce profil délimite les habiletés requises des physiothérapeutes pour prendre en charge la douleur en début de pratique. Les participants ont été très satisfaits du processus. Cette étude contribue également à la littérature émergente sur la recherche intégrée en matière de prise en charge de la douleur en définissant une méthodologie de recherche qui peut être utilisée pour éclairer des travaux similaires dans d'autres professions de la santé et dans d'autres régions.

J Pain ; 23(3): 398-410, 2022 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34583019


Competency-based education is now considered the best approach for pain educational programs provided for pre and postgraduate healthcare providers (HCPs). To demonstrate learners' progression, an assessment tool that aligns with this educational approach and targets different HCPs is needed. A Pain Competence Assessment Tool (PCAT) was developed based on the pain management core competencies that align with the International Association for the Study of Pain interprofessional pain curriculum. The PCAT is an online competency-based assessment tool for HCPs that consists of 5 case scenarios followed by 17 key-feature questions. HCPs and trainees completed the PCAT through a series of studies to assess its psychometric properties. The preliminary evaluation suggested that the PCAT had adequate content validity. Apart from 6 questions, the PCAT questions demonstrated homogeneity and acceptable reliability, and substantial stability. No ceiling or floor effect was found. A significant difference was detected between the HCPs' and trainees' scores. The PCAT scores strongly correlated with other variables reflecting different competence levels. The PCAT scores showed significant changes in the baseline scores compared to scores after attending an educational intervention. The PCAT offers a first-of-its-kind tool for assessing HCPs' competence (ie, knowledge and its application) in managing chronic pain. Future research is needed for further validation and adaptation of the PCAT. PERSPECTIVE: The Pain Competence Assessment Tool (PCAT) offers a first-of-its-kind tool for assessing clinicians' core competencies that overlap between different professions and support the clinicians' capacity to successfully manage chronic pain in the real world focusing on the patient-centered perspective rather than the profession-specific perspective.

Chronic Pain , Health Personnel , Humans , Pain Management , Psychometrics , Reproducibility of Results
BMJ Open ; 10(3): e033092, 2020 03 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32156763


INTRODUCTION: More women experience cardiac pain related to coronary artery disease and cardiac procedures compared with men. The overall goal of this programme of research is to develop an integrated smartphone and web-based intervention (HEARTPA♀N) to help women recognise and self-manage cardiac pain. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: This protocol outlines the mixed methods strategy used for the development of the HEARTPA♀N content/core feature set (phase 2A), usability testing (phase 2B) and evaluation with a pilot randomised controlled trial (RCT) (phase 3). We are using the individual and family self-management theory, mobile device functionality and pervasive information architecture of mHealth interventions, and following a sequential phased approach recommended by the Medical Research Council to develop HEARTPA♀N. The phase 3 pilot RCT will enable us to refine the prototype, inform the methodology and calculate the sample size for a larger multisite RCT (phase 4, future work). Patient partners have been actively involved in setting the HEARTPA♀N research agenda, including defining patient-reported outcome measures for the pilot RCT: pain and health-related quality of life (HRQoL). As such, the guidelines for Inclusion of Patient-Reported Outcomes in Clinical Trial Protocols (SPIRIT-PRO) are used to report the protocol for the pilot RCT (phase 3). Quantitative data (eg, demographic and clinical information) will be summarised using descriptive statistics (phases 2AB and 3) and a content analysis will be used to identify themes (phase 2AB). A process evaluation will be used to assess the feasibility of the implementation of the intervention and a preliminary efficacy evaluation will be undertaken focusing on the outcomes of pain and HRQoL (phase 3). ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Ethics approval was obtained from the University of Toronto (36415; 26 November 2018). We will disseminate knowledge of HEARTPA♀N through publication, conference presentation and national public forums (Café Scientifique), and through fact sheets, tweets and webinars. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT03800082.

Angina Pectoris/diagnosis , Internet-Based Intervention/statistics & numerical data , Smartphone/instrumentation , Telemedicine/instrumentation , Adult , Angina Pectoris/epidemiology , Angina Pectoris/etiology , Canada/epidemiology , Case-Control Studies , Female , Focus Groups/statistics & numerical data , Humans , Middle Aged , Patient Reported Outcome Measures , Pilot Projects , Quality of Life , Self-Management , Telemedicine/statistics & numerical data , User-Centered Design
Can J Pain ; 4(3): 40-50, 2020 Sep 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33987510


Background: Chronic pain is a growing public health concern affecting 1.5 million people in Canada. In particular, it is a concern among the expanding immigrant population, because immigrant groups report higher pain intensity than non-immigrants. In 2011, the Indian population became the largest visible minority group and continues to be the fastest growing. Though the prevalence of chronic pain among Canadian Indians is unknown, research has found a higher prevalence among Indian women than men in India, Malaysia, Singapore, and the United Kingdom, with women reporting more severe pain. An understanding of how pain is experienced by this particular group is therefore important for providing culturally sensitive care. AIMS: This study explores the lived experiences of chronic pain among immigrant Indian women in Canada. METHODS: Thirteen immigrant Indian women participated in one-on-one interviews exploring daily experiences of chronic pain. RESULTS: Using thematic analysis informed by van Manen's phenomenology of practice, four themes emerged: (1) the body in pain, (2) pain in the context of lived and felt space, (3) pain and relationships, and (4) pain and time. Women revealed that their experiences were shaped by gender roles and expectations enforced through culture. Specifically, a dual gender role was identified after immigration, in which women had to balance traditional household responsibilities of family labor and care alongside employment outside the home, exacerbating pain. CONCLUSIONS: This research uncovers the multifaceted nature of chronic pain and identifies factors within the sociocultural context that may place particular groups of women at greater risk of living with pain.

Contexte: La douleur chronique est un problème de santé publique croissant qui touche 1,5 million de personnes au Canada. Elle est particulièrement préoccupante au sein de la population immigrante en expansion, car les groupes d'immigrants signalent une intensité de douleur plus élevée que les non-immigrants. En 2011, la population indienne est devenue le plus grand groupe de minorités visibles et continue d'être celui qui connaît la croissance la plus rapide. Bien que la prévalence de la douleur chronique chez les Indo-Canadiens soit inconnue, des études ont montré que la prévalence de cette maladie chez les femmes indiennes était supérieure à celle des hommes en Inde, en Malaisie, à Singapour et au Royaume-Uni, les femmes faisant état de douleurs plus intenses. Une compréhension de la manière dont la douleur est ressentie par ce groupe particulier est donc importante pour fournir des soins adaptés à la culture.Objectifs: Cette étude se penche sur les expériences de douleur chronique vécues par les immigrantes indiennes au Canada.Méthodes: Treize immigrantes indiennes ont participé à des entretiens individuels portant sur leurs expériences de douleur chronique quotidiennes.Résultats: Grâce à une analyse thématique fondée sur la phénoménologie de la pratique de van Manen, quatre thèmes ont émergé : (1) le corps douloureux, (2) la douleur dans le contexte de l'espace vécu et ressenti, (3) la douleur et les relations, et (4) la douleur et le temps. Les femmes ont révélé que leur expérience était façonnée par les rôles sexo-spécifiques et les attentes étaient imposées par la culture. Plus précisément, un double rôle sexo-spécifique a été découvert après l'immigration, dans laquelle les femmes doivent équilibrer les responsabilités traditionnelles du travail familial et des soins parallèlement à l'emploi en dehors du domicile, ce qui exacerbe la douleur.Conclusions: Cette étude révèle la nature multidimensionnelle de la douleur chronique et recense les facteurs propres au contexte socioculturel qui peuvent placer des groupes particuliers de femmes à plus grand risque de vivre avec la douleur.

BMJ Open ; 9(2): e022995, 2019 03 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30826789


INTRODUCTION: Approximately 400 000 Americans and 36 000 Canadians undergo cardiac surgery annually, and up to 56% will develop chronic postsurgical pain (CPSP). The primary aim of this study is to explore the association of pain-related beliefs and gender-based pain expectations on the development of CPSP. Secondary goals are to: (A) explore risk factors for poor functional status and patient-level cost of illness from a societal perspective up to 12 months following cardiac surgery; and (B) determine the impact of CPSP on quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) borne by cardiac surgery, in addition to the incremental cost for one additional QALY gained, among those who develop CPSP compared with those who do not. METHODS AND ANALYSES: In this prospective cohort study, 1250 adults undergoing cardiac surgery, including coronary artery bypass grafting and open-heart procedures, will be recruited over a 3-year period. Putative risk factors for CPSP will be captured prior to surgery, at postoperative day 3 (in hospital) and day 30 (at home). Outcome data will be collected via telephone interview at 6-month and 12-month follow-up. We will employ generalised estimating equations to model the primary (CPSP) and secondary outcomes (function and cost) while adjusting for prespecified model covariates. QALYs will be estimated by converting data from the Short Form-12 (version 2) to a utility score. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: This protocol has been approved by the responsible bodies at each of the hospital sites, and study enrolment began May 2015. We will disseminate our results through CardiacPain.Net, a web-based knowledge dissemination platform, presentation at international conferences and publications in scientific journals. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT01842568.

Cardiac Surgical Procedures/adverse effects , Chronic Pain/etiology , Adult , Anxiety/complications , Anxiety/epidemiology , Cardiac Surgical Procedures/economics , Cardiac Surgical Procedures/psychology , Chronic Pain/economics , Chronic Pain/psychology , Cost of Illness , Female , Health Care Costs/statistics & numerical data , Humans , Male , Pain, Postoperative/etiology , Pain, Postoperative/psychology , Prospective Studies , Psychiatric Status Rating Scales , Quality of Life , Quality-Adjusted Life Years , Risk Factors
Exp Physiol ; 104(5): 654-666, 2019 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30786093


NEW FINDINGS: What is the central question of this study? What is the cellular basis of the protection conferred on the heart by overexpression of caveolin-3 (Cav-3 OE) against many of the features of heart failure normally observed in vivo? What is the main finding and its importance? Cav-3 overexpression has little effect in normal ventricular myocytes but reduces cellular hypertrophy and preserves t-tubular ICa , but not local t-tubular Ca2+ release, in heart failure induced by pressure overload in mice. Thus Cav-3 overexpression provides specific but limited protection following induction of heart failure, although other factors disrupt Ca2+ release. ABSTRACT: Caveolin-3 (Cav-3) is an 18 kDa protein that has been implicated in t-tubule formation and function in cardiac ventricular myocytes. During cardiac hypertrophy and failure, Cav-3 expression decreases, t-tubule structure is disrupted and excitation-contraction coupling (ECC) is impaired. Previous work has suggested that Cav-3 overexpression (OE) is cardio-protective, but the effect of Cav-3 OE on these cellular changes is unknown. We therefore investigated whether Cav-3 OE in mice is protective against the cellular effects of pressure overload induced by 8 weeks' transverse aortic constriction (TAC). Cav-3 OE mice developed cardiac dilatation, decreased stroke volume and ejection fraction, and hypertrophy and pulmonary congestion in response to TAC. These changes were accompanied by cellular hypertrophy, a decrease in t-tubule regularity and density, and impaired local Ca2+ release at the t-tubules. However, the extent of cardiac and cellular hypertrophy was reduced in Cav-3 OE compared to WT mice, and t-tubular Ca2+ current (ICa ) density was maintained. These data suggest that Cav-3 OE helps prevent hypertrophy and loss of t-tubular ICa following TAC, but that other factors disrupt local Ca2+ release.

Calcium Channels/metabolism , Caveolin 3/metabolism , Heart Failure/physiopathology , Animals , Calcium Signaling , Cardiomegaly , Caveolin 3/genetics , Constriction, Pathologic/physiopathology , Echocardiography , Heart Failure/genetics , Heart Ventricles , Male , Mice , Myocytes, Cardiac/metabolism , Pulmonary Circulation , Sarcoplasmic Reticulum/metabolism , Stroke Volume , Vasodilation
Can J Pain ; 3(1): 58-69, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35005394


Background: Despite the same surgical approach, up to 40% of patients develop chronic postsurgical pain (CPSP) following cardiac surgery, whereas the rest are chronic pain free. This variability suggests that CPSP is controlled partially through genetics, but the genes for CPSP are largely unknown. Aims: The aim of this study was to identify potential CPSP phenotypes by comparing patients who developed CPSP following cardiac surgery vs. those who did not. Methods: A research ethics board-approved, cross-sectional study of post-cardiac surgery pain was conducted at Toronto General Hospital from 2011 to 2015. Patients were recruited to complete a short survey of chronic pain scores and the Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire-2. A subset of patients completed a longer survey of eight validated pain phenotyping questionnaires and/or four psychophysical assessments. All surveys and psychophysical testing were conducted after surgery. Patients were stratified by presence of chronic pain and groups were compared using descriptive statistics. Results: Six hundred forty-three patients completed the short form survey. The mean postsurgery assessment time was 41.5 (SD = ±25.1) months. Over a quarter (27.8%) reported CPSP at the chest as a consequence of their surgery. Of patients reporting CPSP, 46.6% reported mild pain (0-3), 35.8% reported moderate pain (4-7), and 17.6% reported severe pain (7-10) in accordance with the numerical rating scale. Patients with moderate and/or severe CPSP were younger, had a greater body mass index, and had higher anxiety sensitivity, pain catastrophizing, and somatization scores. Conclusions: Chronic pain levels after cardiac surgery are associated with anxiety, catastrophizing, and sensory abnormalities in body parts outside the field innervated by injured nerves, indicating the presence of widespread central sensitization to incoming sensory inputs from intact nerves.

Contexte: Malgré qu'ils aient été soumis à la même approche chirurgicale, jusqu'à 40 % des patients souffrent de douleur chronique postopératoire après une chirurgie cardiaque, tandis que le reste des patients n'en souffrent pas. Cette variabilité porte à croire que la douleur chronique postopératoire est en partie maitrisée génétiquement, mais les gènes en cause dans la douleur chronique postopératoire sont très peu connus.But: Identifier les phénotypes de douleur chronique postopératoire possibles en comparant des patients souffrant de douleur chronique postopératoire à des patients n'en souffrant pas après une chirurgie cardiaque.Méthodes: Une étude transversale de la douleur après une chirurgie cardiaque approuvée par la commission d'éthique de la recherche a été menée à l'Hôpital général de Toronto de 2011 à 2015. Les patients ont été recrutés pour répondre à un court questionnaire portant sur les scores de douleur chronique et à une version abrégée du McGill Pain Questionnaire-2. Un sous-ensemble de patients a répondu à une enquête plus longue comprenant huit questionnaires validés portant sur le phénotypage de la douleur et/ou sur quatre mesures psychophysiques. Tous les questionnaires et les tests psychophysiques ont été menés après la chirurgie. Les patients ont été stratrifiés en fonction de la présence de douleur chronique et les groupes ont été comparés à l'aide de statistiques descriptives.Résultats: 634 patients ont répondu à la version courte de l'enquête. Le temps moyen de l'évaluation post-chirurgie était de 41,4 mois (écart-type ± 25,1). Plus d'un quart (27,8%) des participants ont rapporté de la douleur chronique postopératoire au thorax en tant que conséquence de la chirurgie. Parmi les patients rapportant de la douleur chronique post-opératoire, 46,6 % ont rapporée une douleur faible (0-3), 35,8 % ont rapporté de la douleur modérée (4-7) et 17,6 % ont rapporté de la douleur sévère (7-10), selon l'échelle d'évaluation numérique. Les patients souffrant de douleur chronique postopératoire de modérée à sévère étaient plus jeunes, avaient un indice de masse corporelle plus élevé et obtenaient des scores plus élevés en ce qui concerne la sensibilité à l'anxiété, la catastrophisation de la douleur et la somatisation.Conclusion: Les niveaux de douleur chronique après une chirurgie cardiaque sont associés à l'anxiété, à la catastrophisation et à des anomalies sensorielles dans des parties du corps à l'extérieur de la zone innervée par les nerfs par les nerfs endommagés, ce qui indique la présence d'une sensibilisation centrale généralisée aux signaux sensoriels provenant des nerfs intacts.

Can J Pain ; 3(2): 26-35, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35005416


Background: With coronary heart disease affecting over 2.4 million Canadians, annual cardiac and major vascular surgery rates are on the rise. Unrelieved postoperative pain is among the top five causes of hospital readmission following surgery; little is done to address this postoperative complication. Barriers to effective pain assessment and management following cardiac and major vascular surgery have been conceptualized on patient, health care provider, and system levels. Purpose: In this commentary, we review common patient, health care provider, and system-level barriers to effective postoperative pain assessment and management following cardiac and major vascular surgery. We then outline the SMArTVIEW intervention, with particular attention to components designed to optimize postoperative pain assessment and management. Methods: In conceptualizing the SMArTVIEW intervention design, we sought to address a number of these barriers by meeting the following design objectives: (1) orchestrating a structured process for regular postoperative pain assessment and management; (2) ensuring adequate clinician preparation for postoperative pain assessment and management in the context of virtual care; and (3) enfranchising patients to become active self-managers and to work with their health care providers to manage their pain postoperatively. Conclusions: Innovative approaches to address these barriers are a current challenge to health care providers and researchers alike. SMArTVIEW is spearheading this paradigm shift within clinical research to address barriers that impair effective postoperative pain management by actively engaging health care providers and patients in an accessible format (i.e., digital health solution) to give primacy to the need of postoperative pain assessment and management following cardiac and major vascular surgery.

Contexte: Alors que la maladie cardiaque coronarienne touche plus de 2,4 millions de Canadiens, les taux annuels de chirurgie cardiaque et de chirurgie vasculaire majeure sont en augmentation. Bien que la douleur postopératoire non soulagée compte parmi les cinq principales causes de réadmission à l'hôpital après une chirurgie, peu de choses sont faites pour remédier à cette complication postopératoire. Les barrières à l'évaluation et à la prise en charge efficaces de la douleur après une chirurgie cardiaque ou une chirurgie vasculaire majeure ont été conceptualisées aux niveaux du patient, du prestataire de soins et du système.But: Dans ce commentaire, nous examinons les barrières à l'évaluation et à la prise en charge efficace de la douleur postopératoire après une chirurgie cardiaque et une chirurgie vasculaire majeure au niveau du patient, du prestataire de soins et du système. Nous présentons ensuite l'intervention SMArTVIEW, en portant une attention particulière aux composantes conçues pour optimiser l'évaluation et la prise en charge de la douleur postopératoire.Méthodes: Au moment de conceptualiser l'intervention SMArTIEW, nous avons cherché à remédier à un certain nombre de ces barrières à partir des objectifs de conception suivants : 1) orchestrer un processus structuré pour l'évaluation et la prise en charge de la douleur postopératoire régulière; 2) assurer une préparation adéquate des cliniciens pour l'évaluation et la prise en charge de la douleur postopératoire dans un contexte de soins virtuels; et 3) affranchir les patients afin qu'ils puissent activement prendre en charge leur douleur postopératoire et travailler de concert avec les prestataires de soins.Conclusions: Les approches innovantes pour remédier à ces barrières sont un défi constant, tant pour les prestataires de soins que pour les chercheurs. SMArTVIEW est à l'avant-garde de ce changement de paradigme dans la recherche clinique qui a pour but de remédier aux barrières qui nuisent à la prise en charge efficace de la douleur postopératoire en engageant activement les prestataires de soins et les patients dans un format accessible (i.e. solution de santé numérique), afin que la primauté soit accordée à la nécessité d'évaluer et de prendre en charge la douleur postopératoire après une chirurgie cardiaque ou une chirurgie vasculaire majeure.

Pain Med ; 20(1): 37-49, 2019 01 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29931315


Objective: The challenges of moving the pain education agenda forward are significant worldwide, and resources, including online, are needed to help educators in curriculum development. Online resources are available but with insufficient evaluation in the context of prelicensure pain education. Therefore, this pre-post study examined the impact of an innovative eLearning model: the Pain Education Interprofessional Resource (PEIR) on usability, pain knowledge, beliefs, and understanding of pain assessment skills including empathy. Methods: Participants were students (N = 96) recruited from seven prelicensure health sciences programs at the University of Toronto. They worked through three multifaceted modules, developed by an interprofessional team, that followed a patient with acute to persistent postsurgical pain up to one year. Module objectives, content, and assessment were based on International Association for the Study of Pain Pain Curricula domains and related pain core competencies. Multimedia interactive components focused on pain mechanisms and key pain care issues. Outcome measures included previously validated tools; data were analyzed in SPSS. Online exercises provided concurrent individual feedback throughout all modules. Results: The completion rate for modules and online assessments was 100%. Overall usability scores (SD) were strong 4.27/5 (0.56). On average, pain knowledge scores increased 20% (P < 0.001). The Pain Assessment Skills Tool was sensitive to differences in student and expert pain assessment evaluation ratings and was useful as a tool to deliver formative feedback while engaged in interactive eLearning about pain assessment. Conclusions: PEIR is an effective eLearning program with high student ratings for educational design and usability that significantly improved pain knowledge and understanding of collaborative care.

Computer-Assisted Instruction , Interprofessional Relations , Pain Measurement , Pain/diagnosis , Adult , Clinical Competence , Curriculum , Female , Humans , Male , Pain/physiopathology , Pain Measurement/methods , Program Evaluation , Young Adult
J Pain Res ; 11: 2741-2759, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30519078


OBJECTIVE: The study objective was to determine use of pain-related health care resources and associated direct and indirect costs over a two-year period in cardiac surgery patients who developed chronic post-surgical pain (CPSP). METHODS: This multicentric observational prospective study recruited patients prior to cardiac surgery; these patients completed research assistant-administered questionnaires on pain and psychological characteristics at 6, 12 and 24 months post-operatively. Patients reporting CPSP also completed a one-month pain care record (PCR) (self-report diary) at each follow-up. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, multivariable logistic regression models, and generalized linear models with log link and gamma family adjusting for sociodemographic and pain intensity. RESULTS: Out of 1,247 patients, 18%, 13%, and 9% reported experiencing CPSP at 6, 12, and 24 months, respectively. Between 16% and 28% of CPSP patients reported utilizing health care resources for their pain over the follow-up period. Among all CPSP patients, mean monthly pain-related costs were CAN$207 at 6 months and significantly decreased thereafter. More severe pain and greater levels of pain catastrophizing were the most consistent predictors of health care utilization and costs. DISCUSSION: Health care costs associated with early management of CPSP after cardiac surgery seem attributable to a minority of patients and decrease over time for most of them. Results are novel in that they document for the first time the economic burden of CPSP in this population of patients. Longer follow-up time that would capture severe cases of CPSP as well as examination of costs associated with other surgical populations are warranted. SUMMARY: Economic burden of chronic post-surgical pain may be substantial but few patients utilize resources. Health utilization and costs are associated with pain and psychological characteristics.

Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol ; 315(5): H1101-H1111, 2018 11 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30028203


Caveolin-3 (Cav-3) is a protein that has been implicated in t-tubule formation and function in cardiac ventricular myocytes. In cardiac hypertrophy and failure, Cav-3 expression decreases, t-tubule structure is disrupted, and excitation-contraction coupling is impaired. However, the extent to which the decrease in Cav-3 expression underlies these changes is unclear. We therefore investigated the structure and function of myocytes isolated from the hearts of Cav-3 knockout (KO) mice. These mice showed cardiac dilatation and decreased ejection fraction in vivo compared with wild-type control mice. Isolated KO myocytes showed cellular hypertrophy, altered t-tubule structure, and decreased L-type Ca2+ channel current ( ICa) density. This decrease in density occurred predominantly in the t-tubules, with no change in total ICa, and was therefore a consequence of the increase in membrane area. Cav-3 KO had no effect on L-type Ca2+ channel expression, and C3SD peptide, which mimics the scaffolding domain of Cav-3, had no effect on ICa in KO myocytes. However, inhibition of PKA using H-89 decreased ICa at the surface and t-tubule membranes in both KO and wild-type myocytes. Cav-3 KO had no significant effect on Na+/Ca2+ exchanger current or Ca2+ release. These data suggest that Cav-3 KO causes cellular hypertrophy, thereby decreasing t-tubular ICa density. NEW & NOTEWORTHY Caveolin-3 (Cav-3) is a protein that inhibits hypertrophic pathways, has been implicated in the formation and function of cardiac t-tubules, and shows decreased expression in heart failure. This study demonstrates that Cav-3 knockout mice show cardiac dysfunction in vivo, while isolated ventricular myocytes show cellular hypertrophy, changes in t-tubule structure, and decreased t-tubular L-type Ca2+ current density, suggesting that decreased Cav-3 expression contributes to these changes in cardiac hypertrophy and failure.

Calcium Channels, L-Type/metabolism , Calcium Signaling , Caveolin 3/deficiency , Heart Ventricles/metabolism , Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular/metabolism , Myocytes, Cardiac/metabolism , Ventricular Dysfunction, Left/metabolism , Action Potentials , Animals , Caveolin 3/genetics , Down-Regulation , Genetic Predisposition to Disease , Heart Ventricles/pathology , Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular/genetics , Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular/pathology , Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular/physiopathology , Male , Mice, Inbred C57BL , Mice, Knockout , Myocytes, Cardiac/pathology , Phenotype , Ventricular Dysfunction, Left/genetics , Ventricular Dysfunction, Left/pathology , Ventricular Dysfunction, Left/physiopathology , Ventricular Function, Left
Qual Health Res ; 28(11): 1769-1787, 2018 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29916769


Symptom recognition and self-management is instrumental in reducing the number of deaths related to coronary artery disease (CAD) in women. The purpose of this study was to synthesize qualitative research evidence on the self-management of cardiac pain and associated symptoms in women. Seven databases were systematically searched, and the concepts of the Individual and Family Self-Management Theory were used as the framework for data extraction and analysis. Search strategies yielded 22,402 citations, from which 35 qualitative studies were included in a final meta-summary, comprising data from 769 participants, including 437 (57%) women. The available literature focused cardiac pain self-management from a binary sex and gender perspective. Ethnicity was indicated in 19 (54%) studies. Results support individualized intervention strategies that promote goal setting and action planning, management of physical and emotional responses, and social facilitation provided through social support.

Coronary Artery Disease/physiopathology , Coronary Artery Disease/psychology , Self-Management/methods , Self-Management/psychology , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Hyaluronic Acid , Middle Aged , Qualitative Research , Sex Factors , Women's Health