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RSC Adv ; 12(5): 2810-2819, 2022 Jan 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35425315


In order to study the effects of different SiC mass ratios, SiC particle sizes and Al particle sizes on the mechanical response of Al/PTFE/SiC, an experiment was conducted through the full 23 factorial design. The specimens were prepared by means of molding-vacuum sintering, while the mechanical response of the materials was measured through quasi-static compression. The regression models between failure stress, failure strain and various factors were established respectively and then verified through the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and residual analysis. Besides, the relationship between factors and response as well as that between factors were analyzed using response surface plots. According to the analytical results, the ultimate compressive strength of the material can be improved either by reducing the particle size of SiC and Al or increasing the mass ratio of SiC, while the ductility of the material can be enhanced by maintaining the interaction between SiC mass ratio and SiC particle size at high levels. The interaction effects are significant and can not be ignored, especially the interaction between SiC mass ratio and SiC particle size has an important impact on the mechanical responses, which shows that SiC has a greater influence than Al particles in the material system.

RSC Adv ; 11(15): 8540-8545, 2021 Feb 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35423357


To study the mechanical properties and reaction characteristics of Al/HTa/PTFE reactive materials under quasi-static compression, five types of Al/HTa/PTFE specimens with different HTa contents were prepared for quasi-static compression tests. The fracture of selected specimens was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The quasi-static compression reaction residue underwent X-ray diffraction (XRD) phase analysis, and the chemical reaction mechanism was analyzed based on the result. As revealed from the results, the introduction of HTa significantly influenced the strength of the composites. With the increase in HTa content, the compressive strength of Al/HTa/PTFE materials first decreased and then increased. Under a HTa content of 30%, the compressive strength increased by nearly 10.6%. The microstructure shows that the HTa content in the Al/HTa/PTFE materials affects the bonding force between the metal particles and the PTFE matrix, the integrity of the PTFE matrix and the formation of PTFE bridging filaments between the deformed surfaces of the PTFE matrix, resulting in a difference in compressive strength. HTa increased the reaction duration and smoke concentration, and induced a similar white burning flame at the later phase of the reaction, with greater flame luminosity. The high temperature of the crack tip of the specimen induced the reaction of Al and PTFE and released considerable heat causing HTa to release H2, synthesized TaC, and increased the energy density, which achieved the purpose of enhancing the mechanical properties and reaction characteristics of the material.

RSC Adv ; 10(3): 1447-1455, 2020 Jan 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35494693


To investigate the influence of SiC and Al2O3 as additives on the mechanical response and reactive properties of Al/PTFE (aluminum/polytetrafluoroethylene) reactive composites, Al/SiC/PTFE and Al/Al2O3/PTFE samples with different component ratios were prepared for quasi-static compression and drop-weight tests. Al/Al2O3/PTFE samples with different particle sizes were prepared for simultaneous thermal analysis experiments. The stress-strain data, characteristic drop height and thermogravimetry-differential scanning calorimetry (TG-DSC) curves of the composites were recorded. The results show that the addition of SiC and Al2O3 significantly enhance the strength of Al/PTFE. The enhancing effect of SiC on the composite strength was stronger than that of Al2O3. The addition of SiC and Al2O3 contribute toward reducing the sensitivity of the composites, where the reducing effect of Al2O3 on Al/PTFE sensitivity was weaker than that of SiC. Nanoscale Al2O3 reacts with PTFE to form AlF3, and the reaction heat decreases dramatically with an increase in the Al2O3 particle size. The addition of nanoscale Al2O3 improves the reaction heat and energy density of the composites.

RSC Adv ; 10(10): 5533-5539, 2020 Feb 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35497435


Thermite serves as a kind of representative energetic material, which is extensively applied in the civil and military fields. In this paper, PTFE/Al/Fe2O3, PTFE/Al/MnO2 and PTFE/Al/MoO3, solid fluorine-containing thermite with different PTFE content, were successfully fabricated by referring to the traditional thermite and adding PTFE as a binder or matrix. Quasi-static compression tests were performed to investigate the mechanical and reactive behavior of fluorine-containing thermite. SEM and XRD were employed to analyze and characterize the energetic composites and reaction residuals. The results show that all types of fluorine-containing thermite exhibited different mechanical behavior. PTFE/Al/MnO2 exhibited the lowest yield strength and strain hardening modulus, but the highest compressive strength and toughness. With the increase of PTFE content, the strength of fluorine-containing thermite improved. No reaction occurred when the PTFE content was 60 vol%, while fluorine-containing thermite with a PTFE content of 80 vol% experienced a severe exothermic reaction under quasi-static compression. The ignition of PTFE/Al/MoO3 and PTFE/Al/Fe2O3 actually attributed to the reaction of Al and PTFE, and the reaction between Al and Fe2O3 or MoO3 was not excited due to the insufficient input energy. The thermite reaction between Al and MnO2, as well as the reaction of MnO2 and PTFE, was induced because PTFE/Al/MnO2 possessed excellent ductility and absorbed the most energy during compression, accompanied with the production of Mn and MnF2.

Polymers (Basel) ; 11(9)2019 Sep 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31505773


When the Al/Ta/PTFE reactive material was sintered at 360 °C in a vacuum sintering furnace, it was found that the material reacted to form a soft fluffy white substance and carbon black. To explore the reaction process further, powder samples of pure PTFE, Al/PTFE, Ta/PTFE and Al/Ta/PTFE, and molded cylindrical specimens were prepared. A TG-DSC test was carried out on the thermal reaction of four reactive materials, and XRD phase analysis was conducted on the white product, formed by the sintering reaction and the residue of the TG-DSC test sample, based on which of the pyrolysis processes and reaction mechanisms were analyzed. The results show that Ta and PTFE could have a chemical reaction at sintering temperature (360 °C) to form soft and fluffy white material TaF3 and carbon black, which can overflow the surface of the specimen and cause cracking of the specimen, which is tightly pressed. Since no obvious exothermic peak showed up on the TG-DSC curve, the composition of the residue of TG-DSC sample at different temperatures was tested and TaF3 was detected in the residue at 350 °C and 360 °C, indicating that Ta began to react with PTFE at a temperature range of 340-350 °C. According to the chemical properties and product formation of Ta, it could be speculated that the reaction mechanism between Ta and PTFE involves the PTFE decomposing first, then the fluorine-containing gas product reacting with metal Ta. According to the temperature range of the reaction, it is estimated that PTFE starts to decompose before 500 °C, but it is not detected effectively by TG-DSC, and the introduction of Ta could also affect the decomposition process of PTFE.

Materials (Basel) ; 11(12)2018 Dec 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30513958


To better understand the thermal decomposition and reaction process of a fluorine-containing powdery thermite, PTFE/Al/MnO2, reactions at different temperatures were investigated by the TG/DSC-MS technique. The corresponding reaction products were characterized with XRD phase analysis. Another three thermite materials, i.e., PTFE/Al, Al/MnO2, and PTFE/MnO2, were also prepared for comparison. Results showed that PTFE behaved as both oxidizer and reducer in PTFE/Al/MnO2 fluorinated thermite. The thermal decomposition and reaction process of as-fabricated ternary thermite could be divided into two stages-the mutual reaction between each of PTFE, Al, and MnO2 and the subsequent reaction produced between Al and Mn2O3/Mn3O4/MnF2. Compared with the three control systems, the specially designed ternary system possessed a shorter reaction time, a faster energy release rate, and a better heat release performance.

Materials (Basel) ; 11(10)2018 Oct 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30336583


As a novel energetic material with quite a high energy density, titanium hydride (TiH2) was introduced into a polytetrafluoroethylene/aluminum (PTFE/Al) reactive material system for the first time. The effects of TiH2 on the reaction energy, dynamic mechanical responses, and reaction properties of the composites were investigated through adiabatic bomb calorimeter, split-Hopkinson pressure bar, and drop-weight experiments. The results show that the reaction heat of the composites improved significantly as the content of TiH2 increased. Under dynamic compression, these composites show obvious strain hardening and strain rate hardening effects. Besides, a certain amount of TiH2 granules helps to improve the material's compressive strength, and the maximum would even reach 173.2 MPa with 5% TiH2 percentage, 10.1% higher than that of PTFE/Al. Mesoscale images of the samples after dynamic compression indicate that interface debonding between the particles and PTFE matrix and the fracture of the PTFE matrix are the two major mechanisms resulting in the material's failure. In addition, the drop-weight experiments indicate that the material's impact sensitivities are sensitive to the content of TiH2, which would be increased to within 20% of the content of TiH2 compared with PTFE/Al, and the reaction degree is also improved to within 10% of the content of TiH2. The retrieved reaction residues after drop-weight experiments imply that the reaction is initiated at the edges of the samples, indicating a shear-induced initiation mechanism of this kind of reactive material.

Materials (Basel) ; 11(9)2018 Sep 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30223607


Al-PTFE (aluminum-polytetrafluoroethene) is regarded as one of the most promising reactive materials (RMs). In this work, Ni (Nickel) was added to Al-PTFE composites for the purpose of improving the energy density and damage effect. To investigate the thermal behavior, mechanical properties and reaction characteristics of the Al-Ni-PTFE composites, an Al-PTFE mixture and an Al-Ni mixture were prepared by ultrasonic mixing. Six types of Al-Ni-PTFE specimens with different component mass ratios were prepared by molding sintering. Simultaneous thermal analysis experiments were carried out to characterize the thermal behavior of the Al-PTFE mixture and the Al-Ni mixture. Quasi-static compression tests were performed to analyze the mechanical properties and reaction characteristics of the Al-Ni-PTFE specimens. The results indicate that the reaction onset temperature of Al-Ni (582.7 °C) was similar to that of Al-PTFE (587.6 °C) and that the reaction heat of Al-Ni (991.9 J/g) was 12.5 times higher than that of Al-PTFE (79.6 J/g). With the increase of Ni content, the material changed from ductile to brittle and the strain hardening modulus and compressive strength rose first and then subsequently decreased, reaching a maximum of 51.35 MPa and 111.41 MPa respectively when the volume fraction of Ni was 10%. An exothermic reaction occurred for the specimens with a Ni volume fraction no more than 10% under quasi-static compression, accompanied by the formation of Ni-Al intermetallic compounds. In the Al-Ni-PTFE system, the reaction between Al and PTFE preceded the reaction between Al and Ni and the feasibility of increasing the energy density and damage effect of the Al-Ni-PTFE reactive material by means of Ni-Al reaction was proved.

Materials (Basel) ; 11(7)2018 Jul 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30002332


Polytetrafluoroethylene/aluminum/molybdenum oxide (PTFE/Al/MoO3) reactive composites of a volume ratio of 60:16:24 were studied in this research. Quasi-static compression, dynamic compression and drop-weight experiments were performed to explore the mechanical response and the shear-induced initiation properties of the composites. Mesoscale images of the specimens after sintering demonstrate that PTFE, Al and MoO3 powders were evenly mixed and no chemical reaction occurred after the materials were stirred, pressed and sintered. The yield stress and compressive strength of PTFE/Al/MoO3 specimens are sensitive to strain rate within the range of 10-3~3 × 10³ s-1, and the yield stress shows a bilinear dependence on the logarithm values of strain rate. The established Johnson-Cook constitutive model based on the experimental data can describe the mechanical response of PTFE/Al/MoO3 material well. Drop-weight tests show that the PTFE/Al/MoO3 specimens can react violently when impacted, with the characteristic drop height (H50) calculated as 51.57 cm. The recovered specimens show that the reaction started from the outer edge of the specimen with the largest shear force and the most concentrated shear deformation, indicating a shear-induced initiation mechanism. The reaction products of PTFE/Al/MoO3 specimens were AlF3, Al2O3, Mo and C, demonstrating that redox reaction occurred between PTFE and Al, and between Al and MoO3.

Polymers (Basel) ; 10(1)2018 Jan 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30966094


Al-PTFE (aluminum-polytetrafluoroethylene) is a typical kind of Reactive Material (RM), which has a variety of potential applications in weapon systems. In this paper, quasi-static compression experiments were carried out for a pressed and sintered mixture of Al and PTFE powders using a microcomputer-controlled electronic universal testing machine. The results show that both the mechanical property and reactive behavior of Al-PTFE are strongly temperature-dependent. The material undergoes a brittle-ductile transition associated with a temperature-induced crystalline phase transformation of the PTFE matrix. At low temperatures (-18, 0, and 16 °C), samples of Al-PTFE failed with shear crack and no reaction was observed. As the temperature increased (22, 35, and 80 °C), Al-PTFE exhibited a high toughness and violent reaction occurred in all of the tested samples. Scanning electron microscope observations showed different fracture mechanisms of the PTFE matrix and the increase in toughness was due to the formation of PTFE fibrils which could dissipate energy and bridge crack plane during plastic deformation.