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Nat Mater ; 21(6): 627-633, 2022 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35228661


(Ba,K)BiO3 constitute an interesting class of superconductors, where the remarkably high superconducting transition temperature Tc of 30 K arises in proximity to charge density wave order. However, the precise mechanism behind these phases remains unclear. Here, enabled by high-pressure synthesis, we report superconductivity in (Ba,K)SbO3 with a positive oxygen-metal charge transfer energy in contrast to (Ba,K)BiO3. The parent compound BaSbO3-δ shows a larger charge density wave gap compared to BaBiO3. As the charge density wave order is suppressed via potassium substitution up to 65%, superconductivity emerges, rising up to Tc = 15 K. This value is lower than the maximum Tc of (Ba,K)BiO3, but higher by more than a factor of two at comparable potassium concentrations. The discovery of an enhanced charge density wave gap and superconductivity in (Ba,K)SbO3 indicates that strong oxygen-metal covalency may be more essential than the sign of the charge transfer energy in the main-group perovskite superconductors.

Inorg Chem ; 58(19): 12888-12894, 2019 Oct 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31518128


We discovered superconductivity at 4.8 K in the hexagonal layered compound La2IRu2 comprising a triangular lattice of the La and a honeycomb lattice of the Ru atoms. First-principles calculations reveal a two-dimensional band structure made up of La 5d and Ru 4d electrons and formal oxidation states +1.5 for the La and the uncommon oxidation state -1 for the Ru atoms. The temperature dependence of the specific heat indicates fully gapped superconductivity. Nevertheless, the upper critical field of this compound violates the Pauli limit. We argue that the high upper critical field is ascribed to an antisymmetric spin-orbit coupling in the unique multilayer structure.

Chem Sci ; 11(4): 962-969, 2019 Dec 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34084350


Ag16B4O10 has been obtained as a coarse crystalline material via hydrothermal synthesis, and was characterized by X-ray single crystal and powder diffraction, conductivity and magnetic susceptibility measurements, as well as by DFT based theoretical analyses. Neither composition nor crystal structure nor valence electron counts can be fully rationalized by applying known bonding schemes. While the rare cage anion (B4O10)8- is electron precise, and reflects standard bonding properties, the silver ion substructure necessarily has to accommodate eight excess electrons per formula unit, (Ag+)16(B3+)4(O2-)10 × 8e-, rendering the compound sub-valent with respect to silver. However, the phenomena commonly associated with sub-valence metal (partial) structures are not perceptible in this case. Experimentally, the compound has been found to be semiconducting and diamagnetic, ruling out the presence of itinerant electrons; hence the excess electrons have to localize pairwise. However, no pairwise contractions of silver atoms are realized in the structure, thus excluding formation of 2e-2c bonds. Rather, cluster-like aggregates of an approximately tetrahedral shape exist where the Ag-Ag separations are significantly smaller than in elemental silver. The number of these subunits per formula is four, thus matching the required number of sites for pairwise nesting of eight excess electrons. This scenario has been corroborated by computational analyses of the densities of states and electron localization function (ELF), which clearly indicate the presence of an attractor within the shrunken tetrahedral voids in the silver substructure. However, one bonding electron pair of s and p type skeleton electrons per cluster unit is extremely low, and the significant propensity to form and the thermal stability of the title compound suggest d10-d10 bonding interactions to strengthen the inter-cluster bonding in a synergistic fashion. With the present state of knowledge, such a particular bonding pattern appears to be a singular feature of the oxide chemistry of silver; however, as indicated by analogous findings in related silver oxides, it is evolving as a general one.

J Am Chem Soc ; 134(48): 19884-94, 2012 Dec 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23151038


The chemical bonding schemes of thallium cluster anions commonly comply with neither Wade-Mingos's rules nor the Zintl-Klemm concept and thus far have escaped a fully consistent description. In general, the number of electrons available for the cluster skeleton bonding fall below those required according to the qualitative concepts mentioned and the clusters were labeled "hypoelectronic". Based on fully relativistic band structure calculations on respective complete extended solids and electronic structure calculations on excised, charge compensated, and geometrically optimized clusters, we have identified two mechanisms that are suited to lift the degeneracy of partially filled electronic states and to open a HOMO-LUMO gap, the Jahn-Teller effect and relativistic spin-orbit coupling. Treatment on this level of theory shows that, in accordance with experiment, the thallium cluster anions known are electronically saturated and not deficient in valence electrons. We provide qualitative group theoretical procedures for analyzing the Jahn-Teller effect and spin-orbit coupling in lifting the degeneracy of frontier orbitals in highly symmetric thallium cluster anions.

J Am Chem Soc ; 132(35): 12458-63, 2010 Sep 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20704287


Cs(18)Tl(8)O(6) was synthesized reacting the binary compounds CsTl and Cs(2)O. According to single crystal X-ray analysis, the title compound crystallizes as a novel structure type in the cubic space group I23 and is diamagnetic. The electronic structure of the extended solid and of excised Cs(6)Tl(8) clusters has been examined by relativistic density functional calculations including spin-orbit coupling. Cs(18)Tl(8)O(6) comprises a clusteranion [Tl(8)](6-) in the shape of a tetrahedral star. An isoelectronic cluster was found previously in Cs(8)Tl(8)O, however, with the shape of a parallelepiped. Both clusteranions can be derived from a homocubane unit by displacive distortions. It has been shown by quantum mechanical analyses that the closed-shell electronic structure of the parallelepiped is the result of a Jahn-Teller distortion, while in contrast the tetrahedral star in Cs(18)Tl(8)O(6) would still exhibit an open-shell degenerate HOMO within a scalar relativistic approximation. Only if spin-orbit coupling is considered, a closed-shell electronic system is obtained in accordance with the diamagnetic behavior of Cs(18)Tl(8)O(6).

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 12(3): 681-7, 2010 Jan 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20066353


Cadmium crystallises in the hcp structure, but with an anomalously large c/a ratio, indicating a strong distortion away from ideal packing. Coupled cluster calculations within the framework of the method of increments with an embedding scheme for metals were performed to explore the potential energy surface of cadmium with respect to the hexagonal lattice parameters. This potential energy surface is compared to density functional theory based surfaces, as calculated with various functionals. The overall flatness of the potential energy surface over a wide range of values of the lattice parameter c is analogous for both treatments, however only within the method of increments do we quantitatively describe the cohesion. The overall behaviour of the method of increments for cadmium is consistent with previous results for zinc, emphasising the dominant role of electronic correlation in achieving a sufficiently accurate description of bonding properties for the two elements; however, a detailed analysis shows differences. We discuss this in detail in terms of the correlation contributions of the s- and d-electrons.

Chem Asian J ; 3(11): 1983-90, 2008 Nov 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18756558


The new barium nitridoosmate oxide (Ba(6)O)(OsN(3))(2) was prepared by reacting elemental barium and osmium (3:1) in nitrogen at 815-830 degrees C. The crystal structure of (Ba(6)O)(OsN(3))(2) as determined by laboratory powder X-ray diffraction (R3, No 148: a = b = 8.112(1) A, c = 17.390(1) A, V = 991.0(1) A(3), Z = 3), consists of sheets of trigonal OsN(3) units and trigonal-antiprismatic Ba(6)O groups, and is structurally related to the "313 nitrides" AE(3)MN(3) (AE = Ca, Sr, Ba, M = V-Co, Ga). Density functional calculations, using a hybrid functional, likewise indicate the existence of oxygen in the Ba(6) polyhedra. The oxidation state 4+ of osmium is confirmed, both by the calculations and by XPS measurements. The bonding properties of the OsN(3)(5-) units are analyzed and compared to the Raman spectrum. The compound is paramagnetic from room temperature down to T = 10 K. Between room temperature and 100 K it obeys the Curie-Weiss law (mu = 1.68 mu(B)). (Ba(6)O)(OsN(3))(2) is semiconducting with a good electronic conductivity at room temperature (8.74x10(-2) ohms(-1) cm(-1)). Below 142 K the temperature dependence of the conductivity resembles that of a variable-range hopping mechanism.

Phys Rev Lett ; 100(22): 226404, 2008 Jun 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18643436


Zinc crystallizes in the hcp structure, but with an anomalously large c/a ratio, indicating a strong distortion away from ideal packing. Coupled cluster calculations within the framework of the method of increments, improved by an embedding scheme for metals, were performed to explore the potential energy surface of zinc with respect to the hexagonal lattice parameters. The inclusion of the filled d shell in the correlation treatment proved to be essential. From the exceptional shape of the potential energy surface the existence of a zinc modification with a nearly ideal c/a ratio can be deduced.

Inorg Chem ; 46(3): 907-16, 2007 Feb 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17257034


The crystal structure of silver azide (AgN3) in its high-temperature (HT) modification was determined from X-ray powder diffraction data, recorded at T = 170 degrees C and was further refined by the Rietveld method. The structure is monoclinic (P21/c (No. 14), a = 6.0756(2) A, b = 6.1663(2) A, c = 6.5729(2) A, beta = 114.19(0) degrees, V = 224.62(14) A3, Z = 4) and consists of two-dimensional Ag and N containing layers in which the silver atoms are coordinated by four nitrogen atoms exhibiting a distorted square coordination environment. These sheets are linked together by weaker perpendicular Ag-N contacts, thus forming a 4 + 2 coordination geometry around the silver atoms. The phase transition has been characterized by DTA, DSC, and measurement of the density, as well as of the ionic conductivity. Both, the room-temperature and the HT phase are electrically insulating. This fact is getting support by DFT band structure calculations within the generalized gradient approximation, using the PBE functional. On the basis of the DFT band structure, the bonding characteristics of both phases are essentially the same. Finally, the implication of the existence of a low-symmetry HT-phase in a crystalline explosive concerning decomposition mechanisms is discussed.

J Am Chem Soc ; 126(44): 14428-34, 2004 Nov 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15521762


The title compound has been produced by using the radio frequency (RF) method. Barium and carbon were evaporated simultaneously under dynamic flow of helium at different temperatures. About 0.5 mg of pure Ba@C(74) was isolated via a three-step high-pressure liquid chromatography separation. For the first time, the structure of a monometallofullerene has been analyzed by means of single-crystal synchrotron diffraction on microcrystals of Ba@C(74).Co(OEP).2C(6)H(6) (Co(II)(OEP): cobalt(II) octaethylporphyrin) at 100 K. The monometallofullerene exhibits a high degree of localization of the endohedral metal ion, with just two split positions for Ba and two orientations of the C(74)-cage. The barium atom is localized inside the C(74)-cage and displaced off-center, toward the Co(OEP) molecule (d approximately 127 pm). The shortest Ba-C distance is 265 pm. The Co(OEP) molecules form dimers in which the coordination of the cobalt is (4 + 1). Due to the all-syn conformation of the ethyl groups, each Co(OEP) molecule of the dimer coordinates one C(74)-fullerene. The units (Ba@C(74))[Co(OEP)](2)(Ba@C(74)) are arranged in a distorted primitive hexagonal packing. The free space between these complex units is filled by benzene molecules of crystallization. The Ba L(III) XANES spectrum of a thin film sample of Ba@C(74) exhibits a pronounced double maximum structure at about E = 5275 eV. The comparison of the shape resonances of the experimental data with simulated XANES spectra, based on different exo- and endohedral structure models, confirm that the Ba atom is located inside the C(74)-cage (D(3)(h)()) in an off-center position. The Ba atom is shifted by about 130-150 pm from the geometric center of the C(74)-cage. This is in good agreement with quantum chemical results. Thus, despite the disorder still present, a consistent and conclusive structure model for the title compound has been derived by employing a combination of X-ray diffraction, XANES spectroscopy, and quantum chemical calculations.

J Am Chem Soc ; 126(43): 14123-8, 2004 Nov 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15506777


BaPt has been synthesized by reaction of a 1:1 mixture of Ba and Pt at 1223 K in argon and characterized by single-crystal X-ray structure determination and electrical resistivity and magnetic susceptibility measurements. The compound crystallizes in the NiAs structure type with an extremely low value for the c/a ratio (hexagonal space group P6(3)/mmc with a = 5.057(2) A, c = 5.420(3) A, c/a = 1.072, R1 = 0.0297, N(hkl)() = 93). This c/a ratio reflects structural features that are unusual for the NiAs type: Pt is coordinated linearly by two other Pt atoms at a distance as short as 2.71 A, thus forming a chain along [001] of homonuclearly bonded platinum. Band structure calculations and electron localization function analyses reveal a covalent character of Pt-Pt interactions along the c axis and two-dimensional metallic conductivity parallel to the ab plane. In terms of the Zintl-Klemm concept, in its most general sense, BaPt can be formulated as (Ba(2+)(1(infinity)[Pt]-) x e-), and it can be considered a new example of platinide anions in the solid state.

Chemistry ; 8(12): 2769-74, 2002 Jun 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12391656


Reduction of C70 with alkaline earth and rare earth metals dissolved in liquid ammonia results in metal fulleride solvates AC70.nNH3 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba, Eu, Yb) containing linear polymeric, anionic chains infinity 1 [C70(2-)]. The compounds were characterised by means of Raman spectroscopy and single-crystal structure determination. The accurate crystal structure of [Sr(NH3)8]C70.3NH3, determined with atomic resolution, allowed for a comparison with results of quantum chemical calculations. The nature of the C-C bonds in the fulleride is analysed in detail leading to a model explaining the unexpected polymerisation of C70(2-).