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J Phys Chem C Nanomater Interfaces ; 127(42): 20903-20910, 2023 Oct 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37908743


The results of a quantitative experimental structural investigation of the adsorption phases formed by 2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-7,7',8,8'-tetracyanoquinodimethane (F4TCNQ) on Cu(111) are reported. A particular objective was to establish whether Cu adatoms are incorporated into the molecular overlayer. A combination of normal incidence X-ray standing waves, low-energy electron diffraction, scanning tunneling microscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements, complemented by dispersion-inclusive density functional theory calculations, demonstrates that F4TCNQ on Cu(111) does cause Cu adatoms to be incorporated into the overlayer to form a two-dimensional metal-organic framework (2D-MOF). This conclusion is shown to be consistent with the behavior of F4TCNQ adsorption on other coinage metal surfaces, despite an earlier report concluding that the adsorption structure on Cu(111) is consistent with the absence of any substrate reconstruction.

J Phys Chem C Nanomater Interfaces ; 127(5): 2716-2727, 2023 Feb 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36798903


The results are presented of a detailed combined experimental and theoretical investigation of the influence of coadsorbed electron-donating alkali atoms and the prototypical electron acceptor molecule 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) on the Ag(100) surface. Several coadsorption phases were characterized by scanning tunneling microscopy, low-energy electron diffraction, and soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Quantitative structural data were obtained using normal-incidence X-ray standing wave (NIXSW) measurements and compared with the results of density functional theory (DFT) calculations using several different methods of dispersion correction. Generally, good agreement between theory and experiment was achieved for the quantitative structures, albeit with the prediction of the alkali atom heights being challenging for some methods. The adsorption structures depend sensitively on the interplay of molecule-metal charge transfer and long-range dispersion forces, which are controlled by the composition ratio between alkali atoms and TCNQ. The large difference in atomic size between K and Cs has negligible effects on stability, whereas increasing the ratio of K/TCNQ from 1:4 to 1:1 leads to a weakening of molecule-metal interaction strength in favor of stronger ionic bonds within the two-dimensional alkali-organic network. A strong dependence of the work function on the alkali donor-TCNQ acceptor coadsorption ratio is predicted.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 15034, 2021 Jul 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34294856


New angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES) data, recorded at several different photon energies from the Si(111)(7 × 7) surface, show that the well-known S1 and S2 surface states that lie in the bulk band gap are localised at specific (adatom and rest atom) sites on the reconstructed surface. The variations in the photoemission intensity from these states as a function of polar and azimuthal emission angle, and incident photon energy, are not consistent with Fermi surface mapping but are well-described by calculations of the multiple elastic scattering in the final state. This localisation of the most shallowly bound S1 state is consistent with the lack of significant dispersion, with no evidence of Fermi surface crossing, implying that the surface is not, as has been previously proposed, metallic in character. Our findings highlight the importance of final state scattering in interpreting ARPES data, an aspect that is routinely ignored and can lead to misleading conclusions.

Chem Commun (Camb) ; 56(25): 3681-3684, 2020 Mar 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32118210


Utilising normal incidence X-ray standing waves we rigourously scrutinise the "inverted model" as the adsorption structure of free-base tetraphenyl porphyrin on Cu(111). We demonstrate that the iminic N atoms are anchored at near-bridge adsorption sites on the surface displaced laterally by 1.1 ± 0.2 Å in excellent agreement with previously published calculations.

J Phys Chem C Nanomater Interfaces ; 123(13): 8101-8111, 2019 Apr 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30976375


The local structure of the nonplanar phthalocyanine, vanadyl phthalocyanine (VOPc), adsorbed on Cu(111) at a coverage of approximately one-half of a saturated molecular layer, has been investigated by a combination of normal-incidence X-ray standing waves (NIXSW), scanned-energy mode photoelectron diffraction (PhD), and density-functional theory (DFT), complemented by scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM). Qualitative assessment of the NIXSW data clearly shows that both "up" and "down" orientations of the molecule (with V=O pointing out of, and into, the surface) must coexist on the surface. O 1s PhD proves to be inconclusive regarding the molecular orientation. DFT calculations, using two different dispersion correction schemes, show good quantitative agreement with the NIXSW structural results for equal co-occupation of the two different molecular orientations and clearly favor the many body dispersion (MBD) method to deal with long-range dispersion forces. The calculated relative adsorption energies of the differently oriented molecules at the lowest coverage show a strong preference for the "up" orientation, but at higher local coverages, this energetic difference decreases, and mixed orientation phases are almost energetically equivalent to pure "up"-oriented phases. DFT-based Tersoff-Hamann simulations of STM topographs for the two orientations cast some light on the extent to which such images provide a reliable guide to molecular orientation.

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 10190, 2018 Jul 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29976962


In recent years there has been growing interest in the electronic properties of 'few layer' graphene films. Twisted layers, different stacking and register with the substrate result in remarkable unconventional couplings. These distinctive electronic behaviours have been attributed to structural differences, even if only a few structural determinations are available. Here we report the results of a structural study of bilayer graphene on the Si-terminated SiC(0001) surface, investigated using synchrotron radiation-based photoelectron diffraction and complemented by angle-resolved photoemission mapping of the electronic valence bands. Photoelectron diffraction angular distributions of the graphene C 1s component have been measured at different kinetic energies and compared with the results of multiple scattering simulations for model structures. The results confirm that bilayer graphene on SiC(0001) has a layer spacing of 3.48 Å and an AB (Bernal) stacking, with a distance between the C buffer layer and the first graphene layer of 3.24 Å. Our work generalises the use of a versatile and precise diffraction method capable to shed light on the structure of low-dimensional materials.

Nanoscale ; 10(31): 14984-14992, 2018 Aug 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30051899


The archetypal electron acceptor molecule, TCNQ, is generally believed to become bent into an inverted bowl shape upon adsorption on the coinage metal surfaces on which it becomes negatively charged. New quantitative experimental structural measurements show that this is not the case for TCNQ on Ag(111). DFT calculations show that the inclusion of dispersion force corrections reduces not only the molecule-substrate layer spacing but also the degree of predicted molecular bonding. However, complete agreement between experimentally-determined and theoretically-predicted structural parameters is only achieved with the inclusion of Ag adatoms into the molecular layer, which is also the energetically favoured configuration. The results highlight the need for both experimental and theoretical quantitative structural methods to reliably understand similar metal-organic interfaces and highlight the need to re-evaluate some previously-investigated systems.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 20(24): 16469-16476, 2018 Jun 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29882949


The normal incidence X-ray standing wave (NIXSW) technique has been used to follow the evolution of the adsorption geometry of Ni adatoms on the Fe3O4(001)-(√2 × âˆš2)R45° surface as a function of temperature. Two primary surface region sites are identified: a bulk-continuation tetrahedral site and a sub-surface octahedral site, the latter site being preferred at higher annealing temperatures. The ease of incorporation is linked to the presence of subsurface cation vacancies in the (√2 × âˆš2)R45° reconstruction and is consistent with the preference for octahedral coordination observed in the spinel compound NiFe2O4.

Faraday Discuss ; 204: 97-110, 2017 10 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28792036


Scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM), low energy electron diffraction (LEED), ultraviolet and soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS and SXPS) have been used to characterise the formation of a coadsorption phase of TCNQ and K on Ag(111), while the normal incident X-ray standing waves (NIXSW) technique has been used to obtain quantitative structural information. STM and LEED show that an ordered incommensurate phase is formed in which the K atoms are surrounded by four TCNQ molecules in a 'windmill' motif, characteristic of other metal/TCNQ phases, in which the nominal TCNQ : K stoichiometry is 1 : 1. UPS and SXPS data indicate the TCNQ is in a negatively-charged state. NIXSW results show that the carbon core of the TCNQ is essentially planar at a height above the Ag(111) surface closely similar to that found without coadsorbed K. In the presence of TCNQ the height of the K ions above the surface is significantly larger than on clean Ag(111), and the ions occupy sites above 'holes' in the TCNQ network. NIXSW data also show that the N atoms in the molecules must occupy sites with at least two different heights above the surface, which can be reconciled by a tilt or twist of the TCNQ molecules, broadly similar to the geometry that occurs in bulk TCNQ/K crystals.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 28(49): 491001, 2016 12 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27731312
Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 373(2039)2015 Apr 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25750141


The key ideas presented in the classic paper 'The growth of crystals and the equilibrium structure of their surfaces' by W. K. Burton, N. Cabrera and F. C. Frank, published in Philosophical Transactions A in 1951, are summarized and put in the context of both the state of knowledge at the time of publication and the considerable amount of work since that time that has built on and developed these ideas. Many of these developments exploit the huge increase in the capabilities of computer modelling that complement the original analytic approach of the paper. The dearth of relevant experimental data at the time of the original publication has been transformed by the application of increasingly sophisticated modern methods of surface science. This commentary was written to celebrate the 350th anniversary of the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.

Phys Rev Lett ; 113(10): 106101, 2014 Sep 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25238369


The quantitative structure determination of adsorbed species on quasicrystal surfaces has so far appeared to present insurmountable problems. The normal incidence standing x-ray wave field technique offers a simple solution, without extensive data sets or large computations. Its application to quasicrystals raises several conceptual difficulties that are related to the phase problem in x-ray diffraction. We demonstrate their solution for the case of Si atoms adsorbed on the decagonal Co-rich modification of the Al-Co-Ni quasicrystal to determine the local structure, comprising 6-atom clusters in particular hollow sites.

Phys Rev Lett ; 107(4): 046102, 2011 Jul 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21867025


Many previous structural studies of molecular adsorbates on metal surfaces indicate that the local coordination and bonding is closely similar to that in organometallic compounds, implying that the metallic substrate has no significant influence. Here we show that such an influence is detectable for one model system, namely, the formate species, HCOO, adsorbed on the atomically rough and smooth (110) and (111) surfaces of Cu, leading to a statistically significant difference (0.09±0.05 Å) in the Cu-O chemisorption bond length. The effect is reproduced in density functional theory calculations.

Phys Rev Lett ; 107(1): 016105, 2011 Jul 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21797556


Complementary but independent medium-energy and low-energy ion scattering studies of the (0001) surfaces of V(2)O(3) films grown on Pd(111), Au(111) and Cu(3)Au(100) reveal a reconstructed full O(3)-layer termination creating a VO(2) surface trilayer. This structure is fully consistent with previous calculations based on thermodynamic equilibrium at the surface during growth, but contrasts with previous suggestions that the surface termination comprises a complete monolayer of vanadyl (V=O) species.

J Chem Phys ; 135(1): 014704, 2011 Jul 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21744911


The local adsorption site of the nucleobase uracil on Cu(110) has been determined quantitatively by energy-scanned photoelectron diffraction (PhD). Qualitative inspection of the O 1s and N 1s soft x-ray photoelectron spectra, PhD modulation spectra, and O K-edge near-edge x-ray adsorption fine structure indicate that uracil bonds to the surface through its nitrogen and oxygen constituent atoms, each in near atop sites, with the molecular plane essentially perpendicular to surface and aligned along the close packed [110] azimuth. Multiple scattering simulations of the PhD spectra confirm and refine this geometry. The Cu-N bondlength is 1.96 ± 0.04 Å, while the Cu-O bondlengths of the two inequivalent O atoms are 1.93 ± 0.04 Å and 1.96 ± 0.04 Å, respectively. The molecule is twisted out of the [110]direction by 11 ± 5°.

Copper/chemistry , Uracil/chemistry , Adsorption , Models, Molecular , X-Ray Diffraction
Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 13(17): 7975-84, 2011 May 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21445419


Previous experimental studies of the interaction of molecular furan, C(4)H(4)O, with Pd(111) have led to the conclusion that partial dissociation leads to two coadsorbed reaction products, CO and a C(3)H(3) species. Using density functional theory (DFT), a range of possible molecular conformation and adsorption sites of the C(3)H(3) species have been explored and the lowest energy structures, and associated C 1s photoelectron core-level binding energy shifts (CLSs), have been determined. Comparison of these CLS values with published experimental measurements allows one possible conformation to be rejected. New simulations of the C 1s scanned-energy mode photoelectron diffraction (PhD) spectra for several of lowest-energy structures found in DFT are compared with the results of an earlier experimental study. The lowest energy structure found in DFT is not consistent with the PhD data, suggesting that energy barriers to achieve the associated conformation cannot be overcome in the dissociation process. Through consideration of the results of both methods, the most probable surface structures are discussed.

Furans/chemistry , Palladium/chemistry , Kinetics , Molecular Conformation , Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Phys Rev Lett ; 105(8): 086101, 2010 Aug 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20868114


Partial oxidation of methanol to formaldehyde over Cu(110) is one of the most studied catalytic reactions in surface science, yet the local site of the reaction intermediate, methoxy, remains unknown. Using a combination of experimental scanned-energy mode photoelectron diffraction, and density functional theory, a consistent structural solution is presented in which all methoxy species occupy twofold coordinated "short-bridge" adsorption sites. The results are consistent with previously-published scanning tunnelling microscopy images and theoretical calculations of the reaction mechanism.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 12(13): 3229-38, 2010 Apr 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20237713


The structures of the high-coverage ('standing-up') and low-coverage ('lying-down') phases of butylthiolate on Au(111) have been investigated by a range of experimental methods. Normal incidence X-ray standing waves, photoelectron diffraction and near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure results all identify the local S headgroup site as atop a surface Au atom in a bulk continuation site for both high- and low-coverage phases. Low energy electron diffraction shows the low-coverage phase to have a (12 x radical 3)rect. surface mesh with glide-line symmetry (pmg space group), the long dimension of this mesh being approximately four times the length of the butylthiolate molecule. A structural model is proposed for this phase based on two different enantiomers of an Au-adatom-dithiolate species that is consistent with these results and with recent finding for propylthiolate on this surface using low-temperature scanning tunnelling microscopy (O. Voznyy, J. J. Dubowski, J. T. Yates Jr. and P. Maksymovych, J. Am Chem. Soc., 2009, 131, 12989).

J Phys Condens Matter ; 22(8): 084016, 2010 Mar 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21389392


A brief survey is presented of the methods of quantitative surface structure determination and some of the main phenomena that have been established, and their associated trends. These include surface relaxation and reconstruction of clean surfaces and the structures formed by atomic and molecular adsorbates. Examples include the surfaces of semiconductors, oxides and metals. Future challenges, concerned with complexity and precision, are discussed.

Phys Rev Lett ; 102(9): 096103, 2009 Mar 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19392537


The energy spectrum associated with scattering of 100 keV H+ ions from the outermost few atomic layers of Cu(111) in different scattering geometries provides direct evidence of trajectory-dependent electronic energy loss. Theoretical simulations, combining standard Monte Carlo calculations of the elastic scattering trajectories with coupled-channel calculations to describe inner-shell ionization and excitation as a function of impact parameter, reproduce the effects well and provide a means for far more complete analysis of medium-energy ion scattering data.