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Public Health Action ; 14(3): 119-123, 2024 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39239160


SETTING: Japan: a low-TB-burden country. OBJECTIVE: To characterise TB-related technical enquiries received in 2020-2022, and share the lessons learnt. DESIGN: This was a descriptive study. RESULTS: We received 1,898 communications, of which 1,447 (40.2 per month) were classified as technical enquiries, 34% fewer than the 2,197 enquiries received in 2017-2019. The enquiry rates were highest for Shimane (4.32/100,000 population) and Yamanashi (2.59/100,000 population) prefectures, and lowest in Ehime (0.00/100,000 population) and Yamagata (0.09/100,000 population) prefectures. The main organisations the enquirers belonged to were local governments (n = 989, 68.3%) and healthcare facilities (n = 242, 16.7%). The enquirers included medical doctors (n = 236, 16.3%), nurses (n = 814, 56.3%), and the general public (n = 141, 9.7%). The most frequent enquiries were about TB diagnosis and treatment, including laboratory diagnosis (n = 442, 30.6%), followed by the regulatory framework (n = 216, 14.9%), contact investigation (n = 151, 10.8%), and TB in foreigners (n = 112, 7.9%). CONCLUSION: During the COVID-19 era, we received two-thirds of technical enquiries compared with 2017-2019, because local health offices were overwhelmed by the pandemic. Since the most frequent enquiries were about diagnosis and treatment of TB, the health ministry of Japan should maintain a few specialised TB institutions with TB physicians to provide technical assistance.

CONTEXTE: Japon, un pays à faible taux de TB. OBJECTIF: Caractériser les demandes de renseignements techniques liées à la TB reçues en 2020­2022 et partager les enseignements tirés. MÉTHODE: Ceci est une étude descriptive. RÉSULTATS: Nous avons enregistré 1 898 communications, parmi lesquelles 1 447 (soit 40,2 par mois) ont été identifiées comme des demandes de renseignements techniques, ce qui représente une baisse de 34% par rapport aux 2 197 demandes reçues en 2017­2019. Les taux de demandes de renseignements étaient les plus élevés dans les préfectures de Shimane (4,32/100 000 habitants) et de Yamanashi (2,59/100 000 habitants), et les plus faibles dans les préfectures d'Ehime (0,00/100 000 habitants) et de Yamagata (0,09/100 000 habitants). Les principaux demandeurs étaient des médecins (n = 236 ; 16,3%), des infirmières (n = 814 ; 56,3%) et le grand public (n = 141 ; 9,7%). Les demandes les plus fréquentes concernaient le diagnostic et le traitement de la TB, y compris le diagnostic en laboratoire (n = 442 ; 30,6%), suivi du cadre réglementaire (n = 216 ; 14,9%), de la recherche des contacts (n = 151 ; 10,8%) et de la TB chez les étrangers (n = 112 ; 7,9%). CONCLUSION: Pendant la période de COVID-19, nous avons reçu deux tiers de demandes de renseignements techniques en comparaison avec 2017­2019, en raison de la surcharge des bureaux de santé locaux causée par la pandémie. Étant donné que les demandes de renseignements les plus fréquentes concernaient le diagnostic et le traitement de la TB, le ministère de la santé du Japon devrait maintenir quelques institutions spécialisées dans la TB avec des médecins tuberculeux pour fournir une assistance technique.

Public Health Action ; 12(4): 206-209, 2022 Dec 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36561899


SETTING: Japan, an intermediate TB burden country. OBJECTIVE: To review TB-related technical enquiries received at the Research Institute of Tuberculosis, Japan, from January 2017 to December 2019. DESIGN: This was a cohort study. RESULTS: A total of 2,197 enquiries were analysed. On average, 61.0 enquiries/month (range: 42-81) were received. The enquiry rates were highest for the Yamanashi (4.65/100,000 population) and Ishikawa (4.55) Prefectures, and lowest in the Yamagata (0.46) and Tochigi (0.56) Prefectures. The main organisations the enquirers belonged to were local governments (n = 1,585, 72.1%) and healthcare facilities (n = 307, 14.0%). The enquirers were medical doctors (n = 391, 17.8%), nurses (n = 1,207, 54.9%), other healthcare professionals (n = 57, 2.6%), the general public (n = 168, 7.6%) and others/unknown (n = 374, 17.0%). The most frequent enquiries were about TB diagnosis and treatment (n = 501, 22.8%), including laboratory diagnosis (n = 88, 4.0%), TB treatment in general (n = 93, 4.2%) and management of comorbidities (n = 86, 3.9%), followed by contact investigations (n = 385, 17.5%) and TB in foreigners (n = 344, 15.7%). CONCLUSION: As the most frequent enquiries were about diagnosis and treatment of TB, the health ministry of Japan should maintain a few specialised TB institutions with TB physicians to provide technical assistance.

LIEU: Le Japon, un pays à charge intermédiaire en matière de TB. OBJECTIF: Examiner les demandes de renseignements techniques liées à la TB reçues au Research Institute of Tuberculosis, au Japon, de janvier 2017 à décembre 2019. METHODE: Il s'agissait d'une étude de cohorte. RÉSULTATS: Au total, 2 197 demandes ont été analysées. En moyenne, 61,0 demandes de renseignements/mois (fourchette : 42­81) ont été reçues. Les taux de demande étaient les plus élevés dans les préfectures de Yamanashi (4,65/100 000 habitants) et d'Ishikawa (4,55), et les plus faibles dans les préfectures de Yamagata (0,46) et de Tochigi (0,56). Les principales organisations auxquelles appartiennent les enquêteurs sont les administrations locales (n = 1 585 ; 72,1%) et les établissements de santé (n = 307; 14,0%). Les enquêteurs étaient des médecins (n = 391 ; 17,8%), des infirmières (n = 1 207 ; 54,9%), d'autres professionnels de la santé (n = 57 ; 2,6%), le grand public (n = 168 ; 7,6%) et autres/inconnus (n = 374 ; 17,0%). Les demandes les plus fréquentes concernaient le diagnostic et le traitement de la TB (n = 501 ; 22,8%), y compris le diagnostic en laboratoire (n = 88 ; 4,0%), le traitement de la TB en général (n = 93 ; 4,2%) et la prise en charge des comorbidités (n = 86 ; 3,9%), suivis par les enquêtes sur les contacts (n = 385 ; 17,5%) et la TB chez les étrangers (n = 344 ; 15,7%). CONCLUSION: Comme les demandes de renseignements les plus fréquentes concernaient le diagnostic et le traitement de la TB, le ministère de la santé du Japon devrait maintenir quelques institutions spécialisées dans la TB avec des médecins spécialistes de la TB pour fournir une assistance technique.

Pol J Vet Sci ; 25(1): 75-82, 2022 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35575772


Erythritol helps both prevent and improve periodontal disease and is therefore widely used for dental care in humans. However, only a few studies have investigated the effects of erythritol on periodontal disease in animals. We hypothesized that erythritol could be used to prevent and improve periodontal disease also in canines and investigated the effects of erythritol on canine periodontal disease-related pathogenic bacteria using both in vitro and in vivo methods. The effect of erythritol on the proliferation of Porphyromonas gulae, which is reportedly associated with canine periodontal disease, was investigated in vitro. In addition, a 4-week intervention trial using an external gel preparation containing 5% erythritol was performed in canines with mild periodontal disease; changes in the microbiota around periodontal lesions were investigated using next-generation sequencing and bioinformatics analysis. The growth of P. gulae was significantly suppressed by erythritol in vitro. In the intervention study, the Shannon index, an indicator of the species distribution α-diversity, and the occupancy of several canine periodontal disease - related bacteria ( P. gulae, P. cangingivalis) were significantly decreased in periodontal lesions. Based on the results of in vitro and in vivo studies, we conclude that, as in humans, erythritol has bacteriostatic effects against periodontal disease - related bacteria in canines.

Dog Diseases , Periodontal Diseases , Animals , Bacteria , Dog Diseases/drug therapy , Dog Diseases/microbiology , Dogs , Erythritol/pharmacology , Periodontal Diseases/drug therapy , Periodontal Diseases/veterinary
Public Health Action ; 8(3): 130-134, 2018 Sep 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30271729


Background: Japan had a tuberculosis (TB) notification rate of 13.9 per 100 000 population in 2016. Objectives: To characterise TB-related enquiries received by the Research Institute of Tuberculosis, Tokyo, Japan, between January 2014 and December 2016. Design: A descriptive study of the time, place and other attributes of the enquiries. Results: A total of 1864 enquiries were listed for analysis. On average, 51.8 enquiries (range 30-77) were received per month. The enquiry rates were highest for Yamanashi (5.87/100 000) and Kochi (5.77) Prefectures, and lowest in Miyazaki (0.45) and Saga (0.48) Prefectures. Enquirers belonged mostly to local governments (n = 1212, 65%) and health care facilities (n = 386, 21%), and included medical doctors (n = 412, 22%), nurses (n = 926, 50%) and the general public (n = 150, 8.0%). Most enquiries concerned TB diagnosis and treatment (n = 475, 25%), including diagnosis in general (n = 38, 2.0%), laboratory diagnosis (n = 83, 4.5%), anti-tuberculosis treatment in general (n = 62, 3.3%) and the management of comorbidities or adverse events (n = 60, 3.2%), followed by contact investigations (n = 371, 20%). Conclusions: As most enquiries concerned the diagnosis and treatment of TB, the Ministry of Health of Japan should maintain a number of specialised TB institutions with TB clinicians to provide technical assistance.

Contexte : Le Japon avait un taux de notification de la tuberculose (TB) de 13,9 par 100 000 habitants en 2016.Objectif : Caractériser les demandes liées à la TB reçues par le Research Institute of Tuberculosis, Tokyo, Japon, de janvier 2014 à décembre 2016.Schéma : Une étude descriptive en termes de date, lieu et autres caractéristiques des demandes.Résultats : Un total de 1864 demandes ont été listées pour l'analyse. En moyenne, 51,8 demandes (fourchette 30­77) par mois ont été reçues. Les taux de demande ont été les plus élevés pour les préfectures de Yamanashi (5,87/100 000 habitants) et de Kochi (5,77) et les plus bas dans les préfectures de Miyazaki (0,45) et de Saga (0,48). Les organisations principales auxquelles appartenaient les demandeurs ont été les gouvernements locaux (n = 1212 ; 65%) et les structures de soins de santé (n = 386 ; 21%). Les demandeurs ont été des médecins (n = 412 22%), des infirmiers (n = 926 ; 50%) et le public général (n = 150 ; 8,0%). Les demandes les plus fréquentes ont été liées au diagnostic et au traitement de la TB (n = 475 ; 25%), incluant le diagnostic en général (n = 38 ; 2.0%), le diagnostic de laboratoire (n = 83 ; 4,5%), le traitement de la TB en général (n = 62 ; 3,3%) et la prise en charge des comorbidités ou des effets secondaires (n = 60 ; 3,2%), suivies par la recherche des contacts (n = 371 ; 20%).Conclusion : Comme les demandes les plus fréquentes ont été relatives au diagnostic et au traitement de la TB, le Ministère de la santé du Japon devrait maintenir quelques institutions spécialisées dans la TB avec des cliniciens qui pourraient fournir une assistance technique.

Marco de referencia: En el Japón, la tasa de notificación de tuberculosis (TB) fue 13,9 por 100 000 habitantes en el 2016.Objetivos: Caracterizar las consultas relacionadas con la TB que se recibieron en el Instituto de Investigación en Tuberculosis, Tokyo, Japón, de enero del 2014 a finales de diciembre del 2016.Método: Se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo de las consultas con respecto al tiempo, el lugar y otros atributos de las mismas.Resultados: Se registraron 1864 consultas para análisis. En promedio, se recibieron 51,8 consultas por mes (entre 30 y 77). La tasa de consultas más alta correspondió a las prefecturas de Yamanashi (5,87/100 000 habitantes) y Kochi (5,77) y la más baja a las prefecturas de Miyazaki (0,45) y Saga (0,48). Las principales organizaciones de los solicitantes pertenecían a los gobiernos locales (n = 1212; 65%) y a los establecimientos de salud (n = 386; 21%). Los solicitantes fueron médicos (n = 412; 22%), enfermeros (n = 926; 50%) y el público en general (n = 150; 8,0%). Las consultas más frecuentes se relacionaban con el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de la TB (n = 475; 25%), entre otros, el diagnóstico en general (n = 38; 2,0%), el diagnóstico en el laboratorio (n = 83; 4,5%), el tratamiento antituberculoso en general (n = 62; 3,3%) y el manejo de las enfermedades intercurrentes o las reacciones adversas (n = 60; 3,2%), seguidos de la investigación de contactos (n = 371; 20%).Conclusiones: Dado que las consultas más frecuentes se referían al diagnóstico y el tratamiento de la TB, el Ministerio de Salud del Japón debe conservar algunas instituciones especializadas en TB con médicos experimentados que presten asistencia técnica en esta esfera.

Calcif Tissue Int ; 72(3): 243-50, 2003 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12522669


Simultaneous temperature-programmed desorption, mass spectroscopy, and thermogravimetry (TPD-MS-TG) were carried out to explore the evolution process of H2O and CO2 from calcium hydroxyapatite particles containing carbonate ions of 0.1-10.1 mass%. The TPD-MS curves of both H2O and CO2 exhibited two peaks: desorption of H2O and CO2 adsorbed on the particles below 600 degrees C, and liberation of H2O and CO2 in the crystals above 700 degrees C. The increase of carbonate ion content in the particles increased the weight loss in the TPD-TG curves.

Carbonates/analysis , Durapatite/analysis , Mass Spectrometry/methods , Adsorption , Differential Thermal Analysis , Durapatite/chemical synthesis , Ions/analysis , Microscopy, Electron , Particle Size , Powders/analysis , Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared , Thermogravimetry/methods
Jpn J Infect Dis ; 54(4): 140-3, 2001 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11684782


A marked increase in sporadic cases of enteritis due to enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli serogroup O157 occurred in Osaka City, Japan, during 1996. To elucidate why the number of cases had increased, the isolates were classified using phage typing, random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis, and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Fifty-seven percent of the isolates (105/184) belonged to the same phage type (PT-32) and gave the same PFGE pattern; the clone had been isolated during a 3-week period, with a peak on July 15. It was concluded that the majority of the cases identified in July 1996 formed an outbreak, although epidemiological links to a possible common source were not established. The possibility that this outbreak was part of a huge regional outbreak including children at primary schools in Sakai City was discussed.

Escherichia coli Infections/epidemiology , Escherichia coli O157/classification , Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome/epidemiology , Bacteriophage Typing , DNA, Bacterial/genetics , Electrophoresis, Gel, Pulsed-Field , Escherichia coli Infections/microbiology , Escherichia coli O157/genetics , Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome/microbiology , Humans , Japan/epidemiology , Molecular Epidemiology , Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Technique
J Colloid Interface Sci ; 212(2): 220-227, 1999 Apr 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10092349


Carbonated barium hydroxyapatite (Ba10(PO4)6(OH)2-2x(CO3)x, X = 0.30-0.57, BaHAP) particles with different Ba/P molar ratios were prepared by a wet method. CO2-3 ions were incorporated into OH- sites of a BaHAP lattice during the preparation at high solution pH. The obtained BaHAP particles were well crystallized and showed a high thermostability. On elevating the mixing temperature of H3PO4 and Ba(OH)2 solutions, the mean particle size of BaHAP particles decreased and their specific surface area increased. The amount of CO2 adsorbed irreversibly on BaHAP particles increased with an increase of their Ba/P molar ratio. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.

J Colloid Interface Sci ; 212(2): 600-603, 1999 Apr 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10092395


The adsorption of bovine serum albumin (BSA) and lysozyme (LSZ) to oleyl phosphate(OP)-grafted calcium hydroxyapatite (OP-CaHAP) with different degrees of hydrophobicity, ranging the number of surface oleyl group per unit nm2 (nO) from 0 to 2.60, was investigated. The pronounced effects of the hydrophobic moiety of adsorbent on protein adsorption were observed. The saturated amount of adsorbed BSA (ns) was increased up to nO = 0.6 by an enlargement of hydrophobic interaction between hydrophobic CaHAP particle and proteins. However, ns decreased at nO >/= 1.3 by increasing the electrostatic repulsive force between negatively charged BSA and OP-CaHAP particles. On the other hand, the ns value of LSZ was continuously increased up to nO = 2.0 and saturated by increasing either the hydrophobic interaction or the electrostatic attraction of positively charged LSZ and negatively charged OP-grafted CaHAPs. The BSA adsorption experiment revealed that the effect of positively charged adsorption sites on the exposed ac or bc crystal faces (C-sites) of the CaHAPs is screened by the OP-groups grafted on their particle surfaces. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.

Epidemiol Infect ; 121(1): 31-42, 1998 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9747753


Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) serotype O169:H41 organisms have become the most prevalent ETEC in Japan since the first outbreak in 1991. It was assumed that the outbreaks were due to clonal spread of this new ETEC serotype. The relationship of 32 strains isolated from 6 outbreaks were examined for biotype, antibiotic susceptibility, enterotoxigenicity, protein banding pattern, lipopolysaccharide banding pattern, plasmid analysis, and ribotyping. Further, the strains were examined by haemagglutination, surface hydrophobicity, and the ability to adhere to HEp-2 cells. The present study suggests that the outbreaks were caused by multiple clones of STp-producing O169:H41 since they showed differences in ribotype and outer membrane protein banding patterns. The strains did not agglutinate human or bovine red blood cells in a mannose-resistant manner. They adhered to HEp-2 cells in a manner resembling enteroaggregative E. coli. Five strains were examined by dot-blot tests for the colonization factor antigens CFA/I, CS1, CS2, CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CS7, PCFO159, PCFO166 and CFA/III. Although four strains expressed CS6, no structure for CS6 was identified. A strain that the anti-CS6 MAbs did not react with could adhere to HEp-2 cells in mannose resistant manner; thus, it is unlikely that CS6 play an important role in the adhesion to the cells. Electron microscopy studies of the O169:H41 strains suggested that curly fimbriae, a possible new colonization factor, may be playing an important role in the adhesion of the bacteria to HEp-2 cells. In conclusion, outbreaks due to ETEC O169:H41 were caused by multiple clones, and the strains should be examined in detail for a possible new colonization factor.

Disease Outbreaks , Escherichia coli Infections/epidemiology , Escherichia coli/classification , Bacterial Adhesion , Bacterial Proteins/analysis , DNA, Bacterial/analysis , Drug Resistance, Microbial , Enterotoxins/analysis , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Escherichia coli/drug effects , Escherichia coli/isolation & purification , Escherichia coli Infections/microbiology , Humans , Japan/epidemiology , Microscopy, Electron , Plasmids , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Serotyping
J Colloid Interface Sci ; 191(2): 407-15, 1997 Jul 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9268524


Barium-strontium hydroxyapatite solid solutions with different molar ratio Ba/(Ba + Sr) were synthesized by a wet method and characterized by various means. The solid solution particles could be prepared at molar ratios ranging from 0 to 1; however, Ba2+ ions were more difficult to be incorporated into hydroxyapatite crystals compared to Sr2+ ions. With increasing Ba2+ content, the particles grew and finally turned into pure rod-shaped barium hydroxyapatite particles with a size of ca. 0.2 x 2 &mgr;m. The resulting particles were agglomerates consisted of primary fine particles except for strontium hydroxyapatite. The molar ratios (Ba + Sr)/P of all the particles were larger than the stoichiometric ratio of 1.67, suggesting that CO32- ions, OH- ions, and/or H2O molecules substitute for PO43- ions in the crystal lattices. The amount of CO2 adsorbed irreversibly on the particles increased with increasing (Ba + Sr)/P except for strontium hydroxyapatite and fitted a curve with a minimum at a cation/P ratio of ca. 1.56 as well as other HAPs.

J Vet Med Sci ; 59(1): 79-80, 1997 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9035086


Toxocara spp. eggs were detected from 30 (75%) out of 40 sandpits of parks, in Osaka city. This prevalence was higher compared to those reported other areas of Japan. Since we examined a large quantity of sample, this could have resulted to higher prevalence. The number of eggs recovered decreased following fence construction around sandpits, but it did not sufficiently prevent the contamination of eggs. Improvement of fence design and education of sandpit users are necessary when contemplating fence construction around sandpits as a measure against contamination with Toxocara spp. eggs.

Facility Design and Construction , Oocytes , Play and Playthings , Toxocara/isolation & purification , Animals , Animals, Domestic , Child , Female , Humans , Japan , Silicon Dioxide , Toxocariasis/prevention & control , Toxocariasis/transmission , Urban Health
Int J Food Microbiol ; 31(1-3): 149-59, 1996 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8880304


To assess the value of the plasmid banding patterns, the vacuolation factor (VF) assay, biotyping, and serological typing as epidemiological markers for strains of Bacillus cereus causing emetic-syndrome illness, 43 isolates from five outbreaks and an additional 76 strains isolated in food-poisoning outbreaks caused by other enteric pathogens were examined by these techniques, and the results were compared. Thirty-eight (88%) of the 43 outbreak strains produced vacuolation responses in HEp-2 cells and were all starch-hydrolysis negative. The other 76 strains associated with outbreaks caused by other food-poisoning bacteria gave all negative VF production results except four strains, and 56 (74%) of these strains produced positive reactions in starch hydrolysis tests. Starch hydrolysis emerged as a convenient screen for VF production, because no starch hydrolysis-positive strains produced VF. With the exception of one isolate, all 38 VF-positive isolates from emtic-syndrome outbreaks were serotype H.1. Isolates from four of the five outbreaks revealed identical plasmid banding patterns in each outbreak, whereas only three of eight serotype H.1 strains from the fifth outbreak exhibited indistinguishable plasmid banding patterns. These results suggest that the plasmid banding pattern analysis may be of value in discriminating between isolates of the same serotype, and establishing if an outbreak arises from a common food source. In conclusion, the vacuolation factor assay combined with the plasmid banding patterns proved to be a valuable tool for the epidemiological investigation of emetic-syndrome outbreaks caused by B. cereus. Moreover, these methods are particularly useful for laboratories that do not have ready access to serotyping facilities.

Bacillus cereus/classification , Disease Outbreaks , Foodborne Diseases/epidemiology , Plasmids/ultrastructure , Vacuoles/metabolism , Bacillus cereus/ultrastructure , Foodborne Diseases/microbiology , Humans , Serotyping
Allergy ; 50(1): 11-4, 1995 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-7741183


Eosinophils were isolated by the three methods of CD16-negative depletion: 1) magnetic beads, 2) fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS), and 3) complement reaction. Their purity, yield, and viability were compared. The second procedure produced well purity and viability (94.65 +/- 1.51% and 94.98 +/- 1.40%, respectively) but low yield of eosinophils (65.47 +/- 2.47%). The viability of cells obtained by the third procedure was not efficient (80.83 +/- 2.85%), while the purity and the yield were efficient (96.23 +/- 1.09% and 90.75 +/- 1.72%, respectively). In conclusion, the magnetic beads method (purity: 98.02 +/- 0.45%, yield: 91.05 +/- 2.43%, viability: 97.57 +/- 0.37%) was the most advantageous of these three procedures. Moreover, in the functional assay, radical oxygen products from eosinophils isolated by the procedure with complement reaction were less than with the magnetic beads or FACS procedures.

Cell Separation/methods , Eosinophils/immunology , Receptors, IgG/analysis , Complement System Proteins , Flow Cytometry , Humans , Luminescent Measurements , Luminol , Magnetics , Microspheres , Neutrophils/immunology
Ann Allergy ; 72(3): 255-8, 1994 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-8129219


Bone marrow features were studied to clarify the pathogenesis of peripheral blood eosinophilia in eosinophilic pneumonia. We observed (1) increases in the number of nucleated cells in patients with this disease as compared with that of control subjects (205,944 +/- 104,253 versus 118,154 +/- 76,306) (P < .05); (2) increases in the myelocyte to erythrocyte ratio (6.95 +/- 4.06 versus 4.02 +/- 1.36) (P < .05) mainly due to a marked increase in the eosinophilic series; and (3) an increase in the eosinophilic series with advance in the maturation process, the degree of increase becoming greater with the increase in eosinophilic maturation. These findings suggest that differentiation and maturation of the precursor cells into mature eosinophils were accelerated in the bone marrow in eosinophilic pneumonia by some lymphokines as eosinophilopoietic growth factors.

Bone Marrow/pathology , Pulmonary Eosinophilia/pathology , Adult , Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid/cytology , Eosinophils/pathology , Erythrocytes/pathology , Female , Humans , Hypereosinophilic Syndrome/pathology , Male , Reference Values
Nihon Kyobu Shikkan Gakkai Zasshi ; 30(10): 1858-63, 1992 Oct.
Article in Japanese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-1464989


A 55-year-old woman was referred to the department of urology in our hospital with left renal tumor, discovered during examinations at another hospital for fever and dyspnea on exertion. Because surgery was difficult due to severe hypoxemia, pulmonary function impairment (restrictive) and bilateral diffuse interstitial shadows on chest X-ray film, the patient was referred to our department. Interstitial pneumonitis was found on transbronchial lung biopsy, and serum GOT, LDH and CPK values were elevated. These symptoms and abnormalities of laboratory data were improved by administration of prednisolone 60 mg/day, and left nephrectomy was performed without any complications. Pathological examination of the surgical specimen showed clear cell carcinoma (Grawitz). Steroid therapy was tapered off and her clinical course was good. Six months after surgery, the patient developed a recurrence of fever, which was not responsive to antibiotics. Polymyositis was diagnosed on the basis of elevated serum GOT, LDH and CPK, electromyogram and muscle biopsy findings and positive anti-Jo-1 antibody. Polymyositis/dermatomyositis is sometimes associated with interstitial pneumonitis or malignant neoplasms, but rarely with both simultaneously. Moreover, renal cell carcinoma is very rare among the malignant neoplasms associated with polymyositis/dermatomyositis, and we therefore report this unusual case.

Carcinoma, Renal Cell/complications , Kidney Neoplasms/complications , Polymyositis/complications , Pulmonary Fibrosis/complications , Antibodies, Antinuclear/analysis , Aspartate Aminotransferases/blood , Carcinoma, Renal Cell/pathology , Female , Humans , Kidney Neoplasms/pathology , L-Lactate Dehydrogenase/blood , Middle Aged , Polymyositis/diagnosis , Polymyositis/pathology , Pulmonary Fibrosis/diagnosis , Pulmonary Fibrosis/pathology
J Lipid Mediat ; 5(2): 159-62, 1992.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-1356028


We demonstrated that PAF and IL-1 markedly induce ICAM-1 expression on endothelial cells. These findings suggest that PAF not only modulates inflammation by the attraction and activation of eosinophils or by platelet activation, but also intensifies such phenomena by induction of ICAM-1 expression on endothelial cells.

Antigens, CD/metabolism , Cell Adhesion Molecules/metabolism , Endothelium, Vascular/drug effects , Platelet Activating Factor/pharmacology , Cells, Cultured , Endothelium, Vascular/metabolism , Humans , Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 , Interleukin-1/pharmacology
Hiroshima J Med Sci ; 41(1): 13-7, 1992 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-1349303


The hemagglutination (HA) activity of Escherichia coli was enhanced by subminimal inhibitory concentrations (sub-MICs) of ampicillin. One half of the MIC of ampicillin caused a bacterial filamentation and diminished bacterial piliation (as observed by light and electron microscopies) as well as an increase of HA activity. HA activity, however, decreased after separation of ampicillin-treated bacteria. These results indicate that the increase in HA activity by ampicillin is mainly due to filament formation.

Ampicillin/pharmacology , Escherichia coli/drug effects , Hemagglutination/drug effects , Bacterial Adhesion/drug effects , Fimbriae, Bacterial/drug effects , Humans , Microbial Sensitivity Tests
Arerugi ; 40(7): 689-94, 1991 Jul.
Article in Japanese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-1681796


Recently, much attention has been paid to the role played by the allergic inflammatory reaction in the role of asthma. Eosinophils are considered to be major inflammatory cells in bronchial asthma. Therefore, in this study, eosinophil-mediated oxygen radicals were examined by means of luminol-dependent chemiluminescence. Also, the effect of oxatomide, an anti-allergic agent, which has an inhibitory effect on eosinophil-mediated natural cytotoxicity against bronchial epithelial cells, on the production of oxygen radicals from eosinophils was studied. The results revealed the inhibitory effects of oxatomide on eosinophil-mediated oxygen radicals products. Furthermore, the inhibitory effect of this agent on oxygen radical products from eosinophilic cell-line named EoL-3, which has been established recently, was observed. We concluded from these results that oxatomide not only has anti-allergic activity but also anti-inflammatory properties for eosinophils.

Eosinophils/metabolism , Oxygen/metabolism , Piperazines/pharmacology , Anti-Inflammatory Agents , Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal , Cell Line , Cells, Cultured , Cytotoxicity, Immunologic/drug effects , Depression, Chemical , Eosinophils/immunology , Free Radicals , Histamine H1 Antagonists , Humans
Am J Occup Ther ; 44(9): 840-6, 1990 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-2221004


A common upper extremity deformity with hemiplegia is pronation contracture of the forearm in association with flexion contracture of the elbow. Early management of the child with hemiplegic cerebral palsy is critical in optimizing overall function. The use of inhibitory upper extremity casting can enhance function and improve arm-hand position. The present paper describes the evaluation process before casting, the goals of each phase of the casting program, and the follow-up.

Arm/physiopathology , Casts, Surgical , Cerebral Palsy/rehabilitation , Hemiplegia/rehabilitation , Occupational Therapy/methods , Cerebral Palsy/complications , Female , Hemiplegia/etiology , Humans , Infant