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J Chem Phys ; 161(7)2024 Aug 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39145566


Gas-phase molecules are a promising platform to elucidate the mechanisms of action and scope of polaritons for optical control of chemistry. Polaritons arise from the strong coupling of a dipole-allowed molecular transition with the photonic mode of an optical cavity. There is mounting evidence of modified reactivity under polaritonic conditions; however, the complex condensed-phase environment of most experimental demonstrations impedes mechanistic understanding of this phenomenon. While the gas phase was the playground of early efforts in atomic cavity quantum electrodynamics, we have only recently demonstrated the formation of molecular polaritons under these conditions. Studying the reactivity of isolated gas-phase molecules under strong coupling would eliminate solvent interactions and enable quantum state resolution of reaction progress. In this Perspective, we contextualize recent gas-phase efforts in the field of polariton chemistry and offer a practical guide for experimental design moving forward.

J Chem Phys ; 159(16)2023 Oct 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37870135


Polariton chemistry may provide a new means to control molecular reactivity, permitting remote, reversible modification of reaction energetics, kinetics, and product yields. A considerable body of experimental and theoretical work has already demonstrated that strong coupling between a molecular vibrational mode and the confined electromagnetic field of an optical cavity can alter chemical reactivity without external illumination. However, the mechanisms underlying cavity-altered chemistry remain unclear in large part because the experimental systems examined previously are too complex for detailed analysis of their reaction dynamics. Here, we experimentally investigate photolysis-induced reactions of cyanide radicals with strongly-coupled chloroform (CHCl3) solvent molecules and examine the intracavity rates of photofragment recombination, solvent complexation, and hydrogen abstraction. We use a microfluidic optical cavity fitted with dichroic mirrors to facilitate vibrational strong coupling (VSC) of the C-H stretching mode of CHCl3 while simultaneously permitting optical access at visible wavelengths. Ultrafast transient absorption experiments performed with cavities tuned on- and off-resonance reveal that VSC of the CHCl3 C-H stretching transition does not significantly modify any measured rate constants, including those associated with the hydrogen abstraction reaction. This work represents, to the best of our knowledge, the first experimental study of an elementary bimolecular reaction under VSC. We discuss how the conspicuous absence of cavity-altered effects in this system may provide insights into the mechanisms of modified ground state reactivity under VSC and help bridge the divide between experimental results and theoretical predictions in vibrational polariton chemistry.

J Chem Phys ; 159(16)2023 Oct 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37877486


Cavity coupling of gas-phase molecules will enable studies of benchmark chemical processes under strong light-matter interactions with a high level of experimental control and no solvent effects. We recently demonstrated the formation of gas-phase molecular polaritons by strongly coupling bright ν3, J = 3 → 4 rovibrational transitions of methane (CH4) to a Fabry-Pérot optical cavity mode inside a cryogenic buffer gas cell. Here, we further explore the flexible capabilities of this infrastructure. We show that we can greatly increase the collective coupling strength of the molecular ensemble to the cavity by increasing the intracavity CH4 number density. In doing so, we can tune from the single-mode coupling regime to a multimode coupling regime in which many nested polaritonic states arise as the Rabi splitting approaches the cavity mode spacing. We explore polariton formation for cavity geometries of varying length, finesse, and mirror radius of curvature. We also report a proof-of-principle demonstration of rovibrational gas-phase polariton formation at room temperature. This experimental flexibility affords a great degree of control over the properties of molecular polaritons and opens up a wider range of simple molecular processes to future interrogation under strong cavity-coupling. We anticipate that ongoing work in gas-phase polaritonics will facilitate convergence between experimental results and theoretical models of cavity-altered chemistry and physics.

J Am Chem Soc ; 145(10): 5982-5987, 2023 Mar 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36867733


Polaritonic states arise when a bright optical transition of a molecular ensemble is resonantly matched to an optical cavity mode frequency. Here, we lay the groundwork to study the behavior of polaritons in clean, isolated systems by establishing a new platform for vibrational strong coupling in gas-phase molecules. We access the strong coupling regime in an intracavity cryogenic buffer gas cell optimized for the preparation of simultaneously cold and dense ensembles and report a proof-of-principle demonstration in gas-phase methane. We strongly cavity-couple individual rovibrational transitions and probe a range of coupling strengths and detunings. We reproduce our findings with classical cavity transmission simulations in the presence of strong intracavity absorbers. This infrastructure will provide a new testbed for benchmark studies of cavity-altered chemistry.

Nat Chem ; 15(2): 194-199, 2023 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36509851


The transition state of a chemical reaction is a dividing surface on the reaction potential energy surface (PES) between reactants and products and is thus of fundamental interest in understanding chemical reactivity. The transient nature of the transition state presents challenges to its experimental characterization. Transition-state spectroscopy experiments based on negative-ion photodetachment can provide a direct probe of this region of the PES, revealing the detailed vibrational structure associated with the transition state. Here we study the F + NH3 → HF + NH2 reaction using slow photoelectron velocity-map imaging spectroscopy of cryogenically cooled FNH3- anions. Reduced-dimensionality quantum dynamical simulations performed on a global PES show excellent agreement with the experimental results, enabling the assignment of spectral structure. Our combined experimental-theoretical study reveals a manifold of vibrational Feshbach resonances in the product well of the F + NH3 PES. At higher energies, the spectra identify features attributed to resonances localized across the transition state and into the reactant complex that may impact the bimolecular reaction dynamics.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 24(29): 17496-17503, 2022 Jul 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35822608


High-resolution anion photoelectron spectra of cryogenically cooled NiO2- anions, obtained using slow photoelectron velocity-map imaging (cryo-SEVI), are presented in tandem with coupled cluster electronic structure calculations including relativistic effects. The experimental spectra encompass the X̃1Σg+ ← X̃2Πg, ã3Πg ← X̃2Πg, and Ã1Πg ← X̃2Πg photodetachment transitions of linear ONiO0/-, revealing previously unobserved vibrational structure in all three electronic bands. The high-resolution afforded by cryo-SEVI allows for the extraction of vibrational frequencies for each state, consistent with those previously measured in the ground state and in good agreement with scalar-relativistic coupled-cluster calculations. Previously unobserved vibrational structure is observed in the ã3Πg and Ã1Πg states and is tentatively assigned. Further, a refined electron affinity of 3.0464(7) eV for NiO2 is obtained as well as precise term energies for the ã and à states of NiO2 of 0.3982(7) and 0.7422(10) eV, respectively. Numerous Franck-Condon forbidden transitions involving the doubly degenerate ν2 bending mode are observed and ascribed to Herzberg-Teller coupling to an excited electronic state.

Science ; 363(6422): 49-54, 2019 Jan 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30606838


The unique physical properties of buckminsterfullerene, C60, have attracted intense research activity since its original discovery. Total quantum state-resolved spectroscopy of isolated C60 molecules has been of particularly long-standing interest. Such observations have, to date, been unsuccessful owing to the difficulty in preparing cold, gas-phase C60 in sufficiently high densities. Here we report high-resolution infrared absorption spectroscopy of C60 in the 8.5-micron spectral region (1180 to 1190 wave number). A combination of cryogenic buffer-gas cooling and cavity-enhanced direct frequency comb spectroscopy has enabled the observation of quantum state-resolved rovibrational transitions. Characteristic nuclear spin statistical intensity patterns confirm the indistinguishability of the 60 carbon-12 atoms, while rovibrational fine structure encodes further details of the molecule's rare icosahedral symmetry.

J Chem Phys ; 149(17): 174306, 2018 Nov 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30409019


High-resolution anion photoelectron spectra of cryogenically cooled C7 - and C9 - clusters obtained using slow photoelectron velocity-map imaging are presented, providing insight into the vibronic structure of neutral C7 and C9. These spectra yield accurate measurements of vibrational frequencies for the neutral clusters as well as electron affinities of 3.3517(4) and 3.6766(14) eV for C7 and C9, respectively. In the C7 - spectrum, transitions involving the previously unreported v 1 and v 2 symmetric stretching modes, as well as the v 9, v 10, and v 11 asymmetric bending modes, are assigned. Spin-orbit splitting is observed for several transitions in this spectrum, giving an energy difference of 28(6) cm-1 between the Π 1 / 2 g 2 and Π 3 / 2 g 2 spin-orbit levels of the C7 - anion. In the spectrum of C9 -, transitions involving the previously unreported symmetric stretch v 1 and the asymmetric bend v 11 are observed. In both spectra, several features are assigned to Franck-Condon forbidden transitions involving the doubly degenerate v 10 and v 11 modes of C7 and the v 13 and v 14 modes of C9. The appearance of these transitions is attributed to Herzberg-Teller coupling between the electronic states of the neutral clusters. Additional FC-forbidden transitions to states previously observed in gas-phase infrared experiments are observed and attributed to vibronic coupling between the electronic states of the anion, resulting in non-totally symmetric character in the anion's full vibrational ground state. Finally, consideration of the energy dependence of detachment cross sections and Dyson orbital analyses reveal that addition of more carbon atoms to the linear chain results in photodetachment from delocalized molecular orbitals with increasing nodal structure, leading to threshold photodetachment cross sections that differ considerably from simple symmetry considerations.

Chem Soc Rev ; 47(17): 6744-6763, 2018 Aug 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29955737


The transition state is a key concept in the field of chemistry and is important in the study of chemical kinetics and reaction dynamics. Chemical reactions in the gas phase are essentially molecular scattering processes, which are quantum mechanical in nature. Thus probing and understanding detailed quantum structure in the transition state region of chemical reactions, such as reactive resonances, is a central topic in this field. In this article, we focus on recent progress in the study of resonances in elementary bimolecular reactions using state-of-the-art transition state spectroscopy methods: high-resolution photoelectron spectroscopy and quantum state specific backward scattering spectroscopy. The experimental results are compared with high-level quantum dynamics calculations based on highly accurate potential energy surfaces. The dynamics of reactive resonances are also interpreted based on scattering wavefunctions obtained by time-dependent wavepacket calculations. Here, we review many systems that illustrate how reactive resonances can strongly influence the dynamics of elementary chemical reactions.

J Chem Phys ; 148(22): 222810, 2018 Jun 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29907033


Slow electron velocity-map imaging spectroscopy of cryogenically cooled TiO3H2- anions is used to probe the simplest titania/water reaction, TiO20/- + H2O. The resultant spectra show vibrationally resolved structure assigned to detachment from the cis-dihydroxide TiO(OH)2- geometry based on density functional theory calculations, demonstrating that for the reaction of the anionic TiO2- monomer with a single water molecule, the dissociative adduct (where the water is split) is energetically preferred over a molecularly adsorbed geometry. This work represents a significant improvement in resolution over previous measurements, yielding an electron affinity of 1.2529(4) eV as well as several vibrational frequencies for neutral TiO(OH)2. The energy resolution of the current results combined with photoelectron angular distributions reveals Herzberg-Teller coupling-induced transitions to Franck-Condon forbidden vibrational levels of the neutral ground state. A comparison to the previously measured spectrum of bare TiO2- indicates that reaction with water stabilizes neutral TiO2 more than the anion, providing insight into the fundamental chemical interactions between titania and water.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 9(5): 1058-1063, 2018 Mar 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29438618


Slow electron velocity-map imaging of the cryogenically cooled H2CC¯ anion reveals a strong dependence of its high-resolution photoelectron spectrum on detachment photon energy in two specific ranges, from 4000 to 4125 cm-1 and near 5020 cm-1. This effect is attributed to vibrational excitation of the anion followed by autodetachment to H2CC + e¯. In the lower energy range, the electron kinetic energy (eKE) distributions are dominated by two features that occur at constant eKEs of 114(3) and 151.9(14) cm-1 rather than constant electron binding energies, as is typically seen for direct photodetachment. These features are attributed to ΔJ = ΔK = 0 autodetachment transitions from two vibrationally excited anion states. The higher energy resonance autodetaches to neutral eigenstates with amplitude in the theoretically predicted shallow well lying along the vinylidene-acetylene isomerization coordinate. Calculations provide assignments of all autodetaching anion states and show that the observed autodetachment is facilitated by an intersection of the anion and neutral surfaces.

Annu Rev Phys Chem ; 69: 101-124, 2018 04 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29401036


Slow photoelectron velocity-map imaging spectroscopy of cryogenically cooled anions (cryo-SEVI) is a powerful technique for elucidating the vibrational and electronic structure of neutral radicals, clusters, and reaction transition states. SEVI is a high-resolution variant of anion photoelectron spectroscopy based on photoelectron imaging that yields spectra with energy resolution as high as 1-2 cm-1. The preparation of cryogenically cold anions largely eliminates hot bands and dramatically narrows the rotational envelopes of spectral features, enabling the acquisition of well-resolved photoelectron spectra for complex and spectroscopically challenging species. We review the basis and history of the SEVI method, including recent experimental developments that have improved its resolution and versatility. We then survey recent SEVI studies to demonstrate the utility of this technique in the spectroscopy of aromatic radicals, metal and metal oxide clusters, nonadiabatic interactions between excited states of small molecules, and transition states of benchmark bimolecular reactions.

J Chem Phys ; 147(23): 234311, 2017 Dec 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29272943


The chemi-ionization reaction of atomic samarium, Sm + O → SmO+ + e-, has been investigated by the Air Force Research Laboratory as a means to modify local electron density in the ionosphere for reduction of scintillation of high-frequency radio waves. Neutral SmO is a likely unwanted byproduct. The spectroscopy of SmO is of great interest to aid in interpretation of optical emission spectra recorded following atmospheric releases of Sm as part of the Metal Oxide Space Cloud (MOSC) observations. Here, we report a joint experimental and theoretical study of SmO using slow photoelectron velocity-map imaging spectroscopy of cryogenically cooled SmO- anions (cryo-SEVI) and high-level spin-orbit complete active space calculations with corrections from second order perturbation theory (CASPT2). With cryo-SEVI, we measure the electron affinity of SmO to be 1.0581(11) eV and report electronic and vibrational structure of low-lying electronic states of SmO in good agreement with theory and prior experimental work. We also obtain spectra of higher-lying excited states of SmO for direct comparison to the MOSC results.

J Chem Phys ; 146(22): 224309, 2017 Jun 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29166074


A joint experimental and theoretical study is reported on the low-lying vibronic level structure of the ground state of the methoxy radical using slow photoelectron velocity-map imaging spectroscopy of cryogenically cooled, mass-selected anions (cryo-SEVI) and Köppel-Domcke-Cederbaum (KDC) vibronic Hamiltonian calculations. The KDC vibronic model Hamiltonian in the present study was parametrized using high-level quantum chemistry, allowing the assignment of the cryo-SEVI spectra for vibronic levels of CH3O up to 2000 cm-1 and of CD3O up to 1500 cm-1 above the vibrational origin, using calculated vibronic wave functions. The adiabatic electron affinities of CH3O and CD3O are determined from the cryo-SEVI spectra to be 1.5689 ± 0.0007 eV and 1.5548 ± 0.0007 eV, respectively, demonstrating improved precision compared to previous work. Experimental peak splittings of <10 cm-1 are resolved between the e1/2 and e3/2 components of the 61 and 51 vibronic levels. A pair of spin-vibronic levels at 1638 and 1677 cm-1 were predicted in the calculation as the e1/2 and e3/2 components of 62 levels and experimentally resolved for the first time. The strong variation of the spin-orbit splittings with a vibrational quantum number is in excellent agreement between theory and experiment. The observation of signals from nominally forbidden a1 vibronic levels in the cryo-SEVI spectra also provides direct evidence of vibronic coupling between ground and electronically excited states of methoxy.

Science ; 358(6361): 336-339, 2017 10 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29051373


Vinylidene-acetylene isomerization is the prototypical example of a 1,2-hydrogen shift, one of the most important classes of isomerization reactions in organic chemistry. This reaction was investigated with quantum state specificity by high-resolution photoelectron spectroscopy of the vinylidene anions H2CC- and D2CC- and quantum dynamics calculations. Peaks in the photoelectron spectra are considerably narrower than in previous work and reveal subtleties in the isomerization dynamics of neutral vinylidene, as well as vibronic coupling with an excited state of vinylidene. Comparison with theory permits assignment of most spectral features to eigenstates dominated by vinylidene character. However, excitation of the ν6 in-plane rocking mode in H2CC results in appreciable tunneling-facilitated mixing with highly vibrationally excited states of acetylene, leading to broadening and/or spectral fine structure that is largely suppressed for analogous vibrational levels of D2CC.

Nat Chem ; 9(10): 950-955, 2017 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28937670


The transition state governs how chemical bonds form and cleave during a chemical reaction and its direct characterization is a long-standing challenge in physical chemistry. Transition state spectroscopy experiments based on negative-ion photodetachment provide a direct probe of the vibrational structure and metastable resonances that are characteristic of the reactive surface. Dynamical resonances are extremely sensitive to the topography of the reactive surface and provide an exceptional point of comparison with theory. Here we study the seven-atom F + CH3OH → HF + CH3O reaction using slow photoelectron velocity-map imaging spectroscopy of cryocooled CH3OHF- anions. These measurements reveal spectral features associated with a manifold of vibrational Feshbach resonances and bound states supported by the post-transition state potential well. Quantum dynamical calculations yield excellent agreement with the experimental results, allow the assignment of spectral structure and demonstrate that the key dynamics of complex bimolecular reactions can be captured with a relatively simple theoretical framework.

J Chem Phys ; 147(1): 013915, 2017 Jul 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28688446


Photoelectron spectra of cryogenically cooled X∼1A' tert-butyl peroxide anions are obtained using slow electron velocity-map imaging. The spectra show highly structured bands corresponding to detachment to the X∼2A″ and A∼2A' electronic states of the neutral radical and represent a notable improvement in resolution over previous photoelectron spectra. We report an electron affinity of 1.1962(20) eV and a term energy T0(A∼2A') of 0.9602(24) eV for the tert-butyl peroxy radical. New vibrational structure is resolved, providing several frequencies for both neutral states. Additionally, the threshold behavior of the photodetachment cross section is investigated within the context of Dyson orbital calculations.

J Phys Chem A ; 121(15): 2863-2867, 2017 Apr 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28423899
J Am Chem Soc ; 138(50): 16417-16425, 2016 12 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27936652


High-resolution slow photoelectron velocity-map imaging spectra of cryogenically cooled X̃2B2 H2CC- and D2CC- in the region of the vinylidene triplet excited states are reported. Three electronic bands are observed and, with the assistance of electronic structure calculations and quantum dynamics on ab initio-based near-equilibrium potential energy surfaces, are assigned as detachment to the [Formula: see text] 3B2 (T1), b̃ 3A2 (T2), and à 1A2 (S1) excited states of neutral vinylidene. This work provides the first experimental observation of the à singlet excited state of H2CC. While regular vibrational structure is observed for the ã and à electronic bands, a number of irregular features are resolved in the vicinity of the b̃ band vibrational origin. High-level ab initio calculations suggest that this anomalous structure arises from a conical intersection between the ã and b̃ triplet states near the b̃ state minimum, which strongly perturbs the vibrational levels in the two electronic states through nonadiabatic coupling. Using the adiabatic electron affinity of H2CC previously measured to be 0.490(6) eV by Ervin and co-workers [J. Chem. Phys. 1989, 91, 5974], term energies for the excited neutral states of H2CC are found to be T0(ã 3B2) = 2.064(6), T0(b̃ 3A2) = 2.738(6), and T0(à 1A2) = 2.991(6) eV.

J Chem Phys ; 145(5): 054302, 2016 Aug 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27497556


We report high-resolution photodetachment spectra of the cryogenically cooled iron monoxide clusters Fe4O(-) and Fe5O(-) obtained with slow photoelectron velocity-map imaging (cryo-SEVI). Well-resolved vibrational progressions are observed in both sets of spectra, and transitions to low-lying excited states of both species are seen. In order to identify the structural isomers, electronic states, and vibrational modes that contribute to the cryo-SEVI spectra of these clusters, experimental results are compared with density functional theory calculations and Franck-Condon simulations. The main bands observed in the SEVI spectra are assigned to the (15)A2←(16)B2 photodetachment transition of Fe4O(-) and the (17)A'←(18)A″ photodetachment transition of Fe5O(-). We report electron affinities of 1.6980(3) eV for Fe4O and 1.8616(3) eV for Fe5O, although there is some uncertainty as to whether the (15)A2 state is the true ground state of Fe4O. The iron atoms have a distorted tetrahedral geometry in Fe4O(0/-) and a distorted trigonal-bipyramidal arrangement in Fe5O(0/-). For both neutral and anionic species, the oxygen atom preferably binds in a µ2-oxo configuration along the cluster edge. This finding is in contrast to prior predictions that Fe5O(0/-) exhibits a µ3 face-bound structure.