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Phys Rev Lett ; 125(22): 227205, 2020 Nov 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33315450


Using spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy and density functional theory, we have studied the magnetic properties of Pd/Fe atomic bilayers on Re(0001). Two kinds of magnetic ground states are discovered due to different types of stacking of the Pd adlayer on Fe/Re(0001). For fcc stacking of Pd on Fe/Re(0001), it is a spin spiral propagating along the close-packed (ΓK[over ¯]) direction with a period of about 0.9 nm, driven by frustrated exchange and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions. For the hcp stacking, the four-site four-spin interaction stabilizes an up-up-down-down state propagating perpendicular to the close-packed direction (along ΓM[over ¯]) with a period of about 1.0 nm. Our work shows how higher-order exchange interactions can be tuned at interfaces.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 91(10): 103102, 2020 Oct 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33138582


We present a novel locking scheme for active length-stabilization and frequency detuning of a cavity optomechanical device based on the optical spring effect. The error signal is generated by utilizing the position measurement of a thermally driven intra-cavity nanomechanical device and employing its detuning-dependent frequency shift caused by the dispersive coupling to the cavity field. The scheme neither requires external modulation of the laser or the cavity nor does it demand for additional error signal readout, rendering its technical implementation rather simple for a large variety of existing optomechanical devices. Specifically, for large-linewidth microcavities or in situations where other locking schemes appear unfavorable conceptually or are hard to realize technically, the optical spring lock represents a potential alternative for stabilizing the cavity length. We explain the functional principle of the lock and characterize its performance in terms of bandwidth and gain profile.

Anal Chem ; 92(1): 1355-1362, 2020 01 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31859483


The application of a novel UV fs Laser Ablation Ionization Mass Spectrometry approach for chemical depth profiling of low-melting point, high surface roughness SnAg solder bump features is presented. The obtained submicrometer resolved three-dimensional compositional data reveal unprecedented information on the distribution of individual elements inside the solder bump matrix. Moreover, the determination of matrix-matched relative sensitivity coefficients allows the first report on quantitative assessment of the SnAg alloy composition. These results significantly contribute to an in-depth understanding of the SnAg plating process. This experimental procedure may find application in future additive performance screening.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(3): 037201, 2019 Jul 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31386468


Step edges represent a local break of lateral symmetry in ultrathin magnetic films. In our experiments, we investigate the spin coupling across atomic step edges on Fe/W(110) by means of spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy. Local modifications of the spin texture toward step edges separating double from single layer areas are observed, and selection rules indicate a chiral spin coupling that significantly changes with the propagation along the [11[over ¯]0] or the [001] crystallographic direction. The findings are explained via anisotropic Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions arising from the broken lateral symmetry at atomic step edges.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 90(12): 123705, 2019 Dec 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31893779


A scanning tunneling microscope for spin-resolved studies of dynamic systems is presented. The cryogenic setup allows the scanning tunneling microscope to achieve a cutoff frequency beyond 26 GHz at the tunnel junction and to be operable at temperatures of 1.1 K-100 K in a magnetic field of up to 3 T. For this purpose, the microscope and its wiring as well as the associated cryostat system were specially designed and manufactured. For sample preparation, an ultrahigh vacuum system was developed, which is equipped with modular preparation platforms. Measurements showing the characteristics of the scanning tunneling microscope in the time and frequency domain are presented. As a proof of concept, experimental data of the Pd/Fe/Ir(111) sample system at 95 K in a magnetic field of 3 T are presented.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 3253, 2018 08 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30108221


Magnetic atoms on a superconductor give rise to Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) states within the superconducting energy gap. A spin chain of magnetic adatoms on an s-wave superconductor may lead to topological superconductivity accompanied by the emergence of Majorana modes at the chain ends. For their usage in quantum computation, it is a prerequisite to artificially assemble the chains and control the exchange couplings between the spins in the chain and in the substrate. Here, using a scanning tunneling microscope tip, we demonstrate engineering of the energy levels of the YSR states by placing interstitial Fe atoms in close proximity to adsorbed Fe atoms on an oxidized Ta surface. Based on this prototype platform, we show that the interaction within a long chain can be strengthened by linking the adsorbed Fe atoms with the interstitial ones. Our work adds an important step towards the controlled design and manipulation of Majorana end states.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(19): 197002, 2017 Nov 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29219531


A magnetic atom in a superconducting host induces so-called Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) bound states inside the superconducting energy gap. By combining spin-resolved scanning tunneling spectroscopy with simulations we demonstrate that the pair of peaks associated with the YSR states of an individual Fe atom coupled to an oxygen-reconstructed Ta surface gets spin polarized in an external magnetic field. As theoretically predicted, the electron and hole parts of the YSR states have opposite signs of spin polarizations which keep their spin character when crossing the Fermi level through the quantum phase transition. The simulation of a YSR state right at the Fermi level reveals zero spin polarization which can be used to distinguish such states from Majorana zero modes in chains of YSR atoms.

Nat Commun ; 8(1): 642, 2017 09 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28935897


A cluster of a few magnetic atoms on the surface of a nonmagnetic substrate is one suitable realization of a bit for spin-based information technology. The prevalent approach to achieve magnetic stability is decoupling the cluster spin from substrate conduction electrons in order to suppress destabilizing spin-flips. However, this route entails less flexibility in tailoring the coupling between the bits needed for spin-processing. Here, we use a spin-resolved scanning tunneling microscope to write, read, and store spin information for hours in clusters of three atoms strongly coupled to a substrate featuring a cloud of non-collinearly polarized host atoms, a so-called non-collinear giant moment cluster. The giant moment cluster can be driven into a Kondo screened state by simply moving one of its atoms to a different site. Using the exceptional atomic tunability of the non-collinear substrate mediated Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, we propose a logical scheme for a four-state memory.Information technology based on few atom magnets requires both long spin-energy relaxation times and flexible inter-bit coupling. Here, the authors show routes to manipulate information in three-atom clusters strongly coupled to substrate electrons by exploiting Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 88(2): 023115, 2017 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28249514


We describe the construction of an apparatus designed to realize a hybrid quantum system comprised of a cryogenically cooled mechanical oscillator and ultra-cold 87Rb atoms coupled via light. The outstanding feature of our instrument is an in situ adjustable asymmetric all-fiber membrane-in-the-middle cavity located inside an ultra-high vacuum dilution refrigerator based cryostat. We show that Bose-Einstein condensates of N=2×106 atoms can be produced in less than 20 s and demonstrate a single photon optomechanical coupling strength of g0=2π×9 kHz employing a high-stress Si3N4 membrane with a mechanical quality factor Qm>107 at a cavity setup temperature of TMiM = 480 mK.

Nat Commun ; 8: 14074, 2017 01 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28094258


The discovery of high-temperature superconductivity in Fe-based compounds triggered numerous investigations on the interplay between superconductivity and magnetism, and on the enhancement of transition temperatures through interface effects. It is widely believed that the emergence of optimal superconductivity is intimately linked to the suppression of long-range antiferromagnetic (AFM) order, although the exact microscopic picture remains elusive because of the lack of atomically resolved data. Here we present spin-polarized scanning tunnelling spectroscopy of ultrathin FeTe1-xSex (x=0, 0.5) films on bulk topological insulators. Surprisingly, we find an energy gap at the Fermi level, indicating superconducting correlations up to Tc∼6 K for one unit cell FeTe grown on Bi2Te3, in contrast to the non-superconducting bulk FeTe. The gap spatially coexists with bi-collinear AFM order. This finding opens perspectives for theoretical studies of competing orders in Fe-based superconductors and for experimental investigations of exotic phases in superconducting layers on topological insulators.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 87(7): 073702, 2016 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27475560


The design of an atomic force microscope with an all-fiber interferometric detection scheme capable of atomic resolution at about 500 mK is presented. The microscope body is connected to a small pumped (3)He reservoir with a base temperature of about 300 mK. The bakeable insert with the cooling stage can be moved from its measurement position inside the bore of a superconducting 10 T magnet into an ultra-high vacuum chamber, where the tip and sample can be exchanged in situ. Moreover, single atoms or molecules can be evaporated onto a cold substrate located inside the microscope. Two side chambers are equipped with standard surface preparation and surface analysis tools. The performance of the microscope at low temperatures is demonstrated by resolving single Co atoms on Mn/W(110) and by showing atomic resolution on NaCl(001).

Nat Commun ; 7: 10454, 2016 Feb 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26838811


Whether rare-earth materials can be used as single-atom magnetic memory is an ongoing debate in recent literature. Here we show, by inelastic and spin-resolved scanning tunnelling-based methods, that we observe a strong magnetic signal and excitation from Fe atoms adsorbed on Pt(111), but see no signatures of magnetic excitation or spin-based telegraph noise for Ho atoms. Moreover, we observe that the indirect exchange field produced by a single Ho atom is negligible, as sensed by nearby Fe atoms. We demonstrate, using ab initio methods, that this stems from a comparatively weak coupling of the Ho 4f electrons with both tunnelling electrons and substrate-derived itinerant electrons, making both magnetic coupling and detection very difficult when compared to 3d elements. We discuss these results in the context of ongoing disputes and clarify important controversies.

Nat Commun ; 7: 10620, 2016 Feb 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26902332


Chiral magnets are a promising route towards dense magnetic storage technology due to their inherent nano-scale dimensions and energy efficient properties. Engineering chiral magnets requires atomic-level control of the magnetic exchange interactions, including the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, which defines a rotational sense for the magnetization of two coupled magnetic moments. Here we show that the indirect conduction electron-mediated Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction between two individual magnetic atoms on a metallic surface can be manipulated by changing the interatomic distance with the tip of a scanning tunnelling microscope. We quantify this interaction by comparing our measurements to a quantum magnetic model and ab-initio calculations yielding a map of the chiral ground states of pairs of atoms depending on the interatomic separation. The map enables tailoring the chirality of the magnetization in dilute atomic-scale magnets.

Nat Commun ; 6: 8455, 2015 Oct 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26465211


The switching between topologically distinct skyrmionic and ferromagnetic states has been proposed as a bit operation for information storage. While long lifetimes of the bits are required for data storage devices, the lifetimes of skyrmions have not been addressed so far. Here we show by means of atomistic Monte Carlo simulations that the field-dependent mean lifetimes of the skyrmionic and ferromagnetic states have a high asymmetry with respect to the critical magnetic field, at which these lifetimes are identical. According to our calculations, the main reason for the enhanced stability of skyrmions is a different field dependence of skyrmionic and ferromagnetic activation energies and a lower attempt frequency of skyrmions rather than the height of energy barriers. We use this knowledge to propose a procedure for the determination of effective material parameters and the quantification of the Monte Carlo timescale from the comparison of theoretical and experimental data.

Nat Nanotechnol ; 10(11): 958-64, 2015 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26344182


The recently proposed concept of a Hund's metal--a metal in which electron correlations are driven by Hund's rule coupling-can be used to explain the exotic magnetic and electronic behaviour of strongly correlated electron systems of multi-orbital metallic materials. Tuning the abundance of parameters that determine these materials is, however, experimentally challenging. Here, we show that the basic constituent of a Hund's metal--a Hund's impurity--can be realized using a single iron atom adsorbed on a platinum surface, a system that comprises a magnetic moment in the presence of strong charge fluctuations. The magnetic properties can be controlled by using the tip of a scanning tunnelling microscope to change the binding site and degree of hydrogenation of the 3d transition-metal atom. We are able to experimentally explore a regime of four almost degenerate energy scales (Zeeman energy, temperature, Kondo temperature and magnetic anisotropy) and probe the magnetic excitations with the microscope tip. The regime of our Hund's impurity can be tuned from an emergent magnetic moment to a multi-orbital Kondo state, and the system could be used to test predictions of advanced many-body theories for non-Fermi liquids in quantum magnets or unconventional superconductors.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 26(42): 425703, 2014 Oct 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25272968


The thickness dependence of the superconducting energy gap ΔLa of double hexagonally close packed (dhcp) lanthanum islands grown on W(110) is studied by scanning tunneling spectroscopy, from the bulk to the thin-film limit. Superconductivity is suppressed by the boundary conditions for the superconducting wavefunction on the surface and W/La interface, leading to a linear decrease of the critical temperature Tc as a function of the inverse film thickness. For the thick, bulk-like films, ΔLa and Tc are 40% larger compared to the literature values of dhcp La as measured by other techniques. This finding is reconciled by examining the effects of surface contamination as probed by modifications of the surface state, suggesting that the large Tc originates in the superior purity of the samples investigated here.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 26(39): 394004, 2014 Oct 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25212093


The lateral variation of the tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) of a graphene-based vertical heterostructure is studied by spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy (SP-STM) using an Fe-coated probe tip. The well-defined heterostructure is obtained by the intercalation of a magnetic Fe monolayer at the graphene/Ir(1 1 1) interface. Its structure is characterized by a moiré pattern with a high corrugation. In contrast to the Fe / Ir(1 1 1) surface, graphene/Fe / Ir(1 1 1) exhibits ferromagnetic order with an out-of-plane easy magnetization axis. At the nanometer scale, our experiments reveal that the moiré pattern induces a lateral variation of the TMR, which reaches 80%. The measured TMR at valleys of the moiré pattern is higher than at hills. We interpret this modulation in terms of a different hybridization between graphene and Fe at valleys and hills due to a different graphene-Fe distance at these sites, which leads to a different transmission of spin-polarized states.

Phys Rev Lett ; 113(7): 077202, 2014 Aug 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25170729


The thermal stability of the magnetic nano-skyrmion lattice in the monolayer Fe/Ir(111) is investigated using temperature dependent spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy. Our experiments show that the skyrmion lattice disappears at a temperature of T_{c}=27.8 K, indicating a loss of long-range magnetic order. At second-layer iron islands the lattice is pinned and local order persists at temperatures above T_{c}. The findings are explained in terms of the complex magnetic interactions involved in the formation of the skyrmion lattice.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 85(4): 045006, 2014 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24784652


A miniaturized inertial stepper goniometer with two orthogonal axes (θ and φ axes) has been realized using four shear piezo based actuators arranged in a tetrahedral configuration tangent with a polished sapphire spherical rotor. The measured sensitivity is about 11.5 microdegree (µ°) per Volt. The smallest angular step size, achieved with a minimal peak-to-peak voltage Upp of 200 V is about 0.6 millidegree (m°). The crosstalk between both axes is below 10%. Our specific design is used to accurately position a glass fiber, but the concept can be utilized for many different applications as well.

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(7): 076102, 2014 Feb 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24579618


Atom manipulation with the magnetic tip of a scanning tunneling microscope is a versatile technique to construct and investigate well-defined atomic spin arrangements. Here we explore the possibility of using a magnetic adatom as a local probe to image surface spin textures. As a model system we choose a Néel state with 120° between neighboring magnetic moments. Close to the threshold of manipulation, the adatom resides in the threefold, magnetically frustrated hollow sites, and consequently no magnetic signal is detected in manipulation images. At smaller tip-adatom distances, however, the adatom is moved towards the magnetically active bridge sites and due to the exchange force of the tip the manipulation process becomes spin dependent. In this way the adatom can be used as an amplifying probe for the surface spin texture.