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Sci Rep ; 14(1): 9360, 2024 Apr 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38653793


In the course of the Horizon 2020 project HighNESS, a second moderator concept has been developed for the European Spallation Source, which complements the currently built moderator and is optimized for high intensity with a large viewable surface area. In this work we introduce conceptual designs for neutron instruments for condensed matter research designed to make optimal use of the capabilities of this moderator. The focus is on two concepts for small-angle neutron scattering and one neutron imaging instrument, which are intended to complement corresponding instruments that are already under construction at the European Spallation Source. One small-angle neutron scattering instrument concept resembles a conventional pinhole collimator geometry and aims to profit from the proposed second moderator by enabling to illuminate larger samples and providing particularly high resolution, drawing on a 30 m collimation and corresponding detector distance. A second small-angle neutron scattering instrument concept adopts nested mirror optics that enable to efficiently exploit the large moderator size and provide high resolution by focusing on the detector. The neutron imaging instrument concept is a typical pinhole instrument that can be found at continuous sources and draws on the corresponding strengths of high flux and large homogeneous fields-of-view, while still providing moderate wavelength resolution for advanced imaging methods.

J Appl Crystallogr ; 56(Pt 3): 673-682, 2023 Jun 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37284268


The use of a phase-retrieval technique for propagation-based phase-contrast neutron imaging with a polychromatic beam is demonstrated. This enables imaging of samples with low absorption contrast and/or improving the signal-to-noise ratio to facilitate e.g. time-resolved measurements. A metal sample, designed to be close to a phase pure object, and a bone sample with canals partially filled with D2O were used for demonstrating the technique. These samples were imaged with a polychromatic neutron beam followed by phase retrieval. For both samples the signal-to-noise ratios were significantly improved and, in the case of the bone sample, the phase retrieval allowed for separation of bone and D2O, which is important for example for in situ flow experiments. The use of deuteration contrast avoids the use of chemical contrast enhancement and makes neutron imaging an interesting complementary method to X-ray imaging of bone.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 9561, 2017 08 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28842660


The physical properties of polycrystalline materials depend on their microstructure, which is the nano- to centimeter scale arrangement of phases and defects in their interior. Such microstructure depends on the shape, crystallographic phase and orientation, and interfacing of the grains constituting the material. This article presents a new non-destructive 3D technique to study centimeter-sized bulk samples with a spatial resolution of hundred micrometers: time-of-flight three-dimensional neutron diffraction (ToF 3DND). Compared to existing analogous X-ray diffraction techniques, ToF 3DND enables studies of samples that can be both larger in size and made of heavier elements. Moreover, ToF 3DND facilitates the use of complicated sample environments. The basic ToF 3DND setup, utilizing an imaging detector with high spatial and temporal resolution, can easily be implemented at a time-of-flight neutron beamline. The technique was developed and tested with data collected at the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility of the Japan Proton Accelerator Complex (J-PARC) for an iron sample. We successfully reconstructed the shape of 108 grains and developed an indexing procedure. The reconstruction algorithms have been validated by reconstructing two stacked Co-Ni-Ga single crystals, and by comparison with a grain map obtained by post-mortem electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD).

Rev Sci Instrum ; 84(5): 055106, 2013 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23742588


We here describe the result of simulations of 15 generic neutron instruments for the long-pulsed European Spallation Source. All instruments have been simulated for 20 different settings of the source time structure, corresponding to pulse lengths between 1 ms and 2 ms; and repetition frequencies between 10 Hz and 25 Hz. The relative change in performance with time structure is given for each instrument, and an unweighted average is calculated. The performance of the instrument suite is proportional to (a) the peak flux and (b) the duty cycle to a power of approximately 0.3. This information is an important input to determining the best accelerator parameters. In addition, we find that in our simple guide systems, most neutrons reaching the sample originate from the central 3-5 cm of the moderator. This result can be used as an input in later optimization of the moderator design. We discuss the relevance and validity of defining a single figure-of-merit for a full facility and compare with evaluations of the individual instrument classes.